Little Secrets (Niall horan v...

By jetblacklilo

79.6K 1.7K 166

Some things in fiction books are fake to say the least and for the most part you would hope that those certai... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chpter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty one
Chapter twenty two
Chapter twenty three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight

Chapter twenty five

1K 30 7
By jetblacklilo

~Woop wopp chapter time and if you haven't heard of jack and jack then you need to go look them up and love them with me~

// Song of the chapter //

Like that ~ Jack and Jack (ft. Skate)

Niall's P.O.V

Its been two weeks sense I last saw her. I have only left the house once and have only eaten three times but that was because Perrie forced me to eat. I have dark bags under my eyes because of the lack of sleep. No one wants to be around me because all I seem to do is suck up all the joy in the room. Perrie has tired talking to me telling me that she will come back but my thoughts have gotten to the point of no return. I force myself to get out of bed and take a shower at least having the decency to smell good even if nobody else is around. I pull of my shirt that I haven't changed in three days not really caring if it smelled or not that threw it on the floor with my pants and boxers joining it soon after. I turn on the water and wait a minute for it to heat up before jumping in and letting the warm water soak up everything. The sadness and despair that has been eating me up for what feels like forever but in reality its only been two weeks. I squirt some shampoo into my hand and rub in in the hair and let it sit there for a second not really having the energy to wash it out at that exact second but soon I just stand under the water and let it wash out all by itself. I rest my head against the cold tile of the shower wall before turning off the water and hoping out and wrapping at towel around my waist as the cold bathroom air nips at my face and body. I trudge back into my room and open a drawer to find a neat stack of clean clothes sitting their and I breath out knowing that Perrie had done my laundry for me again. I really own her right now cuz without her I would be an even bigger wreck than I already am.

I make my way out of my room and down the stairs and into the living room knowing that no one was home. They were all out doing whatever they are doing because none of them wanted to stay home and deal with me and from what I heard Crystal is having the time of her life cuz Cali keeps Perrie updated for her sake even tho it hurts to not be able to see her daughter. 

I finally muster up some strength and put on some shoes and go for a walk for only the second time in two weeks. I make my way down the driveway and head towards the park hoping that I can take my mind off everything with a nice walk. I reach the park and make my way over to the small pond and sit down next to it looking out over the greenish brown water closing my eyes hoping that this was all just a bad dream that I still haven't woken up from even tho I know its not. But my eyes snap open as I hear the laugh of her. The one who stole my heart and then shattered it into a million pieces. I turn my head and see her sitting by herself at one of the old pick-nick table looking down at something on her phone. It was probable something her stupid boyfriend sent her say how much he loves her and how he loves the way she smells even after she's been working out and the way she always seems to shine even after she just wakes up. My mind goes on and on that I don't even notice her watching me until I hear her soft voice call out "Niall?"

Crystal's P.O.V

Its been two weeks sense I last saw him. The first couple of days was hard but after that I distracted myself with Walker but soon no even that could get my mind off of him and Walker seemed to notice something was off so I told him. I told him that right now I just couldn't do a relationship even if I wanted on and lucky for me he understood. He is still my best friend and we end up hanging out every day but I have always been feeling like their is something missing from me. Like I have a hole in my chest that just can't be filled my anything other than a pair of blue eyes and blond hair. I have tried everything from partying to just sleeping all day but nothing seems to have been working so I decided to take a day to myself and go for a walk.

I head to the park just to get some much needed fresh air. I love being around Walker and the other boys but sometimes a girl needs her space especially when she's the only girl living in a house full of five boys. I walk around the small pond they have and watch as the fish swim around not having a care in the world. This sounds weird but sometime I wish I could become a fish and just forget about all the problem that I have and just swim around and be free. I make my way over to one of the old wooden benches and sit down resting my elbows on the table and slouching into my hands. I pull out my phone and unlock it and open the vine app that I have. I need a good laugh and that is the way to do it. I scroll through watching some random stuff and laughing a little bit before I put my phone down and look up. My breath catches in my throat as I look dead into a pair of ocean blue eyes not even believing that they are real as I manage to ask out loud "Niall?"

I just stair at him not daring to move incase this was all just a dream but I don't want it to end. I get up and slowly make my way over to him and he stands up not moving as I make my way in front of him. Im standing right in from of him and neither of us move. We just stair at each other for what feels like an eternity but in reality it was only a couple of seconds before I almost jump into his arms. At first he doesn't respond but after a second I feel his arms wrap around me tightly and pull me close to his body. We stay like this for a couple of minutes before I pull back from him and look at his face. It looks tired and their are large bags under is eyes and his hair is way out of place like it hasn't been brushed in a long time but none the less he still is as handsome as ever. I whisper just loud enough for him to hear "I've missed you so much Niall." He looks down at me and says "I've missed you to Crystal." My hand caresses his cheek as I pull him towards me and slowly place his lips on mine. An electric shock rushes through me as I feel his lips on mine perfectly moving with mine. We brake apart and he takes my hand without a word and walks almost runs back to my old house.

He opens the door and pulls me up into his room closing the door behind me and before I know it his lips are on mine again. My legs hit the end of the bed as I fall backwards with Niall still on top of me. His lips travel from mine and onto my neck and finding my sweet spot as I let out a low moan. He nips one last time at the new mark that he has made on me before finding my lips again with his. His hands find the hem of my shirt as he lifts it up and lets his hands wonder along my chest until the shirt has reached my neck and with a little help from me it was now on the floor somewhere around the bed. His eyes trail me as he licks his lips before is eyes meet mine again. I don't give him a chance to say anything before I flip us over and no i'm straddling him, looking down into his bright blue eyes. My hands lined the hem of his shirt and pull it up and over his head before I plant a kiss on this lips and make my way down starting at his shoulder and leave a trail of kisses down his stomach till I reach the waistband of his pants before I stop before glancing up at him through my eye lashes and slowly unbutton his pants. I slide them down and let him kick them the rest of the way off and onto the floor. I palm his through this boxers and wait till his boxers are about to burst before I leave the bulge come back up and kiss him on the lips. He looks at me and half growls "Now don't you think that was a little rude to leave my like this?" I smile sweetly at him before kissing him again and whispering in his ear "But then I wont get the pleasure of enjoying it." And with that he flips us over again so that he is now on top holding me down with his weight as he practically rips off my pants. We lay their now in only our undergarments at I watch Niall reach over and pull a condom out of his nightstand and ripping it open. He then slides off his boxers and I take off my panties and I watch as he slides it on his rock solid manhood. He looks at me as he positions to enter looking at me if asking for permission and I just nod letting him know that its ok. He slowly pushes in and I have to hold back a yell from the pain. I fist the sheets as he slowly starts pumping in and out. I took him a second before he got a solid rhythm. Little moans escaped my lips at he speed up. I could feel a burning sensation in the pit of my stomach. I manage to say "Niall Im about to..." before I release and its only a couple seconds later that he soon joins me in riding out my high. He pulls out and ties the condom off and throws it into the trashcan before coming up and laying next to me pulling me into him as we lay their catching our breath. He pulls the covers over us and switches of the light and I curl up into him hoping that today would never end.

~That was my first time ever writing smut so I hope you liked it!~

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