
By HaveFaith101

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(ONGOING STORY, updates are once/twice a week) Freedom, that's all she ever wanted. She never expected to fi... More

Introduction to the book


701 20 4
By HaveFaith101

You don't have to say you love me
I just wanna tell you something
Lately, you've been on my mind
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Oh, honey
I'd walk through fire for you
Just let me adore you
Like it's the only thing I'll ever do

-Harry Styles

Alaric's eyes clouded as he stared at me. Gold flecks danced in the warm chocolate pools of his eyes, and he swallowed hard.

I couldn't tell what he was thinking, but thankfully I could feel it. The feelings of happiness and amazement washed through me, as Alaric continued to stare at me in awe.

"Beautiful, as always," Alaric breathed taking my hand and brushing his lips across my knuckles. My heartbeat sped up, just as I felt my cheeks heat up. Swiftly, he pulled me into him; never taking his eyes off me. "You're taller." He commented, eyeing my platform wedges with a raised brow.

"Ah, it's been a while since I wore heels, just promise me you'll catch me if I fall?" I teased.

Alaric smiled, flashing his pearly white teeth. "Always, love."

I noticed that Alaric's outfit was different and he caught me staring. "I changed at the pack office, I wanted to give you space and time to get ready, after your shopping trip with Victoria-"

"How did you kn-"

He gave me a knowing look as if I should have known the answer to my question. "I know everything that goes on, Valerie."

How could I forget, Alaric was the Demon Alpha, of course, he knew everything that went on in his land. I shook away my thoughts and glanced down at Alaric's watch. "Should we go?"

With a nod of his head, Alaric laced his fingers with mine and led us out of the house and to his car.

The drive to the restaurant was pleasant, Alaric and I made small conversation; with the radio playing in the background.

After around half an hour of driving, Alaric pulled into a car park. The restaurant was located near, and it resembled more of a grand hotel than a place to eat. It was extremely fancy-looking and expensive. We entered the restaurant and given a table, by the maitre d', in a discreet area with no one else seated near us.

The restaurant had an intimate feel to it, soft music playing in the background and the lighting was dimmed, by the candlelit areas. Shining silver chandeliers hung from the ceiling, where necessary. I couldn't help but stare at the chandelier in the centre of the room, that seemed larger than the other ones. Its crystal lights dangled, glittering streams of soft light through the vast room.

"It is eyecatching," Alaric said, as he caught me staring and I averted my gaze.

"Have you been here before?" I asked Alaric, as he helped me into my seat and pushed the chair in, his fingers brushing against my back slightly. Small tingles shot through my spine and I shivered.

"When it first opened," he replied, taking his own seat.

The menus had been placed on the table and I glanced down; noticing the established date of 1914... that was over a hundred years ago. I wasn't surprised that Alaric had been present at the opening but surprised that he hadn't been here in a century.

"What are you thinking?" He asked, sitting back in his chair.

"Why haven't you come here sooner?" My tone came out accusingly, and I let out a nervous laugh to attempt to cover up.

Alaric scratched the side of his neck. "I had no reason to do so." He looked down at the menu and bought it closer to him. "A lot has changed in a century."

I laughed. "I don't doubt that."

Within a few seconds, Alaric and I weren't alone, Through my peripheral vision, I saw a waiter start to approach. He stood nearer to me, than Alaric and I looked up; instantly feeling out of place. The second the waiter stared at me, well more importantly my eyes; I knew this wasn't going to end well.

The waiter, with the name-tag Ian, locked eyes with me, his normal blue eyes widened and his mouth fell open slightly. He looked as if he wanted to make a remark, but as soon as he heard the deep rumbling growl from Alaric, his mouth clammed shut. I looked from the waiter back to Alaric, feeling his irritation through the mate bond.

"Stop fucking staring!" Alaric snapped at him, red flecks starting to appear in his eyes.

With a heavy sigh, I pleaded Alaric with my eyes to stay calm. "Hey, it's fine," I half-smiled before turning to the waiter. "They're just contacts. I wanted to match my dress."

I had no idea where the excuse came from, but it was good enough because the waiter relaxed and nodded his head. "They look so real-"

From the corner of my eye, Alaric gave me a hard look, his eyes narrowing. "Valerie-"

"Can you come back in ten minutes," I said to the waiter. He nodded his head and scrambled away.

