The Pack Slut's Rejected [wat...

By spicemeup

1.2M 41.6K 10K

*This is written by a 14/15 year old. You have been warned* Allysa. Also known As the 'Pack Slut'. Having gro... More

The Pack Slut's Rejected
P r o l o g u e : C h a p t e r [ 1 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 ]
C h a p t e r [ 3 ]
C h a p t e r [ 4 ]
C h a p t e r [ 5 ]
C h a p t e r [ 6 ]
C h a p t e r [ 7 ]
C h a p t e r [ 8 ]
C h a p t e r [ 9 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 0 ]
A u t h o r s N o t e
C h a p t e r [ 1 1 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 2 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 3 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 4 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 5 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 7 ]
Q & A & Explanations
C h a p t e r [ 1 8 ]
C h a p t e r [ 1 9 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 0 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 1 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 2 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 3 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 4 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 5 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 6 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 7 & 2 8 ]
C h a p t e r [ 2 9 ]
It's not over!
C h a p t e r [ 3 0 ]

C h a p t e r [ 1 6 ]

40.8K 1.5K 459
By spicemeup

Thanks guys for your comments I was really nervous about the previous chapter. I was planning on deleting it.  But it got the most comments so I’m happy. I told you I'll update quick!

I don’t know if you guys saw this but I’m reposting this from the previous chapter.

I’ve realized some people actually want me to respond to them so if you have any questions or just want me to reply back to something type “RA” (Stands for Ryder Allysa) before you say it. (Hopefully I’ll see it, a lot of junk is stored in my news feed)

I will be posting a chapter to answer any questions so comment or message me.

Check out my new book Adam’s Eve. Further details are given below.

Here’s your chapter.


Chapter [16]:




           Tomorrow is Ryder Black’s birthday. The day he would finally turn into his wolf.

           And well today is seeing him after five months. Would he have missed me at all?

           No Allysa, you are not allowed to pine over him.

           Besides he and the whole pack probably threw a party. I rolled my eyes envisioning them all clinking glasses and toasting in the absence of the whore.

           My mother, father, Claire and Luke waited outside the pack house with the rest of our pack a few metres behind us. Co- relation month was tricky. On one hand it was where werewolves of different packs bond and form allies, but on the other hand,  we werewolves didn’t fucking trust each other. Security measures had to be taken and all of us had to be checked thoroughly for weapons or for anything that would make them suspect us of trying to kill them.  

          After that the entire pack came out to greet us. Every single one. Why? Because despite what everyone says; strength does lie in numbers. And if one of the packs meeting up turns out to be psychos then we can defend ourselves. If by two months we have come to trust them we can renew a mind link with their pack and thus officially form allies.

           The sun came out.

           And so did they.

          Alpha Richard was the first to come out and then his Luna and then Ryder. Whispers were heard. The pack saw me. I saw Ryder lift up his nose and the ever so slight scrunch of his nose showed that he could sense me. He knew I was here. His eyes met mine and he froze.

          Or maybe we were having a cliché moment. Time froze and all that, you know? He looked so baffled but some part of me wants to believe he looked relieved as well. Some part of me was relieved when I saw he was fine. He was okay.

          “Greetings. You are our guests and from now on we shall be training together. We shall learn values and each other’s cultures. We shall attain peace and become united in our quest to conquer evil. We welcome you humbly to our pack- the greatest pack in the world.” I rolled my eyes at Alpha Richard’s showing off.

            Dude there are about a thousand packs who claim they have the greatest pack in the world. It’s all bullshit. Jack snorted through the mind link.


          “Ah there’s nothing much to say. Richard’s said it all. I suppose me, Richard and our Lunas shall confer between us what’s going to happen in the next two months? Even though my son is in power and has been given the title he still has to learn the ropes.” My father smiled amiably.

          “Ah that is correct. Do follow me. We shall discuss in our very own conference centre.”

          And with that they walked in the pack house leaving us here alone to mingle. Damn it.

          “I’m Luke Castonova and this is Allysa Castonova.” He said polite as always.

            “Castonova? What the fuck?” Ah and here we go.

            Beth opened her mouth to say something but Ryder beat her to it. “What the actual fuck? Did you fuck him and end up married to him? Sounds like something you would do.”

            Beth nodded furiously and added, “Sorry for calling you a whore all those times. I didn't realize a lack of love from your parents leaves a hole in your heart that only dicks can fill.”

