The Returned Mate (BWWM) |TO...

By NiyWrites

42.5K 2.1K 293

*book two* It's been two years since Melodi left Caleb after finding out his father killed her best friend. ... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter Twenty-one
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five

Chapter six

2.7K 105 22
By NiyWrites

Melodi opened her eyes to the sound of a door opening. She sat up and looked around for Ethan. She looked toward the sound that awoken her and saw a wide-eyed Adrianna holding a short teal material with black shoes.

"Oh, your awake." Her eyes traveled to Ethan, who was trying to tie his black tie.

Melodi got out of the bed and rubbed her eyes. "What are you doing with that?" She pointed to the dress.

Adrianna smiled. "There is a new wolf that's wants to join the pack, so, we are having a celebration party after the ceremony, the party will be for you two as well."

Melodi nodded but didn't dare speak. She took the dress from Adrianna's hands and walked to her room, with the excited fanatic on her tail.

When she walked into the room, Adrianna closed the door and locked it. "Why were you asleep in Ethan's room?, No, why were you in his bed?"

Melodi walked to the bathroom and shut the door. "It's not what your thinking, where's Ci-L?"

She heard Adrianna scoff. "She is helping the guys get ready."

Melodi put on the dress and fixed the bow on it. It reached mid-thigh and had teal lacing over the top of the real dress and then had silk and sheer material on the bottom.

The lacing showed her back. She looked into the mirror as she got prepared.

When Melodi walked out, she saw Ethan, he looked up from his tie and was frozen.

She was....beautiful. Her long hair was in waves as she ran a hand through it. The dress brought out her dark brown orbs as she looked up at him.

She smiled her perfect smile and walked to him. Melodi grabbed his tie and began to fix it.

When she pulled away, Ethan was still in shock. "E, are you okay?" Melodi questioned.

"Yeah Ethan, are you okay?" Said Adrianna, who was smiling secretly.

Ethan shook his head slightly and smiled. "Yeah, I-I'm fine."

Melodi nodded and looked over to Adrianna, who was smiling like a farmer who just got enough pork to last all winter.

Adrianna cleared her throat and stereo to the door. "The idiot knows how to pick locks, wouldn't leave the room."

Melodi giggled. She was the one to teach Ethan to pick locks.

But Adrianna didn't need to know. She pulled her arms through Ethan's and they walked out of the room to the sound of music.

Ethan looked over to Melodi to find her brown skin glowing. "Nervous?" He whispered in her ear when they reached the steps.

Melodi shook her head and moved closer to Ethan.

Ethan knew she was nervous, he could feel it. When Adrianna was at the door that led to the party.

She turned and looked at the two. "Are you guys ready?" Melodi and Ethan nodded.

Melodi pulled her arms from his and grabbed his hand.

Ethan squeezed it as Adrianna opened the door. As they walked through, Ethan and Melodi could feel the eyes of everyone.

She wondered what The pack thought when she left. She heard a scream and was suddenly pulled into a hug.

She looked down to see Angel. She was taller, her arms wrapped around Melodi's torso.

Her curly auburn hair and sea green eyes never changed. "Well hello there Angel." Melodi said hugging the sweet child back.

Angel pulled away and looked up into Melodi's eyes. "I thought you forgot about us."

Melodi looked up to see expectant eyes. When she looked down to Angel, a smile found her lips.

"I could never forget you all." Angel smiled at Melodi and grabbed her hand, telling her about all the kids that's missed her.

Ethan smiled at the eight year old and followed behind slowly. He couldn't help but look over to Melodi, who was talking to everyone as if she never left.

When Melodi looked over and saw Ethan looking at the ground, she called him over.

Ethan was quite upset for the fact he couldn't watch Melodi from outside the circle like the creeper he is.

Melodi smile as he approached. His eyes met hers and they shared a silent conversation.

These people think that's we are together, and Ci-L wants us to stand by them, but there's a problem.

Ethan looked over to where Melodi was making a small gesture with her finger.


