stuck forever

By call_megiggles

47.5K 1.9K 371

This is the 3rd book to my series it's a follow up from " still stuck" soo if Yu did not read that please do... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Hes okayyyy!!!!
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Chapter 68
Chapter 69
Chapter 70
Chapter 71
Chapter 72
Chapter 73
Chapter 74
Chapter 75
Chapter 76
Chapter 77
Chapter 78
Chapter 79
Hey babies

Chapter 67

575 19 2
By call_megiggles

Kay's POV *Days later*

So we decided to come back home because for one our lives are here! We can't hide out in Maryland forever plus the kids have things they wanna do it'd be selfish of me and aug to ruin their summer because of some shit we got into. We still gonna play it safe but we ain't hiding anymo' plus with my pregnancy being high risk I needa be near my primary doctor Dr.west was nice and all but I like Dr.Brown better! I watched as the kids played in the backyard and I smiled at how happy they were I guess they really did miss being home.

Aug- Yu okay beybe?

Kay- yea I'm fine babe Yu?

Aug- Yea I'll be back I gotta go check in with my P.O

He said sighing and I nodded pecking his lips

Kay- Be safe, I love Yu

Aug- I will, I love Yu too

He pecked my lips and got going Libra walked in the kitchen and I could tell she had an attitude it looks like she's been crying too

Libra- Ma!

Kay- what's wrong Libra?

Libra- Andrew it getting on my nerves! since we got here he's been going to the studio or hanging with his dirty friends but he's never thought to help me with the wedding we was supposed to go see our wedding planner this morning I wake up he's gone!

She said bursting into tears I sighed and pulled her into a tight hug jus wait until I see Andrews yellow ass!

Kay- Calm down beybe! Lemme call em

Libra- Nah don't even ma! Let em stay where he is! I'm starting to think he doesn't wanna get married anymore I dont even know if I wanna get married anymore

Kay- Libra...Yu and Drew are still young it's okay to be unsure but y'all needa sit down and talk... because tamie is tryna plan this wedding fa' y'all and if y'all don't wanna get married ya gotta say sumn soon!

Libra- I don't wanna waste Yu and papa augs money .... I'd feel horrible

Kay- Girl it's not even about tha money it's about Yu and drew being happy and y'all needa figure out what y'all want

Libra- Okay... I was also thinking about meeting up with kash since we're back in LA

Kay- y'all still ain't talk?

Libra- No... I feel somethings going on with her that's the only time she's distant

Kay- well Yea check in on ha' Yu never knoe what's going on!

Libra- ima go try calling her again thanks ma

Kay- anytime beybe

I said smiling she kissed my cheek hugging me and then she went on bout her business too😂

Aj- Hey ma

Kay- hey son

Aj- Yu and the babies okay?

Kay- Yea we're fine thanks for asking... what I wanna know is Wsup witchu?

Aj- other than the fight I have coming up nothing!

He said smiling looking jus like August😂I nodded and plucked a piece of lint out of his hair

Kay- Wsup witchu and Kashmere?

Aj- Honestly I haven't seen or heard from her in like a month last time I saw her was when she came to ATL

Kay- Dont chu think Yu should reach out?

Aj- and why would I do that? She ain't thinking bout me so I ain't thinking bout her

Kay- Yu don't know that August

Aj- why Yu want me to talk to her so bad?

Kay- because... I like ha! She's a nice respectful young lady y'all were soo cute togetha

Aj- Yea well all good things come to an end

He said laughing and I jus looked at em Aj is my child that hides all of his emotions You'll never know how Aj really feels and I don't like that because he'll keep everything inside he never really expresses himself but momma knows when things are jus an act! And I know he misses her😂

Aj- Why Yu lookin at me like dat ma?

Kay- because! Yu make me sick lookin jus like yo daddy but I'm tired lemme go take a nap listen out fa' ya siblings

Aj- Okay ma

I grabbed a water bottle outta the fridge and made my way upstairs to my bed falling into a deep sleep

*hours later*

I woke up to Aj shaking me screaming my name

Aj- Ma! Wake up!

Kay- what boy? what tha hell im sleep!!

Aj- the cops are at the door!

I jumped up putting on my robe sliding on my slippers


Aj- NO!

I made my way downstairs and opened the doe giving them the stank face because I jus knew it was some Bullshit!

Kay- how can I help y'all?

Officer 1- is your husband August Alsina in?

Officer 2- we just have a few questions we would like for him to answer

Kay- Ma husband ain't hea!

I said rolling my eyes crossing my arms over my chest

Officer 2- Ma'am please corporate we jus wanna ask him some questions

Kay- Yu got a warrant fa' em or sumn?

