The Turnabout of Hope Book 1:...

By DreamersWriters

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Phoenix Wright becomes a defense attorney and finds himself in the most intense yet completely strange cases... More

Notes for this Story
Chapter 1: My First Trial
Chapter 2: The Intern
Chapter 4: Turnabout of Sweets and Self-Love
Chapter 5: Think About the Past
Chapter 6: About the Past
Chapter 7: Turnabout Von Karma Truth Part 1
Chapter 8: The Von Karma Truth Part 2
Chapter 9: The Von Karma Truth Part 3
Chapter 10: A Mystic Introduction
Chapter 11: Two Sides
Chapter 12: A Deceased and A Spy
Chapter 13: Fey Family Fault
Chapter 14: The Interpol Case
Chapter 15: Escaping Evil Clutches
Chapter 16: The Turnabout of Saving!
Chapter 17: Returning Home
Chapter 18: Calling a Friend and Foe
Chapter 19: Discovering the Truth
Chapter 20: Turnabout of Points!
Chapter 21: Saying Goodbye to the Past and Hello to the Future
Thank You!
Chapter 22: The Chief Calls for Help
Chapter 23: Investigating a Corrupt Crime Scene
Chapter 24: The Turnabout of Real Truth!
Chapter 25: The Turnabout Terror and Demon Prosecutor's Victory
Chapter 26: Back to Work, With a Side of Justice!
Chapter 27: Unexpected but Expected
Chapter 28: The Turnabout of Wishes!
Chapter 29: Learning from the Best, Right? Wright?
Chapter 30: Even a Small Case is a Case
Chapter 31: The Turnabout of Plunders!
Chapter 32: Athena Cykes is Ready to Go!
Chapter 33: Cooking Up Disasters
-Thank You Again!-
Chapter 34: The Turnabout of Feasts!
Chapter 35: Too Many Invitations
Chapter 36: A Dance to NOT Forget!
Chapter 37: Magic is in the Air!
Chapter 38: The Ball Transforms
Chapter 39: The Turnabout of New Truth!
Chapter 40: A Serene Ending
Epilogue: A Puzzling Foe
Bonus Chapter 1: Nightlife Freunds on New Years!
Bonus Chapter 2: Be A Girl, Pastel Heroines!
Bonus Chapter 3: Apollo and Athena Finally Get Together!
Bonus Chapter 4: A Christmas Exchange
Author's Note

Chapter 3: Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth

167 4 17
By DreamersWriters

(Ah, our favorite prosecutor makes his debut! Honestly, Miles reminded me of Riku. The two of them had the most shown character development in their respective series, and you can tell. However, we are stuck with cocky, rude Miles for a bit! Also, I was so surprised to discover he had his own two games. Like, that's pretty incredible! Just like Riku.... Huh... Interesting. Either way, let's enjoy this chapter on our favorite prosecutor's debut! Eureka!)

Fey and Law Co Offices, Main Lobby

October 20, 10:00 AM

(Phoenix's POV)

                 Just as my boss instructed, I began to work with the Magatama. Those locks are called psyche-locks and can tell me if a person is hiding something from me.

"Now, in order to break the locks, you have to prove they are hiding something from you. You can do this by presenting evidence or some kind of proof. The lock should break. Let's try it with me. Are you ready, Phoenix?" chief asked me seriously as faced me.

"Yes!" I said determinedly as Makoto was taking some notes about some cases.

"Alright. I don't know anything about my family. I have never mentioned them" chief said with a smile as the two psyche - locks and chains appeared around her.

Ok, you've got this Phoenix. I gripped the magatama tightly as I slowly relived my chief's phone.

"TAKE THAT!" I shouted loudly as I presented the phone, "Just this morning, you had a conversation with your little sister. You did mention talking about her as you walked into the office!"

Just like that, one of the psyche – locks broke. Alright! I did it!

"Not bad! Now, I am not very close to them either. I don't have a strong bond with them" she said to me with a shake of her head.

I felt through my pockets to pull out a family photo of hers she always keeps with her at her desk.

