𝙒𝙤𝙡𝙛𝙨𝙗𝙖𝙣𝙚 || 𝙍. 𝙇�...

By Ambythenomaj

125K 3.7K 3.3K

"THAT GIRL IS AS BAD AS THE REST OF THEM!" Asteria Nott, an exchange student from Durmstrang Institute, finds... More

Lost Mouse
New Friends
Easy Potions
Friendly Foxes
Hospital Banter
Charm Catastrophes
Christmas Secrets
Daisy Chains
Common Room Parties
Rose-shaped Lollipops
Secret Closets
James's Match
Lost Cat
Moony's Birthday
Daily Prophet Rumours
Lake-side Drama
Bad News
Two Years Later
A Troubled Christmas
Her Fault
Dark Truths
Lily's Surprise
White, Red and Pink
Lily's Second Surprise
A Notty Christmas
Rose Gold
Her Torment
Slipping Through Their Fingers

The First Transformation

3.7K 119 86
By Ambythenomaj

"It's done!" Someone yelled.

Ast halted her conversation with Marlene and turned around to find James weaving his way through the crowd. He reached them and keeled over, panting with his hands on his knees.

"What is?" Ast asked.

"The month is up!" he whispered grabbing her arm and pulling her in the direction of the common room.

"Wait I've kind of got a situation here," she said trying to pull her arm from his grasp.

"Well it can wait,"

Ast quickly turned back to Marlene and gave her an apologetic look. She allowed James to pull her through the crowd of students heading to and from classes. They were going so fast that they were about to run face first into someone. Ast managed to stop herself, however James collided with the person.

"Watch where you're going-" the person began.

Ast looked up at them. For a split second she thought it was Sirius, but that was stupid. Sirius's hair wasn't short and Sirius definitely didn't wear Slytherin robes. This person was in fact his younger brother, Regulus Black.

James quickly ruffled his hair up and pushed his glasses up against the bridge of his nose. Regulus looked away shyly.

"You alright, Reg?" James asked.

"Alright, and you?" Regulus responded.

"Feeling very delighted at the moment."

James leaned forward and whispered something in Regulus's ear, causing him to go red. Ast raised an eyebrow, she knew for a fact that Sirius wouldn't want James talking to his brother. James drew back and said something along the lines of "later", winked at Regulus and then grabbed Ast's hand again.

"What was that?" She asked.

"Nothing, just wondering how he's been." James said, leading her away.

Ast stopped walking, a broad smile plastered across her face. "You're seeing him aren't you?"

"Don't know what you're talking about,"

James was avoiding eye contact, something he did when he lied.

"Do you really think that I'm an idiot?"

"Yes- no, no I don't."

"What was that, Potter?"

"Nothing... just... don't tell Sirius, okay?"

"I knew it! You can't hide anything from me, Jamie-poo."

She winked at him and he grinned like an idiot. She always had a suspicion that something was going on between the two. During dinner, she'd often catch James's eyes drifting off towards the Slytherin table where Regulus sat. James would also request for Quidditch training to be directly after Slytherin's. It didn't take a genius to figure out why.

However, Sirius didn't seem to be a genius as he didn't seem to have a clue about what his brother and best friend were doing under his nose. That was mainly because Sirius was chasing other boys and girls to notice.

"Miss Nott... Miss Nott!" Professor Mcgonagal said behind James and Ast.

"Yes, Professor?" Ast swivelled round.

"Where were you today?"


"For career advising! You were supposed to be at my office at 3:15!"

Her eyes widened. She had planned it with McGonagall almost a week ago, she couldn't believe she had forgotten.

"I'm so sorry professor, I forgot,"

"Well, yes I can see that, we can do it now if you want. If not, we'll have to wait until next week I'm afraid."

"I can do it now."

"Very well then, follow me,"

James looked at Ast and she mouthed 'sorry'. The potion could wait for a few minutes. James headed back to the common room by himself while Ast followed McGonagall to her office. She told her to sit and then summoned a number of brochures from thin air.

"Now Miss Nott, do you have any idea what you would like to be?" She asked.

"Yeah I do actually, I'd like to be an auror," Ast said proudly.

McGonagall smiled.

"Well that's a start." She picked a brochure out of the pile and handed it to Ast, "I think you'll be a fine auror. Keep in mind you will need N.E.W.T.s in at least five subjects. I would recommend Defense Against the Dark Arts, Charms, Transfiguration and Potions. That leaves just one subject that you can pick."

"I think I'll do Herbology, Professor,"

"Excellent choice, is there anything else you'd want to be? Muggle related jobs perhaps?"

"No, I want to be an auror. Always have wanted to be one."

"Very well then," she said as she put the remaining brochures away. "Remember Miss Nott, you must study hard. Becoming an auror is very hard work so you mustn't let anything distract you."