Officer 1 - No we just-

And I cut em off right dea!

Kay- well we ain't gotta corporate with shit! Close ma Doe August!

I said rolling my eyes turning to walk away and Aj slammed the doe shut locking it

Aj- should we call dad and tell em?

Kay- No... they probably gonna be tapping his phone and shit Speaking of yo daddy he was jus supposed ta go see his P.O dat don't take 5 hours!

Aj- Uh ohhh

Kay- yea mhm uh oh!

I said storming up the stairs into my room I coulda sworn I told august we still gonna lay low so wtf is he doin? I sat up waiting fa him ta get home and when he came home boy did I let his ass have it!



I yelled and he sighed






Aug- Makayla... ion knoe what's going on but do me a favor and stay outta it Aight? I can't have Yu getting in this shit plus Yu carrying my sons Yu don't need no type of stress okay?

Kay- Okay august

I said sighing he kissed my cheek pullin me closa to him and I jus looked at em he chuckled but I didn't

Aug- why Yu lookin at me like dat beybe?

Kay- because.... Yu betta not leave me again august!

Aug- I won't.... I promise

He said smiling and kissing my lips and I kissed back. He kissed my stomach gently rubbing it and I gave em a small smile ... like I said I gotta get in contact with Dave fast because these cops coming hea can't be good and I knoe this ain't they first time coming...

Kashmeres pov

I was shocked and happy when I got a call from Libra asking to meet up for brunch it's been a while since we talked and the last time we saw each other it wasn't pretty.... I miss my bestfriend soo much it's soo much I wanna tell her but I jus don't know how!My sisters are at their babysitters house until I get back I don't really like leaving them here with auntie Kim so I quickly got ready👇🏽

And made my way downstairs auntie Kim was doing her usual smoking her cigarettes and drinking that nasty olè 40 ounce beer with her old miserable friends

Auntie Kim- Those just better be knock offs girl because if not ima need more than 300 a week

Kash- Lay off me! Yu know these are old gifts from my ex boyfriend

Auntie Kim-  mhmmmm you's a fool to let that boy go! That boy is a walking bank

Her friend- Okay! I definitely would've had a baby by him if I was Yu girlfriend!

Auntie Kim- shittttt that boy was born into money and now he makes his own! I woulda had Atleast 2 or 3 babies by him!

Kash- Everything ain't about money but anyways I gotta go

I said rolling my eyes I walked out the door without even saying goodbye I gotta get away from her fast! I got in my car and made my way to the cafe Libra was already seated when she spotted me she stood up giving me a big hug and I hugged her back I didn't even know I was crying until we both looked at each other and she was crying too😩

Libra- bitch Yu crying too?!

Kash- ohhh myyy godddddd I missed Yu!

Libra- I missed Yu too!

Kash- I'm sorry mami! I'll never hurt Yu again

I said kissing her and she laughed

Libra- sometimes I think Yu really think I'm your girlfriend

Kash- Uhhh because Yu are!

I said rolling my eyes and we both laughed we sat down ordered drinks and started catching up on everything I told her everything but the stripping part because I know Libra jus gonna talk me into quitting

Libra- damn... why didn't Yu call me?!! I would've came out here to help Yu with the girls

Kash- we're fine! Ma will be out the hospital soon she's getting better

Libra- and what about Ray? Yu need money for a decent lawyer right?!

Kash- no that's already taken care of

Libra- well ... Lemme give Yu some money

Kash- Libra I'm fine! I don't need any money!

Libra- Yu sure?!

Kash- I'm positive! What's going on witchu? Tell me about the wedding

I said tryna change the subject but I really do wanna know about the wedding😂

Libra- ughhhh I'm stressed and Drew ain't helping me at all!

Kash- really?!

Libra- Yea really! I don't even wanna talk about him but our wedding colors are white and Dark blue ... issa winter wedding so our theme is winter wonderland

Kash- aweeee bestfriend that's cute asf!!! I'm feeling it!

Libra- Still my matron of honor?

She said poking her bottom lip out and I raised an eyebrow

Kash- my feelings are hurt Yu had to even ask that!

Libra- Im sorry mami i jus wanna be sure! But we start rehearsal next week!

Kash- cool! Will I have to fly to Atlanta?

Libra- Nah since The wedding will be in LA so you're good

Kash- aweeee I cant wait!!!!! Who's all in the wedding again?

Libra- so of course Aj is the best man , Yu are the matron of honor the bridesmaids are miracle, Rose , my sister Lani and my cousin Raven the groomsmen are some of Drew's friends of course Siyah is the Flower girl and she vouched for Juice to be the ring bearer

She said sighing and we both laughed everybody knows Siyah loves her some juice😂😂😂

Libra- but chu won't believe who reached out to me!

