By PandamoniumJ

72.5K 1.8K 1K

Sequel to OUT OF SIGHT || NUMBER 5 x OC || BK. 1! [COMPLETED SEASON 2] "I'm just glad that at least we don't... More

27. LOVE


2.1K 66 51
By PandamoniumJ

"So, what, you guys just let her go?" questioned Diego as he laid on the couch while Lila changed out his gauze to a fresh one, his wound looking significantly better.

"Well, Vanya had a lot to process," said Elaina as she sat across from the pair, adding some milk and sugar to her mug of coffee that Elliot made.

Five sighed as he walked behind the couch Diego and Lila were on. "She'll come around. I know she will." assured Five as he walked back around.

"What about the guys that went after her?" asked Diego

"The Swedes?" stated Five, recalling the name of the albino trio from the Commission that was hunting them down.

"Yeah, I mean, how do you know they won't go after her again?"

"We don't."

"Mmm," said Lila as she was putting down her own mug of coffee to speak. "Any idea who sent them?"

Five walked over to the coffee table and picked up his mug.

He looked over to the woman and shot her a forced smile. "Oh, I have my suspicions." he turned and made his way over to the empty chair beside Elaina. "But right now, our priority is finding Dad and getting answers, 'cause everything else depends on it," he mumbled the last part as he sat down.

Elaina looked at him as she sipped her cup, satisfied by it's sweetness as she could smell the bitterness coming from Five's mug. With a sigh, she started loosening up the first few buttons of her collared blouse so she could relax a bit.

"Which, for the record, I found him already," said Diego.

"And then let him go," cut in Elaina as she leaned back in her chair, smirking at the man behind her mug. "You know, before we could have a meaningful conversation."

Diego dryly stated, "He stabbed me," as Lila toyed with the medical tape beside him.

"I'm surprised, he waited this long, Diego. We've all had the urge." calmly stated Five with a tinge of amusement.

"If he hadn't done it that day, I probably would've," shrugged Elaina.

Elliot chuckled as he placed an additional mug on the coffee table while Lila bursted out in an over the top laugh that made Five and Elaina raise their brows at her.

"Good one," she said as she held up her hand for a high five.

Five held the mug in his hand and made no indication of moving to partake in it while Elaina shrugged and leaned forward.

"Hell, why not?" she gave a small smile and high fived Lila back.

Diego tilted his head and narrowed his eyes at Elaina as he caught on to something. "Is that?" he carefully leaned forward, grunting slightly, to get a better look.

Elaina gave him a weirded-out expression. "What?"

Diego raised his brows. "Is that a hickey?" he asked in amusement.

Elaina's eyes widened as her hand automatically flew to her recently exposed neck. Five spit back into his mug of coffee, coughing slightly as he turned his head to look at the girl. She looked back at him with her widened eyes. When she got dressed, it was a coincidence that she choose that shirt. Elaina didn't actually get to look at a mirror until she started doing her hair. The possibility of either one of them having a hickey completely flew over their heads.

"That's--That's none of your business!" she yelled, flustered.

Diego simply looked between the two teens, a knowing smirk crossing his face. "Looks like someone's been busy,"

Elaina shot up from her chair. "Shut up!"

His face then slowly started to transform into one of disgust. "Ugh, wait, that means the two of you..."

"I said, shut up!"

Lila had a stunned and confused look as she watched on. "Aren't you all related?"

"It gets complicated with these two," groaned Diego, his face still looking as if he was about to vomit. "Gross,"

"We're all adopted!" argued Elaina as she pointed to the man.

Elliot stood at the doorway, watching the interactions between the four. He decided it was best to not join in and just silently kept drinking his coffee.

"Alright, that's enough!" exclaimed Five, slamming his mug down, making everyone flinch. He looked towards Diego and Lila before exhaling. "So much for keeping this under wraps..." he mumbled before running his hand through his hair. "Listen, we're all adults here. That being said, whatever happens between Elaina and I is none of your concern. Got it?" he narrowed his eyes as he looked at the two. "So not another word about the subject."

Lila nodded her head while Diego still looked like he wanted to say something. He opened his mouth, only for Elaina to cut him off.

"Diego, I swear to God, you say anything else about it, and I will go into elaborate details as to the events that occurred," warned Elaina as she laid her hands flat on the coffee table and leaned towards her brother. "And I promise, you will be traumatized and will never be able to look either one of us in the eyes again."

