Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~...

By Namifangurl07

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She was happiness. She was joy. A charming little girl with who would always see the positive side of things... More

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Changing minds
CH2 - Hope in the impossible
CH3 - Like brother like sister
CH4 - Between the flames and the light
CH5 - A chance to become someone
CH6 - The First Case
CH7 - The three Yokai
CH8 - Reunited again. . .
CH9 - A Son's motivation
CH10 - Eye to Eye
CH11 - Meeting the Master
CH12 - Fighting in the darkness
CH13 - Brains and Sheer Dumb Luck
CH14 - Rise or Fall
CH15 - The Spirit Detective Strikes Again
CH16 - Where the adventure begins
🖍🎨 Drawings 🎨🖍
CH17 - Into The Maze Castle
CH18 - Genbu the Stone Beast
CH19 - Byakko the White Tiger
CH20 - Inside The Room of Hell
CH21 - The Second Round
CH22 - The Cold-hearted Warrior
CH23 - No time to waste
CH24 - The beginning of the real fight
CH25 - What's important. . .?
CH26 - The end of all this
CH28 - The Second Wave of All
CH29 - The Nightmare Case
CH30 - Here we go again
CH31 - Into the Unknown
CH32 - Under the Water
CH33 - Battle between emotions
CH34 - The Scarves From the Past
CH35 - A Rocky Situation
CH36 - Like Water and Fire
CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts
CH38 - Final Decisions
CH39 - It's combat time
CH40 - The moment of truth
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 1
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 2
CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.
CH43 - A Heart to Heart
CH44 - Getting into a little situation
CH45 - Miyuki's conclusion
CH46 - Blind Love
CH47 - Opening Up
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 1
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 2
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part 1
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part2
CH50 - Weird Days Happens
CH51 - Lamenting Beauty
CH52 - Freaks in our way
CH53 - With Small Steps Forward
CH54 - The Demon Triad
CH55 - The Toguro Brothers
CH56 - One Last Mission
Last Page - Author Note

CH27 - Back home with confusion

375 18 1
By Namifangurl07

I woke up with a start, and needless to say I felt terribly sore. My body was aching and screaming in pain while the light that came from the huge window almost blinded me. After a couple of blinks, I finally regained my vision, the first thing that I saw was a yellow ceiling. I felt something soft underneath me, like a bed with a pillow while a blanket covered my body.

Wait, where am I?

"Well, about time you woke up." Commented a very irritating yet familiar gruff voice that I would recognize anywhere. With all my might, I turned my head to the side to see Kurama and Kuwabara in the room.

"Where am I?" I groggily asked, now feeling how dry my throat is.

"You're in my room, which is by back on Earth." Kuwa answered my question.

"You had been sleeping for three days straight." Kurama added while I sat up from the bed with difficulty. Oh great, I am back in that room where the old hags used to let me stay and dump water on every morning just for fun.

"Three days?" I asked in incredulity as I winced in pain. "It feels like I had been out for a while."

"School looks like a warzone and classes got cancelled for a week, I talked to your mom too, so don't worry about it." Kuwabara reassured me. As my brain managed to take all the information in my mind drifted to the people who I have no idea of how are they doing.

"Okay, and what about Keiko?" I asked. "Also where is Miyuki? Is she okay as well?" After I said that the boys froze for a moment. I see Kuwabara take a hard swallow before him and Kurama turned their heads away silently with a hard frown on their faces. That made me feel anxious.

"What about the girls?" I asked a little harshly this time, but I still received no answer nor sound from the two, they just kept shooting their gazes down and away from me like. . . Something happened and they don't want to tell me. . .

"What?" I asked again, making Kurama's eyes shut tightly while Kuwabara's eyes trembled in. . . sadness while he was clenching his teeth as well. "WHAT?!" I asked for one last time but still got no proper answer. That's when I couldn't take it anymore.

"HEY!" I snapped as I got off of the bed and rushed over Kuwabara, grabbing him by the shirt and bring his face close to me, but for some reason, he refused to meet my eyes.

What the hell happened? What happened to the girls, god damn it!?!?

"You better start doing more then clenching your teeth!" I yelled at him. "Tell me what happened to them?!" I demanded. Just then the door of my room slid open, revealing a perfectly fine Keiko and Botan.

"I recognize that yell anywhere. What's up, Yusuke?" Botan asked as she smiled brightly. Now I was confused as hell. No, it's not that I am not happy it's just. . .

"Botan. . . Keiko. . . " I trailed off as I felt my eyes opening wider. Then I hear Kuwabara's attempt to hide his laughter, making me look at him with anger and annoyance. Is he serious?

"Oh my gosh, that was so great!" He snorted out as he still tried to cover his stupid big mouth.

"Sorry, Yusuke. He insisted." I hear Kurama's explanation before starting to laugh silently, pissing me off even more. Then the Stupid just let it all out in the open.

This guy. . . Now he is going to get it. . .