"Oh, I don't believe that" I said as I revealed the photo to my chief, "This photo proves that you do have a close bond with them for two reasons! The first reason is that how crumpled it looks. That means you take it out often to look at it. The second reason is how recent this photo was taken. It was just last month! That proves you do have a strong bond with your family and even go out together on festive dates to hang out!"

With that, the second psyche-lock breaks! The chains vanished as chief smiles at me.

"You did it, Phoenix. Good job! You now know how to use the magatama. Use it to defend others and find the truth" chief said with a smile as Makoto clapped in delight.

I scratched the back of my neck nervously. I was just grateful I was able to learn how to use this. Now, I just have to use it during trial and use it to find the truth. Just then, the doors to the office burst open to reveal a very worried scruffy man.

"Detective Gumshoes?" chief asked surprised as Makoto helped him to sit down on the couch.

"Well, I have a job for you. A very good friend of mine is arrested for a murder" he explained to us as we gasped in shock, "Her name is Maggey Byrde. She's a police officer. She was caught it a terrible murder and now, she's accused! Please help her! She didn't kill anyone! She couldn't! She is too nice and works to defend others!"

This sounds like a huge problem. Chief closed her eyes and pondered on this for a moment.

"Alright, we will take this case" she said determinedly, "Detective Gumshoes please take us to the Detention Center!"

Makoto and I were very shocked about this as we followed her and the detective to the detention center.

Detention Center, Visitor's Room

October 20, 10:30 AM

Chief took a seat and waited for a moment. Then, the doors opened to reveal a young woman wearing a police uniform. She had brown hairs and eyes with a pair of glasses on her face.

"Oh, wow! I knew you were going to get a defense attorney, but I didn't think you would get the Mia Fey to defend me! Good job Dick! Maybe my luck is starting to turn around!" Maggey exclaimed in delight.

We all smiled at her. That's right! Chief is the best! She can handle any case that comes her way!

"Actually, I won't be defending you" chief said with a bright smile, "This case is going to be handled by new employee, Phoenix Wright!"

We all screamed at her suggestion. I just barely got through my first trial! How am I supposed to get through this one?!

"Are you sure about that?! You're way better than him!" Detective Gumshoes shouted.

"And once again, my bad luck returns..." Maggey said in a defeated tone.

"Yeah! Chief, you are better than me! Are you sure you want to do this?!" I added worriedly.

"Phoenix" chief said calmly, "I know you can do this. You now have your special ability with you. Makoto and I will stand at your side too. You can do this. I know you can"

Well, she puts it like that, it does make me feel like I can do this. Also, Detective Gumshoes believes in her. She also seemed very relieved he came back to give her some kind of help.

"Alright, I'll do it. I'll take your case!" I said determinedly.

"Thank you so much! I'll do everything I can to help you!" Maggey said with a bright smile.

I honestly expected her to be upset about it with her luck, but she agreed to take me as her lawyer. Great! Now, I just have to figure out a way to get some evidence. I turned to Detective Gumshoes who shrugged.

"I'm sorry I can provide you with evidence since I am on the prosecutor's detective for the case. However, there is a friend who can help you with this right?" the detective said nervously as he glanced at Makoto.

I wonder who they are talking about.

Criminal Investigation Corp, Main Lobby

October 20, 10:55 AM

(Makoto's POV)

Well, I do know someone, but I am not sure she would be too happy about this entirely. We waited at the main lobby for a few seconds until a young girl clad in purple approached us.

"So, you're the ones who requested a detective? I must say, I didn't expect it to be you" she said in an unimpressed tone.

"Sorry, Kyoko! We knew this was a long short, and we needed a way to get the evidence for us to look at before the trial! Actually, when is the trial?" I asked as thought about the date.

Actually, Mr. Wright forgot to ask that too. I looked at Miss Fey who crossed her arms over her chest and waited. I guess she assumed Mr. Wright would know when the trial was too... Hahaha...

"You do realize it is tomorrow, right? How have you not prepared for it?" Kyoko asked unamused.

"We literally just took the case!" Mr. Wright defended loudly as Miss Fey laughed.

