Flaming Hearts ~Dying Spark ~...

By Namifangurl07

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She was happiness. She was joy. A charming little girl with who would always see the positive side of things... More

The main Cast of the Story (Yours truly)
CH1 - Changing minds
CH2 - Hope in the impossible
CH3 - Like brother like sister
CH4 - Between the flames and the light
CH5 - A chance to become someone
CH6 - The First Case
CH7 - The three Yokai
CH8 - Reunited again. . .
CH9 - A Son's motivation
CH10 - Eye to Eye
CH11 - Meeting the Master
CH12 - Fighting in the darkness
CH13 - Brains and Sheer Dumb Luck
CH14 - Rise or Fall
CH15 - The Spirit Detective Strikes Again
CH16 - Where the adventure begins
πŸ–πŸŽ¨ Drawings πŸŽ¨πŸ–
CH17 - Into The Maze Castle
CH18 - Genbu the Stone Beast
CH19 - Byakko the White Tiger
CH20 - Inside The Room of Hell
CH21 - The Second Round
CH22 - The Cold-hearted Warrior
CH23 - No time to waste
CH25 - What's important. . .?
CH26 - The end of all this
CH27 - Back home with confusion
CH28 - The Second Wave of All
CH29 - The Nightmare Case
CH30 - Here we go again
CH31 - Into the Unknown
CH32 - Under the Water
CH33 - Battle between emotions
CH34 - The Scarves From the Past
CH35 - A Rocky Situation
CH36 - Like Water and Fire
CH37- Difficulties and more conflicts
CH38 - Final Decisions
CH39 - It's combat time
CH40 - The moment of truth
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 1
CH41 - The Flame within ourselves - Part 2
CH42 - The skeleton in the closet.
CH43 - A Heart to Heart
CH44 - Getting into a little situation
CH45 - Miyuki's conclusion
CH46 - Blind Love
CH47 - Opening Up
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 1
CH48 - From Good to Disaster - Part 2
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part 1
CH49 - Start of Something New - Part2
CH50 - Weird Days Happens
CH51 - Lamenting Beauty
CH52 - Freaks in our way
CH53 - With Small Steps Forward
CH54 - The Demon Triad
CH55 - The Toguro Brothers
CH56 - One Last Mission
Last Page - Author Note

CH24 - The beginning of the real fight

348 16 8
By Namifangurl07

"You should feel fortunate most Yusuke." Suzaku said with a mocking laugh. "Not everyone's girlfriend gets a star in a horror movie, let alone have a sister who is so lucky enough to have the most powerful demon as her future husband." In reply Yusuke grit his teeth. "Of course the films in my city are somewhat different. Demons usually don't care much for happy endings. Yet I am going to get one, once I have my precious Miyuki in my arms."

The male Spirit Detective clenched his fists, making his clutches go white as his rage just reached its peeks.

"You think you can control us, don't you?!" Yusuke spatted.

"Us?" Suzaku queried a brow questioningly.

"Me and my sister!" Yusuke growled before sprinting toward the Saint Beast and raise one fist up. "CONTROL THIS, YOU BASTARD!" He then began to rapidly punch the demon, but every time a fist is landed, Suzako blocked it with one hand with no sweat. A small pause later Yusuke landed another, but powerful punch, but instead of reaching the Saint Beast's face, it hit the floating long scarf. The teen thug growled in frustration before looking up at Suzaku, who was floating in the air.

"Funny thing about hanging in the air. . ." Yusuke said as he prepared his Spirit Gun. "It's really hard to dodge." Then he pointed his finger gun at the Saint Beast. "SPIRIT GUN!" The huge blast of blue energy shot out and made its way right at Suzaku, but he didn't move nor flinched in fear. Instead, he hit it away with his forearm.

"WHAT?!?" Yusuke exclaimed in disbelief as he watched his spirit bullet broke through the ceiling instead of his original target.