            “Nice one babe!” Derek fist pumped the air. The whole pack laughed and I could feel my eyes burn in shame. It was my weak spot and they hit it dead centre.

            Luke stepped in front of me with Jack right behind him. “Look here you damned stuck up brat. She’s my fucking sister.” Que in gasps. “ And I don’t want you fucking with her. One stuck up nose raised against her I swear I will rip it off and shove it down your throat. Girl or no girl.”

             Beth gulped and Derek growled protectively and stood in front of her, eye to eye with Luke. “Don’t you dare mess with her. We all knew Clarks- Castonova was too weak to be Luna anyway.” He then looked behind us with distaste. “But I guess anything’s better than a shitty human.”

           “Ohhh shit’s going down.” Kellie murmured.

            In a blink of an eye Luke had him throttled to the ground with his hands wrapped around Derek’s neck. “Luke calm down!” Claire yelled pushing us aside so she could get to him. “It’s alright.” She put her hand on his chest and he backed off immediately.

            “I don’t understand.” Ryder said dumbfound completely missing the fact that my brother had almost killed his best friend. “She’s your sister?”

            Jack sneered, “Aren’t you slow?”

            Ryder narrowed his eyes angrily at Jack. Jack flipped him the finger and suddenly smirked. He then went and pulled me closer towards him and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Oh soon to be Alpha of the greatest pack in the world! Show us our rooms! Allysa and I will share.”

            “No!” Ryder shouted, clenching his fists furiously.

            “Yes!” Jack screamed back, imitating him causing our pack to snicker. I’ll admit, I was enjoying this.

              “Get your fucking hands of her.”

             “Why? I heard she’s mate-less.” He smirked again stressing on the word mate. Ryder then realized everyone was watching, and that he was acting mighty suspicious so he backed down and muttered in defeat. “I’ll show you.”

              Good little dog.  Kellie mind-linked.


          We were having lunch. And it was quite funny honestly. The two packs remained seated at totally opposite ends of the hall. I won’t be surprised if co-relation month ended soon. Luke got up, “Done with my lunch, going to check out this shitty place’s training ground. Want to join me?” To my surprise the entire pack wanted to go. Except for me.

           That training ground was also where the worst fights occurred. Fights which would leave me with scratches and punches from other female members. They would have no mercy. And it wasn’t like I could get help; I had to treat them on my own.

            “No thanks I think I’d rather stay here.”

             “You sure?”


              “Alright then. See you later.”

              I nodded and took another bit of my apple. They all got up and left and since there was no one else here except for the other pack. I thought about how I was before. Insecure with a false mask of confidence.


             It was Ryder.

             I looked up and stared into his green eyes. Call me a creep, but I had almost forgotten how perfect they looked.

             “I’m sorry.” He said.

              I blinked. “What?”

              “I know I rejected you-“

               Ryder was cut off suddenly.

              “She’s your mate? And you fucking rejected her? Dude that’s awesome!” Ryder froze and assessed the situation behind him. It seemed as if Derek had followed him to see what he was up to.

             “This is the fucking shit!” He bellowed, almost to the point where tears where coming out. “She’s probably going to kill herself!”

              I thought he had gone too far.

              But he had only just begun.

              “Ryder, I’m so proud of you. Announcing you rejected her in front of everyone? Priceless.” Hailey laughed. And it was my turn to freeze. “You fucking planned this.” I said lowly. He widened his eyes. “No!”

             “You did this…haven’t you had enough?” Tears were pouring out but no one cared. It only fuelled their laughter. “You are sick.” I told him.

              “Allysa I…” He pleaded, not wanting to say much in front of his pack.

              “No Ryder. I’m done with your shit. And just for your information.” I leaned in, “You’ don’t deserve to be Alpha. You never will.”

              No one took my insults seriously when I was crying so I did what I did best.

             I ran.

            I closed my eyes trying to blink the tears away leaning against the wall.

            But it’s as if I could never escape the whispers of people around me.


            “Why’s that whore crying?”

            “Didn’t you hear? The Pack Slut’s Rejected.”



How was this chapter?

Hope you guys liked it.

Guys please check out Adam’s Eve which is another book I posted. I would love if you gave me your honest review on it <3

Celeste is a heavenly being and she has the been assigned one certain boy named Adam who was a bully who commited suicide. Her job was to decide whether he was to go heaven or hell.

She thought the choice was simple, he should go to hell he was a bully after all.

But perhaps there was more to Adam than she thought.

And more to their relationship than she could ever imagine



Thanks Guys <3

Till later,



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