"He's not wrong. We did just take the case today. Would you mind if we looked over the evidence?" Miss Fey asked kindly.

"Very well. You should know the prosecutor already has looked over everything and believes he can win this trial with ease" Kyoko said as she motioned us to follow her.

We sighed in defeat as we went after her. We found ourselves in a very vast catalogue room. She walked to the desk near the entrance to take out a folder and a bag. She handed it to me.

"Please remember to use gloves while looking over the evidence. Also, once you are done, please return it here" she said simply as she gave it to me.

"Got it! Thank you so much Kyoko! You're amazing!" I exclaimed happily.

She nodded her head and turned it away from me quickly. I blinked a few times before shaking my head.

"Hey, do you know who the prosecutor is?" Mr. Wright asked seriously, "I haven't heard about the person I am supposed to go up against. I was wondering if you could tell me if that's ok"

Kyoko turned her head to him, nodded, and answered, "He's known as the Demon Prosecutor. You know, Miles Edgeworth. He trained under Manfred Von Karma along with his daughter, the Prodigy Prosecutor Franziska Von Karma"

I heard Miss Fey and Mr. Wright gasped in shock. Do they know him? I never really thought about it, but do the lawyers and prosecutors know each other? I feel like that wouldn't really work out well if they did, but that is just me.

"I see. Thank you for telling me, Kyoko. Now, I'll be able to focus for sure on the upcoming trial" Mr. Wright said as he took the evidence from me and turned to the office.

I went after him as Miss Fey held a very somber expression. I wonder why the mood went down all of a sudden. Do they know something about Mister Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth?

Fey and Law Co Offices, Main Lobby

October 20, 11:10 AM

(Phoenix's POV)

I was looking over the evidence as chief stepped out for a moment. Makoto was helping me look over the evidence too. Well, we have the possible murder weapon which is a blunt object of some kind. We have broken glasses and broken watch as well. I don't even have the autopsy report...

"Hey! Mr. Wright!" Makoto shouted loudly.

I jumped back and nearly dropped the case file!

"What is it, Makoto?" I asked him as I straightened myself up and looked at the intern.

"Are you ok? You and Miss Fey seemed very surprised when Kyoko talked about Mister Prosecutor Edgeworth. Did he do something to you two?" Makoto asked worriedly.

Ah, he must be worried about us. We did seem very shocked, though I am pretty sure it is for entirely different reasons. I should ask chief about it after the trial. I hope she is ok though. I better reassure Makoto that I am going to be fine.

"Don't worry, it isn't anything bad, I promise" I said calmly, "I'll tell you everything after the trial is done, and when we have downtime, ok?"

He nodded his head, and then, he went to helping me sort the evidence out. I took some notes and jotted down what I was going to say in court tomorrow. After a few hours, I noticed it was 3:30 pm and chief wasn't back yet. I hope she's ok. I turned to Makoto who yawned loudly and patted his mouth. He must be pretty tired on his second day here.

"Hey, why don't you turn in for the day, ok? You need to get to the courthouse bright and early tomorrow. You have the time and address, right?" I asked him gently as he rubbed his eyes and took out his phone.

He then handed it to me. I saw his notes page. It was filled with important locations. I saw that he had the courthouse address and the time I was going to be there before the trial began. I handed it back to him.

"Good job, I'll you tomorrow. Have a nice evening, Makoto" I said with a grin as he nodded his head.

He gathered his belongings and then left the office. As for me, I gathered my belongings and then waited for a moment to see if chief would come back. Instead, I got a text from her instead.

Miss Fey: Sorry about leaving Phoenix. I was just in shock about that news. I'll be there for you at your trial tomorrow. You can leave after you read this text. Please lock up and get a goodnight's rest too.

I wonder what the chief knows about Edgeworth. Edgeworth... I haven't heard his name in a long time. What has become of you? What happened? I can't ignore this opportunity! This is my chance to repay you and save you! I'm going to save you, Miles Edgeworth! That's a promise!

Phoenix: Understood! I'll be there tomorrow, chief! Thank you for being there! Have a nice evening!

