Skyrim One-Shots

By ErrndisTheDragonborn

7.3K 68 26

For all you Skyrim Fans! This is a series of one-shots. Ya know? Love stories, mini stories, random ideas... ... More

The Soldier and the Bear
Authors Note Thingy
The Trials of Being a Housecarl
When Daedra are Involved
He's kind, She's Beautiful, but Nords are Touchy AF
It's a Trap

Ralof - Love at First Dragon

2.3K 26 4
By ErrndisTheDragonborn

The soldier clad in a blue cuirass marched down the path. His heart was heavy after seeing the destruction, the fire. He did not know where his friends were. In fact, he didn't even know if anyone besides himself, and that girl, survived at all.

He heard her take a deep, pained breath. It was odd, the way she carried herself. It was out of selflessness. She was confused and disoriented, injured and weak. But even so, she tried to make an effort to help him get out of Helgen and out of danger. He admired her for it. No matter that she almost got her head taken off, she was a fighter and was determined to keep herself and himself safe.

It was a long while before Ralof spoke.

"Thank you.... For what you did back there." He mumbled, just loud enough for her to hear him. "And I know you are in pain. Please show me where, I have some potions that might ease your suffering."

The girl just looked at him with clouded, sad eyes.

"Can the potions ease the suffering in my heart?" She whispered. Ralof took a step closer to her. They had stopped walking. She shook her head and turned away.

"Never mind. It was a silly thing to say..." Helgen had taken a toll on both Ralof and the girl it seemed. "It's my chest, I can't breathe properly. I think I broke a rib or two when that beam from the house fell on me." Ralof had instructed her to jump out the hole in the tower and into a burning house below. It was the only means of escape. She had fallen funny and was winded. While she lay on the floor for two seconds too long, a wooden beam fell on top of her. A friend, anonymous, had appeared and helped her out of the burning building.

"He saved my life. I wish I could have saved him too... But I didn't see him after that." A sob tore from her and she clutched her midsection in pain. Ralof rushed up and took her by the waist. There was a log nearby and he led her to it.

After she sat down, she cried. She cried and cried until the tears had run out. Ralof held her close, stroking her head and running his fingers through her hair. If anyone were to ask, he would be lying if he said he didn't shed a tear himself.

"You're okay. Shhhh... Don't think about them. What is done is done... Look.... We are safe now. I promise." The girl slowed her breathing and leaned into Ralof. Her head was lying on his chest. For once, she really did feel safe. "I hope you don't mind this seating arrangement..." He mumbled. She just waved it off.

"Did I ever tell you who I am, Ralof of Riverwood?" She hiccuped. Ralof shook his head and grunted in response. The vibrations from him shook her bones. "They call me Whisperer in Cyrodiil, and Lurker in The Black Marshes. I travel a lot. The secretiveness of my nature earned me those names. I guess my destination has always been Skyrim, but... So far, it hasn't been the most comforting place. It's too cold. And there are dragons." Ralof chuckled, the sound was deep and it rumbled, making goose flesh appear on her skin.

"That was the first dragon I've ever seen." His vice was sarcastic.

"You know what I mean!" She smacked his arm playfully and looked up at the blue sky. "My parents were from here. Elesa Stone-Heart, my mother, came from the great city Solitude. My father, Dornmar The Warrior, from Morthal. They were both Nords."

"Why were you in Cyrodiil and the Black Marshes?" Ralof interrupted.

"I...." Her voice cracked. "They were star crossed lovers, you could say. After I showed up, they had to keep me a secret. No one knew that I was in the picture. My father was a war criminal, my mother was a daughter of someone important. Someone named Tulimas, I think." Ralof made a noise of... Something, either surprise or disbelief. She kept speaking, however. "They sent me far away when 'Tulimas' found out about my father. He tried to kill him." The girl wrung her hands out of frustration. "I don't know what happened after that. All I had was the journal that my mother wrote in. She obviously stopped writing when they sent me away. Now, I am here. Trying to find my long lost parents. I guess." She closed her eyes and nuzzled into Ralof's side.

