Pit-A-Pat ( Kuroo x OC fanfic...

By MissCoffeeMonster

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Kuroo Tetsurou Fanfiction NOTE: I don't own some of the character names Synopsis Kuroo Tetsurou and Kou (O/C... More

Chapter 1 - Hate, Kuroo and Tsukishima
Chapter 2 - Rumor
Chapter 3 - She
Chapter 4 - Misunderstood
Chapter 5 - Worst
Chapter 6 - What's wrong?
Chapter 7 - Sugar
Chapter 9 - Fluttering
Chapter 10 - Today is day one
Chapter 11 - First Date, my heart is racing

Chapter 8 - Home Visitors

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By MissCoffeeMonster

"Is this your new house, Lev?" Kou asked as they stood in front of a two story house. "This isn't far from Kenma's and same way on ours."

"This isn't his house, nee-chan." Kei said.

"So... it's yours?" she pointed at Yaku.

Kou, Kei, Yua, Yaku, Lev, Kenma and Tora were together to have a group study since the three - Lev, Kenma and Tora - have difficulties on some subjects.

Coach Nekomata asks for her and Kei's help to arrange a study meeting since the principal warns them that if one member of the team fails just one test, they won't be able to join the upcoming Summer Training Camp. In her part, Yaku offered her that he could help her in Chemistry that's why she really agreed on this.

Yaku pinned the passcode of the house's door lock.

"Now, I'll agree that you're cute, Morisuke, but are you stupid? What kind of passcode was that?" Kou laughed, seeing the code he pinned was '0000.' "I won't be surprised if I'll hear you got robbed."

Kei and Yua laughed.

"Thanks for finally saying that I'm cute but I'm not stupid, the owner was."


"This isn't my house." Yaku entered and the others followed.


"Let's just go inside, onee-chan." Yua grabs Kou's arms, pulling her inside.

"We're here!" the libero shouted, going to the kitchen with grocery bags.

"I think he's still asleep." Tora said. "Should I wake him up, Yaku-san?"

"Nah, you don't need to do that." Kenma sat on a chair at the kitchen, pulling out his psp and starts to play. "I'm sure he's already awake, he's just in his room, lying down with pressed pillows on his head so he couldn't hear us."

"We are aware of that Kenma. I'm sure if Tora didn't came to get you, you'll be just like him and definitely you won't be here." Yaku said.

The setter paused his game and glared on Tora. "Don't do that again. You're lucky you're not alone at that time."

"Come on... Don't get mad at me... it was not my fault. Admit it. You get up not because I forced you to... it's obvious, it's because Kou-senpai was there with me."

Yaku laughed. "I still can't believe you're scared of her."

"I'm not scared of her."

"Oh yah. If that's the case then why are you so kind to her?"

"It's simply because of video games." Tora answered.

"Really? Just because of that?"

Kenma looked at Yaku with crossed brows.

"Yaku-san... it's not 'just because of that'... Kenma here." Tora put his hand on Kenma's shoulder but the setter immediately shoves it away. "As I was saying... Kenma never meet anyone who could match his level... you know, someone to be treated as his rival."

"Whoa~" the third year gasped, turning to see this innocent looking girl sitting on a couch - he knows it's just by her looks, but she's actually the opposite of meek. "Don't tell me, Kou-chi..."

Nekoma's ace nodded few times. "One time, he ask her for a match and surprisingly... for the very first time... he lost."

"Seriously? Kou Tsukishima?"

"It's 20/19 now in favor of me." Kenma said with a closed lip smile.

"See." Tora pointed at the blonde boy's grinning face. "Kou-senpai was like a female version of Kenma Kozume. She barely play publicly, she just play occasionally but she's really good. Right Kenma?"

Kenma just nodded.

"I thought Hana was just kidding." Yaku smiled, looking on the others settled on the living room.

"Sit here Yua." Kei said, pulling Yua on a separate couch with him on the living room.

"Seriously, Lev... isn't this your house?"

Kou look around the house which seems to be not a Japanese style house.

"I've been with Akane on Tora's house so I'm sure this wasn't his. If this isn't yours then maybe it's Nobuyuki's."

"It's not mine or Kai-san... It's-"


"Hmph!" Kou turns when someone spoke from behind but it was just for a second, she look away immediately.

