love me || luke hemmings

By serendipityem

514 40 64

In which a girl who thinks she can't be loved falls hard for the boy who can't seem to love anyone but himsel... More

i n t r o
o n e
t h r e e
f o u r

t w o

81 9 17
By serendipityem

| Luke |

Luke woke up in an empty bed in the hotel suite he was sharing with his three best friends. He couldn't help but groan at the failed attempt to find someone to spend the night with last night. He just came to the small and quiet town and got rejected on his first try out. Which rarely happened. Getting rejected put him in a sour mood, which made him not try with another girl.

He just got legless instead.

Was he regretting his decision right now? Absolutely, as he had no desire to start his day.

He rolled over onto his back, rethinking of the girl who rejected him. He didn't quite comprehend how a girl could reject him. Him, out of all people.

Yeah, his friends did push him into her on purpose, but he wasn't expecting to spill his drink all over her top. He did find it attractive that her black bra was starting to show through her top.

Luke decided to slowly get up from his bed, just as his door started to open.

"Hey mate, we're gonna go get some breakfast. You coming?" Michael spoke, popping his head through the door.

"Sure. Give me a few to get ready," Luke responded, as his friend nodded, closing the door to leave Luke alone.


That's what Luke was. His parents were angry with him, for constantly being careless, and only caring about himself. The owned the big corporation, Hemmings & Co, that designed software. Luke had no desire to be apart of the company, but he did like the payout and the power that came along with it.

Luke took that power for granted, doing whatever it was he wanted, leaving his parents to clean up after him.

The last mess he created left him in a jail cell overnight. His parents had enough of his behavior, and sent him and his friends to a new town, with little to no money. They wanted Luke to own up to his actions and mature. They were going to check in on him in three months, to see if he had his act together, then they would decide if he was ready to return home.

He was just going to pretend like he did when that day came, so he could go back to his luxurious lifestyle, and continue on with his life. Having fun, sleeping around, and using his parent's money and power until the end.

His friends tried to make him stop and get out of his constant cycle, but it was no use. Luke was too in love with himself to change, finding no wrong in what he was doing.

Deciding to get ready, Luke put on one of his silk shirts and pants. Grabbing his designer sunglasses, he made his way to the living area where his friends were waiting on him. His head was pounding, and the lights were too bright for him, but he didn't mind. The only thing he was thinking about was how the food was going to be downstairs.

Stepping into the elevator, the four friends were quiet. Three out of the four were extremely hungover. The only one who didn't drink was Michael, who chose to be the sober one to help all his friends. He was very happy with his decision.

Walking into the dining area, the four friends sat down at one of the tables. Each looking at the menu for whatever interested them.

"So did everyone have a good time last night?" Michael was the first to speak, putting his menu back down on the table. He couldn't help but laugh as his three friends groaned in unison.

"Shut up," Calum spoke back in a low voice. Michael just continued to laugh.

"I thought I be worse," Ashton told the group, setting down his menu, as he found what he wanted.

"Lukey, how do you feel baby?" Michael told the blonde in a challenging voice. Michael loved to annoy Luke especially when he was hungover.

"Man, if you don't shut up..." Luke began before being cut off from the waitress that came to take their orders.

"Good morning, my name is Adeline, and I'll be your server this morning. What can I start you guys off with?"

Luke didn't bother looking away from the menu, as the voice sounded familiar.

"Just some coffee for right now, thanks," Michael told the waitress, 

"And some almond milk please," Calum spoke towards her as well, who then left them to go get their coffee.

"Isn't that the girl that..." Calum started after she was out of hearing distance before being cut off by an annoyed Luke.

"Shut the hell up," Luke spoke, finally placing his menu down, to look over to find the waitress.

"Small fucking town this is," Ashton spoke lowly to the group, who decided to stay quiet, in fear Luke would overreact.

After a few more minutes, Adeline came back with four cups of coffee and Calum's milk, giving them out to the group.

"So do you guys know what you want to eat yet?" She spoke very slowly, and quietly. The boys were able to tell she was beyond nervous and a little scared to be their waitress.

"I'll have the chocolate chip pancakes," Michael ordered first, finding the whole situation very comical.

"I'll take the blueberry waffles, miss," Calum spoke next.

