Sparks of Fyre (a Scorose Fan...

By asabopsicle

35.9K 849 862

Rose Granger-Weasley loves Hogwarts. Top of her class, popular and talented, there is not much more she coul... More

Chapter One (Rose)
Chapter Two (Rose)
Chapter Three (Rose)
Chapter Four (Rose)
Chapter Five (Rose)
Chapter Six (Rose)
Chapter Seven (Rose)
Chapter Eight (Rose)
Chapter Nine (Rose)
Chapter Ten (Rose)
Chapter Eleven (Rose)
Chapter Twelve (Rose)
Chapter Thirteen (Rose)
Chapter Fourteen (Rose)
Chapter Fifteen (Rose)
Chapter Seventeen (Rose)
Chapter Eighteen (Rose)
Chapter Nineteen (Rose)
Chapter Twenty (Rose)
Chapter Twenty-One (Rose)

Chapter Sixteen (Rose)

1.3K 30 34
By asabopsicle

"Do you need me to walk you to Gryffindor Tower, Rosie?" Scorpius teased when the clock struck twelve.

Rose snorted. "Please. The only thing that would scare me out here is your face."

The blond boy smirked. "I know many people who would say differently."

She rolled her eyes. Of course he did. More than three quarters of the female population thought Scorpius Malfoy was the best looking boy they had ever seen, nevermind solely at Hogwarts. Rose couldn't deny that he was a sight for sore eyes, but she'd sooner stab herself repeatedly in her own than ever admit that.

They reached the corridor in which they would part ways, Rose heading up the staircase to the tower and Malfoy down to the dungeons. Rose sometimes wondered how they could stand it; she knew she couldn't had she been sorted into Slytherin.

He turned to her, hands in the pockets of his black jeans. "I must say, Rosie, I'm no longer dreading patrol."

Rose lifted her shoulder in a noncommittal gesture. "It could have gone worse, I suppose."

Malfoy smirked. "I'll see you in class, Rosie."

She turned her back on him. "Goodbye, Scorpius."

A light chuckle followed her up the steep staircase to Gryffindor Tower. Rose's mind was going over her night at the speed of a Firebolt. Were she and Malfoy finally acting like friends? She had called him Scorpius after all—and not just once, but twice.

Rose reached the portrait hole with a minuscule smile on her face.

The Fat Lady yawned obnoxiously. "What time do you call this, young lady? And with a smile like that!"

"I was on Prefect patrol," Rose stated boredly.

"Oh, I know fine well where you've been and who with! The whole castle knows!" The woman snickered. "What would your father say, hmm?"

"If this gets me the Head Girl position he'll be saying nothing but praise," Rose muttered to herself. "Bumbling Banshees."

The Fat Lady swung open with a huff at her conversation being ended so quickly. Rose was in no mood to gossip over nothing with a painting, however—especially one with the reputation of being a blabbermouth like she. Rose practically crawled through the hole, her eyes closing in the darkness that greeted her before she reached the dimly lit common room.

Much to her surprise, Roxanne was sprawled across one of the armchairs by the dying fire. A pencil was balanced precariously over her open mouth, from which rather unattractive snorts were emitting. Rose peered down at the book that was open on Roxanne's lap.

"Chapter Forty-Seven: How to turn your brother into a toad," Rose read from the title with a snort of laughter. She picked the book up to take a look at the title. A Prankster's Guide to Magic.

Rose had to laugh at the image her mind conjured of Roxanne studying the joke book religiously for pranks to play on their family. At least she was dedicated to her cause—regardless of how ridiculous the book may seem to Rose.

Roxanne woke with a start at the sound of Rose's laughter. She jumped from the armchair with an "Aha!", pointing her wand at Rose's nose. She deflated when she saw it was only her.

The ginger witch cocked an eyebrow. "Expecting an attack tonight, Rox?"

"James and Fred were acting very suspicious all evening, lurking around and whispering," she muttered. "I thought I should prepare myself. You never know what they'll conjure up next."

Rose had to agree, however extreme Roxanne's protocols may be. James and Fred were relentless when it came to pranks, and the two girls were usually at the top of their list when they didn't get enough satisfaction pranking the unsuspecting First Years. Rose made a mental note to watch her back. They'd be after revenge, no doubt, no matter what they said about being even.

"What time is it?" Roxanne yawned as she bent to pick up her fallen pencil.

Rose handed her the tricks book she was still holding. "It's bedtime, that's what it is."

"How was patrol?" Her cousin smirked. "And Malfoy?"