"Yua, don't look." Kei warns and his girlfriend obeyed, staying her gaze on him.

"Wear some shirt Kuro." Kenma said, throwing a towel on their shirtless Captain.

The half naked bedhead went down the stairs, not care caring on his appearance.

"Aren't you guys too early?" Kuroo asked after yawning, scratching his head.

"This is his house???" Kou told to herself, staring blankly on the window.

"It's 9 a.m. man." Yaku said. "Kou-chi and Yua are here so be sure that there's no dubious items around."

"I don't have time for that." kuroo said as he walks towards Kou.

"Oh." Kou was surprised when a towel landed over her head.

"Just be sure they won't go on my room, they'll be safe."

"Tch." she turns and threw the towel back at him. "Pervert."

Kuroo just grins at her, slumping down on a chair.

"Whoa! I'm starving. What do you have there for breakfast, huh, Yakkun?" he peeked inside the bag and pulls out a bag of potato chips. "Ooh! this will do."


"Ah!" the middle blocker scowled at Kou after she'd abruptly stole it from him. "What was that?"

"This isn't for breakfast."

She raised her brow, keeping the potato chips behind her.

"Give that back." he tried to get it but she's quick.

"Kei!" she throws the chips to her brother who's on the living room. "That is for snacks not for breakfast."

"I'm hungry... How could I teach these idiots if I have an empty stomach."

"Whoa! Whoa! That's too harsh." Tora commented.

"Nevermind that... it's somehow true especially on Lev's case." Kenma said.

"Kenma-san." Lev pouted.

Tora look at Lev from head to toe. "Nah, you're right."

"Eh? You too, Tora-san?"

"Ahhh..." Tora thinks for a moment. "Yes."

Lev look at Yua and Kei, waiting for an answer.

Yua look away but Kei answered with a smirk.

"WHOAAHHH! I can't believe you guys."

Kou look at the boys as they all started arguing who's the most idiot among them.

"Atleast I'm not as bad as you in Math." Lev defended, laughing proudly.

"Really Lev? That's funny?" Tora grins. "Answer this... what's your native language, Japanese, English... or Russian? oh, I forgot... you suck at all of those."

Kei and Kenma laughed quietly.

"Oh God." Kou sighed as the trash talk continues. "Look on what you did."

"I don't do anything. You were the one who cause all of this." Kuroo said.

She rolled her eyes on him.

"Blah...blah blah... BLAH! Stop this guys. No one is an idiot, okay?" she interrupted on the quarrel.

She sighed as she look at them. They were sulking.

"Apologize to each other." she commanded, crossing her arms on her stomach.


"Come on."

"Sorry." Lev and Tora said to each other.

"Good. You two, Kei, Kenma."

"Huh? I don't do anything." Kei shook his head but immediately changed his mind when he look at his sister, glaring at him. "Okay, fine... I'm sorry."
Kou look at Kenma, she frowns.

"Sorry." the setter said, looking down.

"I guess I really don't need Kai." Yaku said, seeing what just happened.

Kou turned to look back at Kuroo, she frowns. "And you Mister Owner of this house, if you want some breakfast just cook."

"I don't want." Kuroo said, checking again the grocery bag and pulls out another bag of chips.

She snatched it again and look away, realising that she was near him and he's still shirtless.

"Tch." Kuroo glared at her. "This is the least fun game ever. If you keep doing this, I'll just call for food delivery."

"Kuro, pizza." Kenma suggested.

The bedhead grins. "Sure."

"For pete's sake." Kou muttered, stressfully runs her hands on her hair.

Kuroo grabs the phone that hangs on the kitchen wall and dialled a number.

"Hell- What the!" he got cut off when Kou stole the phone and hang it back.

He look down at her, putting one arm on his waist.

"Fine, I'll cook... J-just go back on your room and wear some clothes."

A grin slowly appeared on his face, looking at thus girl who can't bear to look at him.

"Okay~ Okay~" he hummed, raising both hands in defeat. "I'll be upstairs to shower. I'll be quick... I'm expecting my breakfast is ready when I'm done." he said then run upstairs.

"Tch. So childish." she whispered. "Who else didn't eat breakfast?" she asked to everyone.

Kou glanced at them and everyone turns their head at the same direction.

They were all looking at Kenma who was all eyes on his game.