Diego looked at Five, only to see the boy smirking with a dark twinkle in his eye, staring at Elaina's back with pride, making Diego audibly shudder and groan.

"Enough," Diego waved his hand dismissively, his face scrunched up. "I give, alright? No more."

Elaina smiled as she grabbed a spoon off the table and leaned back. "Good boy," she said, plopping back down in her chair.

"Getting back on topic," Five said, pulling out a folded piece of paper from his blazer. "I know where Dad is going to be tonight," Five held out the paper to Diego, who snatched it from the boy and opened it.

His eyes quickly scanned the invite, Lila leaning her head on his shoulder to look at it as well. "Where'd you get this?"

"Found it at his office while he was busy stabbing you," smiled Five, making Elaina giggle as she had her face turned, looking at the hickey in the spoon's reflection.

Diego chuckled sarcastically at the two while Lila hummed, still looking at the invite.

Diego turned his attention back to the invite and started to read it out loud. "Hoyt Hillenkoetter and the Consulate General of Mexico in Dallas cordially invite you to a gala."

"Whoa wait," said Elliot, finally coming out from his doorway. "Hoyt Hillenkoeter? Are you serious?"

"You know him?" asked Five.

Lila suddenly gasped. "We should go," she told Dirgo, making him look at her. "Says there's gonna be a seafood tower."

"No, Hillenkoetter is... is one of the Majestic Twelve," he said, walking up to the group.

"The hell is the Majestic Twelve?" asked Diego.

"What? It's a... a secret committee. Uh, scientists, military, uh, deep state," explained Elliot, walking over to his work desk. "No one knows what they really do." he said, searching through his things.

"Wait, so they're government?" questioned Diego, grunting as he tried to sit straight.

"Shadow government," corrected Elliot. "Yeah, Kennedy was the first president to try to push 'em into the light, but these guys are not to be trifled with. Oh... Oh, here we go," he said, finding the piece of paper he was looking for and walking it over to the group. "Ah, right here," Elliot came between Five's and Elaina and placed a picture on the coffee table. "This, uh... Oh, right here," he pointed to a specific man that sat with a group of men. "That's Hoyt right there."

The two teens leaned forward to get a closer look at the image. Lila and Diego were looking from there end as well.

"I only count 11," pointed out Lila.

"Well, that's because they've only identified 11 so far," said Elliot, finding a seat beside Elaina.

"Who's the twelfth?" asked the girl, looking up to Five and Diego as they all shared a look of silent agreement as to who the twelfth member would be. "Of course," sighed the girl as she stood up and walked past the group.

"Where are you going?" asked Diego.

She turned around and held up the spoon in her hand. "I'm putting this in the freezer. I have to get rid of this hickey before the gala. Speaking of which," she turned her gaze to Five. "We need to go to Birdie's first."

Five creased his forehead. "Why?"

Elaina motioned at herself. "My dresses are over there. I need something to wear."

"Ooh, so do I!" exclaimed Lila with a smile. "Can I come along?"

The girl hummed and shrugged. "Birdie's isn't a clothes store, but maybe she might have something for you,"

"Who said that you're coming with us?" questioned Five with a raised brow, looking at Lila.

"If I'm going, she's going," quickly intervened Diego. "If not, you can count me out." he crossed his arms.

Five sighed angrily, knowing that Diego is essential. "Fine, bring the crazy lady," he stood up and walked over to Elaina and placed a hand on her lower back. "We'll leave in an hour," he told the two adults before turning to Elaina, leading her out the room. "So exactly how is the spoon going to help with this?" he asked, touching the love mark on her neck.

She chuckled. "I'll show you."


"So this is where you've been staying, huh, squirt," said Diego as they got out of his car and stood in front of The Bird's Nest.

"Yes it is," she nodded, feeling slightly anxious. "I wonder if Tony's here..." she questioned herself.

"Who's Tony?" asked Diego, overhearing her.

"No one important," immediately stated Five. "Now let's hurry up. We don't have much time." he said, marching forward first into the bar.

Elaina sighed and shook her head. "Now I'm hoping that he's not here," she followed Five as Diego and Lila trailed behind her.

The sound of the tiny bell above the door announced their entrance to the bar as they strolled in. Elaina looked around and saw that it had it's usual patrons in their regular spots. It wasn't until she saw a familiar woman with curly hair come out from the kitchen's swinging door that Elaina's face lit up.

"Birdie!" she exclaimed, running up to the woman.