"Fine and, surprisingly, fine," Rose admitted. "Although I did have a run-in with my new Number One fan!"

"I would ask for the story right now," Roxanne said as they trudged up the stairs to the girls' dormitory. "But we both know Lily will just make you retell it at breakfast."

Rose laughed, knowing that was true. The girls went to bed as quietly as they could, and Rose was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

The next morning, Rose walked like a zombie from breakfast to Potions. Lily had talked her ear off the whole hour about Merlin knows what. Rose was too tired to pay attention, nevermind hold a conversation.

She had only seen Albus once so far. He had been heading towards the Gryffindor table when he caught sight of Rose. She had sleepily narrowed her eyes at him, warning him silently that if he even attempted to speak with her that morning she would hex him into the New Year. He had visibly sighed, before changing course to sit with his friends. Rose was in no mind to hear his apologies again; she knew she would probably just forgive him again to get it over with.

Rose wanted to make him suffer before she did that. He deserved it. He really was meant for Slytherin—a snake.

When Rose reached her Potions class—which she knew her cousin would already be inside of—she was instead greeted by Malfoy.

He was leaning against the wall beside the door, eyes trained on his black shoes that had seen better days. He had his hands stuffed in the pockets of his black trousers and his Slytherin tie was knotted loosely around his neck. One side of his shirt was untucked, poking out from underneath his black jumper. His green-accented robes hung from his body, the right shoulder of his jumper exposed from where his robe pooled halfway down his arm.

He kicked off the wall when Rose approached him. His bright eyes glinted and he sported a grin that was far too happy for that time of the morning. "Tired are we, Rosie? I hope I didn't keep you up too late last night."

The group of Hufflepuff girls that were passing gasped at his comment, their eyes wide with untold gossip. Rose immediately glared at Malfoy.

"Very funny," she snapped. "If there's a rumour going around by the end of today, I know where to find you."

Malfoy snickered. "And if people start dropping dead then I know where to find you."

Rose rolled her eyes and walked past him to enter the classroom.

Malfoy sidled in front of the door before she could make it through. He ran a hand through his already messy blonde hair. Rose forced her eyes away.

"I just thought I should let you know," he started quietly. "Al is on a warpath to get you to forgive him today."

Rose was shocked. Not about Albus, but at the fact that Malfoy was warning her. Wasn't he supposed to be on Al's side? Yes, they were friends now, too. But Scorpius and Albus were best friends, as this year would have it.

"I don't see Albus being too happy with you telling me that," Rose mused.

Malfoy rolled his eyes. "All you had to say was thank you."

She pressed her lips in a tight line. "Thank you."

He smirked. "See? You're getting good at that, Rosie."

"Shut up. And tell Albus that if he wants forgiveness he can leave me alone. Then I'll forgive him."

"What do you think I am?" Malfoy scoffed. "Tell him yourself."

The smirk on his face told Rose that he was simply trying to inconvenience her. Of course he was. Nothing had changed, really, to Rose's delight. She didn't think she could be friends with Malfoy if they just stopped being, well, them.

They walked into class together, and Rose ignored the curious glances from her classmates. She knew it must be a sight to see the two of them actually being civil towards one another.

Malfoy walked off to sit with Vritra, Raphael and Gorgon. The Slytherin girl shot Rose a nasty smirk, looking her up and down with her nose turned up.

Rose had to wonder what she thought. They were wearing an almost identical uniform, after all, bar the difference in colours and the sheer length—or lack thereof—of Vritra's skirt.

As she sat down in her seat across from Albus, Rose pondered if she really looked the picture of goody-two-shoes. Her skirt was pleated and fell to just above her knees—actually defying the Uniform Code which stated that all girl's skirts must reach their knees. Her shirt and jumper were neatly pressed and her tie was tight under her buttoned collar.

Vritra, on the other hand, wore a skirt that could barely be classed as a belt. It was tight, not pleated, and clung to her every curve. She wore a black hooded jumper instead of her school sweater, her green and silver tie barely showing.

Rose had half a mind to give her a detention for breaking the Uniform Code, solely for the satisfaction that she would have to accept it. She really was her father's daughter, sometimes...

"You're staring, Rose," Albus muttered.

She turned her gaze on him, not lessening the harshness she regarded Vritra with. "So are you."

Albus simpered. "You shouldn't make an enemy of Vritra, Rose. She's a Bulstrode."

Rose smirked. "And I'm a Weasley-Granger. With a hint of Potter. She doesn't know what she's asking for, Al."

