Life on Ishi

By Akiaminacatooncraze

389 25 2

One of the most wise Apalyan had a vision that Airlpahree would save the world. Due to her dad being king of... More

Something Entirely New
The Curse Of A Lullaby
Long lost Sister
Please Answer
Bring It!
Betrayed by the king
Author's Note
My Sister
Author's note
Get Ready!

New Member

15 1 0
By Akiaminacatooncraze

Later that day, Dylan called Clester into his classroom to talk to him alone. The blinds were polite enough to let the evening sun come through, causing a pink tint on the walls. The clock on the wall was clicking as each second passed by, making Clester uneasy. Dylan deeply stared at him, debating on what he was going to tell him. One wrong move, and everything he ever worked hard for would be gone. Luckily Dylan had leeway on the kid in front of him.

"Clester," Dylan began, "or should I say The clown prince."

"Don't you dare ever call me that!" He slammed both his fist on the desk. "How do you know that?"

"I know a lot of things, boy. A good friend of mine can hack into anything and gather whatever information I need." Dylan linked his fingers together while placing his elbows on the surface in front of him. "

"What?" Clester hissed, "why are you doing this? Huh? What's your verdict? You better not tell Airlaphree!"

"Oh that wasn't my plan. I just wanted you to be aware that I know your secret, before I tell you mine."

"Wait, what do you mean by that?" Clester's tense shoulders began to soften.

"What I'm about to tell you is very Important, and top secret. So if you open your mouth to anyone, I will make sure your life is ruined." Dylan was more than serious.

"Ok man, take it easy. Just tell me what's going on."

Dylan explained the whole story to him, from beginning to end. It was a lot to take in but Clester soaked in all the information without asking any questions until he was done speaking.

"Wow," Clester began,"that's nuts, but how did you know Vector wanted to destroy the world and everything?"

Dylan sighed. "My brother, Tritan, used to be Vector's advisor before B.j. They were also best friends so Vector would tell him everything. I used to hang out with the two of them at the Vality mansion. One day, I was in the garden admiring all the exotic flowers only the king would have. Tritan ran to me full of fear, telling me what Vector's plan's were."

"Tritan must play a big part in this then." Clester put his hands into his pockets.

"He always will be, but I'm afraid he's not with us anymore. There must have been someone listening to us. I wish I would have stayed longer but he made me go home." Dylan's muscles began to tighten. "Vector torchered my brother, trying to get him to admit who he told this valuable information to. Tritan kept his mouth closed until his life left his body, knowing Vector would kill me too."

"That's seriously messed up, man." Clester looked down at his lap, "okay, so how did the snitch not know it was you Tritan told things to?"

"The whole garden was open, except for a giant wall that stood along the entrance. Tritan never gave me a chance to speak either, He told me what he needed to and rushed me away. I'll never forgive myself for leaving him behind." A single tear dropped off Dylan's chin, dripping onto his white knuckles.

"Is that him?" Clester gestured towards a picture of the two brothers, happy as can be.

"Yes, it is." Dylan straightened himself out, "anyway, that's why it's so important that Airlaphree is protected. I cannot let my brother's death mean nothing, and two whole world's rely on it! I know you're power, and I have no doubt in my mind that you will make a great member of our team!

Clester stood on his feet, "I am more than happy to help in any way I can! For Airlaphree, and for the sake of life!"

"I knew you wouldn't resist, I should have come to you rather sooner."

"I do have one more question though," Clester sat back in his seat, "How many more stones do we need to get?"

Dylan started to look a little nervous. "All of them."

"Oh. How long has Oculite been around for, exactly?"

"Roughly two years."

Clester put his face in his palm, but bounced back from his doubts. "You know what, that's ok! We got his!"

"We can only hope." Dylan stretched back in his chair. "I'll meet you at Longfield park tomorrow afternoon so I can show you where the base is located. We have a meeting, so be prepared."

                                                                                 🔥 🔥 🔥

Jaysun had his sword ready, pointing at the enemy. "You, nor anyone else can hurt Airlaphree any longer!"

"Um, Jay?" Air sighed. "That's a cat playing with my shoelace, I really don't think it can hurt me."

"You can never be too careful!" Jaysun withdrew his weapon. "I'm on to you kitty!"

The whole way to the base, Air couldn't get a break. Maybe Jaysun was going a little overboard with this whole protecting thing. It was getting rather annoying, actually. Airlaphree was relieved when they got to the base where she could just relax for a minute. Unknowingly, she took a seat right next to Clester on the couch.

He looked at her and smiled. "Hey, Air!"

She yipped and jumped to the side. "Clester? What are you doing here?"

"I'm a member now, isn't that great?" He chuckled.

Before she could respond Dylan got everyone's attention by standing on a table. "Let's begin now that all 13 of you are here, we can finally make plans for receiving our first stone!" Everyone roared with excitement. "You have Airlaphree, and our new member Clester to thank!" The crowd cheered "thank you's," and "Welcome to Oculite." Dylan simmered down the crowd, "alright Oculites, this is what we know about Jeremy."

Demora clicked a button on a computer, which projected an image of Jeremy on the big flat screen T.V mounted on the wall. "He's a Prydorian," Dylan continued, "which means he can maneuver anything that comes from the Ishi. This includes: dirt, soil, rocks of any element, plant's, and metals. He cannot control water, or wind. These are the things we need to be aware of. I plan to handle the situation by facing him head on." He stepped down from the table. "I know he goes to the club every saturday night, which is today. Jaysun, and Bruce are coming with me. If he wants to fight, we'll have brute strength behind us."

Airlaphree jumped up, "I'm going with you!" The whole crowd looked at her.

Dylan looked at Demora, then back at Air. "I'm not sure if that's such a great idea. You don't know how to fight, and we'll be going at night."

"Well, I'll figure out something." She pointed directly at her leader. "You're the one who said I needed to be stronger! I'm supposed to be the hero, right? How am I supposed to do that if I'm sitting on my butt?"

"I just don't know." Dylan started to sweat. I mean, she was right but this mission could be dangerous. After a moment of silent hesitation, he spoke. "Alright, but only on one condition."

"Ok, and what's your condition?"

"If both Jaysun, and Clester agree to protect your every move," Dylan sighed, "you can go. But no fighting! I want you to run if violence gets involved!"

Air looked at Clester and Jay who were right beside her for an answer. Their nervous smiles were a reassuring yes. "Alright, Let's get this party started!"

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