Total Drama Male reader x Dawn

By Saintmaster24

80.8K 867 973

You were always a big fan of Total Drama and have never missed an episode. After hearing about a contest to s... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Not a Chapter
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 9

3.8K 37 75
By Saintmaster24

Your P.O.V.

It's been a few days since Dawn and I have officially became a couple. And we have been spending as much time with each other as we could. Right now we were walking through the forest and enjoying each other's company and the amazing scenery.

Y/n: It's so beautiful, today.

Dawn: It is, isn't it?

Y/n: There's only one thing that's even more beautiful.

Dawn: What?

Y/n: You.

She just giggles before she kisses me on the lips and I kiss her back. But the moment is ruined when Chris speaks up through the intercom.

Chris: Attention campers, it's time for your next challenge. So please come to the nearby mine for it and hurry.

So Dawn and I made our way to the nearby mine Chris talked about. And it turned out to be the same mine I found the invincibility statue.

Chris: Okay, now before we begin I'd like to inform you that someone found the invincibility statue. So if you were still looking for it you can stop.

Shawn: Really?

Jasmine: I wonder who.

Chris: Anyway, today's challenge is going to be a search and rescue.

Dawn: Who do we have to save?

Chris: I'm glad you asked. Today we, by which I mean "you", are going to be saving Y/n's father.

Y/n: Wait, WHAT?!

Then we all heard someone scream and I knew who it was. Then I grabbed Chris by his shirt collar and was really furious he'd kidnap my dad.

Y/n: Give me one good reason why I shouldn't beat you up right now.

Chris: I didn't do it, it was Ezekiel.

Everyone else: WHAT?!

Chris pulled out a video recording of my dad bring dragged into the mine by Ezekiel. Then I let go of Chris and let out a sigh of frustration. I saw what happened to Ezekiel and really didn't want to deal with that freak show.


Y/n: Really? I thought that freak show was dead, I mean come on!
Dawn: I really hope we don't find Ezekiel down there.

Confessional ends

Y/n: Why did it have to be him?

Chris: Well, what are you waiting for? Get going!

With that each team ran into one of two separate tunnels. We all were running as fast as we could and said nothing. And I was really worried about my dad since I knew that Ezekiel would tare him apart.

Dawn's P.O.V.

As we continued through the mine I could tell that Y/n was worried about his father. We continued to make our way through the mine until we ran into a mutant gopher.

We realized that some of them must of made their way off of wawanakwa before it sank. We all just started to scream, but Y/n punched it on the nose and it ran off. We were all in shock to see Y/n do that. When I was about to say something we heard another scream and it sounded closer.

Y/n: I'm coming dad!

We all continued to run through the tunnels and into some open mind shaft. Then we saw someone fighting more of the mutant gophers. We all knew who he was and were shocked to see Y/n jump in and fight with him. After a few minutes they were both able to fight off all the gophers.

Mike/Zoey: Woah.

Courtney: Y/n...

Duncan: Dude, you didn't tell us your dad was..

Dawn: John Cena.

We were all surprised that John Cena was Y/n's father. And I could tell he thought it was a little funny.

John Cena: Yep, Y/n's my little trouble maker alright. And it's great to meet my son's new girlfriend.

That just made us both blush badly about what he said. He just laughed a little until we heard a growl. And then Ezekiel jumped out of nowhere and even scared my dad.

Ezekiel: (ROARS)


Duncan: I was hoping we wouldn't run into that freak show.
Dawn: Honestly, I was pretty scared.
Y/n: Was I scared? Yeah. But I wasn't going to let him hurt my friends or my family.

Confessional ends

Then Y/n just grabbed him by the throat and threw him against a support beam. The beam then broke and the mine then started to cave in.

Y/n: Dad, do you know the quickest way out of here?

John Cena: Yeah, I know where that freak dragged me in, let's go.

With that we started running as fast as we could run. Then I tripped over a small stone and fell over.

Y/n: DAWN!

He ran back over to me as the others continued to run. Then he picked me up and carried me to the exit. We just made it to the exit as the exit we came out of caved in. We both were on the ground and taking deep breathes after what has happened. Then Y/n's dad came over to help us off the ground.

John Cena: You two okay?

Y/n: I'm good, what about you Dawn?

Dawn: I'm fine and thank you for saving me Y/n.

Then I kissed him in the check and his dad just laughed. I could tell that Y/n was a little embarrassed about it.

John Cena: That's my boy.

Chris: And the winners, the Terrific Tigers.

We all started to cheer as we won yet another challenge. After a while both me and Y/n were down at the docks to say goodbye to Y/n's dad.

John Cena: Good luck son and it was nice to meet you Dawn.

Dawn: You too, sir.

John Cena: You don't have to be so formal, just call me John.

Y/n: I'll see you soon dad.

They gave each other one lady hug before Y/n's dad got on a boat and left. Later on we found out that Gwen had been eliminated for accidentally getting her team lost. I felt bad for her since she was a nice person and didn't deserve to be eliminated. Then while I was walking I found Y/n down at the beach.

Dawn: You okay?

Y/n: Yeah, I just can't believe it.

Dawn: Can't believe what?

Y/n: That I've made it this far in the game and that I met my beautiful girlfriend.

Then he kissed me and it made me blush badly. We just spent the night with each other on the beach. And after a while we made our way back to the resort to find the others waiting for us.

Mike: Man, Y/n I still can't believe that your dad is John Cena.

Y/n: Well you never asked.

We just spent the rest of the night joking with the others. I could tell that Y/n was having lots of fun and I was having fun too. After a while we all went to sleep, but Y/n fell asleep on the couch. So I decided to lay down next to him and drifted off to sleep.

Chris: And we're down to the final ten contestants. Will Y/n and Dawn's relationship last? Or will it end with some shattered dreams? Find out next time on Total! Drama! Tropical Island!

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