Her cousin smiled at that. He may be a Slytherin, but he was a Potter first and foremost. Nothing was more important than family.

Suddenly, Rose was reminded of why she was annoyed at him. Albus knew that, yet he still couldn't keep his mouth shut when it came to Malfoy. Yes, Rose was friends with him now, but it was the principle of it which enraged her. That was her secret to tell. And no one else should decide who gets to know her secrets.

She looked away from Albus and crossed her arms.

He sighed. "I really am sorry, Rose."

"I know," she nodded, still refusing to look at him. "I would happily forgive you right here and now if this had been the first time. But you never learn, Albus. And it's always at my expense."

She sneaked a peak at her cousin. He at least looked incredibly guilty. So much so that it pulled at Rose's heartstrings. When he lifted his gaze, however, she glanced away again quickly.

"I'm an idiot, Rose. I never think before I speak and I know I've lost your trust. I'm so sorry. I just can't stand this silence. You're my best friend."

Rose cocked an eyebrow. She was? He didn't treat her like one very often. She was always second best to Malfoy.

"Please forgive me," Albus continued, then shook his head. "In fact, no. You don't have to forgive me but please just talk to me again."

He was no less than begging her across the table. Rose felt her resolve waver. He was right that she didn't want to forgive him just yet... but she missed him, too. As soon as he sorted his priorities and stopped putting Rose on the back burner they could get back to the way they used to be.

She sighed. "Fine. You're not forgiven but I'll stop thinking about all the ways I can hex you every time I see you."

Albus cracked a smile. "Deal. And I'll zip my mouth shut every time I start to say something."

Rose laughed. She knew she wouldn't be trusting Al with any of her secrets for a while. In fact, she didn't think she'd be trusting anyone with them. No one except herself.

For the rest of the day, if anyone was looking for the two cousins, they would find them together. Albus met Rose after her classes and they caught up on all the things they missed from the end of the party and the day that followed. When the school day finished they retreated to the library and tucked themselves into the furthest corner.

They spent the next few hours, in which they should have been doing homework, enchanting pieces of parchment to lead students on wild goose chases around the library. They snickered to themselves as they did so, taking great joy in the confused looks of the poor students.

When it was finally time for dinner, Rose and Al almost skipped to the Great Hall. Malfoy was just heading in himself when they arrived.  He had changed out of his school uniform and into his green and silver Quidditch jumper.  He had a pair of trainers on his feet and black sports gloves tucked under his arm. 

He raised his eyebrows as the pair caught up to him. "I see all is forgiven?"

Rose looked at Albus, who seemed nervous for her answer. She shrugged. "No, but I'm not one to hold a grudge."

Malfoy snorted. "Is that right?"

She glared at him. "Watch it, Malfoy, or you'll be next on my list!"

The blonde boy smirked. "What happened to Scorpius, Rosie?"

Albus shook his head as Rose huffed. "You two will never change, will you?" he asked.

The pair didn't answer. Rose, herself, didn't know. Would they ever change? She couldn't imagine it any differently.

Dinner flew by with little drama. Lily and Roxanne were discussing the aftermath of the older girl's antics at the weekend—apparently Jonathon had sat in silence next to Roxanne in Transfiguration, after it had been confirmed by his friend that they had, in fact, snogged. Rose, however, was distracted the whole time by the pair of whispering boys across from her. Roxanne had been right the night before; Fred and James were acting very suspicious.

"Where are you two going?" She questioned when they sprung up as soon as dinner had come to an end.

Fred glanced at her briefly. "Nowhere."

At the same time James blurted, "A walk."

The two boys glared at each other. Rose narrowed her eyes. "In the mood for a romantic stroll, are we?"

James smirked. "Don't be jealous that no one has ever invited you on one, Rose."

"I think I would rather stay in than go for a romantic stroll with my cousin, James."

He frowned. "That's not— I—"

"We're not going for a walk!" Fred exclaimed. "Frankly, it's none of your business where we're going, Rose."

With that, the two boys hurried off, bickering between each other in hushed tones.

"I don't trust them one bit," Roxanne whispered.

"Neither do I," Rose agreed.

She, Lily and Roxanne got up from the table. From the corner of her eye, she saw Malfoy heading towards the Entrance Hall. He had a few boys in his wake, all of them dressed similarly to the Captain in their house colours, accordingly for a late night Quidditch practice.

Rose's stomach sank. She prayed to Dumbledore that Fred and James weren't going to do what she thought they were...

"I'll be back soon," Rose muttered quietly to her two cousins. They didn't even bat an eyelid, continuing with their conversation about whether Raphael Kistler or Lysander Scamander looked like a better kisser.

