Swifts' Introduction

By Romeomc

36 2 0

When people first find out, the family is called a freak show. But when you get to know them, they're much mo... More

Author's Note
Intro of the Family
Sorting Hat
I find my partner

Trains...oh joy

7 1 0
By Romeomc

Ok so part 1 is basically years 5-7 for Matthew and Kari. Some of the family will visit them during holidays. I haven't decided what part 2 will be. Though if you have any ideas related to the family I'll take them. A little info of what happened before. Matthew was at Hogwarts from the first year. Kari went to an Italian school, then got expelled and was invited to Hogwarts. She got expelled because a prank backfired or well you'll find out.

Kari looked around the train station, then back at her ticket. Platform 9 ¾? What was that? More importantly how do you get there? She looked up and scanned the station. Kari saw the sign for platform 9. She quickly pushed her trolley over there, some people glanced at her like she was crazy. Truth was she a little crazy, not as in the bad crazy but as in the fun crazy that could get people in trouble.

"Do you need help?" Kari whipped her head around to see girl with fiery red hair and green eyes.

"Well...yeah," Kari sensed the girl's magical aura surrounding her, "I need to find this platform." She showed the witch the ticket.

"Oh," realization flooded the girl's eyes, "follow me." And then without further notice she ran through the wall. Nice, Kari thought as she ran through the wall. She looked around and saw the red head waving.

"Just leave the trolley and get your handbag or something you need. My name is Lily Evans by the way." She said. Lily Evans? Not a pureblood that's for sure.

"Thanks. And my name Karina Sviwft." Kari didn't completely lie about her last name that was a way of saying their name in Scottish (forgot to fill you in that their family is Scottish and that's not the way to spell their last name in Scotland).

"A pleasure," Lily smiled, "would you like to sit with me and my friends."

Kari's POV

"Sure," I would have to find Mat later.

"Soooo are you new here?" She looked at me with a questioning gaze.

"Yeah I just transferred. And I read Hogwarts: A History so you don't need to tell me about the houses."

We entered the train and found a compartment. We talked a little more before three girls entered. I felt uncomfortable as they all exchanged greetings.

"Guys this is Karina Svewft?" Lily looks over to me to make sure she got it right.

"Sviwft." I corrected her smiling, "My last name is kind of a nuisance."

"Are you a transfer?" the blonde asked.

"Yeah," I looked between the four of them.

"My name is Marlene McKinnon," the blonde says as she shakes my hand.

"I'm Alice," A shy light brown haired girl waved at me. I smile return.

"And I'm Mary McDonald," a dark browned girl with glasses said.

"A pleasure to meet you all," I respond.

"So which house do you think you'll be in?" Alice asks. Before I can answer, the door to our compartment opens, and four boys walked in.

"Lily flower will you go out on a date with me," a boy with dark brown hair and glasses asked. I look at Lily and saw her face turn into a face of anger. I mentally face palmed myself.

"NO! And I never will Potter!" She exclaims.

"Boys," I muttered. Mary looked at me and replied:

"Tell me about it." Unfortunately, the boys heard both of us and ALL attention turned to me. A boy with shoulder length black hair came to stand in front of me.

"Who are you?" He purred. I resisted the urge to throw up on him. I could already tell by the voice he was a player.

"Karina," I answered.

"Well I'm Sirius Black. That is James Potter," He nodded to the glasses boy, "Remus Lupin," I looked to a boy with sandy blond hair and scars on his face. "And Peter Pettigrew," the last boy looked more like a mouse with his pudgy self and blonde hair.

"A pleasure...hopefully." I whispered the last part to myself. Sirius continued:

"Why don't you and I go over to a compartment?" Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at us.

"Let me think," I drawled, "No." He was taken aback as were the others, then Alice high-fived me. He stepped back as I stood up. I turned to my seat and grabbed my handbag. Then an all too familiar voice called out:

"Having a little party lions?" I froze, slowly a grin creeped onto my face. Just as James was about to retort something I butted in.

"Hello, Matthew. Long time no see?" I look at him with a smirk. Everyone looked between me and him trying to figure out the connection. Matthew looked at me and then a smile grew.
"Kari! What are you doing here?"

"I transferred," I pushed my way to the white haired boy. We both hugged.

"You to know each other?" Marlene asked.

"Practically my whole life," I reply. Mat and I look at each other. Then we grin Cheshire grins. "Well we'll being going." With that Mat and I left the compartment.

"Sooo, when you say you transferred, you basically got expelled?" Mat questioned me.

"Yea. I swung from a chandelier because of a dare end of story," I tell my cousin.

"Ok. Not saying anything."

"Good idea," I respond. "I'm going to change. See ya later cuz"

"See ya."

So ya. Hoped you like this story. Pleas comment and vote. Tell me what you think so far. And yes she really did swing from a chandelier. 


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