Kash- whooo?!

I said raising and eyebrow sipping my mimosa "My mother" she said laughing and I spit my drink out!

Kash- are Yu serious?!

Libra- hella serious! She talkin bout she wanna fix our relationship

Kash- after she paid somebody to Jump Yu while Yu were pregnant?!

Libra- she claims she had nothing to do with it....

Kash- Yu believe It?

Libra- I don't know...

I was bouta say sumn but I was caught off guard by Trina staring me down with the side eye I don't understand why she doesn't like me I've done nothing to her yall!

Libra- Uhhhh Yu know her?

Kash-... No..

Libra- Mmmm well do I needa put my weave in a rubberband because bitches got a eye problem?

She said talking loud so Trina could hear and I sighed... y'all think I'm the fighter? no Libra is the fighter😂😂Trina kept it moving and Libra rolled her eyes

Kash- anyways! ..... i think Yu should get to the bottom of it... because what if your mom didn't do it? Then that means Yu spent all your time being mad at her for nothing

Libra- you're right.... ima look into it!

We talked alittle more until I had to go of course😩 but I'm jus happy me and Libra are talking again I missed her dearly! I went to go drop my sisters off some dinner and then I made my way to work! 

Emily- Hey girl Yu dancing at alicas cousin house for fight night?

Kash- Nah why?

Emily- because they talking bout paying 500 just to show up! Plus the money get from dancing

Kash- Yu know ion like doing parties I stay my black ass here at the club!

Emily- think about it I made 5,000 in one night from a party

Kash- Damn 5,000?

Emily- Yea! And I know Yu can double that with your young pretty face and perfect body

Kash- ima think bout it... thanks girl

Emily- No problem

She said smiling walking out the room I slid my black silk one piece on finishing it off with my black red bottoms touching up my make up and hair

Trina- Sup bitch....

I turned around and gave her a stank face

Kash-Why Yu always fuckin with me I just wanna make my money and go home like everybody else 

Trina- girl relax.... I think you're kinda cute

Kash- Girl please back up I'd never go there witchu!

She laughed caressing my cheek and I pushed her


I yelled and she stood back I shook my head in disgust and left the dressing room I can't mess around with her I gotta go make my damn money!

*hours later* 

Fresh off work and tired as hell! I made my way to my car I went to go pick up my sisters and we went "home"🙄 I seriously gotta hurry up and get us a spot!

Auntie Kim- Kashmere lemme get some money I know Yu got it

Kash- I'm broke!

Auntie Kim- come on girl ima pay Yu back!

Kash- How Yu ain't even got a job?!

Auntie Kim- Look Yu gonna give me the money or not!

Kash- NOT! I jus paid yu 300 dollars stop being money hungry

I said rolling my eyes stroming up the steps I locked my door behind me and did my daily count I made 2,200 tonight... could've done better but it's okay I reached in my bag looking for my charger and I saw a big roll of money! Now I know this ain't from the club because I didn't take this bag there and then it clicked! Libra must've slid this money in on the sneak tip! That damn girl!🙄 I took the money out counting it up and it was 10k! I gasped because I cannot take this money! But I know she won't take it back I sighed putting the money with my stash and went to go take a nice hot shower

Drew's pov

Me and Libra argue a lot now! Like it's getting outta control who knew planning a wedding could cause soo many arguments it's like she asks for my opinion and when I give it to her she doesn't like it or she'll say I'm not helping but when I try she shoved me away sooo I'm jus gonna stay away from her and let her plan this wedding

Reese- Yu gonna be at Aj's fight Friday?

Drew- that's my brother nigga fuck I look like missing one of his fights if I'm in town?

Quran- yo momma gonna be there?

He said smirking and i kicked him

Drew- nigga stop playin with me

Reese- No disrespect bro but ya momma is finer than a muthafucka

He said laughing and dapping Quran I laughed and nodded

Drew- yea say that shit in front of my pops and see what happens!

Quran- nahhh we good!

Reese- Yeah we straight! Aye guess who I ran into!

Drew- who?

Reese- the Nivea chick!

Drew- uhhh okay?!

I said laughing Quran passed me the blunt and I took a puff inhaling and then exhaling

Quran- I ain't gone lie she be looking good!

Reese- Yea real good!

Drew- I'm tryna figure out why would I care?

I said taking another puff passing it to Reese this time holding in the smoke alil longer before exhaling slowly

Quran- Yu don't wanna hit one last time?