Malasada Shop, Outdoor Patio

October 20, 4:30 PM

(Mia's POV)

I closed my phone and placed my face in my hands. I just can't believe this. Miles Edgeworth became a prosecutor and under Von Karma no less! Diego slammed his fist on the table. He nearly knocked over our drinks and startled others looking at us from afar.

"Damnit. We should've done something after Gregory died. How could we have been so blind?" Diego said in a harsh tone as he gripped his coffee mug.

"I don't believe it either, but what could we have done? We weren't related to him, and we didn't know his son either. Raymond couldn't even get custody for him! We both know the court system wouldn't let us take him. How on earth did that wicked man get his son?! Diego, what have we done?!" I asked in despair as I hugged myself.

This can't be happening. How could we have let this happen? Gregory was our friend and working with us on the Manfred cases. We should've done something to make sure his son wasn't going to end up with that horrible man. I felt Diego place his hand on top of mine. He rubbed it gently as I looked up at him. He held a concerned expression as his other hand held a napkin. I was crying a lot, I guess. I took the napkin and used it to dry my tears.

"Finish crying it out. Then, we will think of a way to get through to him. He was my student for a while, but he never mentioned his relationship to Manfred Von Karma. I am sure we can find a way to save him" Diego reassured me.

I nodded my head. We have to see who Miles Edgeworth is and make sure he is safe for our dear friend, Gregory.

District Courthouse, Outside Courtroom 1

October 21, 8:30 AM

(Phoenix POV)

To say I wasn't nervous is an understatement. Seriously, I am up against someone who is known as a demon in the world of the law! Get it together, Phoenix! You can do this!

"Mr. Wright!" Makoto shouted as he ran up to me.

"Oh, hey, Makoto. Did you sleep well?" I asked as I tried to appear like I was doing fine.

"Yes, I did! I am ready to do everything I can to help you!" Makoto said proudly as he stood up straight.

He's a good kid, trying to give some kind of help.

"That's very good, Makoto! For today, you will stand beside Phoenix at the defense bench" chief said with a warm smile as she faced me.

Makoto and I jumped in shock at her statement as she smiled.

"You'll have to stand at the defense bench without me, Phoenix" chief said with a smile, "And you may even take in employees as well. You should get used to doing this"

Well, she wasn't wrong, but I just didn't think it would be so soon! I stood up and nodded my head at her in agreement.

"Do you have the magatama?" she asked me as I took it out of my side pocket to show it to her, "Good. You can use it in the trial if you are in any kind of trouble. It should help you out. Now, don't forget everything I have taught you. Also, Makoto can help you as well. He might even bring some luck on your side"

I gave her a firm nod as I picked up the case file and evidence bag.

"I'll do everything I can for my client and find the truth behind this case!" I declared to her.

"That's the spirit, Phoenix. I'll take my seat in the gallery. You two prepare yourselves" she said as she left us alone.

I took in a calm breathe as Makoto gave me a firm nod. Then, the doors to the courthouse opened. It is time to step in the court, believe in my client, and find the truth behind the case!

Courthouse, Courtroom 1

October 21, 9:00 AM

Makoto and I stood at the defense bench as the gallery filled in with a bunch of spectators. The judge took his seat as he banged his gavel to silence everyone. As everyone quieted down, the doors to the prosecutor's bench opened. I held my breath as Makoto looked at the other side in a tense manner. A stack of folders slammed down on the Prosecutor's bench as the person I vowed to save stood ready. In his very light red suit with a fluffy cravat stood Miles Edgeworth. His gray hair was neatly comb as he adjusted his glasses. He opened his eyes to reveal his dark brown eyes. Then, they brought my client out and had her take her seat at the defendant's position.

The Judge banged his gavel as he said "Court is now in session for the trial of Maggey Byrde"

I cleared my throat and stated, "The defense is ready, your honor"

"As is the prosecution" Miles stated as he took a bow.

"Very well. Please give us your opening statement, Prosecutor Edgeworth" the Judge asked.

