Redemption |complete| (SasuSa...

By Mel55_59

510K 14.6K 13.7K

(Complete) Sasuke comes back to Konoha after a journey seeking atonement and redemption. Finally becoming the... More

The Rise of Buried Emotions
Strangers or Friends
The Breaking Point
Drinking her Way to Forgiveness
A Journey Ahead of Us
The Delicate Features
The Creation of a Dimension
Arrival in the Lava Dimension
The Labyrinth
I will get her back
He was always the right choice
Stay here
A feeling of vulnerability
The one who turned 20
She wanted to enjoy things as they were
I know what I feel
I am not coming back
Don't make it harder, please
The Land of Birds
You're home now
You better ask her out
That was all it mattered
Timeline 2
I'm happy that you are here with me
Say it
Back to Tsuchigumo
Isn't he the most beautiful
Medical Ninjutsu
The escape
Is this the right time?
What was a part of him
The day before
You are part of my heritage now
Then Don't (Lemon version)
Then Don't (No Lemon)
Maybe next time
Hold him closer
New Theory
Tell her that I am sorry
The little boy in the dark room
The second one who turned 20
Are you trying to kill me (Lemon)
Team 7 reunited
Mission starts
The answer
What does it look like?
First night on mission (Lemon)
Me or no one else?
To keep you safe
Week seven?
A castle appears
Back home
A new treatment
I'm a child when I'm bored
I love you (Lemon)
Snowball fight and Susanoo
Final Countdown
Welcome to our world
I wish you the best
Back to Konoha
Just let me hold you
There is something I want to say
Ten weeks
The Uchiha Compound
You are not real
Bright Orange
Take it off (Lemon)
Take it off (no lemon)
Sai and Sasuke
The festival
Please think about it
The bird without a letter ("soft lemon")
A symbolic promise
A pointless thing to do
The threat
Do we have a plan?
Are you two bickering?
I will love you, always
I'm back (Lemon)
Let's play
You know what to do (soft lemon)
Beg me (soft lemon)
I'm sorry for hurting you
I am a bad mother
The Fight
Until her birthday
He will wait for Sakura
Be quiet (Strong lemon)
Preparation for the night
Game on
A bittersweet birthday party
A final goodbye
27 years old
The year of the new beginning
Until we meet again (soft lemon)

The Talk

4.6K 89 95
By Mel55_59

(Warning! Rated soft lemon I guess because masturbation is implied.)

Wednesday, 6th of February. Sarada is still 4 years old.

"Mama? Mamaaaa?!"

Sakura jumped out of her dream into reality. She looked around and realized that she was still in bed, wearing Sasuke's t-shirt only. Sakura barely even had time to pull down the t-shirt to cover her legs that Sarada ran into the bedroom and jumped on the bed.

"Mama!" she gave her a hug.

"How are you doing? Did you have a good night?"

"Yes! Dada came to Uncle Naruto's house and told me to go home with him."

"Long time ago?"

"No, just now. Dada?"

She blushed instantly feeling embarrassed to see Sasuke especially after what happened the previous night. When she felt his presence in the room, she kept staring at the blanket to avoid making eye contact.

"Mama, dada said we're going to park. Come with us!"

"Oh, uhm..." she tried to find an excuse to avoid that. "I have to get ready and I have to go to work."

"I went to the hospital to tell them you felt sick."

Her head snapped at him. "I'm a doctor, I shouldn't miss work because I feel sick."

"Sakura, you slept all day. It's 1 in the afternoon." she stared at him until the information got to her brain and as soon as it did, her eyes widened and he gave her a smirk. "You obviously needed some rest."

She looked down to the blanket again and remembered how quickly she fell asleep last night. Yes, she had definitely needed some sleep.

She saw Sarada standing in the mattress and she started to jump, throwing her arms in the air.

"Let's go park! Let's go park! Let's go park!"

"Sarada stop jumping on the bed, you can hurt yourself. You can go to the park with your dad, I have things to do here."


She jumped out of the bed and ran out of the room.

"Why are you avoiding me?" his voice sounded calm, not worried, but she still avoided looking at him. "Is it because of last night?"

She felt stupid for feeling embarrassed, especially because he had seen her naked and vulnerable multiple times, but never in the way he did the night before. "I'm not avoiding you." she replied with a small voice.