"Oh God. seriously..." she sighed. "Are these two have same intestines?"

"I thought that before too." Yaku said, laughing.

"Okay. Let's see... umm..." Kou look around, she saw a huge fridge so she opened it to look for something to cook for and her eyes widened. "What the heck is this."

"Oh yah... I forgot, on this house you won't find any food aside from drinks or occasionally some cold rice." Yaku explained, seeing Kou's reaction as she look on this fridge with just cartons of milk, juices, water bottles and some kinds of sports drinks inside.

She turns on the counter and there she noticed that there were cookwares and utensils, all neatly arranged, but seems to be unused except for the rice cooker on the side. On the dish rack, there are only three plates, three glasses and cups. She even noticed the neatly arranged knives and spatulas but also seems new.

"Kuro live alone and he's lazy to cook just for himself so he tends to just eat on our school cafeteria or outside... sometimes my mother invites him on our house but he always declines it." Kenma stated.

"I always saw him on convenience store even before but I never thought this was the reason. What happen?" Kou asked to herself.

"But don't worry, I bought some ingredients for us to cook." Yaku said, pulling out the groceries he bought. "Everything was here even some salt and pepper, knowing that idiot doesn't even have the basic condiments."

Kou peeked inside the bag and nodded. "Oh this is enough."

"I know there's a left over rice on his fridge since I ate here last night." Kenma said.

"Ah... okay." she get all the ingredients she needs then walk back on the living room, pulling out two notebooks from her bag and threw it to Lev and Tora. "Lev review with Kei and Yua in Japanese for awhile then you, Tora, browse that notebook and try to memorize the listed formulas there, Kenma will join you after he ate."

"Oss!" Lev and Tora noted.

"Ah, where's my food?" 

Kuroo finally went down and finally fully clothed in white shirt and pants.

"Here." Yaku pushed the plate of omurice towards him.

He look down on his plate with wide eyes then took a spoonful and eat. "Whoa! This is so good."

"It taste good right, Kuroo-san? I already ate breakfast but I can't help to-" "Ouch!"

"Kou asked you to focus. Focus." Yaku said after he flicked Lev's forehead twice.

"Oss." Lev look back on his paper and continue answering the sample test Kou had made from the result of his midterms.

"Kenma finished his food so quick." Yaku stated. "Coach Nekomata was right, she really can handle these kids, huh."

"Where is she?" Kuroo asked as he finished his food.

Yaku pointed on the living room where Kou was seated on the floor with Kenma and Tora. She was there letting the boys solve some problems while enjoying a chocolate bar. On the other side of the room, on the couch, there was Kei and Yua teaching each other in other subject.

"I can't understand this, senpai." Tora hesitantly said, pointing a problem on his book.


"I think it's like this." Kenma butt in, proudly showing his paper to Kou. "Right?"

Kou chuckles, looking on his answer.

"Whoa! Nice, Kenma. You're a quick learner."

"Thanks." the setter shyly said, the corners of his lips twitched up.

"Cheater." Tora groaned.

"I told you, move a little closer here so you could see my explanations clearer."

"No. I'm fine here, senpai." Tora said as he stayed sitting across her and Kenma.

She sighed, knowing Tora is always shy when he's so near to girls. Even to them who was his friends, he still find it hard.

"Okay, fine.'

She sit up, leaning forward then flips the book facing him.

"It's like this." she pointed her pen. "See this... You should assign variables first on this whole expression... like this..."

"Ah..." Tora watched intently while she explains.

"x is equals to... then substitute each term then... ta-da. Final answer. Try this one." she smiled, checking a problem which have the same flow of solution as the other.


"Kou, how could I do this?" Kenma poked her on shoulder.

She face on her left where the setter is.

"Umm..." she hummed, reading the problem. "Got it, that one will be like this..." she took a paper and begin to write down.

Unaware, Kuroo was intently watching them, he frowns lightly when he saw his bestfried moves closer to Kou while the girl casually explains to him.

"It can be simplify by..."

"Let me."

"Oh..." Kou was shock when Kuroo popped from behind, stealing the pen on her hand.

"Move over, Kenma." he said curtly, inserting his feet in between them. The second year look up to him, brows creased.

"Oh, ow." Yaku sighed.

"What happen?" Lev asked, looking around. "What happen?"