He was over there.

Ethan looked back at Melodi and smiled. "Lets go love, I would very much like to have you to myself." Ethan whispered the last part on her ear and the ladies that's were watching began to blush.

Well, that's settles it, the whole pack now thinks that Melodi has moved on. Melodi rolled her eyes and excused herself from the group that was now whispering about how Caleb should get 'his girl' back.

Melodi scoffed at the mumble. That will be the day. When they walked up to the group, they saw wide eyed and opened mouths.

Ethan raised and eyebrow. "May I ask why the shocked faces?" They all started stuttering.

"I thought you two weren't together." Adrianna said in question.

Melodi shook her head. "We aren't."

"Then why did he just lean down and whisper into your ear words that made the half the pack blush?"

Melodi wanted to run from his voice, so different, so....strong, intimidating.

She never heard when....


Melodi looked over to him and said in a low voice. "Your pack were beginning to question who I was, and I couldn't get away."

Caleb and Melodi started at each other for a moment, then, Caleb looked away.

He couldn't take it.

Her being so close, yet at the same time being so far away. Melodi looked toward the sound of laughter.

She was met by a boy with the strangest shade of hazel eyes she has ever seen.

And he was walking her way.

"Alpha." The stranger said bowing. Caleb shook his head. "You don't have to, this is your party, your moment."

The stranger smiled. And nodded. "Sir yes sir." Caleb smiled and shook his head.

When he realized there were people waiting to be introduced, he started with his brothers, sisters, then his friends.

The stranger turned to Melodi. "And who is this gorgeous lady right here?" Melodi smiled and watched his expression.

So far, she had gotten the name Brandon, but that's was all Caleb said, not telling them what pack he came from.

He had honey and chocolate brown hair, and his eyes were hazel, with a gold tint.

Weird right? But to Melodi, they were so mesmerizing. Ethan glared at the man, he seemed so familiar.

Suddenly the man on the plane came to mind, but when Ethan thought back to it, that's mans eyes were grey, and this boy seemed younger than that man.

And what made Melodi smile even bigger was the fact that the boy had braces.

And a dimple.

But for some reason, dimples looked better on Caleb, but not right now.

Because this boy was killing the look.

And if anyone new Melodi, they would know that she likes cute facial traits.

She stuck her hand out. "My name is Melodi." Brandon raised an eyebrow. "With a y or an I?"

This made Melodi smile even more. "I." Brandon took her hand and kissed it softly, looking up at her.

"Such a perfect name for a beauty like you." Melodi couldn't take her eyes off him.

But, she did when Ethan moved in front of her and cleared his throat. "Names Ethan, Melodi's bodyguard, and I'm sorry to say but she is off limits."

Melodi rolled her eyes at his protectiveness. Brandon laughed. "Sorry man, best friend?"

Ethan nodded. That's when all of Caleb's brothers got in a line beside Ethan. "And we are her other bodyguards, and if you think of touching her again or looking at her in a way I that I think is inappropriate for my princess, then you will loose more than your hands." Aiden said.

Melodi peaked over Ethan's shoulder to see Brandon salute. Caleb cleared his throat and began to walk to the stage the boys must have set up.

When they all moved away, Melodi wanted to catch up to Brandon, who was behind Caleb, but Ethan grabbed her hand and felty pulled her back.

"They are about to start the ceremony."

Melodi looked into his brown eyes......wait-did they always have golden flecks in them?

"Are they suppose to start it in the day?" Ethan rolled his eyes, out his hands on her waist and turned her to the trees.

"Does that look like daylight to you?" Ethan whispered as Melodi watched the pink clouds and the sun set.

"What time did I wake up?" Ethan out his head on her shoulder. "I wanted to wake you at seven, but you looked so darn cute cuddling my Spongebob teddy bear, I decided to let you sleep till four." (A/N: and if you didn't read my first book[which is weird] this was a reference to it...and you should really read it, unless you like to read the second first, I don't mind)

Melodi moved from their position and glared at him. "I will deal with you later." Ethan put on a fake scared face and started to walk toward the stage.