"Yes, Professor,"

"I'm sure you'll do fine, you're excelling in all your classes. I'm proud of you."

"Thanks, Professor." Ast blushed.

"Very well then, you are free to go. And if you have any inquires please do not hesitate to ask." McGonagall smiled.

"Thanks again Professor," Ast said as she left.

By now, Ast loved Hogwarts way more than Durmstrang. Everyone was so encouraging and welcoming and for once, she felt at home. It wasn't like she didn't have friends back there, she had some of the best times with her Durmstrang friends. But there was something about Hogwarts that made her feel like she belonged.

Students were still heading to their destinations. She remembered that she had to meet James at the common room so that's where she headed. She turned a corner and found Ben and his friends hanging out by the window. Ast couldn't decide whether to talk to him or not. However she needn't decide because he spotted her and walked over to her.

"Hey Ben," Ast said.

"I haven't seen you in a while," he said.

"I'm a busy girl, Ben."

"By busy do you mean pranks?"


He chuckled.

"Listen, I know this probably seems a bit extreme but I was wondering if you'd like to go on a date with me?"

Ast was taken aback. She rubbed her arm, not quite knowing what to say. She and Remus still hadn't talked about the kiss, they had a silent agreement to not mention it. So that meant that she could go on a date with Ben. But she really didn't feel any chemistry between them.

"Oh... um," Ast said.


Ast turned to see who called her. Remus was standing at the end of the corridor, he looked so pale, almost like he was about to faint.

"Wolfsbane," Ast said to herself.

"Wolfs-What?" Ben asked.

Ast ignored Ben and pushed past him. She quickly walked over to Remus. She raised her hand to his forehead. It was burning hot. She knew what to do though. Usually, on days before the full moon, Oscar would have fainting spells. They were usually cured with Ast's Wolfsbane.

"Remus, have you taken your wolfsbane?" Ast inquired, looking at Remus in concern.

His eyes widened.

"No, I'm sorry, I was so caught up with-"

"It's okay, come on let's get you to the common room."

Ben put a hand on her shoulder and said, "Wait, you didn't answer me,"

"I'm in a bit of a situation here, Ben." She said, yanking her shoulder from his grasp.

"It's a simple yes or no answer." He argued.

"If it's simple then you can wait."


"I said you can wait!" She said, her voice raised.

Ben's friends nearby bursted out in laughter. A smile crossed Ben's face.

"Looks like someone is on their period." Ben laughed.

"Nope, I'm just a bitch."

Ast sneered at Ben before leading Remus away. Finally, she made it to the common room. Sirius and James were sitting by the fire surrounded by a few people. Mostly girls and Peter. They seemed to be mesmerised by James and Sirius play-wrestling. James and Sirius immediately stopped when they saw Ast bringing Remus in.

"You all can leave now," James said to the girls.

The girls scoffed and grunted but moved away from the fire.

"What's wrong with him? Why is he so pale?" Sirius asked.

"Full moon is tomorrow," Ast explained.

They all looked at Remus, he was incredibly pale now and was on the verge of passing out. She needed Wolfsbane. Ast ran up to the girls' dormitory to grab some. There was only a bit left but it would do.

She practically flew down the stairs. And thrusted the bottle into Remus's hands.

"Calm down, Ast," he said as he took a few sips.

"You should rest," Ast commented.

"Honestly I'm fine, let me just stay by the fire for a bit okay,"

They all sat down on the comfiest chairs, James practically scaring a third year off of his favourite seat. Remus sat on the floor, closest to the fire.

Sirius, Remus and James began discussing their next prank, with Ast occasionally offering her opinion. Peter wanted to braid Ast's hair so she let him do it. All of them were casting anxious looks at Remus whenever he fell quiet.

They decided to skip dinner, none of them were hungry anyway. At around nine o'clock, they had all come up with three pranks to play on Snape and four to play on the school. Sirius, James and Peter were waiting for Remus to go to bed so they could talk to Ast about animagi.

"I can't believe Evans went on a date, I mean, I'm the most attractive person here. Who could possibly be more attractive than me?" James huffed.

Unfortunately, Ast had let it slip that Lily went on a date with someone in Ravenclaw. He had been complaining about it ever since.

"You'd be surprised," Ast muttered, gazing at the back of Remus's head.

Sirius noticed and snickered. Ast shot him a dirty look and he held his hands up in defense. He whispered something to James and they both nodded and got up.

"We're going to bed," they both announced

James passed by Ast and whispered, "we'll talk about animagi tomorrow." While Sirius indicated for Peter to follow them.

When the other three had gone upstairs, Remus and Ast sat in silence, staring into the fire.