"What is your real name, Whisperer, Lurker?" It was her turn to chuckle. She waited a long time to give a response. She wasn't going to give it to just anyone. But Ralof seemed to be a trustworthy person.

"Katari." She thought for moment. "But if I were to give myself a title, it would be Gentle-Song."

"Why so, Katari?" She shivered when Ralof said her name. She hadn't heard anyone say it to her in a long time, she liked the sound.

"I like to sing."

"Gentle suits you. You should sing for me though, I think. I bet you have a wonderful set of pipes." He said.


"You heard me. Sing."

"I... Oh why not..." Katari took in a shallow breath and let the air flow out, creating beautiful notes. Ralof held his breath for he had never heard such a raw, beautiful sound.

"The beating heart of a beast is a jagged sound.

The creatures of the forest must stay close to the ground.

Fear is present in their hearts and his hunger lingers.

When Hircine has claimed his victim and the victim's strength hinders.

Stars of the night sky,

Guide me through the moonlight,

For I don't want to die alone.

But how can I sleep tonight,

When fear takes me as its own?

And the beast is lurking just outside my home?

Will Hircine claim me before the sunrise,

Or will I find a way to survive?

For I am just a girl, a weak and puny thing.

What power do I have over the daedra,

Except the power in my soul when I sing?

The beating heart of Hircine is wild in my ear, and all I feel is the fear.

Can someone save me from myself before I shed my last tear?"

Ralof was quiet. He just thought about Katari, who was laying in his arms. She was so innocent, yet so hardened by what she had gone through her whole life.

They sat there in silence for many minutes, just happy to be comforted by each other after what they had seen at Helgen. Ralof broke the silence.

"You sing beautifully, Katari. You have a gentle soul. One that shall never be claimed by Hircine. You will go to Sovngarde and sing for all the heros of old. And they will love you." Ralof said. Each word was forcefully driven into her mind. He meant it. She was beautiful in his eyes.

"Thank you." She nuzzed back into his side and he wrapped his large arms around her. But he squeezed too hard. She yelped out in pain and started to cough uncontrollably. Ralof immediately went into action. He quickly laid the Nord on the ground and threw off her borrowed armor. What he saw scared him. Her cream colored tunic was drenched in a sticky, red liquid.

"Katari, look at me. Breathe. You'll be just fine. Riverwood is down this mountain side, along the river. I'll have to carry you." She looked up into his eyes and nodded. She trusted him.

"How bad is it?" She wheezed after her cough stopped momentarily.

"I uh... I don't know, but I wouldn't say it's good..." He trailed off. "Hold on, Katari." She wrapped her arms around his neck and Ralof took off down the path, Katari in his arms.

Ralof started to beat himself over his stupidity. She had lost a large amount of blood. How did he not notice? Damn! "This is my fault, I'm so sorry. We should have gone straight to Riverwood! We could have helped you sooner."

"R-ralof. It's o... kay. You didn't push that. beam... on me did you?" She whispered, starting to realize just how weak she felt. Now that the adrenaline was wearing off, she could feel the pain really start to come to her.


"Then stop... kicking yourself for it."

Ralof ran around a bend in the path to see a small town sitting peacefully in the middle of the woods. The river that ran next to it created a sound of serenity. It calmed Ralof and his heart swelled. He was home.

"Ralof!" It was Gerdur, his sister.

"Gerdur! Please, you need to help me. It's this girl. She needs medical attention." Gerdur gasped when she saw the bleeding young woman in his arms.

"Of course. Come, we will bring her to Hod's and my house." The two siblings ran quickly the through the street. The people he grew up with recognized the young soldier and waved to him and shouted his name. But he didn't pay attention. He only had eyes for the young Nord in his arms. She was losing too much blood.


It was twenty four hours since the attack at Helgen. Five hours ago, Ralof had brought the girl that nearly saved his life twice to his sister's house to heal her. She hadn't woken up after passing out on the table.

"Ralof..." Gerdur spoke quietly. "I'm not sure if she will be okay. I'm sorry." He only nodded and walked back over to the bed. "If she wakes, I'm sure she will be good to go. Her wounds have already healed over with those potions that Lucan gave me. But I don't know if Sovngarde has claimed her mind."