"I'll have a spinach omelet, thanks," Ashton spoke, as all of their heads now turned towards Luke. He was looking down at his coffee, with a blank stare.

"And for you?" Adeline spoke, making Luke's head snap up to look her in the eyes.

Luke didn't know what he was feeling at the moment. He wanted to flirt with her and try to get with her. But he also wanted to be cold towards her because she was the one to reject him and set him in a bad mood last night. He also wanted to apologize for his actions last night, but the second that feeling came across him, it was gone. Luke was never one to apologize first.

"French toast please," Luke said, watching the girl write down his order, before quickly disappearing with the menus.

Luke couldn't help but watch her walk away. Watch the way her hips swayed as she walked. Watch how good she looked in her uniform dress. He kept his stare up until she entered the kitchen, leaving him to just prolong his stare at the door. To say she wasn't good looking was an understatement. She was very beautiful, which was one of the reasons why Luke felt so attracted to her. He only gets with the best looking girls.

Ashton cleared his throat, causing Luke's head to turn his attention back towards his friends, who all had either a smirk or a confused look on their faces.

Luke couldn't get the girl who rejected him last night of his mind. He wanted to try again, and be less forward. Luke always wanted what he never had; except he always got what he wanted.

"She's a cute one," Calum spoke, while Luke returned his stare at his coffee. He was thinking of the possible ways he could get with her, especially since he knows he works at the hotel. One of the hotel chains his father designed software for.

"And a smart one to say no to Luke and get him flustered like this," Michael spoke, sipping his coffee, while the other boys let out a light laugh.

"I'm not flustered. I'm just thinking," Luke spoke out, with an angry tone laced with his words. 

"Mhm. And what do you possibly think of in that head of yours," Ashton spoke, which finally caused Luke to look at them, where smirks were all present on their faces. 

"Nothing mate, let's just drop it," responding back, quite harshly, the boys took it as their cue to drop the conversation. They knew Luke, and they knew he would cause a scene if they kept bothering him about the topic of her. 

Luke didn't know why she affected him in such a weird way, but it wouldn't last. It's just cause she was the first girl I tried to get within this new town. That had to be the only reason, why Luke was so hung up over her. 

Minutes later, after the boys stayed in silence, all on their phones, Adeline came back with the coffee pot and to check in on her table. 

"Is everything going okay here? More coffee for anyone?" She was so soft-spoken, that if the boys weren't quiet, they most likely would have missed her wording. 

The boys looked at Luke, who just looked towards the middle of the table, with his blank stare.  He didn't know what to say or how to react. He never thought he would see her again, but having her as a waitress was making it hard for Luke to overcome her rejection and go back to his normal self.

"We're good thanks," Ashton spoke for the group, who all remained silent.

"Okay, your food will be ready in a few minutes," Adeline told the group, her eyes lingering on a certain blonde before leaving their table. 

The boys went back to their unsettling silence, afraid of Luke. He was being awfully quiet, and they were unsure of the outcome if they were to speak. 

After a few more minutes of silence, Luke's phone began to ring. Looking at the caller id and seeing it was his mother, Liz, his eyes went wide, staring at the screen debating if he should pick up.

"Who is it mate?" Calum asked him, as Luke's finger was hovering over the screen.

"My mum."

"Awe Liz, tell her I said hi," Michael spoke before taking a sip of his coffee, earning him an eye roll from Luke. 

"Answer it, Luke," Ashton spoke sternly, not wanting his friend to face the consequences of ghosting his mother. 

"Hey Mom," Luke answered, holding his phone to his ear. He was in no mood to speak to his parents at the moment. It wasn't that he didn't love them, he was just angry at their decision to send him away. Plus he still didn't make up his mind about a certain brunette situation.

"Hey darling, how was your first night."

"It was alright," Luke responded, trying to be as blunt as he could possibly be, without upsetting her.

"That's good, what did you fellas do? "

"Went out to this new cafe lounge, and now we are getting something to eat at the hotel." The boys started to chuckle with Luke's response because they knew he was trying to act as if they were 100% sober last night.

"That's nice, I'm glad you like the town. It's good to get a change of scenery."