"Yes you are. Did I do something wrong? I thought that it was what you wanted."

"No!" she stopped him but realized that she didn't know how to continue so she closed her mouth.

"That's not what you wanted me to do?" he asked with a quiet voice.

"Yes, I mean, yes. You didn't do anything wrong it's just..." she stayed quiet.

"You are embarrassed."

"No!" she lifted her head up. "I'm not embarrassed." to prove her point, she tried to hold his graze, but the thought of what she had seen in the mirror last night flooded her brain and she looked at the blanket again. "Are you not... disgusted by me?" she asked ashamed.

"Why would I be disgusted by you?" she couldn't face him so she continued to look at the blanket that her fingers were nervously playing with.

"Because of... you know.... what happened."

"Sakura, I'm the one who asked you to do what you did."

"Yes but-"

"I'm not disgusted by you."

"Dada! Let's go to park!" Sarada shouted from the living room. Sasuke smiled at Sakura. He repeated his last sentence.

"Sakura, I am not disgusted by you."

"But how can you look at me? I can't look at you without thinking of last night."

"Good, I wanted you to remember it." he turned his back on her and added something before going out. "I remember everything too. I remember things that you couldn't even see. We will be back later, take a shower and calm down."

Just like that he left her in bed. Sakura waited until she heard the entrance door closing and when it did, she got out of bed. She barely had time to stand that she fell back on the mattress surprised by the shot of pain that irradiated in her body. She identified the source of it and it came from between her legs.

"What the hell?" her healing green light took care of the pain until it disappeared. "Well, that's a first."

She walked to the bathroom and got undressed. She gave a look to the mirror and remembered everything. She remembered how she held the sink until her joint became painful.

Her hand moved to her throat and she gently grabbed it the way he did. Her fingers caressed where his lay and she finally spotted the lovebites on her neck and shoulders. She couldn't even remember when he made them. She smiled as she looked at them and made them disappear by using her medical Jutsu.

She shook her head and walked into the shower to wash herself. The water hitting her skin and the heat didn't help the thoughts that were poisoning her mind. She could feel him on her, she could feel his hand on her hip, him inside of her and his lips circling the ice running over her body.

She felt her insides twitch at the thought of it and naturally her hand travelled down. As soon as the first stroke started, she threw her head back in pleasure.

"Sasuke." she whispered.


Sarada was sitting on the swing and he was pushing her like he did back when he had to mind her. She was laughing and he wondered why Sakura had told him that Sarada became closed off and reserved. She seemed the same to him. His daughter was screaming every time the swing was going up.

"Dada higher!"

He rose an eyebrow. It was already going pretty high and he was scared that she would fall.

"Sarada, Sakura is probably waiting for us to get home."




"Hn?" he stopped the swing and helped her to get down from it.

"Why mama was weird when we arrived?"

He wanted to laugh but he realized that he quickly had to find an excuse. How could he explain to a five year old that her mom was embarrassed because of what had happened the night before.

"She is tired."

"Why is she tired?" she asked as she walked by his side.

"Because she didn't sleep."

"Why she didn't sleep?" her little hand grabbed his.

"Because she wasn't tired."

"But why she tired now?"

"Because she didn't sleep." he was starting to lose his patience.

"But you said she didn't sleep because she wasn't tired. Why is she tired?" he sighed.

"Sarada, if you don't sleep because you're not tired, you are tired when you wake up because you didn't sleep enough."


"Because that's how we function."


"I don't know, ask your mom. She is the doctor."


"Because she wanted to be one."


"Ask her." his voice had probably sounded colder than it expected.


He rolled his eyes. A part of him missed the time when she could only make noises. He could improvise a conversation but now, he had no choice but to reply to what she was saying. He cared deeply for her, he just needed to get used the new her.

They got home shortly after and when they did, Sakura was cooking something in the kitchen.

"I go play in my bedroom!" she shouted as she ran there.

Sasuke walked in the kitchen and sat on one of the seats.

"If I hear one more why, I will go insane."


He snapped his head to her feeling the anger taking over his body. Sakura turned around a winked. "I'm joking, I know how tiring it is when she keeps asking why to everything you say."

"To make her stop, I told her to ask you."

"You what?!" she spun around, her eyes wide opened.

"I didn't know how to stop her."

"And you thought that telling her to go to me was going to make things better?"

