The Miscalculation

By silverfire0

353K 9.8K 2.9K

My name is Amara O'Connell. I wasn't born an O'Connell I was born a Potter. I have an older brother named Ja... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
New Story?
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Face Claims
Face Claim for New Story
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
I would like your input...
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Help and Other Face Claims
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Important Question?
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty - Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter 15

11.1K 391 93
By silverfire0

Author's Note... In honor of my birthday (September 3rd) you are getting an early update.


Thoughts in Ancient Egyptian


Ancient Egyptian


I turned and left the common room and head towards my dorm room. I knew Adom was following after me. I entered my dorm and let out the breath I didn't know I was holding. I hear the door close, and I turn to see Adom.

"That was very good." he said

Imhotep is correct. That was very impressive. -Tom

"What are you going to do about the others that you were getting close to?" he asked

"Nothing. As far as they are concerned that was their warning. I also won't be talking to them till they can prove themselves. The only one with a free pass will be Theo as he was the only one that looked bad about not telling me." I said

"Were they even allowed to tell you?" he asked

There is nothing that says they couldn't. -Tom

"Tom says that if they wanted to they could've." I said

He nods his head.

"I think I should head to my dorm." he said

I nod my head and move over to my trunk. I hear him walking towards me so I turn around to look at him. He leans down and kisses my forehead.

"You did good. I truly am proud of you." he said

"Thank you, Imhotep." I said

He smiles down at before turning and leaving the room. I once again let out a breath before turning and going to change into my nightclothes. When I walk back out of the bathroom, I put my dirty clothes to the side and climbed into bed, before putting up some of the Egyptians wards Imhotep had taught me.


The next week went by and most of the Slytherins avoided Adom and I at all cost. Draco, Theo, Blaise, Pansy, and Daphne tried to talk to me but I ignored them. By Wednesday they had given up. I noticed though that some of the teachers noticed that we were no longer talking anymore. The following Sunday Adom and I were sitting in the library when Theo walked up to us. He pulled out a chair and sat down.

"Before you say anything hear me out." Theo said

Adom and I looked at each other.

"You have five minutes." I said

"Thank you. I know that you know that I could have told what the upper years were planning to do. The reason I didn't tell you was that I was scared. My father and grandfather were followers of the Dark Lord. My father is in Azkaban he is a convicted Death Eater. So the others can't really talk to me. They do in the common room or when no is watching but if I had told you and they found out that I went against them they would have made my life horrible. On the plus side, I knew you would win." Theo said

I looked at Adom and nodded my head.

"Would you like to sit with us at lunch?" Adom asked

Theo smiled at us.

"Yes, I would. You don't care that my father is a Death Eater?" Theo asked

"Theo, I've told you about my family and yet you are still sitting here asking to be my friend." I said

Theo simply smiled at me again. We got up and left the library and headed down to the Great Hall for lunch. After the incident, the seating arrangement had somewhat changed. We now sat in the middle of the table. I had the perfect view of the entire hall. Adom sat to my right then there was an open seat, no one sat to my right but there was another open seat, no one had sat in front of us but now Theo sat in front of me.

"They are all staring." Theo said

"Let them." Adom said

Once we were done eating lunch we headed back to the common room. I made my way to my normal chair and sat down. I pulled out the little black book. Adom sat in the chair he had moved over and Theo willingly sat on the floor by my feet. He pulled out some homework and started working on it. We were basically alone in the common room, there were a few people that would walk through the common room to get to their dorms. We had been in the common room for a good ten minutes before other people came in and stayed in the common room. Most were shocked to see Theo sitting with us. When the others walked in and saw Theo, the group all looked at each other. Then they looked at us. They slowly made their way over to us. Theo stands up and moves so he is standing between them and us.

"I don't think that you should be over here." Theo said

"And why not, Nott?" Draco asked

"Because you are not welcome. None of you are." Theo said

"And you are? You are nothing special." Pansy said

"I'm Draco Malfoy I'm always welcomed." Draco said

"Well, you're not welcomed. And I am special because unlike you a lot she wants me here. Now then I suggest you go sit somewhere else." Theo said

I watched Theo talk to them. I was a little surprised to see Theo standing up to the group of first years. They pushed past him and still walked towards me. Adom got up and stepped up. The group didn't make it to Adom because Marcus Jugson blocked their path.

"I believe Mr. Nott told you that you were not welcomed to sit over here. I think it best that you find someplace else to sit." Marcus said

I looked around the common room to see that everyone is watching what was going on. I looked back up at Marcus.

Any advice you can give?

Not at the moment, I want to see how this goes. If they stand down or if they push past. If the young Jugson will stop them and show loyalty to you. -Tom

I made eye contact with Draco, then I made eye contact with Adam. I also noticed that Blaise continued to stare at me. I looked at him and raised an eyebrow at him. He was the first to look away. He moved up and put his hand on Draco's shoulder.