"Tch. I said keep your eyes on that test, you titan." he grumbled, hitting a ruler on the first year's head.

Kou and Kenma blinks, glancing up to the bedhead who was darkly looking at them.

Kuroo raised an eyebrow and the two just moved, giving space for their captain.

He sat down on the floor in between them then quickly wrote the solution and show it to Kenma. "It's like this...Tora, go here beside Kenma."

"Oss." Tora exclaimed, hurriedly standing to sit beside Kenma.

Kou watches the boys then turns to the kitchen where Lev was. "Ah, o-okay... I'll leave them to you. I'll just go there and teach Lev instead." she stood up.

"Lev... sit here." Kuroo called tapping the table, commanding the tall Russian-Japanese to sit across him.

"No! Lev stay there and finish that test." Kou exclaimed then look down at Kuroo. "What the hell are you doing?"

Kuroo stood up and gave her a questioning look.

"I'm minimizing the work."

"What!?" she snapped.

"It easier if they'll sit together."


"Guys, lower down. We're studying." Kei intervened, looking at Kuroo and Kou who seems in the first stage of their quarrel.

This made the two to leave the boys. They walked away till they got near the stairs to continue their conversation.

"Idiot! Those kids won't be able to concentrate on their different subjects if they will study together. They should be separated... That's the reason Morisuke suggested to study here." Kou said.

"I don't care."

"What!?" the girl grumbled, her hands on both sides of her hips
"Oi, you're -"

"I'm the one who can't concentrate on what you're doing so stop complaining!" 

"H-huh?" she blinks.

"Tch. Nevermind. Just get your Chemistry notes and be ready." he said, turning his heel, going back on the living room.

"What about Chemistry? Morisuke was..." she turn, seeing Yaku playfully smiling at her.

"When I said I'll help you... I mean I helped you to get a help with him." he pointed at Kuroo.

She look on Kuroo who was now teaching Kenma and Tora.

"What is this?" she whispered on Yaku.

"Huh? Nothing..." he laughed. "Ouch!" he cried after Kou pinched him on his arm.

She left him then get her stuffs on her strawberry printed bag.

"Senpai! I'm done!" Lev happily rejoiced, standing with hands up high.

Kou walks towards the kitchen and look down on Lev's paper. She smiled, seeing that he have answered all the questions.

"Good job, dear." she praised.

"Wait... wait... Did I hear it right?" Tora asked.

"He got it." Kei said, hearing Tora from the other table. "I guess you lose guys."

"No. I got it first." Kenma said.

"What were you guys talking about?" Kuroo asked curiously.

"Really Kenma? She already called you dear too?" Tora chuckles.

"No, I got better than that."

Kei look at Kenma and he smirks. "Oh, Kenma-san wins. She calls him 'sweetie'."

Kenma nodded, looking at Tora who was open mouthed.

"What?" Kuroo asked curtly, looking at Kenma.

"You let her?" Tora asked. "I thought you hated it."

"I do hate it at first but now I used to it.. whenever we saw each other on a jump shop... ah, no. I think whenever she saw me... when we talk, she -"

"Again Kenma... what?" Kuroo asked again.

"It's something they'd noticed about my sister. It's her habit... There's nothing in it. She doesn't even aware on that thing but since she wasn't that into sweet things, Aki and I thinks whenever she addressed someone suddenly with endearments or some kind of pet names, it means she likes them..." Kei stated.

"She calls me peanut and you would not believe that she calls Kei munchkins..." Yua quickly covered her mouth. "Oopsie!"

"Hey! you promised you won't tell that to anyone." Kei glared on Yua.

"I'm sorry. I just find it cute, it pissed you whenever she calls you with that name." Yua giggles. "Anyways, Yaku-san and her call eachother... ahh... I forgot." she paused, trying to remember.

"Yakkun?" Kuroo gazed on Yua with curious face.

"He calls her Kou-chi So maybe she calls him Yaku-chi." Kei replied.

"No... It's not that." Yua pouted.

"Not funny, Yacchin..."

Kuroo and Tora both turn their heads on the kitchen and got shock on what they heard.


"Oh yah~ now I remember." Kei nodded. "Yaku-san was 'chin'... and I think Bokuto-san calls her Kou-ppe... but I can't remember what she calls on him."

"I know she calls him horned owl when she's mad at him." Yua said.

