broken is a beautiful sound.

By SinkBird

249 3 1


broken is a beautiful sound.

249 3 1
By SinkBird

Broken is a beautiful sound

Says the angel that touches the ground

The sound of growing,

The sound of strength

The sound of knowing

Your furthest length

Being pushed to bottom floor

Gives ability to get up once more

Broken is a beautiful sound,

Says the demon to reach the ground,

The sound of loss,

The sound of pain

The sound you'll cross,

Once more, once again

Giving ability to pull you faster,

Because you seem like the perfect disaster

Broken is a beautiful sound

Says the human, whose life is bound,

Twisted, morbid thoughts we think

Leave us standing on the brink,

Of execution, non-existence

Leaving humanity, in far distance

Leaving us once more, rebound                                                         

Broken is a beautiful sound...

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