"Let it go Draco. I don't feel like taking you to the hospital wing because you wouldn't back down." Blaise said

"But Malfoy's don't back down. We are above that." Draco said

"Malfoy I suggest you listen to Zabini. I would also suggest you watch what you say." Adom said

Malfoy glared at Adom, and Adom glared back at him. Draco let out a huff and walked off. Adom quickly moved back to his seat beside me. Theo moved so he was sitting back to where he was. Marcus started to walk away.

"Marcus Jugson please come here." I said

Marcus turns to face me, his face is a little pale. He slowly makes his way over to us. He stands in front of me. I could tell he was nervous.

"You can relax Jugson, you didn't do anything wrong...this time." I said

He relaxed a little, but he was still pale. I conjured a chair for him to sit in it.

"Why don't you go ahead and take a seat." I said

He sits down.

"Why did decide to step in?" I asked

"I knew that if they went ahead and passed they would have all ended up in a lot of pain and in the hospital wing. That and I wanted to show you that I learned. I know that blood doesn't always matter. What matters is power, knowledge, and sometimes blood. What's important is how you use it." Jungson said

"I'm glad you learned. If you would like to you can join us during meals, and when we study." I said

"I would like that very much." Marcus said

"You can either stay seated there or you can move over and sit next to Theo." I said

Marcus turns his head to look back at Theo then back to me.

"I think I will go sit next to Mr. Nott." Marcus said

"Okay." I said

He got up and walked over to sit down next to Theo.

"Did that go as you wanted?" he asked

"No, I was hoping to show Draco that his name means nothing to me." I said

But his name does mean something. His grandfather Abraxas was one of my first followers. His father Lucius was in my inner circle during the last war. -Tom said

So. His father proved himself to you, his grandfather proved himself. All Draco has managed to do is piss me off, annoy me, and show that all he is, is a name. And he doesn't even represent the name well.

You have a point. Even back when I attended school with Abraxas the Malfoy's thought, they were better than everyone but even they didn't act as stuck up as Draco. Blame it on his father. -Tom said

I felt someone's hand on my shoulder. I looked over to see that it was Adam. He pointed towards the common room opening where Professor Snape was standing. I hadn't even felt him enter the common room. He was glaring down at me. I simply raised an eyebrow at him. Snape looked around the room and settled on me. I tilted my head a little to the side and looked at him.

"Good evening Professor is something wrong?" Marcus asked

Snape didn't say anything. He just continued to look at us, more specifically at me. Straight in the eyes.

He's trying to read your mind. -Tom

I know.

"Is there something I can do for you professor?" I asked

He continued to stare. I simply raised an eyebrow at him. A sneer crossed over his face and with a flip of his robes he left the common room.

I very much dislike that man. I can't see how he was ever part of your inner circle.

He was better then, I would seem that he has gotten cocky. -Tom said

Or he was always like that and you just never noticed.

Doubtful. - Tom said

We stayed in the common room for a little while longer before we headed for bed. As I laid in bed I dreamed about a three-headed dog on the third floor.


Adom, Theo, and I were sitting in charms class listening to Professor Flitwick. It still is kind of funny that he has to stand on a bunch of books.

"One of a wizard's most rudimentary skills is levitation the ability to make objects fly. Uh, do you all have your feathers. (everyone nods) Good. Now, uh, don't forget the nice wrist movement we've been practicing, hmm? The swish and flick. Everyone. The swish and flick. Good. And enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then." Flitwick said

"Wingardium Levio-saaa." We heard Draco said

We all start to practice the spell.

"Wingardium Leviosa." I said

I did the movement and the feather floated high into the air.

"Way to go Ms. O'Connell 10 points to Slytherin." Flitwick said

Adom who didn't want to be outdone also did it on his first try. He also received points for Slytherin. We noticed Draco roll his eyes at us and Jr's little group glared at us. We heard Carrot Top slaughter the spell.

"Wingardrium Leviosar." Carrot Top said

He whacks it with his wand numerous times. Jr is also having trouble casting the spell. One would think the son of Lilly Potter who had a master's in charms would be able to cast such a simple spell.

"Stop, stop, stop. You're both going to take someone's eye out. Besides, you're saying it wrong. It's Leviosa, not leviosar." Hermione said

"You do it then if you're so clever." Jr said

"Go on, go on." Carrot Top said

Hermione straightens up and swishes her wand.

"Wingardium Leviosa." Hermione said

The feather lifts up. Both Carrot Top and Jr. looked pissed that Hermione was able to do it.

