CINDE, The Kings Mate (boyxbo...

By BigNeptune

4.7M 188K 40.3K

Cinde, that's his name. A slave to his family and to anyone he might know. When the eclipse comes to town the... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Follow Up

Chapter Nine

201K 8K 2K
By BigNeptune

[A/N] I just want to say this may not be a great chapter, this is my first time writing a sex scene. I also may move it to an X-rated CINDE to make sure this one stays [PG-13] unless anyone minds. 

      There was a serene silence as Veldore approached me, un-robing as he went.

      I could do nothing but stare, almost in a daze, at him as he undressed. Every sound and every movement he made seemed amplified, liked no one else in the world existed. Even in my position... No, especially in my position, I felt a slip of lust drug my system and taunt me.

      He stopped at the bed, pulling off his black under shirt to reveal a wall of rippling muscle and soft tan skin. My eyes wandered over his chest until I felt his eyes on mine, catching me in the act.

      I felt my face redden in embarrassment. He only stared back at me, a twinkle dancing in his ever darkening eyes. Behind his collected, imperturbable demeanor I knew emotion was a flame on a pedestal.

      He climbed onto the bed and pressed a hand on either side of my head. Even if he hadn't been towering over me I doubted I would ever have noticed anything else moving in the room... In the world, but him. 

      I felt seconds slip by as I took in the perfection of his handsome features. And somehow everything seemed to slowly slip away beside me.

      He pressed his lips against me with his right hand cupping my cheek.

      Sparks flew through me. Who knew a kiss to soft could feel so wild? Even chained to the bed and in a temporary state of denial, I knew I wanted him, I just wasn't sure I was ready.

      I felt him pull me closer and drag his teeth along my bottom lip. I gasped and he took the moment to slip his tongue in, tangling it with mine. I groaned, I wanted to reach out around him. Encase him in my arms. Trace his muscular torso.

      When he at last broke the kiss, my mind felt numb. I could think of little else but the craving for more.

      I returned, somewhat, to my wits when he began to unbutton the clothes I was given to wear.

      My need to be free of the chains was greater than that of staying quiet and letting the night play out as it was intended to.

      "Your majesty-" I began, he glared at me and covered my mouth with a hand.

      "It is Veldore, or nothing. You will not be so damned formal with me Cinde, whether you want to be my mate or not."

      "V-Veldore, I do want to be your mate, please don't be rash, release me of these chains!" I pleaded.

      "No." He replied, stubborn as any man would be to sell a farm of cows to pirate for a feather.

      "Please, you- y- V- Veldore I did not mean to run from you! I was not rejecting you! Please do not think that of me!"

      He surprised me by letting his hands roam my body as he replied, almost unaware of his hands snaking movements.

      "No of course, I should have noticed you where stepping on coals and it was but reflex to break into a death fearing run."

      It took me a while to notice he was being sarcastic, maybe because of how serious an expression he wore, or maybe because his hands had now found they're way up to my upper chest and where circling my nipples, making it painfully hard to think rationally.

      "I... Was... Not running from..." I gasped and moaned simultaneously as he began to softly stroke my nipples, sparks ever present rushing like aphrodisiac through straight to my mind. "You!" I managed to finish.

      "Who. Who where you running from then. Because I distinctly remember you looking at me when you ran through those palace doors." He lent in close to me and I felt his breath upon my skin. "Kings don't get rejected Cinde, Alpha's don't get rejected." 

      He lent even further in and let his teeth scrape across my neck as he began slowly searching for my soft spot.

      "I'm not lying, please believe me when I say I was running from your-" I gasped as he found it and began to bite. Nothing at this point could stop me from moaning loudly, something that made me blush like a forest wild fire. I felt my sanity tremble under my fingers as his teeth pierced through the soft skin and pull at it slightly. Never had I felt a desire so strong as I had at that moment.

      "Your?" He asked, in the short second he pulled away.

      "Pl-l-lease... Stop please!" I shivered as I spoke, trembling under his touch. "I can't- I can't think when you do that!"

      I saw a smile break free on his face like a renegade color. Small, rebellious and somehow charming. Looking down on me with so much love. So much of an emotion I had never been given before, from anyone.

      I saw him leaning back in and yelled out. "Your brother! Veldore! I was running from your brother not you!" Before his lips could reach my face.

      "Eddergan?" He asked, brow raised and a furious fire ready to ignite in his eyes.

      I nodded my head vigorously. "I will interrogate you later on this." He growled. "For now I will believe you." He finished, and I sighed in relief.

      "Then could you pl-" I began, he pressed his lips down on mine and slipped his tongue in once again. This time his hands began to slip lower and lower down my body till they brushed lightly against my privates. I blushed. He ripped off the night dress, its buttons flying all all possible directions. Then his hand slipped inside the shorts and clasped around my penis, slipping a finger up from the base to the tip. I moaned, wishing more than ever that my hands where free to roam his body as his where.

      When be began to stroke the need was unbearable. Every sensible thought flew from my mind like a trapped canary bird from a cage. Every rational piece of logic lost in the fuzzy state my mind slipped in to.

      My waist bucked upward as I moaned, the only thing keeping me still where the chains that remained pressing tight against my skin.

      I looked up at him, gasping for air. My cheeks where flushed, hair ruffled, lips burning. "Release me from these chains." I whispered.

      Something in him melted at seeing me like that, for whatever reason he did not tally in raising one strong hand and ripping the chains in half like a true alpha. One must never doubt they're unnatural power.

      To show my appreciation I did what I would never come to admit I had wanted to do for a while. I brushed my hand softly against his privates, feeling them harden through the black fabric. I began moving up and down slightly when he clasped his hand against my wrist. Just when I thought he was about to stop me he pulled me closer, I obliged.

      He let the remainders of his clothes fall at his feat and over the side of the bed as he towered over me. His eyes by this point where black and I felt myself sinking in to them.

      He pushed me close up aside him and ripped off the shorts. And when I say ripped I mean ripped, they where cast to the side with the seam torn open.

      Even through the eyes of lust itself that had seemingly taken my body I felt myself shy away as I saw what was about to go in me. I was no longer frightened of loosing my virginity, now the thing that scared me was what was about to take it.

      I looked down at what was standing still in front of me as he pulled my legs further apart.

      He was... He was... Well endowed... I blushed at my own thoughts and look back up, my eyes clenched in expectation.

      He lent in close and slipped his hands around my waist. "Calm." He whispered in my ear before he broke in. I gasped in pain and felt tears break free from my closed eyes.

      "No!" I gasp in a whisper. He began to move, slowly in and out, like he was trying to match my breathing. The air felt caught in my throat as every vessel in me was concentrating on ignoring the pain.

      However as he began to move the pain slowly fell behind as a mere memory, whether it was slightly numb or whether the pleasure I was undergoing became too much for me to notice its hard to tell.

      I felt my fingers tingling as I gripped the bed sheets with a force that should have shredded them.

      Suddenly the world before me wavered and invisible sparks traveled through my body as I arched my back instinctively, pressing myself into him as we came.

      The smell of our mingling scent's filled the room like perfume. The wolf in me finally seemed to lay still in a peaceful slumber, I hadn't even noticed how uneasy my wolf must have previously been.

      My head felt dizzy, partly with the heat and party with the massive euphoria that left me feeling almost uncomfortably happy as I fell asleep snuggled in his arms, breathing softly into his chest as his arms slid possessively over my sides pulling me closer.

      I didn't even notice my lids shelter my eyes before I fell asleep.

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