"So are you and that guy a thing now?" He suddenly asked, his tone was harsh.

"Which guy?" Ast asked, but internally, she knew exactly who he was talking about.

"Don't play dumb with me, that Ben guy you were talking to earlier. I heard he asked you out."

"Well, if you had decided to listen, I didn't give him an answer." Ast corrected.

"So what are you going to say then?"

"No of course, I barely know him."

He scoffed.

"What?" I ask.


Ast slid down onto the floor next to him.

"There's no point being angry."

"It's fine Ast, I'm not angry."

"Then why are you in a mood?"

"I'm not."

"Moody. Hey, that's what we should call you. Or, oh my goodness. Moony!"

He lightly chuckled, "Moony?"

"Well, I like it." Ast said, turning to look at him.

Remus took a deep breath, his hair falling into his eyes in the process. He stared back at Ast. He could feel his heart beating faster and faster every second.

"Ast... about what happened, at the party-" he began.

"The one where we kissed?" Ast interrupted.

"Yeah... that one. I just wanted to know if what you did- did you mean to do it, or was it because you were drunk?"

"I don't know really, I thought we weren't going to speak about it."

"I know but... I just wanted to know, if you had feelings for me."

Ast hesitated. "If I say I do, will you hate me?"

She bit the inside of her cheek. Her heart was pounding too. She didn't want to come out and say that she liked him in case he was making a fool out of her. But she didn't want to deny it in case he had feelings for her too.

"The thing is, I'm kinda hoping that you do have feelings for me."

This time, Ast took a deep breath. "I fancy you, Remus."

Remus's heart skipped a beat and he had to make sure that he heard what she said correctly.

"You-you do?" Remus asked.

"I think it's been pretty obvious, Moony." Ast laughed.

"Right, well um... I was wondering if you would like to um-"

"Go on a date?"

"Yes, wait, I was supposed to ask that."

She put her hand on his arm and kissed his cheek, "I'd like that."


James, Sirius and Peter all had a smug look on their faces at breakfast and Ast wondered if they knew about the conversation she and Remus had the night before.

"What have you done?" Ast asked, finally sick of their giggling.

"We have a surprise for Remus," Sirius said.

"And that is?" Remus asked, not looking up from his toast.

"You'll have to wait."

Ast noticed that Ben had just entered the Great Hall. He seemed to have spotted her and was now walking towards her.

"How about we see the surprise now," Ast quickly said.

"But we're not done with breakfast." James pointed out.

"You'll be fine."

Ast ushered the boys out of the Great Hall, only narrowly missing Ben. Sirius took the lead and walked them to a deserted classroom on the fifth floor. Remus had only just finished his toast when they arrived. James locked the door behind them.

"Um-" Ast began.

James put his finger to his lips, indicating for Ast to be silent. The three boys turned to Remus.

"Remus, we have been working hard in order to make your full moons less lonely." Sirius began.

"What are you on about?" Remus asked.

"Together, with the help of Ast; James, Peter and I have successfully become animagi."

Remus's eyes widened, his book bag fell from his hands. That was not the reaction they were expecting.

"What do you mean you turned into animagi? Do you know how dangerous it is? What if I still attack you? You could get expelled for this."

"Relax, Remus, it's done now," James said.

Remus turned to Ast, "you helped them! It's bad enough having one animagi let alone four!"

"We did this to help you, Remus," Ast explained.

"I don't want help," he said stubbornly.

"That's stupid."

"If you get caught-"

"It's worth the risk,"

"You'll be expelled-"

"We don't care."

Peter leaned over to James and whispered, "they're arguing like a couple aren't they?"

James snickered and Ast and Remus's heads whipped towards Peter. Peter instantly cowered away.

James clapped his hands together. "Right, let's get started."

Remus put his hands to his head. "I can't believe you're doing this."

James, Peter and Sirius took their wands out. They each placed their wand tip to their heart and said "Amato animo animato animagus" followed by them drinking their potion.

Nothing happened at first, but then the boys slowly began changing in size. Remus and Ast watched in horror as the boys transformed. Where Sirius was once standing was now a panting, black dog. James turned into a massive stag. And Peter-

"Where's Peter?" Remus asked.

There was a scurrying sound by their feet. They both looked down. A small rat was circling around their legs. Ast picked Peter up so he could rest in the palm of her hand.

"I can't believe it!" Ast exclaimed. "You've actually done it. I'm so proud of you all."

Sirius barked. James went up on his hind legs.

"I can't believe you've all done this, for me." Remus said.

Sirius licked Remus's hand, as if showing that he cared. He began circling around Ast, so she put Peter down and transformed into her fox form. Sirius began chasing her around the room and if someone were to enter the room at that time, Remus would've been seen as a mad man with his strange pets.

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