"Oh, well done! See here, everyone! That is three students that can do the spell. Come now class you can do it as well." Flitwick said

We watch the class attempt the spell. Seamus begins swishing at his father.

"Wingard Levosa. Wingard Levosa." Seamus keeps at it

At some point, he did something because the next thing we heard was a loud BOOM. Seamus had somehow managed to make his feather explode. Flitwick gasps and jumps into the air.

"Whooaa! Ooh." Flitwick said

"I think we're going to need another feather over here, Professor." some random Gryffindor said

The class lasted a little while longer. Once it was we left. We had to cross through the courtyard to get to the next class. Adom, Theo, and I could hear Carrot Top, Jr., and Seamus.

"It's Leviosa, not Leviosar. Honestly, she's a nightmare. No wonder she hasn't got any friends." Ron said

Hermione bustles past, Sniffling.

"I think she heard you." Seamus said

"So what if she did, she's nothing but a stuck up Muggle-born. I beginning to understand why everyone hates them so much." Jr said

I shake my head at them. We continued on to the next class.

"I'm so happy that I didn't grow up with them." I said

"I am as well if you had, we never would have met." Adom said


Tonight was Halloween. It was the first Halloween I would spend in the same room as my so-called family. The day had been pretty normal. Dinner was louder and people were a little more happy than normal. I looked around and noticed the bushy-haired girl was missing, as was Professor Quill.

"Amara have tried these pumpkin tarts?" Theo asked

"No, I haven't." I said

I reached out to grab one when the great hall doors slam open. Professor Quirrell comes running in screaming.


He stops in the middle of the middle aisle in utter silence.

"Thought you ought to know." Quirrell said

He then falls face-first into a dead faint. The room goes silent, I look at Quirrell. I stop staring at him when screams fill the great hall. I look up to see people screaming and running. I notice Dumbledore bring his wand to his throat.


The room goes quiet, he brings his wand down.

"Everyone will please, not panic. Now, Prefects will lead their houses back to the dormitories. Teachers will follow me to the dungeons." Dumbledore said

Perfects started to take their kids out of the hall. I sit back down and start to eat again.

"Mrs. O'Connell what are you doing?" the perfect asked

"Well, I don't see the point of going to our common rooms which are located in the dungeons where the killer troll is." I said

They all look at each other for a moment before nodding their heads in agreement, I notice that the teachers have left and that Quirrell was no longer on the floor passed out. I closed my eyes, took a deep breath, and blew out. I opened my eyes and noticed the sand in the corner spin and disappear out of the room.

You should go and find the muggle-born. -Tom sad

Why you hate muggleborns.

We aren't talking about that but you might end up saving her and that could come in handy. -Tom said


"Adom." I said

He stood up and followed me out of the great hall.

"What are we doing?" Adom asked

"Looking for that Hermione girl that's in Gryffindor." I said

"Why are we doing that?" Adom asked

"Tom thought it would be a good idea." I said

Adom rolled his eyes at the mention of Tom's name. I ignored the rolling of the eyes.

"I heard some people talking about her crying in the girl's bathroom." Adom said

We turned and headed off towards the girl's bathroom. We stop moving when we hear a grunting noise. We speed up and quickly make our way into the girls bathroom.

"Hermione." I yelled

"Go away." Hermione said

"Hermione we have to go there is a troll on the loose." I said

A stall door was thrown open.

"A troll?" Hermione asked

"Yes so let's go." I said

We turn to leave but Adom enters the bathroom. He locks the door.

"Adom what are you..." I was cut off by a hand over my mouth

The grunting noise from before is heard again only louder and closer. We slowly move backward so we were flush against the wall. There was a crash and the bathroom door was destroyed. The troll comes stomping into the bathroom. We all quickly draw our wands the troll raises its club and smashes the top part of the stalls. Hermione lets out a scream. We duck and move the side while the troll smashes the remaining stalls. Adom and I exchange looks Adom casts the first spell.

"Flipendo." Adom said

The spell hits the troll who stumbles back his foot coming up off the floor. I carefully aim my wand.

"Diffindo." I said

The spell hits the troll on the soil of his foot, he starts to bleed as he yells out in pain. He start to swing his club around. Hermione runs and hides under a sink. The troll who is beyond mad swings and hits the sinks smashing them. They crack and start to break I quickly cast the softening spell.

"Spongify." I cast

The spell hits the sink just as they shatter the once heavy and deadly pieces are now nothing more than rubbery and bouncy. Hermione and I make eye contact but I quickly turn my attention back to the troll. I see that Adom had cast the same spell on the troll's club. The troll starts to stomp around the bathroom.

"I'm over this." I said

"Lumos Maxima." I cast

The light blinds the room in light, I quickly send out a few blasts of raw power at the troll. When the light fades the troll is out cold on the floor. I bush myself off and look at Adom who was doing the same. We turned to face Hermione who was backed into a corner.