"You really should've seen the look on your face!" Ugly said as he continued laughing his head off because it was soo funny to mess with me. Well, I don't find the joke funny.

"Come here you jerk, I'll give you a look!" I shouted at him before giving him a good old punch in the head, knocking him down to the floor. "Stupid bastard, okay you had your fun, now tell me where my sister is?"

"She is with Ruby at the moment." Kurama replied as I turned to him. 

"What is she doing?" I asked him curiously.

"They're taking care of her injuries." Kurama informed.

"Is she going to be okay?" I asked as my face fell in worry.

"Yeah, a little jacked up but she is okay." Kuwa nodded his head, making me turn to look at my feet. 

Miyu is alright. . . And so are the others. That's good. . . 

I mean . . . Damn it. . . Is this how things will going to be from now on? More dangerous and full of almost near-death experiences? This is just ridiculous, and awful. . . I mean that's not what we had signed up for.


After two days of strict bed rest, I was finally free. It was a quiet peaceful afternoon in the city, with the beautiful sunset and with rarely any people around the street at the moment. No idiots running around, nor anyone who I can bump into. Just peace and quiet. Just the way I wanted. As my legs were carrying me aimlessly in the street of the city I closed my eyes as I breathed the fresh and cool air in through my nose. My relaxing moment was however cut short when I sensed a presence not far above me. On a tree I think?

"Good to see you too Shadow Lord." I greeted Hiei as I stopped on my tracks and my eyes were shot at the three top. I hear a small scoff above me, making me look up and see my favourite three eyes demon, the almighty Shadow Lord. He gave me a blank stare and I returned it.

"What are you doing here?" I asked him after a long moment of silently staring at each other. "Stalking me again, or just gonna stand there and look stupid?"

"Hn." He grumbled as he shot daggers through his eyes. I rose an eyebrow, but then just shrugged it off and turned on my heels.

"Hm, well, have your fun looking after the trees, oh almighty Tree King." I told him dismissively before walking away. After like five or six steps later I found Hiei stand in front of me. My eyebrows knitted together as my arms folded over my chest.

"Okay, Hiei what do you want? " I asked him bluntly. "If you want a match right here and now, forget it. I am not going to fight in front of people to expose our secret." I informed him. Yes, I still remember our deal, but right now I don't need this kind of stupidity at the moment. Hiei said nothing, but harshly grab my right wrist and pulled up the blue sleeve off of it.

"What are you doing-?!?" I was about to snap him the question, but I fell silent as soon as he lifted that wrist band off to reveal my Dragon-Yang Tattoo. Hiei facial expression said nothing, but his eyes, however, they showed disbelief and surprise.

"Where did you get this mark?" He demanded as his crimson orbs looked into mine deeply. For a second there, I thought the world around us just shut down, leaving only me and this demon boy alone in it. It felt weird. . . Yet it also felt. . . tense and . . . nice. . .

I shook my head and regained my composure.

"Why do you care?" I asked rudely as I pulled my hand back from his grasp.

"I have my reasons." He replied with a glare. "Now tell me where did you get this mark, woman?!" He demanded like he was the boss of me.

"I have a name you know, Shadow Lord." I scoffed at him as my eyes were narrowed at him.

"Hn, you are annoying." He said irritatedly before disappearing out of sight.

"Hmpf, thanks." I mumbled out loud annoyed as I looked up at the orange and pinkish coloured sky, then down at my wrist.

Hiei. . . He has a mark as well, but on his left wrist with a Phoenix-Ying on it. But what could this mean, and what with that dream . . ? Is it trying to tell me something or what. . . ?

I let out a groan as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

'This whole thing just drives me crazy. . . ' I complained in my thoughts as a silent sigh escaped through my mouth. 'I should probably ask Shuichi. He must know something about this.' With that last thought, I continued on my way.


I was standing on top of a rooftop as I watch that stubborn girl leave my sight.

'Stupid human. . .' I thought to myself as I looked down at the mark on my left wrist incredulously. This is utterly ridiculous. How in the world did the universe tie my destiny to a human wreck like this one?

But then again, she did manage to defeat me the first time. And she did beat that foolish Byakko and Suzaku's clone in the maze castle along with that idiot of a brother. That girl, my rival now became my teammate and she is, in fact, a great addition besides Kurama. I won't deny that.

But why her? And why me out of all demon or people. . . I don't understand this and I also don't understand these conflicts within me.

Then for some reason my mind drifted to the times when that Miyuki girl showed some sign of emotions. Her genuine voice when she said 'I trust you', along with an honest smile that she had given me twice and those eyes. . . The eyes that were mostly masked with emptiness yet. . . They were on fire that is unexplainable to me. . . But one thing for certain, they held honesty when she talked to me in those occasions. . . She really did trust me. . . 

"Tsk." I scolded at myself. Why do I even waste my time thinking about this Little Detective? After all, she is a human. . .

With one last glance at the girl, I sped off back to that time where I can be at peace in the woods.

'She is just a human. . .' I reminded myself again. 'Yet a unique kind. . . '

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