One Night Only

By die_schatz

140 12 26

The township of Warin is like a blackhole, nobody ever returns from it. People think it is haunted or cursed... More

Chapter One: The Case
Chapter Three: Warin
Chapter Four: Home
Chapter Five: Welcoming Ritual

Chapter Two: En route

29 2 2
By die_schatz

After a heated discussion between me and Sally two nights ago I still decided to go to Warin. She is furious at me for doing such a foolish thing. But it actually isn't.

I have nothing to lose. No family left, my job was crappy anyway and I will be doing something I like. The house in Warin won't mind anyone living in it. It's a win-win. But hopefully the remote town will accept a city girl.

It's as if it is meant to be. Besides I will try to help find the people who went missing. Only if the town does have a spirit responsible for it.

After packing all my stuff which took me not more than two nights I went to the café to tell my boss about my abrupt departure. He didn't complain as he has already found a better candidate for the job.

Sally hasn't forgiven me for this. She is my one actual friend. But this it. New York City has been a dream but it is about time I cut lose of all the strings.

I need a new place and new people. Since Grandma passed away I have changed two cities. No place feels like my own. Maybe Warin will be different, I might feel belonged.

Sally isn't ready to rent out the room. She thinks I will come crawling back from that cursed village. Maybe she is right to some extent but I definitely won't crawl back to NYC.

"You are silly. Please! This is dangerous. Go anywhere you want. Literally anywhere! But not to a place where people have gone missing!" Sally shouts at me but in vain.

I paid the whole month's rent to her even though I am leaving on the 10th of the month. She is constantly nagging while I pack my haversack with some emergency items.

"Look, this is my last shot at parapsychology. If this fails I am done." I say calmly contradicting her tone.

"Yes, done as in be dead." Her words are laced with sarcasm.

"I am not gonna be dead! I know this stuff."

"Yes right. You know it. And what's your plan again? Go there, barge into your house, look for people you don't know, look for a spirit which I am sure doesn't exist and have no one bat an eye? Honey, the police are not gonna let you in the investigation just like that. This trip is stupid!" She huffs and puts her hands on her hips.

"It's really nice that you care for me. But this is my decision and I swear I will keep in touch. I am gonna miss you Sal." She heaves a sigh and accepts her defeat. Her last attempts at stopping me have not worked.

She gives me a hug and says about making me dinner instead of going out. Our last meal together. A scary thought crosses my mind that hopefully this is not my last meal ever.


Next morning I get my car which is already jam packed with boxes of my stuff. I bid a goodbye to Sally and some of the neighbors.

Sally is almost in tears, "Goodbye Miya. It is not gonna be the same without you." She sniffs, "Be safe and call me when you get there. And don't die."

She chuckles through her tears and pulls me in a bear hug. Her head crashes against my shoulder as she is a few inches shorter than me. I wrap my brawny arms around her skinny frame.

After our emotional adieu I get into the driver's seat and set my way to my ancestral place. I wanna be a part of something bigger than myself and this mission is all about it.

The drive to the township isn't that bad until it started getting dark. Along the way I took many stops for gas and food. According to Google maps I still have another hour or two to reach Warin.

'The Spurs were last seen in a diner on Interstate 78. According to the owner both of them were in casual clothes and coats. They had a nice meal and didn't order any alcohol.'

Sally has called me every hour till now. It is just too sweet that she cares about me so much, the caretaker in her is permanent.

Currently the road is not so good as it is a rural area. The radio signal has almost gone so I play songs from my phone. I really wanna make it to Warin before 7-8 pm.

The road signs aren't clear and present everywhere. So I always have to check my phone for the distance which is also difficult due to poor signal.

It is showing around 20-25 miles to Warin. Won't take long but the roads are not vehicle friendly. My car is struggling to move properly. As I am not used to such uneven terrain this is getting difficult.

After a good couple of minutes the car breaks down. So it isn't the roads after all. It is just my dysfunctional low-end model car. I roll my eyes and scold myself for not getting it checked before this long journey.

I am exhausted and this is something I was scared off. Being stuck in the middle of nowhere. I get out of the car to check what's wrong. Who am I kidding? I don't know a thing about cars. I groan and get back inside.

The signal strength is bizarre but I can make it work. I search for mechanics' number and dial the first one I find. When I put the phone back to my ear, I see a man walking towards my car.

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