Sanders Sides Intro

Da Moss_Man_ButNotAMan

28 2 5

The intro to my main Ss AU Altro

Authors note

Character Descriptions

11 1 0
Da Moss_Man_ButNotAMan

This "chapter" of this Sanders Sides intro will be descriptions of each character, as well as some head cannons in one of my 3 AUs. Art not mine

Remus: 5 ft 11. Pretty tall, with a decently slender figure. Dark green eyes, one lighter than the other. His hair is a dark brown fading into a green, plus the grey streak in his hair. Of course his signature mustache. He has black and green tentacles that come out his back, always covered in a dark slimy liquid. (Weird but don't @ me) Loves to annoy his brother, seems to hate Roman but loves him (In a brotherly way) Love interest is Janus~ Represents creativity and intrusive thoughts. Actually gets intrusive thoughts himself.

Roman: 5 ft 11, as tall as Remus, is more fit then slender. Red eyes, blood red as Remus describes them. Hair is lighter then his brother's, fading into a light red. Always carries his sword with him, no matter what. Can be a jerk, but is overall a decent person. (Personally my least favorite side) Used to hate his brother, but has grown to love him (Again as a brother). Loves the Emo~ Represents creativity as well as hopes and dreams. 

Patton: 5 ft 9 1/2, the 3rd shortest side. Always cheery and happy, unless alone for short periods of time. Sky blue eyes, only a bit lighter then his everyday polo shirt. Hair is a light brown with a fade into a light blue. Loves to bake and take care of his kiddos, and is kind to everyone, even the dark sides (takes place after POF). Will physically fight you if you say anything bad about yourself. Has done some questionable things, but the others have forgiven him. One thing that Janus has never forgiven is the splitting of creativity. Patton goes by many names, including Padre (shout out to my fander friend 'Padre', you know who you are), Puffball, and Popstar. Is in love with Calculator~ Represents morality.

Logan: 5 ft 10. Smartest of all the sides. Does not process emotions very well. Has brown hair fading into a dark blue, eyes are also dark blue. Is pretty much a workaholic and runs on coffee a lot of the time. Doesn't hold grudges. Always logical except when certain people (*ahem Patton ahem*) are around. Loves to theorize about books and games, and talks about philosophy with Janus. He will correct any mistake in your grammar or pronunciation without hesitation. The others often tease him about the whole infinitesimal mistake. Crofters is life. Don't try and steal his crofters or he will try and kill you (not literally but still). Has feelings for the human being known as morality. Represents logic.  

Virgil: 5 ft 9. Always has eye shadow on. Pale with purple eyes. Hair is dark brown fading into purple. Does not like the snake. Virgil is raccoon bean. Runs on energy drinks and caffeine. Pretty much never sleeps. Has a weekly anxiety attack (poor baby). Dark strange son. More nicknames include Robert Downer Jr, Jack Smellington, Hot Topic, and many more. He always listens to MCR in his room. Is now moved in permanently moved in with the light sides. He still cares for the darks but is happy with the lights. If you take his hoodies he will come after you. Unless it's Patton. He could never hurt Patton. Roman is his crush but he's way too nervous to actually confess. Represents anxiety.

Janus: 5 ft 5, the shortest side. Sssssnake sssscales going down his body, including his face. That's the reason he wears gloves, to hide them, that and he's cold blooded. Remus will be the death of him. Always calls Virgil a raccoon. In return Virge teases Janus about his height. A ssssassy snek boi, always coming up with witty quips and responses. Is interested in philosophy. Sometimes can't control his lies, but when he can, he uses them to his advantage. Is pretty much accepted by the lights (by that I mean by Patton and partly Thomas), but still lives with the dark sides. Is in love with the idiot that is Remus~ Represents deceit.

???: 6 ft 1. ???????????????????? Is an Oc of mine. Is in love with ?????? Represents ????

Who will be the new side?? Who will they (I'm saying they so I don't reveal the gender) be in love with??? What shall they represent????? WHAT DRAMA SHALL OCCUR???

Nobody knows. Except me of course~ 

Danny out~

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