Birdie looked up and squealed with her arms wide open. "Mi regalito!" she beamed as Elaina ran in for a hug. "Oh, how I've missed you so."

"I've missed you too," said Elaina as she pulled back and looked towards the trio behind her. "Birdie, you remember Five, right?"

"Aye, si, the little chiquito," she smiled, giving him a nod.

Five nodded back. "Nice to see you again,"


Elaina smiled and pointed to Diego. "This is my brother Diego and his girlfriend, Lila."

Lila waved. "Pleasure meeting you,"

Diego went up to Birdie and shook her hand, Lila by his side. "Hi, thank you for watching over my sister. I'm sure she was a pain in the ass,"

"Diego!" scolded Elaina with an offended expression, making Birdie giggle.

"Not at all! She was such a wonderful help around the bar. I'm very happy that she was able to find you all." the woman said sincerely, rubbing the girl's shoulders.

"Stop it, Birdie, you're going to make me blush," smiled Elaina, before she looked around. "Where's Tony?"

"He's boxing with the boys," informed Birdie as she made her way to the bar counter. "He said he would be back later. How long are you all planning on staying? The band misses you."

Elaina's smile turned sad. "I miss them too, but unfortunately we won't be here for very long. There's this event we have to go to and I was just stopping by for a change of outfit," she then looked over to Lila. "Also, I wanted to see if you possibly had a spare dress for Lila here."

"Ooh, what kind of event are we talking about here?" she asked, leaning on the counter as she eyed Lila, taking in her size. "I might have a dress or two from my younger days that will fit her."

"Formal," cut in Five, his hands resting in his pockets. "It's going to be around some pretty influential people."

Birdie raised her brows and whistled. "Órale! Very important, it sounds like. I believe I have the perfect one," she was about to head towards the swinging door before stopping and looking at Diego. "And what about you? Are you going like that?" referring to his black pants and orange button up.

Diego looked down at himself, "Ahh, yeah, actually."

Birdie shook her head. "No, you're not. If it's as important as it sounds, you're going to stick out like a sore thumb," she put her hand on her chin. "I think I still have one of Juan's old suits..." she thought to herself. "Yes, you look like it will fit," she brought her eyes over to Five. "Y tu chiquito? I have one of Tony's old suits--"

He put his hand up and shook his head. "All due respect, but I'd rather stay in what I'm wearing." he gave her a forced smile.

"You sure?"

"I'm quite positive, thank you," he said, the same smile on his face.

She shrugged. "If you say so," Birdie turned to Elaina. "Venga, mija," and she turned to Lila. "Lila, right? You come too. I need to make sure this dress in my mind fits you," she clapped her hands together. "How nice, I feel like a fairy godmother, presenting you with dresses for the ball," sighed contently. "I don't get many opportunities like this with a boy." she quickly explained as she went and grabbed the two by the wrist. "Vamos!"

Lila shot Diego a semi-scared look as she and Elaina were dragged through the swinging doors of the kitchen that led to the upstairs loft. Five and Diego stayed behind and simply looked at each other awkwardly.

"That was interesting," said Diego as he tapped his fingers against his legs.

"From my previous experience here, Birdie is quite... affectionate and to the point," Five tried to describe the woman, remembering his first interaction with her. "I'm sure she wouldn't mind if we have a drink or two while we wait," he said, pointing his chin to the bar.

Diego clapped his hands together. "I'll grab the tequila." diving immediately under the wooden divider to the bar.


"Perfect! Both of you," exclaimed Birdie as she looked at both females, fully dressed in their dresses.

She found an old satin emerald dress that fit Lila like a glove with a square cut around the shoulders and a slight taper around the hips. Elaina's dress was a red satin one-shoulder dress that high on one side and long low on the other. Birdie brushed Lila's hair out and decided to put Elaina's in a high classy bun.

"Would you happen to have any red heels?" asked Lila, holding the platinum ones that Birdie originally gave her. "It's okay if you don't."

"I think I may have some. But are you sure you want red heels with that dress?" asked Birdie as she searched her closet.

"Well, I'm just a fan of red footwear. It's something that I got from my mother, I guess," shrugged the woman.

Birdie nodded. "Oh, I see, hmm... I thought I did -- Oh, found them!" she exclaimed, finding some red pointed heels.

Lila beamed. "They're perfect! Thank you so much for everything."

"It's my absolute pleasure. Anything for Elaina's family." said Birdie as the girl went to her and gave her a hug.