"Your blast is very powerful." Suzaku commented to the Spirit Detective who had been frozen in pure shock. The demon landed back to the floor with the Whistle perfectly fine in one hand while the other, that had been blocking the attacks was smoking from the small heat the Spirit Gun attack.

"You actually made my hand numb with that last attack." Suzaku admitted as he blew the smoke away. "It's a very good thing you can't hit me with it or I might be in some trouble."

Yusuke growled in frustration as he angrily ranted to himself in his mind about how all of his training with Genkai and Yara are down in the garbage can.

"Let me hold the Makai Whistle for a moment while you drain away his life." Murugu offered as she flew toward her master.

"Thank you Muguru, but that isn't necessary. I'll destroy him with one hand." Replied the Saint Beast confidently.

"Hey, thanks a lot!" Yusuke snapped before lighting strikes through the sky.

"I just love the revelation." Suzaku said smugly.

"My pleasure!" Snarled the Spirit Detective. Suzaku closed his eyes then his right hand reached up for the sky.

"Ooo, Suzaku! You're using that technique on a human?" Murugu asked excitedly before turning to the thug boy. "You're going to die! You're going to die!" She taunted while laughing in delight. More lightning boomed like bombs in the world war. The bolt of lightning strikes once more, but this time it went right at Suzaku and charged him up. In the bright light, Yusuke couldn't see. He had to cover his eyes in order not to go blind.

"Give me a break!" Yusuke exclaimed as he got the courage to open his eyes again, only to witness the Saint Beast holding up a ball of energy that was made out of nothing more than the lightning itself.

"Who does this guy think he is?!?" Yusuke yelled in disbelief. "You can't hold lighting." He said, mostly to convince himself.

"Are you ready?" Suzaku asked before charging at the male Spirit Detective. Yusuke quickly jumped up, but Suzaku doesn't let him get away, so he jumped as well.

"Storm of Torment!" The Beast shouted as he attempted to threw his attack at the teen boy. Yusuke quickly dodged by jumping out of the way, but he still got a small taste from the lightning attack. . . which happened to be as deadly as hell. A scream of pain escaped through Yusuke's throat as his body was surrounded by orange electricity.

Suzaku landed back onto his feet while Yusuke fell flat on his face and stomach, eyes as blank as a canvas while shock was written on his expression. His body was switched off. He couldn't move it one bit.

"Look at him rise, Suzaku, I just love when they do that." Murugu commented with delight. Yusuke weakly got up to his knees with the help of his hands that are trembling along with every inch of his bones that are shaking like the leaves in the strong wind. Suzaku approached the Spirit Detective.

"You'll find that the energy will seek you out like lightning to a rod, but take hard, you are the first human to ever survive my technique." Suzaku said.

"You must feel so proud." Murugu chimed in, mocking Yusuke even more.

"You have much more spirit energy than the other pawns King Yama sent after me in the past, but it ill never be enough to ruin my great plans." Suzaku told him with confidence. "As soon as you rise, I'll have to finish this. Why don't you stay down and watch the end of Keiko's movie?"

"She won't be easy to shove in the corner you know!" Yusuke spatted as he raised himself up to one knee. "Keiko is no fighter, but she's plenty tough and she's not following your stupid script!" The speech made Suzaku laugh.

"She's not, and neither am I!" As the teen said that he took off his shoes and used them as gloves. He shifted into a fighting stance and clapped the bottom of his shoes together. "Let's fo this asshole!"

The sight in front of Suzaku made him laugh along with his green female bird. "I trust you're not being serious." The Saint beast taunted. Murugu laughed maniacally as she flew away from her master's shoulder.

"Don't you see what he's doing, Suzaku?" The bird mocked. "He thinks he can block lightning with his rubber shoes, You're truly an idiot, you might as well block a cannonball with paper." She laughed, getting on the boy's nerve even more.

"Why don't you go lay an egg or something?!" Yusuke screamed at the bird to shut her up, but she just kept laughing.

"Yusuke Urameshi, you are my perfect justification." Suzaku told him. "You are why demons should take place of humans on Earth. You are an idiot race that deserves extinction. Your sister must be ashamed to relate to a creature like yourself."