"Tsk." Kuroo clicks his tongue, cocking his head on the side as he flipped the pages of Kenma's book. "I guess her looks had changed but she still the same."

"Kou-chi is really mad." Yaku laughed.

"Stop calling me that when I'm mad!" Kou shouted, angrily laid her notebooks on the kitchen table.



"Can I ... umm... pee?"

"Huh? O-of course." a smile reappeared on Kou's face. "Are you that scared on that shrimp that even asking to pee is hard for you?"

"His height won't say it but he and Kenma-san are the scariest for me."

"What did you say, Lev?" Yaku glared at him.

"Nothing!" Lev said then run, going to the toilet and Yaku chased him.

Kou sat down on the chair and open a bag of consomme flavored chips then took Lev's paper to check it while she eats.

"Oi, Kenma and Tora are answering their test. Now, we can start." Kuroo sat beside her. "What topic do you find difficult?"

She kept her eyes down on Lev's paper, lightly tapping her feet as she chew the potato chips on her mouth.

"Let me finish this first. He still have English." she answered. "Yua, peanut! I borrowed your notes!"

"Okay!" Yua answered from the living room.

Kou gets Lev's English book and begin to highlight some notes.

"Ahhh, so your specialty is Math, Japanese and English?" Kuroo speak up, moving closer towards Kou to reach the bag of chips.

She saw his hand so she grabs it herself, putting it in front of him. He picks a piece and eat.

"I'm not good at math." she admitted. "But since we'd already took it, somehow I manage to explain some of it to them."

"Ah, so Japanese and English then
... I didn't expect that."

"You didn't expect what? That I have something I'm good at? Why? 'cause you think I'm stupid?" she abruptly look at him.

He grins as he put one arm on the table with his chin over his palm while the other hanged on the back of her chair.

"No... actually... I want to ask for your help 'cause I have difficulties in English too." he said, looking on her eyes intently. "It will be a pain for me when I take a college exam."


"Do you mind reaching your... Taichou?"

She threw back her head in shock on the way Kuroo said his last word.

She felt his minty breath blew on her face when he said it.

"Come on..." he whispered.

A sudden heat grew within her body as he leaned more towards her, flashing a smile on his face.

"I know his just making fun of me but... why is his voice sounds different? It's somehow husk-... Oh God! What am I saying? No way...

Am- am... I a pervert?"

"If you don't want, atleast tell me what I should do for you to say yes."

He fixated his eyes on her like he tells her not to make a move.

"Oh, you have crumbs on your cheek."
She blinked thoroughly and about to wipe her face but he held her hand.

"I got it." he said, wiping it with his own hand.

He moves closer as he saw her flushed face.

"Onee-chan! Your phone is ringing!" Yua shouted from the living room.

He raised a brow on her but still keeping that intimidating stare.

"Don't come near me!" she blurt out, face palming his face, pushing him away from her.

She abruptly stood up. "Oh crap."

He hold her hand away from him then suddenly burst into laughter.


"You should've seen the look on your face." he pointed, laughing hard, holding his stomach. "You're reaction... It's so funny! You looks so ugly!



"What was that?" Tora asked when they heard a cry but as they reminded, they can't avert their attention away from their papers.

"I'm sure it's the two cats on the kitchen." Kenma said.


"Yeah, the black and brown one."

They all look at the kitchen at once.

"What the heck!" Kuroo glared at Kou as he touch his forehead after Kou knocked it with hers.

"I told you to stop messing with me! Didn't I? Didn't I?" she asked shaking him as she hold his both ears.

"Ah... ahhh!!!" he cried more as he stood up, trying to escape on her. "It hurts."

"It really does 'cause I will rip you off!" she said, tweaking both of his ears.

"Let go off me or I'll rip you first!" he whines as he reach both her cheeks and pinch it.

"Ahhh! Let's see then." she shouted, squeezing his ears harder.

"What it is now?" Yaku sighed. "I just got away for just a minute and here you two, planning to rip off each other."

"Yaku-san, didn't Coach Naoi and Akiteru-senpai reminded you to watch them?" Tora said.

"So this was the reason behind that." Lev mumbled.

"Now, I wish Kai was here."

"You won't let go, huh?" Kuroo swiftly moves behind Kou.