"Birdie, I don't know what I would do without you," she said into the curly-haired woman's shoulder. "Thank you. Thank you for being you and for being so amazing," she said, feeling herself tear up a bit.

Elaina always found herself in awe at Birdie's big heart and generosity. When she first arrived at The Bird's Nest nearly a year ago, she couldn't believe that the owner of the bar that she had broken into, whose bottle of expensive scotch she demolished in her grievance and whose son's arm she nearly broke when he tried to wake her originally after said night of drinking would forgive her, let alone allow her to live with them while she searched for her family. Elaina loved this woman, as much as she loved her Mom. Hell, she felt like Birdie was a second mother to her. It was moment's just like this that made her grateful that she met Birdie.

Birdie scoffed as she pulled back, looking Elaina in the eyes with a smile as her thumb wiped a threatening tear. "Nonsense. You have nothing to thank me for. I want you all to enjoy your night, that's all the thanks I need." she tapped Elaina's nose tenderly as her eyes widened. "Speaking of," she turned to her closet and pulled out a blue suit. "Give this to your brother. Juan used to look so delicious in this and your brother is quite handsome, I'm sure he'll wear it well,"

"Birdie, are you sure?" asked Elaina tentatively, knowing how much her late husband meant to her and Tony.

The older woman simply nodded. "Yes. It's collecting dust in this closet, at least this way it can live on again." she said with a sad smile, turning to Lila and handing it to her.

Lila gave her a quick smile and nodded. "Thank you."

With a final sigh as she looked at the suit in Lila's arms, Birdie grinned to the girls. "Now, let's go show these boys your dresses, shall we?"


Diego and Five sat next to each other with a bottle of tequila between them with two glasses. Diego grabbed the bottle and refilled Five's glass as well as his own.

"Thank you," nodded the boy to his brother as he picked up his glass and took a swig from it.

"So, uh, it looks like things between you Elaina has gotten pretty serious, huh?" asked Diego, trying to be nonchalant as he also swigged from his glass.

"I thought we weren't bringing this up anymore," said Five with an expressionless look.

Diego shrugged. "I mean, yeah, but, a conversation, man-to-man," he said, turning to the boy. "I don't think we've ever had that."

Five hummed at first before sighing. "I suppose you're right. We never got the chance last time due to the apocalypse."

"Exactly," agreed Diego. "I mean, there is another one coming, but at least this time we have a little down time."

"Yeah," said Five, staring at the glass in his hands, tapping it absent mindlessly with his finger. "I guess you could say this time around, I'm not trying to miss out with her. She did nearly die in my arms last time. That image just stays with you."

"You don't have to say that twice..." murmured Diego, thinking back to the night at the motel when he was too late.

Five pressed his lips in a tight line. "Patch," he remembered. "Once again, I'm sorry about that, Diego."

Diego shrugged, spinning his cup, watching the ice circle in his glass. "Shit happens. But... she was a good person. She didn't deserve that." his grip on the glass tightened. "She deserved better."

"I'm sure she did," nodded Five. "At the time, I was not the most sensitive to what you were experiencing. My time at the Commission numbed me to those emotions and it was forty-five years since the last time I experienced any type of significant loss... Until that night at Jenkins' cabin..." Five felt his jaw clench. "I saw Elaina die once before and to think it happened again while I was around... I'm not going to lie to you, it triggered something within me. Woke up some dormant part of me that I thought died a long time ago. When she survived the stabbing, I vowed to myself I wouldn't let any moments with her slip by me again," Five let out a sigh, feeling oddly vulnerable as he spoke to his brother. "I love her, Diego. The fact that I left her stranded in the 60s and she's forgiven that, along with all my other short-comings and not to mention the second end of the world. I'm not going to let one moment pass by where she doesn't know just how much she means to me." confessed Five, finally looking up to Diego to catch the stunned look on the knife-wielder's face.

Diego was silent at first before speaking. "Don't take this the wrong way, but this is the most human I've seen you be since you returned from the future. It goes without saying that, when we were kids, you and Elaina were close, but I never thought it ran that deep." admitted the man, patting a hand on the teen's shoulder. "It's good to see that side, brother." he smiled slightly, to which Five returned. Diego's eyes drifted to the opposite side of the boy where they grew. "Whoa..."

"What?" questioned Five as he turned and saw what Diego spotted, his breath catching in his throat.

Elaina and Lila entered the bar in their satin dresses, Birdie trailing behind them as she looked towards the guys and beamed at them.