Alaric wasted no time and stated his mind in a disapproving tone. "You shouldn't have said that I thought we were past your insecurities with your eye colour-"

"Alaric, you took us to a human restaurant!" I blurted out. "Obviously, people will stare at me. Purple is not a normal eye colour! It would've been wise to stay in Regnum, regardless of how the pack act towards you."

With a clench of his jaw, Alaric furrowed his brows together. "This is our first real date, and you'd rather it be in the eyes of our pack?"

"I don't care Alaric, it's not an issue with me," I breathed out. "But you have to understand that no one ever saw my eye colour, how people react to it isn't easy for me."

The fiery flecks danced around in his eyes, notifying me that Alaric was on edge. "You shouldn't care about what anyone thinks, wolf or human their opinion does not matter."

I didn't reply, I just maintained eye contact with Alaric. He was right but only to an extent.

"I'm still going to say they're contact lenses if anyone makes a fuss," I huffed. Alaric rolled his eyes and clenched his jaw. His eyes burned dangerously and I did the only thing I could think of; placing my hand on his.

I plucked up my courage and said, "Just relax, please don't get angry."

Due to the waiter's awkward reaction to my colour, the manager of the restaurant gave us a free bottle of champagne. It wasn't the bitter type that Alpha Richards had given me many times, this type was expensive and sweet. I sipped happily, enjoying the way the alcohol tingled in my mouth.

The waiter came back, keeping his head down. "So what would you like?"

I glanced down at the menu realising that I hadn't looked at it properly. I picked the first thing that caught my eye. "Erm, I'll have the prawn linguine."

The waiter wrote down my order and turned to Alaric.

"Fillet steak, rare," Alaric answered, shoving his menu into the server's chest.

I glared at him, my eyes narrowing. He was still annoyed with the waiter but yet he didn't have to be rude.

"You're not relaxed or calm," I mentioned, as Alaric refilled my glass. He rolled his eyes, refilling his own glass.

"Distract me then," he shrugged.

I swallowed hard, feeling put on the spot. I scanned my brain thinking of topics to talk about. I knew a lot about Alaric, but I felt as if I didn't know enough.

Clearing my throat, I pushed my hair behind my back. "You must have travelled a lot in your life, where have you been?"

A look of surprise washed on Alaric's face, and he smiled at me. "Of all things to ask me," he teased. "I've been all over, Valerie."

"Yeah, but where?" I asked again. "I've never even left the Shields territory until you whisked me away."

For a long moment, Alaric stared at me. I wasn't sure if he was feeling pity, and if he did I didn't want him to feel bad for me. "I promise I won't be jealous if you've seen all seven wonders of the world."

Alaric shook his head, a small frown appearing on his forehead. "It's not that, love."

"Then what?" I pressed, feeling like I was digging for information.

Alaric sighed heavily, shaking his head. "Nothing love." He took a sip of his champagne, swallowing hard. "To answer your question, I've been to every continent, Africa to Asia, Europe to America."

My eyes widened, and I couldn't help but smile. "Every continent but not every country?"

Alaric chuckled. "I'm an Alpha, Valerie. I've never had time to go to every country. None of the trips were for my own sake."

I wasn't sure what he meant by that, but I didn't have time to question it as our food was soon placed in front of us. The delicious smell of spicy tomato sauce engulfed my nose and I looked down at the neatly presented food in front of me. The thinly coated linguine, with pink king prawns, made my mouth water and I didn't realise I was hungry until my stomach rumbled.

"I hope you enjoy," The waiter said, more to me than Alaric, and scurried off.

We ate in silence for a few moments, until I spoke; feeling the need to get something off my chest.

"It must have been nice to experience so much of the world," I stated, twirling my fork into the linguine.

"It had its perks I suppose," Alaric said dismissively, cutting a piece of his steak.

I quirked an eyebrow in interest. "You don't seem proud of what you've seen?"

"I'm not, because I wasn't able to experience it with you."Alaric thought carefully about his words, I could tell that it wasn't what he really wanted to say.

I swallowed hard, not knowing what to say, so I just popped a piece of prawn into my mouth and chewed.

"Anyways I wanted to talk to you about a particular event," Alaric informed me, placing his knife and fork down. "Our mating ceremony will need to occur on the next full moon-"

"That's next week though!" I said alarmed, my fork falling onto my plate. My mind started to race, and I could feel panic surge through me.

He raised an eyebrow. "Yes, why do you say that like it is a predicament?"