"But of course!" Miles said as he waved his hand to the screens, "The defendant, Maggey Byrde, is a police officer and charged with murdering the lead police of the station, Dustin Prince. They were doing a routine training when it took a turn for the worst when a bomb went off. The lead police made sure to get everyone out, but the defendant stayed behind and then took his life. The lead police was killed with a very blunt object, which thanks to the autopsy report, is very possible that it is a heavy and thick textbook"

Makoto nearly jumped out when he heard that Miles had the autopsy report and figured out the cause of his murder.

"But that's not true! I was beside him and got out a little later than him! I didn't kill him!" Maggey shouted from her seat.

Don't worry, I am going to prove your innocence and find the truth behind this.

"That does sound pretty tight. I almost don't see a reason for us to continue this trial, but we should hear the first witness testimony at least. Prosecutor Edgeworth, please call your first witness to the stand" the Judge said seriously.

Miles nodded his head as the doors opened to reveal Detective Dick Gumshoes! Makoto, Maggey, and I gasped in shock as he took the witness stand.

"State your name and occupation" Miles said as he took off his glasses to clean them.

"I'm Dick Gumshoes, and I am a detective. I work at the Criminal Investigation Corp" he said in a defeated manner.

It looks like even he doesn't want to testify against Maggey either. I wonder why he is then.

"Mr. Wright should you use the magatama on his testimony?" Makoto asked in a whisper.

"Hm? Why?" I asked him surprised as I glanced at him.

"What if Gumshoes hides something in his testimony or not tell the whole truth?" Makoto whispered, "He doesn't want to hurt Maggey, but Mr. Edgeworth is going to force it out of him"

Makoto has a point. Gumshoes doesn't look like he wants to testify against her. I should be ready to use the Magatama if he is hiding something from us.

"Please tell the court what was going on during your investigation" Miles said as he put his glasses back on.

"I examined the crime scene like usual. I found a bunch of books scattered along the floor along with a shiny object as well. There was also a broken watch and pair of glasses as well. Everyone else was able to escape as far as I could tell" Gumshoes said sadly.

I listened to his testimony. It sounds like he is hiding something. I'll just have to press him a bit.

"So, you said you found books and another object at the scene of the crime, right?" I asked him as I approached the detective and felt my pocket for the Magatama.

"Yeah, I did saw that at the scene of crime" the detective said as he handed a photo into evidence.

I took the photo and then placed it on the evidence table. The picture appeared on the T.V screens to reveal a bunch of books different sizes and shape scattered around in the ruined police training room as well as a silver box with some burnt and odd colored sides. Wait a minute, that could be it!

"HOLD IT!" I shouted as pointed at the detective, "What about that silver box in the photo? Couldn't that have been the murder weapon and not the books?"

Everyone gasped in shock as Miles shouted in annoyance as his glasses nearly fell from his face. It looks like I got him!

"Detective, why wasn't I told about this photo and the state of the crime scene?!" Miles shouted at him.

"Oh! I forgot! My bad!" Gumshoes shouted in a panic as Miles growled at him.

"You better expect a cut from your salary, Detective!" Miles snapped at Dick.

Dick held a hurt expression. Poor guy. I stood before my bench as slammed my hand on the bench.

"Therefore, we can confirm that the murder weapon could also be something else and not the textbook!" I shouted as I pointed my finger at the detective.

He shouted in pain as I smirked. I've got him!

"OBJECTION!" Miles shouted as he pointed at me, "Although the up and coming defense attorney does prove a point that the murder weapon could not be the one stated in the report, he has also pointed out that the defendant could've been the one to kill the leading officer"

I jumped back in shock as another photo appeared on the screens.

"That's the broken pair of glasses!" Makoto shouted in shock.

"Exactly! As you can see, your defendant isn't even wearing her regular pairs!" Miles shouted as he extended his open hand to my client.

No way! How could he tell?! I turned to Maggey with a worried look. She was wearing a completely different pair of glasses!

"Miss Byrde! What happened to your glasses?" I asked her desperately.

"These are my spare pair, yes. My actual glasses were knocked off of my face when I was helping the others escape from the training room. I knew it would be stupid to go back for it, so I continued to run" Maggey answered as she nearly stood up from her chair.