"Oh!" she gasped when she lose her grip on his ears and suddenly felt his arms around her.

"Now, give up and beg, I might let you... escape." he said, headlocking her.

"Ah." she squint in pain. "I'm not yet crazy... to do... that, you ass."

"That's a good pet name for him." Kei sarcastically laughed.

"What did you just call me... huh, you shrimpy?"

"Seriously... is he trying to choke Kou-senpai?" Lev asked, worried as they stayed outside the kitchen. "I think we should step in."

"No way. Do you want to get hurt?" Kei chuckles. "Besides, there's no need to worry... whatever they do, the result will always be the same."

"Let. me. go..." Kou grit her teeth as she tried to escape. "or I'll really kill you."

Kuroo smirked as he kept his grip on her, lifting her up. "Let's see."

Yua appeared, showing Kou's phone ringing. "Kou nee-chan... It's Sousuke-san."

"Now count." Kei started. "One... two..."

"I said... beg." Kuroo grins.



A loud thud echoed in the room.

"Whoa!" Lev, Tora and Yua were open-mouthed, amazed on what they'd witness.

"Ah..hhh" Kuroo hummed in pain.

"Ehem... ehem..." Kou coughed, massaging her neck.

"How many pain does he want for him to stop messing with her." Kei breathed out after Kou flipped Kuroo over, knocking him down the floor.

"You asshole. Are you really trying to kill me?" Kou whispered as she sat down, looking at Kuroo.

"You." Kuroo hold his lower back as he glared at her.

"Nice try, Rooster head... Next time, don't let your guard down especially in front of this kids." she grins as she flicked him on the forehead before she stood up, grabbing her phone from Yua then answered the call.

"Now what's her pet name for Kuroo-san... a. ass, b. asshole or c. Rooster head?" Kei asked.

"It's D... All of the above." Kenma replied, high-five on Kei.

"What the hell." Kuroo hissed.

"Ah, Sousuke... Why did you call?... What!? Who told you..." she look around and saw Yua raising her hands up.

"What is it?" Kei asked on Yua.

"He asked me where we are." Yua replied. "So I said we're in Kuroo-san's house."

"Ah, okay.".... "Yeah..." Kou bit her nails as she walks away from them. "Okay."

She hang up her phone.

"So, what did the boyfriend says?" Yaku asked.

"He's not my boyfriend, okay?" she clarified.


"I'll just go outside just-"

"Why?" Kuroo, Tora, Lev and Kei asked.

"Ahh, he was... coming... so I'll wait him... outside. Just focus on your studies." she said, putting her shoes.

"That jackass again." Kuroo mumbled.

"By the way, kiddos..." she turn her head and look at Lev, Tora and Kenma.

Lev and Tora gulped, suddenly feel nervous when they look at her with glint on her eyes even she was smiling.

"Better study seriously and do not cheat... Okay?"

"Y-yes, s-ssenpai." they stuttered, saluting at her.

"Oss." Kenma replied.

"Okay then... Later." she then went outside.

"Now, Lev who's scary? Me or her?" Yaku asked, seeing Lev and Tora froze.

"Hey Kenma..." Tora called as he answer their sample test.

"Huh?" he lift his head up, looking at Tora, Lev and Kuroo sitting across him.

"I think Kou-senpai is staying outside for too long now."


"I agree... she's been there for almost half an hour, Tora-san." Lev said.

"Yeah and I don't like it."

"Me too."

"Tch." Kuroo clicked his tongue.

"Guys... she just left a minute ago." Yua said.

"Huh? Really?" Tora and Lev gasped.

"Could you just focus and finish that test so we could have lunch?" Kei suggested. "She already go out with that guy so we don't need to-"

He didn't finish his words when Lev and Tora look at him with strange aura.

"Do you want me to check them?" Yaku said.



"Huh?" they look at Kuroo, shock on his answer.

"Are you sure?" Yaku asked.

"Yah, 'cause I'll be the one to check them." he stood up. "Yakkun, watch for this guys. You, Tsukki... leave this to me."

"Like I was really planning to do something." he muttered as Kuroo went outside.

He slowly peeked outside and there he saw a white car parked in front of the gate.

"I thought you'll be busy this weekend." Kou said as Sousuke leaned on his car. "What brings you here?"

"I heard women likes these kind of surprises so... Ta-da! I'm here."

