
By Zhadow_the_Skeleton

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Angel is 15 with a habit of breaking the law. So, how could she look away from a 17 year old who could get he... More

Chapter One

10 0 0
By Zhadow_the_Skeleton

PoV Angel Hale

"Fuck... It wasn't me!" I shout at the cop kicking his seat. If they don't want you to steal food why don't they pay us better? "Some guy heard the siren and handed it to me! I would have run if it was mine!" The office in the passenger seat looked at me and swore.

"Do you think she has a point?" The officer had beautiful bright blue eyes, that made the drivers brown ones seem even duller. He pulled over and nodded to the passenger. "Let her out?" He asked. He tugged on his curly brown hair with more force than he was before.

"Yes, but-" He turned and smirked at me. "-don't undo her cuffs." Blue got out of the car opening my door a second after. His eyes were darker and he didn't look happy. Officer Bradly must have had a kind for humiliating kink for girls because I was the fourth set of handcuffs he was explaining this month.

"I'm sorry-" Blue started, realizing we hadn't really had a chance to exchange pleasantries, he stopped. "I'm Officer Jace, Jace Fae, sorry I didn't catch your name, miss." He looks to be in his late twenties maybe early thirties. He looked to be 6 something very intimidating to my height of 5'6.

"Hale. Miss Hale." I muttered back. "Well, I have to start heading home or I won't get enough sleep for school tomorrow." As if. I don't do anything in class either way so.

"I'm sorry Miss. Hale..." He whispered. I shrugged before turning away and walking away. I walked for about twenty minutes before I heard someone.

"Braden is that you?" I asked. I was friends with most of the kids on this block but when blue walked out I was confused. "Fae?" I asked. He looked at me cocking an eyebrow before glancing behind me.

"Honestly, I prefer Rhett, but whatever you wanna call me Angel." He muttered, walking behind me, and undoing my handcuffs. I turned and stared at him for a second. "You always getting into trouble?" He asked with a soft smirk. Something was different, his eyes seemed a little less sunken, not that his eyes where really sunken, his hair seemed less curly and messier, but after all that pulling who knows, but his voice was the softest bit lighter now. Maybe he was related but there was no way this was the same person.

"No, I have church on Sunday. How did you know my name?" His smirk only grew, he must not take me as the church type.

"It's what I call girls I don't know, lucky guess. So, what's a kid like you in cuffs for?" He asked suddenly.

"Actually, Officer Fae and Bradly picked me up cause Braden nearly got caught and threw me under last second but explained it without a name," I explained and he rolled his eyes.

"That's my brother, I only knew from Bradly. Bradly only lets me and Jace ride with him. My dad and other brother are partners with, Chad and Sky." He chuckled. Cop family? I mean it explains him having handcuffs. He didn't look a lot older than me, he must be one of Bradly's trainees.

"O-oh. A new cop family?" I asked. Why have I never met a Blue? Sure, there were people with blue eyes in town...but not like that. They had to be new.

"Actually yes, dad wanted to move here, for school. Speaking of I should get back to studying." He muttered turning away and grabbing a textbook from a bench.

"What year are you?" I asked suddenly. He glanced back with a small smile.

"I'm a senior, actually. I'll be turning eighteen a few weeks before graduation. You can't be too far behind... junior maybe?" He smirked at me as he spoke. I wanted to fidget under his gaze but instead twirled some of my hair.

"Sophomore, fifteen, sixteen in February." He actually looked shocked but shrugged.

"Well, nice to meet you, Angel, see you around." He continued walking and didn't seem to care I was watching him walk away.

"Lunch A," I whispered softly and he turned back. Fuck.. He actually heard.

"I am a senior." He whispered back. "I have to get good grades. I have to get into a good college. I have work that I have to worry about." He seemed angry but not exactly at me.

"Once a week." I bargained. His eyes darkened to a gray color.

"What do you have to offer? You are to years under me, and I already bailed you out once. Sorry Angel, you don't have anything I want."His eyes raked over my body leaving me exposed. "I don't want your body either."

"What!? I know I'm not the hottest but what the fuck was that for!?" I growled at him. He sighed and set his book back down, shoving his hands in his pockets. "I don't know why you got a stick so far up your ass but don't be a dick to me." He was quick to close the distance between us taking my wrist in one hand.

"Exactly you don't know. What do you know about me? My age, my year, my family's jobs, but what do you know about me?" He growled he placed a hand on my side and walked me backward until I was met with a wall. His eyes searched mine for something.

"Rhett Fae, seventeen senior in high school, working already probably saving for college, with two older siblings mom and dad don't have the funds, pushes himself to be an A student to met expectations that he refuses to admit kill him, one of his brothers is an army brat that decided to come back and work as a cop, close family both his older brothers live with them still even though they are nearly thirty, had one girlfriend that he didn't have the time for and pushed away and hasn't tried again since. Am I close?" I growled back. His eyes sparked with annoyance and something else that was just a flash.

"Yeah what do you know about it?" He suddenly was pushing me harder to the wall, he was angry.

"Nothing, I'm Angel Hale, my mom left me when I was 6, my dad hates me and I've been on my own since I was little. I mainly stay with my friends and steal to keep myself alive. I haven't cared about school in a very long time, I go just so I'm not thrown into the system." I don't know why I told him. His eyes lightened.

"My mom's not around either... She...died when I was little. My dad gave my little sister up for adoption when she was four because of it. She's only thirteen now, I never hear from her. Blake is the army brat, dad made him come back as soon as he could. Everything about that house kills me." He whispered. I smiled playfully.

"And the girlfriend?" I asked I was mildly curious. He was hot, and fuck was his cockiness a turn on. He's so broken though.

"I knew better." His voice broke. I felt bad, for thinking everything about him had to be perfect. Nobody had it perfect, why should he? Something in me ached to comfort him, he lost his mom, just like me. Something made me want to help him. I wanted to show him better... but I wasn't in a position to do that....Not yet anyway. 

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