Rose followed after the Slytherin team quietly, making sure to keep a fair distance between them as they made their way to the Quidditch pitch.

They started practicing without much of a hitch. Malfoy flew up high above the rest of them. He blew out a breath and rubbed his hands together.

"Okay, let's get started! Chasers, let's practice that combination from last week!" He shouted, his voice muffled to Rose.

She quickly made her way to the stands, peering through the dusky evening for a sign of her idiot male cousins.

"Fred!" She hissed. "James!"

When no one answered, she huffed. She didn't dare raise her voice any more for fear that a member of the team would hear and bust her. Instead, she clambered onto the same stand she, Fred and James had taken cover in the last time. She made sure to stay low, wishing that she had been one step ahead of the other two in snatching Albus' Invisibility Cloak. She had no doubt that they weren't only using to hide from the Slytherin team now that she was looking for them, as well.

"James!" She tried again. She couldn't believe she was back in this situation. Why couldn't she be heartless and leave the bumbling fools to suffer the consequences of their own actions? "Fred! Both of you, stop messing around!"

Rose muffled a yelp as a hand shot out from mid air and pulled her further down until she was almost flat on the floor of the bench.

Fred and James' grinning faces popped out from under the Cloak. James winked. "Fancy seeing you here."

Fred snickered. "Yeah, do you come here often?"

The two boys high fived. Rose slapped their arms down. "If we get in trouble for this, I promise I will kill you both!"

"That's a bit extreme, don't you think?" James grinned. "This is just a bit of healthy competition."

Rose glared at him. "No, it's cheating. I won't be a part of this again, James. Now, both of you, come with me!"

She started to stand up, attempting to pull the boys with her. She was using all her strength, standing up to her full height, completely forgetting in her haste that they were meant to be hiding.


She let go of her cousins' arms at the sound of that voice. With the momentum she had been pulling with, she lost her balance and fell back onto the bench, collapsing in a heap on her bum.

"Ow!" She groaned loudly.

James and Fred and disappeared back under the Invisibility Cloak. Rose felt the stares of the Slytherin Quidditch team solely on her as her cowardly cousins hid behind their shield.

Malfoy flew closer to her. His eyes were narrowed accusingly, but there was a hint of an amused smirk. Rose had no doubt that she'd made a scene, one they all wouldn't forget for a while.

"Are you spying on us again, Rose Weasley?" Malfoy asked, playing the part of the captain very well.

Rose knew he was dying to laugh at her, but he had to remain somewhat professional. The enemy house couldn't be seen spying, after all.

Rose fought the urge to glare at the space she knew James and Fred occupied. She couldn't believe she was about to take the fall for them again.

"I was not spying," she muttered. "I was... watching."

Raphael glared at her with an untrusting gaze. "You're not a Slytherin, Weasley. Therefore, you were spying."

Rose opened her mouth to retort something nasty, but Malfoy held his hand up. "Rose isn't interested in Quidditch, are you?" He smirked, finally. "I bet you just missed me too much."

"In your dreams, Malfoy!"

"Don't tempt me," he laughed.

Rose heard a gag from down below. She nearly kicked James. She wasn't risking her neck with the Slytherin team for him to just give himself away.

Malfoy tilted his head at the sound. He watched her closely. Rose was sure he knew they were there. How could he not?

Raphael interrupted their staring contest. "Enough of this. She still hasn't told us why she's here, Malfoy!"

Scorpius nodded in agreement. His lip twitched as he looked at her. "Well, Rosie? What do you have to say for yourself? If you're not here to spy on us, or watch me be better than you at flying, then what is it?"

The gears in Rose's mind suddenly sprung to life. Malfoy loved the fact that he could beat her at something. But the truth was, Rose hadn't tried her hand at Quidditch since she failed so epically in her First Year lessons.

She locked eyes with Scorpius Malfoy, the Silver Slytherin, Prince of Hogwarts Quidditch. She forced a sweet smile onto her lips and tilted her head.

"Teach me how to play Quidditch."


O M G we are finally at the bit I want to be!! Scorpius Malfoy is going to teach Rose Weasley how to play quidditch lmao

Or is he


I am obsessed with draco tik tok and when i say obsessed i mean OBSESSED someone send immediate help bc i can't stop

i am so in love with my Scorpius. He is everything and more that i have ever wanted a Scorpius to be. I love the idea that he's a player and teases Rose and UGH why am i fangirling over MY OWN fic

lmao love all u losers hmu

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