She sighed. "Not all women like it especially when men show up unexpectedly."

"We're both busy these passed days and I missed you a lot."

"Oh crap! Here we go again. The words I didn't know how to reply."

"Even I'm a man, if you suddenly show up in front of my apartment or in any place where I am... I'll be so happy."

"Ahhhh...." she just smile.

"I just came to give you this." he said, opening the back door of his car then he pulled out two bags.

"What's this?" she grabs one to help him.

"Lunch. I just got an hour break, I couldn't ask you out for lunch so I just bought these to save you some time since Yua said you guys will just be cooking."

"Eh? You don't have to do this, you know."

"This is the least I could do. I'm supposed to be there helping you but because I'm too busy, I can't."

"No... I told you, it's fine." 

"By the way, what happen to your cheeks?" he noticed her reddened cheeks.

He's about to touch her but she pulled back her head.

It was red because of Kuroo's pinch awhile ago.

"Oh. It's nothing." she said.

"Hey, you!"

"Hmph?" she abruptly tilt her head.

"Oi, Kuroo-san." Sousuke greeted with amiable smile.

Kuroo walks towards them with crossed brows.

"Is there any problem?"

"Move your car."

"What!?" Kou look up to Kuroo with wide eyes.

"Move your car... Move." he commanded and suddenly kicks the car's tires. "Don't you know you can't park in here? This is a private property... Do you want me to report you?"

He moves closer to Sousuke and look down at him. Considering the height difference, Kuroo was really taller than him.

"O-oi... what are you doing?" Kou held him, pulling him away from Sousuke. "If this is a private property then this belongs to you... so let him park."

"I don't want to." he whines.


Sousuke scoffed. "If you want to report me then report that car too. That's been there before I got here."

He pointed on the red car parked behind Kou and Kuroo.

"Who's that?" Kou asked.

"I don't know." Kuroo shrugged his shoulders.

The car opened and a girl wearing a sundress and sunglasses went out.


"Ahhh, it's your girlfriend."

"So it was Kurumi-san." Sousuke said, smiling.

Kou look at him, who kept his gaze on Kurumi.

"Yeah, why? Are you his fan too?"

"Eh?" he shook his head. "No, no... Ofcourse not."

She chuckles as his face blushed.

Kuroo gazed on Kou with questioning look. She raised a brow.

"Don't look at me like that. Go with her so I could have alone time here with my Sousuke." she said, pushing him away.

"M...mm... my... what!?"

"Shoo!" she waves her hands at him.

He quickly walks towards Kurumi with clenched jaws.

"What are you doing here? How do you know where I live?"

"I asked Coach Naoi where were you so he told me this place." Kurumi said. "He said you are busy tutoring your teammates so I'm here to help." 

"We don't need your help. We are enough." he said, taking a quick glance from behind where Kou and Sousuke were.

"Kou.. ahh..." Sousuke shyly scratch the back of his head.

"What a day." Kou sarcastically muttered as she watched Kuroo and Kurumi before she turn and look at Sousuke. "What is it you're saying?"

"I was thinking..."

"Oi! I told you to move your car!" Kuroo butt in again.

Kou sighed.

"Didn't Kou told you to leave us alone?" Sousuke said on him. "And if you're really her friend, you shouldn't be acting rudely to me."

"I'm not rude to you."

"Hey, Tetsu-chan..." Kurumi approached Kuroo, grabbing his arms. "I want to..."

He removes her hands, clinging on him.

"Do what you want. I don't care." he said to her.

After that a wide smile appear on Kurumi's face. She rolled her eyes on Kou then immediately run inside the house.

"She's really something." Kou whispered with a smirk on her face.

"Hey, you." Kuroo kept his eyes on Sousuke. "You don't know what you're saying...I'm not 'just' her friend."

"Then what are you?" Sousuke asked.

Kou bit her lower lip in annoyance with the topic.

"Will you just stop-"

"I am... her... major owner." he cut her off.

"Major.. what?" Sousuke asked.

"What?" she asked, surprise.

"I'm the kind of friend who should keep an eye on her or she'll be lost. I'm like her partner... major stockholder and her older brother's proxy. "

"Aki nii chan was just in our house, lying on a couch. How come that happen? Did he gave you his permission?" she asked in a rush.

"Are you questioning me so you could take his side?"