"SHUT YOUR FACE!" Yusuke snapped back. "She might hate me at times and can be mean to me, but deep down I know she never stopped caring just like I never stopped loving her. In fact, knowing her she would be ashamed to spend the rest of her life with some stupid bastard like yourself!" The remark did not sit well with Suzaku and as a result, he prepared for another lightning attack.


I kept slicing and cutting those bastards like they were nothing but a piece of cake, but no matter how many did I managed to take down the new ones kept coming like factory items from the assembly line. I hated it with all my heart.

"They just keep coming!" I exclaimed out of frustration as I sliced another one of those veggie heads who tried to tackle me down. Well, looks like they're getting a little smart. Just a little.

"We got to find some way to get to Urameshi." Kazuma said as he finished off another zombie creature.

"Yes Kuwabara, I have a strong sense that he needs out help." Kurama agreed tiredly earning a nod from Hien and I. Of course, my brother needs our help but how are we gonna do that if these bastards keep coming out of the oven fresh?!

"I hope you guys are behind me!" Kazuma yelled as all four of us charged at the newcomers.

I slice all as I run my way between them, but this is not enough. So many time had been wasted and we are not even close to the entrance. Damn it.

The lightning suddenly strikes again, but it hit. . . inside the watch tower.

"Yusuke. . ." I breathed out worriedly before continuing on slicing those little veggie heads with my ice sword.

I need to get to my brother somehow. I need to get inside that tower fast, but without using too much water or energy?!?



A small gasp escaped from my lips as I looked at those captivated humans.

My head. . . Why use that when you can use someone else's! Why didn't I thought about that earlier? From the corner of my eye, I saw two of them jumping right at me, but I cut them into pieces with my double ice swords.

Okay, here goes nothing.

I sprinted toward one of them and jumped up high enough to get on top of these brainless idiots' heads. 

I didn't think, I just kept on running, my feet stepping on one head to another as I finally reached my destination, the window that Yusuke entered through. I hear the boys shouting my name but I ignored them and just kept on running. Hopefully, this adrenaline rush will be enough for me to get to my brother and get his ass out of trouble as usual. I made one of my kunai ice swords melt and crawl down to my feet, boosting me upward like a last time I had just jumped on a metal spring. I landed on the edge of the window frame made out of bricks but lost balance for a hot second there. Thankfully I regained it back, making the relief wash over me.

"MIYUKI!!!" Two voices cried out my name from the distance. I looked over my shoulder to see the boys struggling their way to get inside.

'I'm sorry.' I mentally apologized to them before jumping off of the window and run up the stairs.

I don't know how long this fight is going to take, but hopefully, it will all end before it's too late.

'Hang in there Yu-yu. I am coming.'


"Get down!" Suzaku ordered me at me before punching me in the head and sending me kissing the dusty floor again.

"Is it possible you care that much for this girl?" I hear that bastard asks me this stupid question. "Well, then I'll just have to stay and watch her die."

"Yes! She's going to die! She's going to die!" Cried out that annoying talking chicken happily. I couldn't move my muscles. I was totally out of it all. My strength, my spirit energy. . . Crap, how am I gonna protect the girls now?

"Pick him up." I hear pretty boy instruct it to his clones. I feel my arms being held strongly while my upper body was hanging limply and I was on my knee. Damn it!

I hear Suzaku laughter but all I could think about is Keiko, Botan, Ruby, and the others.

What should I do? What can I freaking do?

"Can't you drop these human feelings Yusuke?" The bastard asked half-heartedly. "I will make you a king of demons if you promise to eat Keiko's heart. And who knows, maybe you can be my best man at mine and Miyuki's wedding."

I weakly lifted up my head but my undying hatred toward him never left me.

"Go. . . To hell!" I growled with a weak voice, cracking a little.

"I don't like that answer." Suzaku growled out. Well like it or not it doesn't matter, I will protect Keiko no matter what.

