Odd Deceits ( Ongoing Story )

By bebepenelopz

560 185 141

What's even more strange than meeting the person in your dreams before in real life? Eliana evins, the ultima... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 18
chapter 19
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27
chapter 28
chapter 29

chapter 17

2 1 0
By bebepenelopz

The cold breeze of summer touch my porcelain skin frantically. The way it hits my skin is ethereal with my hair flowing with it making me look Divine.

I'm back at the province where I always saw the two children and the girl who resemble myself physically. I never see her though, the only one that keeps my view at is the child with the blue eyes. Like achilles . Like him. He's wearing a simple white shirt and khaki short.

He's doing something in a barn probably fixing some parts in it. He doesn't saw me though I'm standing in his front. It's like I'm invisible or something but I don't want to bother him so I stand there in front of him like an idiot.

He stands up and he passed trough me, I don't feel anything. He's heading out to go in the house and that house..

Seems familiar like I've been there.

I follow him just to see what he's doing. I don't want to explore the upstairs of this mansion so I waited him here downstairs. The interior is fantastic. It isn't modern nor ancient more like in between.

I stopped touching things as I saw him going down the stairs. His simple shirt is a goner and was now replaced with a black suit but his neck tie is messy and weird, its cute to know that he doesn't know how to do it, if only I could help I would.

" Mom, i need to go now. "

He said. He's now outside waiting for someone.

" Honey you look wonderful! " His mom or something approach and appreciate the looks of his son I guess.

" But there's something missing. " And she fixed his neck tie that makes them both smile, I even smile because of how wholesome their scene is!

" Go in the car, our driver is already there honey, ba-bye! "

We're in the car with his driver. We drived all the way and it stop in a school for elementary students.

I watched him say goodbye to his driver and go inside the school, I'm still following him and no one notice it.

He goes inside a big spot in this school and all the students there are wearing gown and a suit, they look so cute wearing those, gosh!

But the one I notice is that they have their own partners, ready to dance with them . This blue eyed kid on the other hand was left out. Sitting while wondering all over the place if his partner is coming. He looks happy waiting.

" And I still am. " I look slowly in my back and found out that the grown up achilles is here now. Everything was gone except us.

" May I have this dance? " We're wearing fancy suits like him wearing the black suit which the little him wear earlier. And I'm wearing a Victorian up shoulder gown. It was magical, especially that my gown and myself is surreal today, and him.

He. Didn't let me answer him as his hands directly goes in my waist I hold his nape with my two hands. We're dancing in a elementary student ball. In a school.

He spinned me slowly and the background shifted into a mirror. No other than a mirror I can't see anything besides us in our reflection.

My hair is tied up in a lower bun with the whiskey escape in my forehead. And his hair is brush up and I already expect some strands falling in his so I brush it up immediately though there won't be any difference when it falls, he will still look stunning.

He rest his face on my right shoulder while we're dancing. Making my hands flex lower in his chest but when he settle in that position I turn my hands in his nape again. We're still dancing in here.

" You can't remember this part? "

" Hmm? "

" I missed you so much Eliana. "

" I.. don't know what to say. "

" You don't need to say a thing, just remember. Especially me. " I shudder while his face rest in my shoulder when he speaks.

" Achilles... " His cheeks are cupped in tears. I tried to wipe it off but his eyes keep falling it out. My achilles is crying and I wished it was me. I can't believe he's crying it kills me.

" I love you. " He said before dissapearing right in front of me. His ashes flew with the wind and the mirror is broken now. All of them keeps broking after the one was wrecked.

And I can't believe, the fragile mirror is strong while he's there, and was completely destroyed after he was gone. The mirror is me and after the last straw of mirror was gone, I myself is completely gone.

Noises. I heard dang noises before I open my eyes and ready to eat a thing. I'm so starving I just ate pasta earlier right? Wait.

Achilles.. the last thing I remember is that I fallen in the hard ground and achilles is standing there. And am I dreaming again?

I scratch the dirt of my eyes before I stand up and open it. The noises was held downstairs and it was so loud I thought it was in my room. My room is fresh and somehow warm today, that's odd.

I open my door to go downstairs just to find out what was the noise all about. Before i can reach the middle steps in stairs I have the urge to run down now, it was mom and dad shouting at each other!

" Mom! " I shouted before she throws that vase near Dad.

" Go back to your room, Eliana! " My dad spoke like a raging storm but I've been that storm so why should I turn back, I know how to handle this and what do they expect I'll just go in my room while hearing them fight?

" Dad! " Annoyed I go between them just so they'll stop. I go to my mother's side and ask her why.

" This is none of your business Eliana go back! " Dad shouted once again urging me to avoid the raging storm once again.

" Dad, can you calm down? And mom please! "

" Tell your dad to do that! "

" Do what? " Now I'm looking at dad and mom, and dad again

" What are you talking about mom? "

" I tell him to divorce with me and marry that women instead I have someone anyway! "

" What?! " They're cheating with each other and they knew it all along? The fuck is this mess.

" Dad, mom's cheating? "

" And so are your dad! "

" And it's alright for the both of you to cheat with each other? Can you atleast tell me this is a joke? " I said Before I head out to the door and walk away.

They're divorcing? So where am I gonna go ? What if it wasn't true what if they can still fix this? I was hurrying to go back in my room but the calendar stop me.

The night I go partying my parents wasn't here, which was last night but I was wrong. The last time it happened i overslept for 2 days straight and now it was a week.

A damn week.

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