"Aren't they beautiful?" she exclaimed, looking between the two females like a proud mother on prom night.

Five and Diego ogled at their respected partner before scrabbling to their feet, making their way to the girls.

"Cat caught your tongues?" smirked Lila as she passed Diego his suit. "This is for you to change into."

"Yeah, sure," he answered absent mindlessly, not giving the suit in his hands a glance as he took in the sight of Lila.

Elaina smiled at Five, red lipstick adorning her lips. "What do you think?"

Five's eyes drifted to every inch of her. "Beautiful doesn't come close to it," he said, his hand grabbing hers, his thumb rubbing circles over her knuckles.

Elaina brought her free hand up to his cheek and she giggled. "Thanks, babe."

The sound of the bell over the front entrance of the bar brought Elaina's gaze to it momentarily before she kept them there, her smile faltering slightly. Five narrowed his eyes in confusion before turning around, his lips automatically turning downwards into a frown at the figure that stood at the entryway.

Tony walked in with a small towel hanging around his neck as he wiped the sweat on his forehead. He was wearing a white tank top and athletic shorts. He looked up and instantly halted at the group in front of him, his eyes landing on Elaina.

"Els," he breathed out, completely ignoring everyone else as he took a few more steps towards her. "I--I didn't think I'd see you back so soon, especially looking like this." he said as he hungrily took in the sight of her.

"Hey, Ton," she said, a small smile on her face as she nodded to him. "Thank you for the compliment."

"Anytime," he responded, a crooked smile crossing his features.

Five took a step in front of her, blocking any additional looks from the teenage boy in front of him. "Well, we'll be on our way. We're running late as it is," announced Five, turning his gaze towards Birdie as he forced a smile on his face. "Thank you for all of your time and help, we all really appreciate it."

"I still need to change," pointed out Diego, lifting the suit in his arms up.

Five narrowed his eyes to him. "You can do it on the way there." he said, a tight smile stretching on his lips.

"What? In the car?" questioned Diego with a bewildered expression.

"You'll figure it out,"

Elaina sighed as she looked to Five and shook her head seriously. "Relax," she looked towards Tony before walking around Five to the teen.

Tony smirked as he looked behind her towards Five. "Starboy still isn't a fan, huh?"

Elaina shrugged. "He's complicated, but means well. Listen," she started with a sigh. "I think you and I need to have a talk, but not now. The next time I stop by." she told the brown-haired teen.

"Am I in trouble?" he asked.

Elaina shook her head. "No, but it's a conversation we need to have," she informed him.

Diego looked over to his brother to see him tense up at the sight of Elaina and the kid talking.

"You okay?" asked Diego cautiously.

"Fine," Five replied stiffly, eyes still on the two.

"Look, Els, I'm sorry about hanging up on you," ashamedly said Tony. "I was being really selfish--"

"It's okay," she cut him off. "We'll talk about it later, I promise," she said looking back to an anxious Five and confused Diego and Lila. "My family is running a little late to a party,"

"Well, if it means anything, you look bella," he said with a smile.

"Once again, thanks. Your mom likes dressing me." she chuckled. Looking back towards the group. "We should start heading out." she called to them, Five immediately nodding and walking over to her, his hand instantly wrapping around her waist. "See yah, Ton." she smiled at the teen.

Five nodded his head once to Tony. "Kid," he said, before leading Elaina to the exit, earning an eye roll from Tony.

Elaina turned her head to look at Birdie as she continued walking. "Thank you for everything, Birdie. I'll be back soon!"

"Bye! Don't be a stranger! Nice meeting you all!" she waved eagerly as they all left.

Diego quickly caught up to Five. "Is jealousy a part of those 'dormant feelings'?" he asked amusedly.

"Shut up, Diego." grunted the boy, lowly enough that Elaina didn't hear. "I'm driving," he turned a sadistic grin to the man. "Don't forget, you still need to get dressed and I'm not stopping."


This chapter was fun lol. Next one is going to have some action in it, so be on the lookout.

Here's a picture of how Elaina's dressed for the gala.

Thanks again for reading!

Spanish words used in this chapter

Mi regalito = My little gift

Aye, si, the little chiquito = Oh, yes, the little boy

Órale = an exclamation expressing approval or encouragement

Y tu chiquito? = And you little boy?

Venga, mija = Come on, girl

Vamos = Let's go

Bella = Beautiful

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