Well, that doesn't help our case if someone doesn't back us up on that claim.

"And just like the detective said, "Everyone else was able to escape as far as I could tell". Therefore, you have no way to back up your claim and prove that someone else was there" Miles smirked as he waved his index finger in front of himself.

My back is against the wall now. How am I going to prove Maggey didn't kill her commanding officer? I felt the Magatama in my pocket. No, it is still too soon for me to be using it. I can't give up. I have to believe in my client and find the truth! I just need to turn my thinking around!

"If the defense has nothing else to present, then I have no choice but to deliver my verdict" the judge said as I recalled the autopsy report.

Wait a minute! The murder weapon!

"HOLD IT!" I shouted as pointed at Miles, "The murder weapon cannot be any of the books in that picture!"

"And why is that, defense?" Miles asked seriously as he glared at me.

"Because you've stated in your own autopsy report that the murder weapon had to be "very blunt object" and you stated that it had to be a "heavy and thick textbook", prosecutor" I said as a smirk began to form on my face and slammed my hands on the bench, "That can't be the case, because NONE of those books in the photo look heavy and thick!"

"Nnnnnnggghhhhhoooooooooooooh!" Miles snapped as placed right elbow on the prosecutor's bench and his left hand on the bench.

Everyone jumped in shock as the people in the stands were in an uproar.

"The defense requests that object be brought to the courtroom to be examined!" I stated as the judge nodded his head.

"It appears this box needs to be examined thoroughly. Bailiff! Please bring that box in!" the judge shouted as he banged his gavel against the stand.

It took a while, but the silver box was brought before us. It seemed like an ordinary box, but I can't help but feel like that object is really hiding something else.

"Detective please examine the box" Miles ordered.

Gumshoes looked at the silver box carefully with his gloved hands. Makoto and I clutched the defense bench tightly. This suspense is killing me! Suddenly, the detective stopped and stared at something on it.

"What is it, Gumshoes?" I asked seriously.

"This is strange" the detective said as he showed the silver box to the court, "There is some kind of print and dust on it. I am not sure, but this seems unique"

The box had some kind of print on it and there was something black on the left edge. I wonder why.

"Is it possible that is the murder weapon?" Miles asked seriously.

"Yeah the forensics team was able to deduce that after getting a proper look at it, but they can't find any fingerprints, and these things on it are very hard to remove" Gumshoes reported as he placed it on the table.

Why couldn't they find any prints on it? That's strange.

"Well, this piece of evidence is confirmed to be the murder weapon" Miles began to say as he looked up from the update autopsy report, "But, we still have an eyewitness who claims to have seen the defendant pick up the murder weapon and head towards the victim!"

"WWWWWWWHHHHHAAAAATTTT?!" Makoto and I shouted in shock as Miles scoffed at us.

"The prosecution calls Ted Tonate to the stand" Miles announced as he extended his hands and nodded his head.

The doors to the courtroom opened to reveal a cop! He was fidgeting in place and holding a remote in his hands. Why is he fidgeting? His eyes were weird too and had a pair of red and blue lens. I wonder why.

"State your name and occupation" Miles said seriously.

"I am Ted Tonate. I am the explosives expert of the police force" he answered.

"Now, please give us your testimony" Miles said seriously as he then smirked.

Just what is he planning?

"Yes. I was escaping with everyone else as the building was going down. She crashed into me and made us drop our glasses. She picked up the silver box and turned away from us. Then, she came out of the building" Mr. Tonate said.

I can't believe how strong his testimony is! I don't if I can simply break it! Wait a minute, he could be hiding something from me. I gripped the Magatama as he repeated his testimony for us. I knew it! I saw chains and three psyche-locks forming! However, just before I could begin my cross-examination, Makoto and I gasped as our whole view changed to blue and two black pieces were floating behind Mr. Tonate.

"Don't tell me you can actually see this, Wright" Miles said annoyed, "I should've known you would be up to something, the way your hand was shuffling in your pocket. Regardless, I will find the logic behind him and receive the guilty verdict to punish criminals!"