Katari was now lying on the spare straw mattress after they had healed and bandaged her up the best they could.

"Dear little fox, don't give up. I only just met you. You seemed okay to me. Perhaps we could have fought together." Ralof took her hand and held it on his heart. "You need to find your parents. If you wake up, I'll help. I promise. Just... Please wake up." She didn't answer.

Ralof fell asleep like that. Sitting on a seat next to the bed, holding her hand above his heart. It made Gerdur sad to see her brother this deeply affected by the young Nord. It probably had to do with seeing his friends die and or disappear. She was all he had left besides Riverwood. Who knows what they went through together already?


Katari woke to her stomach growling loudly. She recognized the ceiling. It was Ralof's sister'a house. After Ralof had carried her for quite a few leagues, he took her here. They must have healed her because now she was conscious and well. She smiled a bit when she realized this.

Katari tried to move but stopped when she felt something. She looked down to see Ralof's hand upon her chest where the heart was located. It made her heart swell.

She then eyed him closely. He was crumpled on top of a chair, most likely going to have aches once he woke. He must have been waiting for her to wake.

"He has been siting there for hours waiting for you." It was Hod." Katari nodded. She suspected as much. "I gotta say. He hasn't been this interested in someone for a long time. I think you've grown on him in the past few hours. Ya know, being his companion through Helgen and all. I think you should wake him." Katari only nodded and glance over to Ralof. He looked so troubled. Hod just shook his head at the Nord and walked out of the house. He was giving them privacy.

"Ralof." Her voice was croaky. "Ralof. Wake up." Nothing but a few snores."Ralof!" The Nord shifted in his state and opened his sleepy eyes. They widened when he saw the beautiful grey eyes of Katari staring back at him.

"Oh thank Talos!" He rushed forward and grasped the female Nord in his arms. She laughed and squeezed him back tightly. "I though you were going to die." His blue eyes were full of hope and wonder. They sparkled when he looked at her.

"No one can get rid of me that easily." Katari smiled.

"Obviously not." He hugged her again. This time, he didn't let go.

"Ralof, I can't breathe. Literally." She gasped. Ralof quickly sat back on he chair next to the bed, smiling sheepishly.

"Sorry." He whispered. Then, without warning he asked, "When you get better, can I help you find your parents?" Katari did a double take.

"You want to help me?"


"Of course you can!" She yelled before tackling him. Ralof laughed and started to tickle her to get her off. They soon were waging a war in the living room. Katari didn't even worry about her bandages. She knew right then that she was going to be fine.

Suddenly, Katari found herself in Ralof's arms, tears on her cheeks. Ralof was comforting her like he did the previous day. It was a happy cry though. She finally had found someone that was going to help her on her quest. Ralof would be her friend and they were going to find her parents. The 'friends' she had before were rubbish. They only wanted things from her like coin and... Other things...

"Katari, I'm glad that I am coming with you."

"I am too." She took his hand and stared into his eyes. Then she looked at his lips. They were soft looking. Ralof did the same to her. They leaned in.

The kiss was light and tender. So sweet. All Katari wanted was for this moment to last forever. But fate wouldn't have it that way.

"Ralof, what you do with the eggs tha--" a gasp was heard from the door way. Ralof and Katari pulled away at lighting speed to see Gerdur staring at them like a fish. She then turned right around and fled the house. Outside you could hear her yelling.

"Hod! You were right! They were KISSING! My brother has a CRUSH on the Nord girl!"

Ralof looked at Katari. Her face was bright red. He shook his head. She looked at him too, noticing the goofy smile he had. Ralof planted a quick kiss on her nose.

"She's always been like that. She gets too excited over these things. One time, she found me... Ahem... Never mind. Anyway... She wouldn't shut up about it for weeks. And another time, she..." He was rambling and Katari silenced him with a kiss.

"Shut up." Ralof smiled goofily again and proceeded to kiss her back. Anyone would agree it was love at first dragon.

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