The Howl of Gravity Falls

By ezzymacs

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By ezzymacs

After practicing a few more nights, Dipper felt more confident with his newfound form and could manage whether he ' would transform or not. Once transformed, he would stay that way until sunrise.

After the Mystery Shack closed for the day, everyone decided to hang out in the gift shop. Dipper wiped the sweat from his forehead and exhaled from the days' mystery hunting and work. Even Uncle Ford came up and took a break from his experiments it was nice to have everyone together except for Gruncle Stan who was nowhere to be found. Everyone together, laughing and just having a good time.

That fun time could only last for so long because only after a half an hour the feeling he had started to know and dread took over. The feeling of sudden uncontrollable change. He was going to become a wolf in front of everyone he held dear, he tried to fight but it kept coming. The more he resisted the more painful it became.

His fur grew in and snout started to form, once his transformation was complete he looked around to see everyone staring at him in complete shock. So many thoughts raced through his mind. Fear shone through his eyes and the feeling of being trapped in his lungs. Mabel tried to get close but out of instinct Dipper swiped her with his paw. She wasn't hurt but she was startled enough to step back, he tried to apologize but what sounded like words to him were gruffs and whimpers to everyone else.

To not hurt anyone else he ran out of the shack and deep into the woods, deeper than he would normally go. Once he felt far enough away he stopped and caught his breath he couldn't believe that he almost attacked his sister, what was everyone thinking about him? Was he now a monster in their eyes?

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