"Yea it's alright, I wish I could be home though." Luke tried to beg his mother, hoping she would see how ridiculous it was to send her son away from home.

"Luke, honey, you know why you're there so let's not have the discussion again. I'm just calling to check up on my boy."

"Well, your boy is extremely unhappy, misses you, and wants no needs to go home tomorrow. This night was fun, but I'm over it. I'm sorry," Luke was practically pleading his mother to let him leave this plan to get his act together and just go home. 

"Lu, I know you're sorry and I know you want to go home, but your father and I think its best if you take this as a little holiday to shape up."

Luke sighed into the phone, he knew his parents were too dedicated to thinking this experience will set him on the right track. 


"You know my answer baby, I'm sorry Luke."

"Whatever mum."

"You should see if the hotel has a little job position for you to work there. They are good friends of ours and you know we are cutting  you off next week."

"Uh... the food is here, I'll call you later, love you."

"Okay. Love you too sweetie."

With that Luke hung up the phone just as Adeline arrived at the table with their food. The conversation with his mother didn't sit right with them. He didn't understand why they were being so reluctant to letting him go back home, or even letting him keep his money. 

Luke thought it was unfair. Unfair of their harsh treatment, punishing him for the first time of his life. He just turned 24 years old too, and they were suddenly wanting him to change his lifestyle around now. 

He also thought it was unfair how Adeline had treated him last night, as if he was a nobody then show up to serve him. He couldn't wrap his head around on why she rejected him, and it was taking a larger toll on him then he realized. 

Adeline placed all the food on the table, placing Luke's in front of him last. Just as the plate hit the table, Luke harshly pushed his chair out and stood up from the seated boys. Adeline was scared of his sudden stance and jumped back. It was hardly noticeable, but Luke was able to make out her actions. 

"I lost my appetite. I'm going back up to my room, don't fucking bother me," Luke spoke with a death glare on his face at the boys who seemed unphased by his sudden outbreak, as it was expected. 

Adeline, on the other hand, was beyond nervous. She was scared and felt humiliated, as if her presence to the blonde had upset him. She was worried that her being her waitress and running into him last night upset him that he couldn't even eat. 

As Luke got back into their shared suite, he couldn't help but have a full on breakdown and began to trash the place, letting out all his rage that he had been keeping inside of him. Throwing the nicely placed table lamps to the floor, punching the walls - not hard enough to cause a hole, messing up the nicely placed couch. He was going off, and there was no way to stop him, no one there for him. 


That's what he was. No one was there for him. Yes, he had his friends, but they could only do so much for him. No one truly cared about what was on the inside of Luke Hemmings. No one cared enough to find out. He had no one who truly cared for him despite knowing him for long. He was holding in so much anger and pain, he finally started to realize what caused it.

Sliding down against the wall, where pieces of smashed lamps and glass, Luke felt defeat. The feeling of being alone finally started to set in. No one understood why he would feel like this, as he always got everything he wanted. No one would understand Luke Hemmings the way he longed for. He didn't know how to change this feeling, and he was completely unsure if he wanted too. 

He sat on the ground with his head in his hands that rested against his bent knees, relishing in the sound of the silence, the emptiness

Luke sat that way for a few minutes before there was a knock on the door. He didn't bother moving as it was most likely one of the guys or a neighbor complaining about the noise they had just heard. He didn't move his head as the door slightly creeked open, painfully slow.

He only wiped his eyes, clearing the few tears that have managed to fall out, before glancing up. Putting on his fascade that everything was okay, and he was okay. His fascade of his rich boy attitude, where he had everything he could ever wanted. 

The feeling of loneliness  pushed into the back of his mind, as if it wasn't there. If he believed it wasn't there, it would go away. 

I'm Luke Robert Hemmings. 
I have everything I could ask for; money, good looks, a good family, and the bestest friends. I don't need anything else, or anyone else.


Chapter 2 is here sorry for the wait.

School has been a pain. 
I am going to update once a week, most likely Wednesday or Thursday.

I had no idea what I wanted to write for this chapter but I think it came together really nicely. 

Queen Liz made an appearance, and a different side of Luke that I loved writing.

Let me know what you all think!
Do you like the format of the third pov following the character?

Vote & Comment
Love you all! 


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