"Because the next full moon is when my heat will happen," I answered, feeling the hairs on my arms stick up. I hated heat with a passion, the pain that came from it was unbearable. The feelings of desire and lust were too much to control.

"Well we could always make sure that heat never has to occur again," he said suggestively.

I swallowed hard, instantly knowing what he was insinuating. I couldn't help but look away from Alaric. I looked down at my lap, locking my fingers together.

"Does that make you uncomfortable?" I raised my head, at his words, avoiding eye contact.

I nodded my head. "It shouldn't, but it does," I said honestly. "It's just... I think we shouldn't force mating, it should happen naturally when we both have stronger feelings for each other..."

I didn't miss the way Alaric's eyes flickered. "I don't mean to offend you-"

"You can never offend me, Valerie," Alaric stated. "I made a promise to you, to be more understanding."

"I don't want you to think that I don't care about you, I do... just give me more time."

"I'll give you all the time you need, love." The reassurance in his eyes was what I needed. "I believe we will grow closer as time progresses, I just don't want you to regret anything-"

"Valerie, when it comes to being intimate with you; regret will be the last thing on my mind," his words were smooth like velvet laced with honey.

I nodded my head, feeling reassured. Alaric smiled warmly and gestured to my plate. "Finish your food, love."

After fifteen minutes, I sunk back in my chair feeling full and satisfied. "Do you think you could make that dish for me?" I asked Alaric, with hopeful eyes.

Alaric smirked, raising an eyebrow. "Trust me, love, I'll make it ten times better."

I didn't doubt him for a second, Alaric's cookery skills were beyond amazing.

The music playing in the background suddenly seemed louder. It was soft and slow, with a romantic touch to it. With my wolf hearing, I was able to appreciate the music more, and it really was beautiful to listen to.

Suddenly, Alaric arose and walked around the table to stand near me. He extended his hand out, for me to take. "Dance with me, little mate."

I wasted no time and placed my hand in his. Alaric led us to an area where other couples were dancing together. No other couple paid us attention and I exhaled knowing that I wouldn't have to feel uncomfortable.

"I don't know how to dance," I mumbled, as we settled near the centre of the dancefloor.

"I'll teach you, just follow my lead," Alaric smiled, placing my left hand on top of his shoulder, as he gripped my waist with one hand and clasped our free hands together.

"When I step back, you step forward with your right foot first," Alaric whispered as he straightened up. "When I step forward, you step back."

I gave Alaric an unsure look. "You do know I lack in the coordination department, I'm going to step on your foot, for sure!"

"Stop worrying, little mate," he smirked. "Just feel, don't think. One step at a time."

It was obvious that Alaric was experienced in dancing, he probably had many opportunities where he had to dance as he was born in the thirteenth century. He didn't even look down at his feet like I did, it was like his feet had a mind of their own.

Eventually, we fell into step and the dancing came naturally. Alaric led and I followed his every step, no longer looking down at our feet but deep into his captivating, brown eyes.

We allowed the rhythm of slow music to control our movements. Everyone and everything around us dissolved and for the rest of the song, it felt as if Alaric and I were the only two people left.

Alaric's warm eyes twinkled in contentment, a perfect smile spread across his handsome face. His smile was infectious, forcing me to smile too.

Uncontrollable feelings splurged through my body, as my fingers tingled in delight. The mate bond electrified through me like a rush, warming every inch of my body. Alaric's hand gently brushed across my cheek, and my waist felt cold from where he removed his hold so suddenly. It was as if his body was acting on its own, needing to touch me and feel my skin.

Alaric drew me closer, and I wrapped my arms around his neck, just as he enclosed his arms around the small of my back. As I gazed up into his eyes, a few stray locks of hair fell over my cheeks.  I moved my hand to brush the hair away but his hand clutched onto mine and gently laid it onto his shoulder. With a delicate touch, he tucked the stray locks of dark hair behind my ears.

I sighed, feeling surprised. "You know how to be chivalrous and romantic when you want."

"Only for you, Valerie," Alaric hummed in response and I leaned my head against his chest breathing in his addictive scent.

Time passed, as we lost ourselves in the music. I was comfortable in Alaric's warm arms, he held me tight; never releasing his hold.

My eyes eventually felt heavy, and as I looked back up gold flecks danced around in Alaric's eyes. He leaned down, planting his full lips against mine, holding me tight into the kiss.