"Are you okay?" I asked

"Yes, I'm just a little shaken up is all." Hermione said

"Either way you should make your way to the hospital wing. If we see your head of house we will let her know where you are." I said

Hermione nods her head and stands up, she is a bit shaky. We turn to leave and are met by Professor McGonagall, Professor Snape, and Professor Quirrell standing in the doorway.

"Good evening Professors." I said

"What are you three doing here. E-Explain yourselves, now." McGonagall said

"Well, the Slytherins decided to stay in the Great Hall seeing as the troll was in dungeon's and that is where our common rooms are. But I remembered hearing that there was a girl who was hiding out in the girl's bathroom. I knew she wouldn't know about the troll. So seeing as Quirrell here said the troll was in the dungeon we didn't see the harm and finding the girl and bringing her back to the Great Hall. We found her and then were attacked by the troll. Adom and I quickly handled the troll and we were on our way out when you showed up." I said

"It's true if they hadn't shown up the troll would have killed me. Amara saved my life." Hermione said

The Professors gave all three of us a look.

"Be that as it was an extremely foolish thing to do. 20 points to Slytherin each. And in the future do try to find a teacher." McGonagall said

"If you excuse us Professors we will head back to the great hall where the rest of the Slytherins are. Then we will all head down to our common room." Adom said

With that we left the girl's bathroom and headed towards the great hall I noticed the sand it followed us but I didn't want it to return to me till we were alone. I opened the doors to the great hall and was greeted by the Slytherins sitting down and talking to each other.

"The troll has been taken care of we can return to the common rooms." I said

Theo and Marcus were the first to rise and walk over to us. We left the great hall and headed down to the common room. As we walked we talked.

"I take it you handled the troll?" Theo asked

"Yes we did, and we saved Hermione's life." I said

"Why?" Marcus asked

"Why not. She may be annoying but she is smart. Plus I did just save her life." I said

It takes them a moment for it to settle in. They stop walking and just looked at me as we continued down the stairs. I heard them running up behind us.

"She owes you a life debt now." Marcus said

"Yup." I said

We stopped outside the common room. I said the password and the wall fell away.

"Follow me." I said

We enter the common room and I head straight towards my room. I know Adom followed me but I wasn't sure if Marcus and Theo followed me. I got to my room and opened the door. We all walked in, Adom, Theo, and Marcus sat down on the couch. Once they were all in I shut the door. The sand that had been following me formed into one of the jackal figures.

"What did you see?" I asked

"The man with his head wrapped made his way up to the third floor and into a room that had a three-headed dog. A man with black hair followed the man with his head wrapped. He was hurt by the three-headed dog." the jackal said

"Did you hear them talk about anything?" I asked

"No as soon as the man with his head wrapped noticed the other man he quickly ran." the jackal said

"Thank you. You may return to the sand." I said

The jackal bows and blows away. I turn to face the others.

"What was that?" Theo asked

"I'll explain at a later date. In the meantime, I would keep an eye on Professor Quirrell. It would seem that he let the troll in so he could sneak off to the third-floor corridor, which has a three-headed dog in the room." I said

"A Cerberus? Why in Merlin's name do they have one of those in a school?" Marcus asked

"I think the headmaster is using it to guard something, A Cerberus is good at guarding things. They don't have many weaknesses, they have a somewhat magical resistant skin." Theo said

"So whatever Quirrell wants is being guarded by a Cerberus. And Snape either wants it as well or is trying to make sure Quirrell doesn't get it." Adom said

"Yup. I guess for now we go to bed. I don't know what the Cerberus is hiding but I doubt it's anything good." I said

Marcus and Theo nod their heads and get up and leave my room, I turn and face Adom. He got up and walked over to me. He pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"We did good today. It was different using a wand to do magic. I'm still not used to it. But I'm impressed that you called forth a member of the army of the undead." Adom said

"Thanks, I knew that using one of them would be the best bet. I might even send one back into the room to see what they are hiding." I said

"Why do you want to find out?" Adom asked

"I'll explain it tomorrow because at the moment I'm really tired." I said

"Okay. Goodnight." Adom said

He kissed my forehead again before he turned and left my room. Once he was gone I headed into the bathroom to change. I laid down in bed.

What do you think the Cerberus is protecting?

No clue but I doubt the Cerberus is the only protection. If I know Dumbledore each teacher put up protection. -Tom said

So who's protection is the Cerberus?

Hagrid's he likes creatures, I can't believe Dumbledore would trust him to do something. He can't keep a secret to save his life. -Tom said

So it would be easy for someone to get information out of him.

Yes it would. -Tom said

I closed my eyes to try and get some sleep.

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