"What do you think my dear Suzakus?" The monster asked his stupid clones. "Can we reform this boy's rebellious attitude?" I suddenly feel a hand grasping onto the back of my hair and yanked it up, forcing me to look at the screen and at that bastard. Within the next moment, ZAP! The electricity began to flow through my entire body. It was burning. . . anguishing. . . A pain that is beyond indescribable. . .

Damn you Suzaku!

"We'll give you just enough, so you won't pass out, floating in a constant state of pain." I hear Suzaku explain like it would make things better for me when it's not. I couldn't do much but scream in pain as my eyes would constantly go to the screen. "Then you can watch every last minute of Keiko's life, and look Yusuke, it's getting really exciting. The final scene I believe, can't you hear the music swelling?" I ignored the stupid prick's words as my full attention was on the mute screen where Botan, Ruby and Keiko was.

"Keiko! Ruby! Botan!" I screamed at them our of desperation and worry. I can't die like this, I need to do something, but what?! Then suddenly the screen changes to Miyuki who was running up the long stairs.

Wait?! Where are the others. Isn't she supposed to be with them?!

"Oh?" I hear Suzaku ask in wonder and curiosity. "Looks like mine. . ." He trailed off as he turned to the copies of himself. "Or should I say our bride to be, wants to join in, to our movie night. Why don't you go and pick her up?" He asked one out of his eight clones who obeyed and walked out of the room.

"I TOLD YOU ALREADY YOU PERVERT PRICK! LEAVE MY SISTER OUT OF THIS!!!" I shouted at him enraged, but all he did was laugh and mock me like I just told him a joke. Then another wave of shock that makes me scream in pain and agony.

No, not Miyuki too.


My sore feet carrying me over up to the next room where I will probably find them. I hope I will have enough water for water bending.

Once I reached the top of the stairs and the open door I was in a huge hall, similar to the Ice King's room. Pillars that held up the ceiling but with big windows, on the other end there was the next staircase.

'Okay, almost there brother.' I began to sprint again, but after like five steps, I froze on my tracks and shift into a fighting stance. Someone is there, and he is very powerful. I hear that person laugh in delight as he stepped out of the shadows wearing a strange hairstyle and a cocky smirk on his face. I didn't let my guard down, not even once.

"My-my, you look even more beautiful up this close." Commented the stranger who is probably the Saint Beasts' leader. . . I glare at him hard as my grasp on my ice sword got tighter.

But wait. . . if he is here. . . then where is my brother. . . ?

"Who the hell are you and what did you do to my brother?!" I demanded with a calm yet deadly tone, earning an amused smile and chuckle. Does he seriously find this funny? Damn with these monsters.

"Oh, where all my matters." The stranger said politely before clearing his throat. "The name is Suzaku. The leader of the Saint Beasts. Well, for the correction I am his clone, but I am just as strong as the real deal who is having a really good time with your brother." I growl escaped through my throat. By just looking at his face he already pisses me off. "But don't be afraid my beloved Miyuki, he won't suffer much longer. " He 'reassured' me as he began to walk a step forward.

"Do not call me 'your beloved'." I snarled at him with a low and dark tone. "And last time I checked, I didn't even say yes to your proposal, nor give you permission to even have my heart in the first place."

The demon Suzaku smirks.

"Caught a feisty one I see." He commented. "I love that in a woman."

"You won't love it later on, once I kick your butt!" I told him as I brought my other hand to my weapon's hilt.

"So you want to play rough, huh?" He asked curiously, in a teasing tone, making my glare hardens as I bared my teeth. "Now-now, let's not be too critical here dear."

I scoffed at that. "Well, sorry if my brutal honesty inconvenienced your huge ego. Besides, I wanted to give a nasty look to you, but you beat me to it because you already got one." I see his confident and smug expression turn to a sour and angry frown. Looks like I hit the nerve again, meaning I am in huge trouble now, but there is no turning back now. I need to suck it up and fight. Again.

I just hope the others have much better luck than I am.

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