"Are you tired, love?" He murmured against my lips. I nodded my head lazily, tightening my grip around his neck.

Alaric didn't pull away from me, he only held me tighter and closer to him if that was even possible. Slowly, he peppered kisses all across my face until he reached my forehead.

"Let's go home, little mate," Alaric whispered against my forehead. I nodded my head sleepily, feeling Alaric pull away from me for a brief second. He urged me into his side, wrapping a strong arm around my waist. He left a wad of cash at our table and then led us out of the restaurant.

My emotions felt intense and overwhelming like I had a sudden burst of euphoria.

"Do you know something, Ric," I mumbled, my feet feeling numb in the platform wedges.

"What's that love?" He asked.

"I think I might be f-"

"Hush Valerie!" Alaric blurted out in a harsh whisper as he stopped dead in his tracks and inhaled deeply, tightening his hold on me. 

I blinked hard and cowered into his side. "Alaric?"

He breathed in deeply, nostrils flaring whilst he closed his eyes. "There's a vampire here."

Fear prickled at every cell in my body. My eyes winded and I felt my heart hammering in my chest as my body slowly became numb.

In my mind, all I could see was my first encounter with the Vampire who wanted to kill me and now another one was near.

Alaric's attention zeroed in on his car, and where an individual leaned against the bonnet. I slowly looked up and saw his lips curl into a snarl. I quickly tilted my head down, as fear clouded my mind and I couldn't help but shake in terror. Within a quick second, Alaric pushed me behind him hiding me away with his built frame.

"If you value your fucking pathetic life, you'll kindly fuck off," Alaric snapped, venom dripping off every single word.

"Is the Great Demon Alpha, allowing my life to be spared?" The vampire cackled. "After all, you get off by murdering us  Vamps."

Without thinking, I stepped from beside Alaric's back and stood beside him, pressing my body into his side. "What do you want?" I asked the vampire. My voice was shaky and instantly I felt as if my throat was starting to close up.

The Vampire zeroed his gaze onto me, his dark eyes scanned me up and down. I watched as his mouth widened into a manic grin. "Ah, your purple-eyed mate does speak?" The vampire teased. "Rumour has it, you cut out her tongue!"

I shuddered at his words but kept my gaze on him. This vampire was different from the first one I encountered. Unlike the other one, this one seemed more presentable and put together. However, just like the other vampire, his eyes were dark and lifeless, with a crazed glint. The maniacal gleam in his eyes was piercing, prickling terror through me. His hair was platinum blonde, with shaved sides and he was dressed quite raggedly.

I breathed in, my nostrils flaring as the scent of bitter copper and rust, stained my nose. In a whimper, I uttered out. "I smell-"

"Human blood," Alaric finished my sentence. "The bastard is high off it," Alaric declared. "You filthy bloodsucker!"

"Well I was starving," the vampire shrugged. "Regardless, I don't mean harm, I only wish to talk."

"There are many things I detest in life, one being a conversation with a bloodsucker! Do you have a death wish!" Alaric growled. I could feel his body shaking as if he would half-shift or even fully shift at any given moment.

The vampire tsked and smirked at me, completely ignoring what Alaric had said. "I come with a message from Marcel." At the mention of the name Marcel, Alaric's body stiffened and he tensed beside me.

"Your beauty of a mate will die a horrific death, it is fated to happen. Why do you think individuals with purple eyes no longer exist?" The vampire stated. "They are all fucking dead, and your pretty mate will follow suit!"

I felt Alaric's claws extend out, the sound was was like hearing nails on a chalkboard. Alaric's body continued to shake, and I gripped onto him; trying to relax him. I couldn't speak, all I could do was hear the Vampire speak.

"Great Demon Alpha, you cannot prevent the death of your mate. It's sad really, after six hundred years you find her, only for her to die!" he sneered, shaking his head in disappointment.

"I've entertained this vile bastard for far too long," Alaric muttered darkly under his breath, his voice was deeper and hoarse. "Turn away, Valerie!"

I didn't turn away, the vampire's next words had me frozen on the spot.

"I have an idea, why don't I put her out of her misery now?" The vampire suggested, with a raise of his eyebrows, his sharp canines extending. "I'll make it painless and quick!"

Suddenly, fiery heat of anger was all I could feel. The only thing was that I felt fear rather than anger. Through the mate bond, Alaric's hate and anger channelled through me.

