Nobody's Angel

By fliesbugme

64 3 1

Ashtynn never had anyone but herself. She never needed anyone else. But in comes Blake. Ever since he picked... More

Chapter 1 - Into the Ditch

Chapter 2 - Crevasse of No Return

21 1 1
By fliesbugme

I sighed and rolled my eyes at the queirdo sitting next to me. This guy had been hitting on me since the beginning of this class. He wasn't sore on the eyes or anything. He was actually quite attractive. Just very arrogant and cocky.

"Did it hurt, baby, when you fell from heaven?" He asked, trying yet another horrible pick up line. Seriously, the dude couldn't take a hint.

I turned to him and smirked, "No. It was actually quite a soft landing considering I landed on your fat ego."

That seemed to shut him up for a couple of minutes. Finally! I thought, some peace and quiet. 

It wasn't long after that before a small paper airplane landed on my desk. I look in the direction from which the airplane came from to see the ignoramus waggling his eyebrows at me.

I instantly crumpled the airplane up and throw it into the trash can across the room, surprised when it makes it in. Unfortunately, the teacher saw it land, so he went and picked up. Mr. Lee read the note out loud without even seeing what it said beforehand.

"I guarantee, Baby," He read to the class, "It wasn't my ego that was so big..." He trailed off, ears turning pink. "Who wrote this?" He shouts.

I stayed quiet and sink into my seat not wanting to be here at the moment, when all of a sudden the moron next to me shoved his index finger in my direction.

"It was her!" He all but screamed, causing me to wince in return, "She has been harassing me all hour." He stated rather dramatically.

I face palmed, unable to comprehend his stupidity.

"Jack," Mr. Lee says looking up at the idiot whom now had a name, "I am fairly convinced it was not a female who wrote this note. And since you were so quick to point fingers, I will be seeing you after school for detention."

I mentally did a fist pump, congratulating Mr. Lee. I was just hoped Jack would leave me alone from now on. I had only been in school one week and I hadn't seen Jack once since I began. Where he had been all that time, I didn't know, but I wished those days would come back.


I wandered into the cafeteria, hoping this place had some decent food today. I glanced at the large dry erase menu that was on display. Chicken nuggets. Yeah... No. I adjusted the strap on my backpack as I turned back towards the double doors I had come though earlier. There was no way I would eat that cardboard they called food. I made a mad dash for the front doors, hoping to evade any teachers that wished to stop me.

Luckily I did make it to my bronco before anyone stopped me. I was about to pull out when the passenger door swung open and an intruder plopped himself down in the seat.

"Excuse you!" I scoffed, wondering where Blake had gotten the audacity to invade my vehicle.

"You're excused," He chuckled, pulling on his seat belt, "But I am a little curious as to why you have avoided me all week." He stated cocking an eyebrow at me.

I was about to deny that I had been avoiding him when I realized there would be no point. He already knew, so who was I trying fool by saying I wasn't.

He turned his head back to the windshield, "You know lunch doesn't last all day. You might want to get a move on."

I just stared at his profile for a moment, trailing my eyes down along his jaw line before I caught myself and revved the engine. I pulled out swiftly and headed towards the main part of town.

"Where is the best place to get a cheeseburger around here?" I asked.

"The best place? That would be The Station."

"Where is that?"

"Somewhere over the rainbow!" He sang very loudly.

"Seriously, dude?" I asked in disbelief.

"Can I drive?" He turned to me, eyes shining like Christmas lights.

Seeing as I was getting nowhere with him, I pulled over into an empty lot. I jumped out and ran over to the other side. When I got there, Blake was already in the drivers seat waiting for me to get in. I swear he was worse than a little kid.


We had been driving for half an hour when we finally pulled into the lot of a small gas station. I looked around for my wallet before finding it down in the crevasse between the seat and the center console. As I tried to fish it out a song I had heard once before popped into my head.

"This is the crevasse of no return. You'll never need to leave." I sang quietly as I attempted to get my wallet.

"What the hell are you singing?" 

I would have jumped ten feet had it not been for the ceiling of the vehicle. My head slammed into it leaving a painful bump on my head.

"Fuck a duck," I groaned grabbing my head.

"Did you just- ,"

"Yes I did. I was looking for my wallet before you so rudely interrupted me."

"Forget your wallet," Blake demanded as he lifted me out of my bronco, "My treat."

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