Miles, what happened to you? He faced the witness.

"Now then, did you really see the defendant turn back into the building?" Miles asked seriously as a white chess piece floated to his side.

"Yes, I did. After she bumped into me, we both dropped our glasses. During that, she turned her head away from me" he said with a firm nod.

Miles smirked as he waited and said, "See, Wright, my pieces are strong and didn't break. That means, he is telling the truth and there is logic behind his words.

Hold on, the psyche-lock was still there!

"That's where you are wrong!" I shouted at him, "He's still hiding something!"

Makoto snapped his fingers as he went to the evidence table and took the pair of broken glasses. He handed it to me as I took a quick look at it and then at Maggey's.

"Miss Byrde, do these pair of glasses belong to you?" I asked her as I presented it to her.

She adjusted her glasses and looked at the pair.

"Actually, no. These are not my pair of glasses. I don't usually have it tinted" she said as she looked at it closely.

I turned to Makoto and nodded. I gripped the Magatama in my pocket tightly as I turned my attention to Mr. Tonate. I looked at the pair of glasses closely and realized that it had a distant red and blue tint just like the ones he was wearing!

"OBJECTION!" I shouted as one of the psyche-locks began to shake, "Mr. Tonate, you seemed pretty concerned about the glasses. Is it because these are yours?!"

The lock shattered as he yelled, "How did you come to that conclusion?! It should've been too damaged for anyone to recognize!"

"That may be true, but the lens' tints are still present. In fact, the colors are just like the current pair you are wearing as well!" I shouted as the lock broke!

Alright, one more to go!

"This is not possible!" Miles shouted as I looked behind Mr. Tonate to see one of the black pieces break!

It looks like his logic isn't as flawed as Miles thought!

"The glasses don't matter!" Mr. Tonate shouted as he began to shake violently, "She did kill him! I am sure of that! She picked up the silver box with her own hands and must've used it to beat him!"

Makoto pulled out a pair of gloves and then picked up the silver box. He bumped into the edge of the table. I thought I heard something snap, but Makoto picked himself up and held the silver box. He checked it over and nodded his head to reassure me that it was fine. I then recalled Gumshoes's words, "Yeah the forensics team was able to deduce that after getting a proper look at it, but they can't find any fingerprints, and these things on it are very hard to remove". I got him!

"TAKE THAT!" I yelled as Makoto held the silver box, "In case you weren't listening, Detective Gumshoes stated that no prints were found on the murder weapon, which goes against your statement about her picking it up with her hands!"


"This is not possible!" Miles shouted as the final black piece and my psyche- lock shattered, 'His logic is becoming clearer. He bumped into the defendant as both of them lost their respective glasses. He must've picked hers up and then fled the scene to go back to the building!"

I've got him! The blue area vanished along with the chains. Mr. Tonate was shaking even more on the stand I faced him. Everyone was silent as we waited to see what Mr. Tonate or Miles would do next.

"But one thing doesn't make sense" Makoto said as he examined the box in his hands, "What is the black stuff on it and this print?"

Maggey gasped as she jumped from her seat to exclaim, "That's bomb residue and some other strong explosive chemicals in the form a print!"

"WHAT?!" Miles, Makoto, and I exclaimed.

"We were training to find bombs and everything about it! I am sure of it! However, there was only one person who had access to that on that day!" Maggey shouted as I started to pieces things together.

"Gumshoes! Who was on the bomb detail on that day?!" I shouted as I turned to him.

He pulled out a record and searched through the names as he said, "The expert on bombs on that day was Ted Tonate!"

Everyone in the court burst into a frenzy as I pointed at Mr. Tonate, "It is time for you accept your crimes, Mr. Tonate! You are the one who killed the lead office and tried to frame my client for the murder!"

Everyone was quiet as Mr. Tonate began to shake even more! Then, he let out a strong yell as he clutched the remote to himself. Then, he raised it to his left side in his left hand as his right hand hovered the button.

"If the Judge doesn't give me a Not Guilty verdict, I will blow up the courtroom with all of us in it!" he snapped as everyone began to panic!