"VALERIE TURN AROUND NOW!" Alaric roared. I didn't waste one single second in turning around to avoid seeing the brutal death of the Vampire, at the hands of Alaric. My body felt heavy, and I wobbled in my heels and ended up falling onto the concrete hard floor. I huddled my small body and tried to drown out the noise of Alaric's brutal violence.

The screams of the vampire filled my ears and I knew that Alaric wasn't making his death painless or quick.

Strong warm arms engulfed my body, as the sparks of the mate bond tingled soothingly. "Hey, sweetheart, it's over, he won't touch you."

He looked over at me, making sure I wasn't hurt but inside I felt mentally scarred. I kept my gaze diverted down at the ground, as Alaric helped me up. He fished for his phone out of his pocket and quickly called someone. He made sure that I was turned away from the dead vampire, hidden away from the violence that he had created.

"Elijah, I need you and Adam to dispose of a dead bloodsucker," Alaric said as soon as Elijah answered the phone. "Make sure you burn the fucking corpse and make it look like an accident."

"I need it done ASAP!" Alaric spat out, and ended the call.

"Why, Alaric?" I asked, as soon as he ended the call.

" Why did this happen," I cried.

I wanted to cry into his chest, but as soon as I sniffed; I smelt blood. My eyes scanned Alaric, and I tried not to wince as I saw black blood all over Alaric. I tried my hardest not to let the vomit at the back of my throat come out. Instead, I breathed in heavily, holding back tears.

"The vampires want revenge, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it for you," he said honestly. "Let's go home."

The car ride home was silent I couldn't say a single word and Alaric didn't say a single thing, as he drove fast, back to Regnum.

I couldn't even get out of the car myself, Alaric had carried me out in his arms. He didn't put me down until we were in the lounge. Placing me gently on the sofa, he told me that he would be back soon. He needed to get cleaned up, after all, he was covered in blood. It was on his expensive clothes and even some on his face.

Before Alaric left to shower, he helped me take off my platform wedges and gave me a strong drink of whiskey. I didn't touch the drink, even though it would've helped to relax me.

I sat in silence, staring into space. Silent tears streamed down my face, as I realised what had happened. It was enough to drive a person crazy.

Feeling cold and numb, I wrapped my arms around myself and pulled my knees into my chest. So many thoughts washed through my mind. My thoughts circled around the fact that vampires wanted me dead, but I would die regardless because of my purple eyes.

I felt my wolf surface to the front of my mind, with her head hanging down. I could feel her emotions so clearly, she was sad and confused. I didn't blame her for feeling confused, because I too was puzzled.

It's okay, we're gonna be fine. I felt the need to say something to her, even though we couldn't communicate, only feel each other's feelings. My wolf swished her tail as if she was accepting what I said but I could tell that she was still sad and angry.

"Love?" Alaric's voice uttered out. "Are you alright?"

I jumped at the sound of his voice and turned my head to the doorframe where Alaric stood, looking clean with no traces of blood on him. He was shirtless, exposing his tan, muscled skin; and wore a pair of pyjama shorts as he always did.

"No," I shook my head. Alaric strode to me, and effortlessly picked me up and sat down on the couch. He set me down on his lap and I curled up around him. Alaric's arms wrapped around me, engulfing me with warmth.

"No wonder my father saw my eye colour as a weakness," I scoffed. "It'll lead me to my apparent death."

My bitter tone made Alaric tense up. "You're not going to die, Valerie."

"Then why does no one else, alive, have purple eyes?" I questioned, looking down. "Let me answer that for you because they're all dead!"

"Hey," Alaric gripped my chin tightly, forcing me to look into his eyes. "You need to breathe and relax."

"I can't-"

"Yes, you can!" He said firmly. "This is nothing to do with you, this is all on me." The fiery sparks danced in his eyes. "My acts of war and violence have put you in danger, this is a personal vendetta, Valerie. Purple eyes or not, they would still wage war because you are my mate."

"I just don't understand," I mumbled, closing my eyes tightly and clenching my fists. I didn't want to think about what had happened, but yet my mind decided to replay the events.

I opened my eyes and unclenched my fists, remembering something that the vampire had said. "Alaric, who is Marcel?"

Alaric frowned hard, clenching his jaw tightly. "What?"

"Your emotions changed, when the vampire mentioned him... do you know him?"