He look at her, waiting for an answer.

"Ah...ah..." her eyes flickers to him and Sousuke, confused on his question. "I don't know. Maybe."

"As your owner... I forbid you to take his side."

"Who told you that you own me?"

"Why? Did he own you now?" he pointed at Sousuke.

"No. No one owns me. My own self just belongs to myself." she defended.

"So don't take his side!"

"I said maybe."

"Just said no. It's not that hard!"

"Ah, Kou..."

The bickering stops when Sousuke speak again, after glancing on his wrist watch.

They look at him.

"I just got an hour. Maybe after this, text me so I could pick you up. Let's have some dinner." he continued.


"No, she can't go." Kuroo answered for her.

"Why are you answering for me?" Kou whispered, gritting her teeth.

"Because I'm your owner." he reasoned.

"Tch. Don't mind him, Sousuke." she smiled at Sousuke. "I'll-"

She paused when Kuroo suddenly hummed a song. She look up at him then he stop humming but instead he whistles.

"Oh crap. how did he know that." she thought to herself.

"Is there any problem, Kou?" Sousuke asked worried, noticing Kou's long paused.

"Oh, nothing. I just remember that i need to go home after this. I'm sorry."

"Ah, okay. maybe next week?"

She just nodded, glancing on Kuroo amd he grins at her.

"Ow, i forgot. I'll help you with this." Sousuke suggested, talking about the food he have on his arms.

"Nah. I'll help her." Kuroo grabs the bag of food on his hands. "Just hurry up and leave."

"Okay then..." Sousuke stepped in to his car then pulled down the windows. He look at Kou with a smile.

"Thanks." she just smiled awkwardly. "Now, you can leave."

"You first." he said. "I'll watch you, until you get inside."

"Oh-okay then... I'll be going. You can go now too, take care on your way." she said as she waved.


She smiled again before she turn back slowly. She breathed heavily like she was exhausted.

Kuroo look at Sousuke with a serious face before he turned back then hurried and followed Kou.

After some steps he meet her pace.

"I'll call you!"

She look back when she heard Sousuke shouted. He still there, waving at her.

"Go now." she waved back as she stops on the front porch.

"Tch." Kuroo frowns, looking at her fake smile. "This is the slowest time I ever had."

"You could just go inside." she said while she was smiling on Sousuke.

Kuroo glance from behind and saw Sousuke smiling so wide, keeping an eye on them.

"You should go now." she said again to Sousuke with a soft tone.

"Now you're acting weird." Kuroo sighed, gazing on her face. "Are you in a beauty pageant?"

"Shut up." she said while keeping a smile on Sousuke, who was still not leaving.

"Stop that act. Let's just go inside." he said, grabbing her hand and pulled her inside.

"Oh, wait." she firmly grasp on the bag, she almost spilled it.

"Yes... Food!" 

The two immediately pulled their hands away to each other when they saw Lev runs towards them.

"I'll help you with this, senpai."

"Thanks." she said, giving the bag of food to Lev.

"Tora... here." Kuroo calls, handling his to Tora. "The plates were down on the cabinet."

"Oss." Tora said, going to the kitchen with Lev.

"Hey, how do you know that song?" Kou asked as she walks inside with Kuroo.

"What song?"

"The one you whistled."

"Ah, I just heard it from some series.. I guessed you watch it since you like those kind of detective stuffs." he said, looking at her. "I saw its commercial, I know it airs every Saturday in the afternoon."

"Ah." she just nodded.

"Kuro, I just want to inform you." Kenma appeared from their behind. "Kurumi-san went in your room."

"What!? Why don't you told it to me earlier." he hissed, rushing upstairs.

"So he sing that song, huh..." Kenma said, talking about an opening song from anime he knows she was watching.

"Ah, yeah but he actually just hummed and whistled it. He really don't know that anime."

"The truth is, he watches it too that's why he knows it." he said, leaving her.

"He haven't change." she said to herself.

"What's so funny, nee chan?"

"Huh?" she blinked thoroughly, waking on her thoughts. She look up and there was Kei standing next to her.

"You were smiling awhile ago. What happen?" Yua asked.

"Ah, no I'm not."

"Yes, you were." Kei and Yua said.

"Nah... let's just hurry and eat." she said, pushing the two to sit down on the table.

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