How did a bomb get in here?! Wait a minute! I turned to Makoto who began to tremble a bit. He was holding the bomb in his hands!

"Bailiffs get everyone out of here!" the Judge ordered as everyone fled the courtroom.

Chief didn't leave and neither did Miles and the Judge. Gumshoes rushed to Maggey's side as he gasped in shock. Maggey was currently cuffed to the chair she was at as the bailiffs left her. I can't leave her and Makoto like this. No! I have to prove her innocence and save everyone, but how can I do that?! I felt Makoto hold onto me as he nodded his head.

"I've got a good feeling about this, so don't worry about it" he reassured me with a whisper and smile.

He held a strong look as he held the silver bomb in his hands. I trust him.

"Go ahead" I said with a smirk as I stood against him, "If you're so confident that the bomb is going to do blow us up, then press the trigger"

"Phoenix!" chief shouted in shock.

"Is it possible you have placed your brain in a location which you seemed to have forgotten?!" Miles exclaimed.

"If he knew this bomb was going to be taken into court, then he should know the bomb works just fine as well. Therefore, he should be able to press that button and get out of here without feeling scared!" I stated as a smirk formed on my face, "So, go ahead and press it, Mr. Tonate!"

We held our breath and waited. Mr. Tonate pressed the button. Sweet silence filled the room. Makoto smirked as he turned the silver box over to Mr. Tonate to reveal a broken red wire sticking out!

"I noticed it the moment I held the box. The wire was cut the moment I bumped into the table. Talk about a lucky break" he said as Mr. Tonate began to tremble in place.

Mr. Tonate dropped the remote and then fell back as he let out a wail of defeat. We turned our attention to the Judge who rose from the ground.

"Well, this was certainly an interesting trial that I am sure will go down in history. I am now read to deliver my verdict on the matter. I find the defendant, Maggey Byrded, NOT GUILTY!" the Judge declared as he slammed his gavel, "Court is adjourned!"

I did it!

District Courthouse, Outside Courtroom 1

October 21, 1:00 PM

I nearly felt myself collapse as I stepped out of the courtroom.

"That was a close one!" I said as I found a seat to sit in and leaned my head back.

I need a moment for my heart to catch up with me!

"I am so glad my ability was able to help us, but I really hope we won't be in another situation like that again" Makoto commented as he sat next to me.

I glanced at me and raised an eyebrow at that statement. What ability does he have?

"Great job, Phoenix" chief said as she approached us, "I'll admit, I was even shaking when I was watching it. However, you believed in your client, pursued the truth, and turned your thinking around. You handled yourself well!"

I gave her a nervous smile as I felt embarrassed about it.

"Mr. Wright!" Maggey shouted as she bolted towards us with Gumshoes behind her and bowed, "Thank you so much! You were able to believe in me till the very end! Most of my friends wouldn't even do that with my bad luck. It was really strange, but it felt like my bad luck kind of disappeared in there"

I wonder if that has something to do with what Makoto said. I'll have to ask him about it later.

"Come on, we have to celebrate!" Gumshoes shouted as we all agreed with him.

As we left the courthouse, I turned back to see Miles leaving. I wanted to chase after him, talk to him about so much. However, he was gone. Miles, I am going to save you, just you wait and see. For now, take care, I guess. I hope our paths cross again, and I hope it is soon.

Outside Courthouse, Parking Lot

October 21, 1:05 PM

(Miles's POV)

I turned away from Phoenix and his group to depart back to my house. I can't believe I crossed paths with him and lost as well! The very nerve! It is not the Von Karma way at all! I'll have to do better to best him again in court. Mark my words, Wright, I will defeat you! As I stepped into my red Ferrari and placed my case in the passenger seat, I took my glasses off and placed it in my black glasses case. It was at that moment I realized something. Wright and his partner, Makoto, they were able to see my ability to summon a logic chess board. In turn, I was able to see chains and locks appear around the culprit. What in the blazes is going on? No, I shouldn't be focusing on this. Right now, I need to prepare for my next case and defeat Phoenix Wright! 

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