Reese- right! Before Yu get married! Because after Yu get married it's just Yu and Libra

Drew- and that's how I want it to be... Aint nobody thinking about Nivea Libra is the only girl I can see myself with

Quran - Awww shut up nigga! With allat sensitive bullshit!

He said punching me and I laughed but seriously tho I meant what I said despite me and Libra not being on the best terms at the moment! It was late when I got home or my parents house should I say😂 but I did that hoping Libra would be asleep but boy was I wrong she was sitting up waiting on me🙄

Libra- where Yu been Andrew?

Drew- I was out with my niggas ... just kicken back at the studio

Libra- any girls there?

I sighed putting my hands on my head

Drew- No Libra! Don't start cha shit I'm tired and wanna go to sleep

Libra- That's Cause Yu lying! Yu and yo dog ass friends prolly had bitches all in there!

Drew- Libra please.... I wasn't with no bitches...

Libra- Do Yu even wanna get married Andrew? I feel like Yu changed your mind...

Drew- why would Yu even ask me that?!

Libra- because you're acting different! Yu don't wanna help plan the wedding we don't even talk about the wedding it's jus like whatever.... so answer the question!

Drew-When I give it to Yu , Yu don't like it so why would I offer an opinion? I'm letting Yu plan everything how Yu want to

Libra- But it's not jus my wedding ... Yu needa be there too Andrew!

Drew- alright Libra!

Libra- all Yu wanna do is be around your stupid friends or be in the studio away from me! All Yu do is avoid me or barely give me attention!

Drew- Really libra?! I avoid Yu? Ion give Yu attention?!

Libra- Yup! Yu always come in late so Yu don't have to talk to me! If this is how it's gonna be I don't wanna marry Yu!

I looked at her and nodded

Drew- what we not gonna do is Yu throwing shit up in my face or hanging shit over my head if Yu don't wanna marry me Yu dont have to Libra it's so simple

Libra- you're the one that acts like Yu don't wanna marry me

Drew- I really don't care I jus wanna go to sleep Libra

Libra- so Yu don't care Andrew?

Drew- Ima be real witchu I don't.... like I said it's soo simple make up ya fuckin mind

I said Laying on my side of the bed closing my eyes falling into a deep sleep!

*the next day*

I haven't talked to Libra all day and it seems like she's tryna avoid me honestly I wish we never went to visit her dad because this drama wouldn't even exist if it wasn't for that! I walked in the kitchen and she was in there talking about me to my mom as always! How I know? Because when I walked in everything got quiet

Kay- Andrew...

Drew- Yes mom?

Kay- Yu need to have a seat and talk to ya fiancé and that's all I'm gonna say!

She said standing up walking outta the kitchen I sighed and Libra looked up at me motioning for me to sit down so I took a seat

Libra- Andrew we cant go on like this! We need to stop avoiding each other

Drew- I ain't avoiding Yu Libra

Libra- Yu are! Like I said Yu never around me anymore and Yu barely give me attention!

Drew- Well when I'm around Yu all Yu do is yell at me

Libra- I'm yelling for a reason Andrew! Did Yu ever think bout that??

Drew- Nope!

I said sarcastically and she sighed putting her hands on her head

Libra- Yu really starting to get on my nerves

Drew- And Yu Been getting on mine!

Libra- Wowww Andrew really?yu really gonna say that to me??

Drew- why is it that Yu can say or do whatever to me but when I do it back I'm the bad guy?!

Libra-Be a fucking man!

Drew- I'm not a man?!

I said looking at her and she got quiet

Drew- Nah don't get quiet now say that again! 

Libra- We argue too much Andrew....

Drew- yea I know .... like too much!

Libra- I'm sorry... I know I'm not always the nicest person...

Drew- I'm sorry too.... I know I can be stubborn and nonchalant

Libra- We're still learning Andrew... we don't have it all this is still fresh to us we're 18 tryna plan a wedding

Drew- so what chu saying Libra?

Libra- I'm saying it's okay to argue long as we bounce back and do what we gotta do! Andrew it's not jus my wedding Yu gotta help me.... Don't chu wanna get married?

Drew- Yes.... If I didn't want to I wouldn't have asked.... I ain't backing out so Yu can't back out either we're gonna do this....

Libra- okay...

She said With a small smile and I kissed her cheek

Drew- we can start now if Yu want to...

Libra- I'd like that... move closer babe

I moved closer to her and she pecked my lips I pecked her back and we started looking over some stuff for the wedding while she talked and pointed out stuff I was paying attention and giving my honest opinion but i was really Admiring her beauty😂❤️

Authors note

Hey loves! 😘

Sorry I really rushed getting this chapter out because I'm busy asf doing soo much😂😂

But sorry for any errors lemme know what chu think😘😘😘

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