Alaric's face went blank, red sparks swirled in his eyes. "Five hundred years ago, there was a Vampire named Marcel. He was the head of the species, their advocate and cause for war."

"What happened to him?" I whispered, feeling as if I already knew the answer.

Alaric growled lowly. "I ripped his black heart out, made sure that his head was decapitated from his body and threw the pieces into a blazing fire."

Alaric's body started to feel hot and I shifted on his lap, as his warmth transferred to me. I swallowed the dryness in my throat and uttered out, what was on my mind. "The vampire spoke as if this Marcel is still alive-"

"That's because he probably is," Alaric snarled darkly. I glanced up seeing the red in his eyes, take over what was left of the brown.

How was this vampire elder still alive, if Alaric killed him and made sure that he was burned and ripped apart?

Before I could say anything, Alaric breathed in heavily. His arms tightened around me and in his eyes, I saw him push his wolf away. The warm brown was slowly coming back, forcing the blazing red away.

Alaric breathed in again and exhaled slowly. "I'll find out what the hell is going on, but I don't want you to worry Valerie," he said.

I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "How can I not worry, when there's a dead vampire leader who wants me dead?"

"No one will touch you, I swear it."

I wanted to belive Alaric, but I just had doubts at the back of my mind. No one knew how many Vampires were in existence. No one knew where their leader, Marcel was. No one knew, when they would come back and if they would come back, with an army.

The thoughts spiralled in my head, and I could slowly feel a huge headache coming along. "I don't think I can sleep tonight," I muttered.

"Well you have to because I don't sing lullabies or read bedtime stories," He said seriously.

Shaking my head at his words, I huffed. "Then what do you do?"

Alaric looked at me for a brief second, before he smirked at me. "This."

He leaned in, capturing my lips in a dominating kiss.

He didn't give me a chance to respond to the kiss, because he soon changed the pressure, his arms snaking around my body holding me tight. One hand tangled itself into my hair, holding my head in place. Our lips moved fast against each other, and I pushed myself to keep up with his pace. His kiss soon became bruising and controlling. Alaric held all the power, as he skillfully slid his tongue through the seams of my lips, before meeting my own.

Alaric's hand that wasn't tangled in my hair, brushed up and down on my back, sending little sparks through me. Alaric pulled away, kissing down my neck till he reached his claim on my neck. He bit down slightly, and I gasped out at the searing pleasure that came from his primal action. He kissed back up to my lips, planting his mouth firmly back onto mine.

I pulled away, keeping my head down. Alaric's touch and kiss were a distraction but as soon as I pulled away, my mind raced.

The fatigue and tiredness I felt, hit me like a ton of bricks being dropped. My body slumped against Alaric's and all of a sudden it felt almost impossible to keep my head up. The energy I had, was long gone; drowned by Alaric's fierce kisses. I needed his touch, he allowed me to forget for a short time.

"Let's go to bed," Alaric said, placing his arm under my knees and standing up.

When Alaric reached the bedroom, he didn't bother to turn the lights on. He placed me on the bed and passed me my pyjamas, and turned away.

Once I was dressed, Alaric turned around and settled in the bed next to me; pulling the duvet over us. He pulled me into his embrace, with my back to his front and an arm slung over my stomach and I laid my hand over his.

There was one question burning up in my mind.

"Will you declare another war?"

Alaric exhaled sharply, against my neck. "It's likely."

My breath felt stifled in my throat. I tightened my hand around Alaric's, my throat feeling dry.

Anger pulsed through Alaric, and through our bond. "I can't let this go, the vampire species were meant to be extinct, Valerie."

I trapped my bottom lip in between my teeth, closing my eyes against his words.

I didn't know if it was fear that I was feeling or something else.

"Go to sleep, love. I don't want you to think about it and I refuse to discuss this further in our bed," Alaric said. Although his voice was soft in my ears, I knew there was a deep anger fueling inside of him.

Alaric was a hot-headed Alpha, driven by power and dominance. I already knew he was capable of carnage and destruction but at that moment, I didn't want to know just how far he could go.

"Sleep, my Valerie," Alaric soothed in my ear. "You've got nothing to worry about."


Soo.. how was the chapter?

I'm starting to hate these damn vampires, they just won't leave Valerie and Alaric alone!

Please VOTE and COMMENT, I love reading what you guys think and it really motivates me to write :D

I hope you're having a lovely, day or evening!! :)

Stay safe, and take care.

Until the next chapter x

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