"Better for me, yes. You know how to handle this, I don't and I am not as patient when it comes to little children."

"You could learn."

"It's more fun if I see you struggle."

"Well, because you're so inclined to see me struggle, we'll see how you handle things tonight."

"What is happening tonight?"

"Boruto is sleeping over. Hinata will drop him at 7 so enjoy your free afternoon," she walked up to him with her cooking spoon in her hand. "Enjoy the quietness of the house." she stopped in front of him and kneeled down. "Enjoy it because you probably won't get any sleep tonight." she ran her hand on his thigh. He shivered under her touch. "By tomorrow morning, you will think that the "why questions" of Sarada are a blessing."

"What do you mean?" he swallowed his saliva with difficulty.

"Boruto has a lot of energy and by a lot of energy, I mean a lot of energy."

"But he was sleeping last night."

"And that will make it worse. He's well rested."

She winked and stood back up.

"I always have the forest."

"Oh no you don't. You're staying with me and you're going to help me handle the two of them. You get enough breaks when you leave, now that you're here you deal with it."

"Don't make me want to leave again." he said with a smirk. Sakura laughed and moved back to her cooking pot.

He spent the rest of the afternoon watching her cook. She oddly reminded him of his mother. His mother used to speak, her back facing a younger version of him, while cooking the dinner.

He admired the length and colour of Sakura's hair against her new outfit. She had decided to switch her new work outfit for something more feminine than before. It was a red top, covering her neck. The bottom was hidden under a large black belt that outlined her tiny waist. A light pink skirt covered half of her thighs and it was fully open on the sides. She was hiding her legs with some extremely tight black trousers. It made her hips curvier and added some length to her legs. She was showing no skin, no parts that could physically attract him, but even then he was still feeling the need to touch her body. He smiled at the embroidery on the top of her back.

"When did you make that?" he asked.

"Make what?"

"The crest. When did you get it done?"

"Few months after you left. At first I didn't know if I wanted to wear it but then I realized that I loved you and even if you were away, I was still going to love you."


"Do you like it?"


He watched as she turned around and graciously walked to him. He always wondered how he could still be fascinated by her movements even after all this time. How he could still be attracted to her and how he still craved her touch.

She stopped in front of him and poked his nose with her finger.

"I know what you mean when you say "hn", but I'd still love to hear you say these things out loud. I'm not sure you told me you loved me since you got back."


"Sasuke! You didn't say that you loved me! I said that I had missed you and you didn't even say it back."

"I did."

"No, you said "hn". I even told you that you were beautiful and you didn't say it back. you never say it." she was pouting and Sasuke wondered since when she needed to feel reassured.

"Why do you need me to say these things?" he asked.

"Because when you lived with me, I could see the way you looked at me, I could feel it when you touched me and I don't know... I... just knew it."

"Didn't I make it clear last night?"

"No..." she sat on a seat in front of him. "It's not that it's just that you're acting different than you did before. You're like you used to be before everything happened between us and... I am scared that you came back because you have a daughter and that's it."

"You don't think I came back for you?"

"I don't know because I have no way of knowing how you feel anymore... It might be stupid but it bothers me."

"Sakura, my feelings haven't changed."

"Maybe but it feels nice to hear it especially because I haven't seen you in so long and I love you and I am not scared of saying it. I care about you-."

"I told you that it was nice seeing you."

"Yes but- oh you know what? Whatever, I won't force you. If you don't feel like saying it then I wouldn't want you to feel like you have to force yourself with me when you get back to Konoha. You're here to rest and spend time with your daughter. This house will always be open to you."

She stood up and walked to her pot. Sasuke silently followed her and grabbed her hair. She stopped in her tracks.

"Sakura." he stood closer to her until his mouth was near her ear. He took in her scent.


"I love you." it was a soft whisper but it was enough to make her turn around.

"Did you just-"

"And I like your new clothes."

"Do you really? I mean I can change something if you don't like it." her entire smile illuminated her face and he did not regret saying what he was feeling on the inside. He loved seeing her smile like that.

"No, it suits you."

She gently leaned in and kissed him. "I love you too." she said as her lips brushed his.

He gave her another kiss.

"Thank you." she murmured against his lips. "Thank you for coming back."

"Thank you for all of this." he replied as he took a step back.


Soooo to move the story forward, Sasuke will have to leave soon... I already hate that..

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