Melodi rolled eyes and followed. The watched as Caleb began speaking.

"Welcome pack members, today we have a wolf that's will be joining our pack, his name is Brandon Lancaster..."

Melodi zoned out after the mention of his last name. She felt as if she knew that, as if she knew the last name before Caleb even spoke it.

She shook her head slightly and continued to listen.

".....and now it is time."

Melodi watched as Caleb walked over to Brandon, who met him halfway. Brandon kneeled.

"Brandon Lancaster, if you join this pack, will you respect it, honor it and protect it with your life?"

Brandon nodded and said the words "I will."

"Will promise to treat this pack as your own family?"

"I promise."

"And do your solemnly swear-wolf and soul-that you will never betray this pack in any way?"

Brandon went silent.

He was silent for too long.

And as he nods and and speaks the words "I swear."

That's when it happened.

His eyes began to glow, Caleb's too, the moon seemed brighter and Melodi watched in awe as a strange blue cord appeared.

And as Melodi looked around, she saw every one with the same blue cord, all leading to Caleb.

And as this cord attached to Caleb, his wolf was suddenly there. And Brandon's wolf was bowing, in submit, to his new alpha.

It was a breathtaking sight. And as she watched, it was as if Melodi's heart stopped beating.

Then it was over, and the wolves disappeared. And it was just Caleb, and Brandon.

When Brandon stood, The pack was silent. Caleb nodded. "Welcome to the pack." The crowd erupted in cheers.

That's when the party started.

Everyone was walking around, eating 'the worlds best hot dog' two people even had a serious conversation about what tasted better when Jace cooked.

Melodi was greeted by old faces, and new ones too.

"But Alpha Caleb has never been the same since you left." Cameron said. Melodi gave her a side glance. "But then again, he was even worse when he battled his father for the title as Alpha,

"You could see it in his eyes, he couldn't kill his father, it was all he had." Melodi looked at Cameron. "He battled his father for the title of Alpha?"

Cameron nodded."We were in a pack meeting and Caleb burst through the doors yelling about how he wanted the title of Alpha, I mean, Aiden was suppose to get it, but it was being passed around like a rotten slice of cheese, no one wanted it,

"And Caleb was the only child left, trained and taught to want to be Alpha, so I guess when you think about it, he had no choice....but to accept it."

Melodi watched Caleb walk around, smiling and talking to everyone that crossed his path.

Listening intently when someone spoke. This wasn't the same Caleb that's Melodi left in the foyer, broken hearted and alone.

"Now don't get me wrong, he is the best Alpha in the world, trains with the little ones and the teens, the adults got certain days to train, he talks to the kids as if they were his own,

"So when you compare this Alpha to the arrogant jerk of a teenage boy, he has grown a lot."

But when you compared this Alpha to the angry sad and lonely boy that watched his mother die....

He was just hiding.

Ethan watched Melodi as she looked at Caleb in confusion, as if he were a puzzle to solve, then she looked angry.

Melodi jumped up from the table she was sitting at and excused herself saying that she was feeling 'under the weather.'

People began to leave as Melodi walked inside the house and walked into one of the living rooms.

She sat down and watched the wall I front of her. He was every where. Pictures of him when he was a baby, all the way up to what Melodi guessed was age ten.

She looked away and laid back on the couch and closed her eyes. She stayed I that position until the last of guests left.

Ethan walked up to her quiet form and sat down. Melodi could hear other footsteps following Ethan.

"Hey M, you okay?" Melodi nodded slightly. But anyone could tell that she was lying. Ethan sighed and watched Caleb as he stood in a dark corner.



Melodi began to go back in time.

Two years ago.

Before the craziness.

Before she lost her sanity.

Just two years.

"Well, I'll be home when you wake up."

Okay." I whispered.

"Oh, and Mel?"


"I lo.... I hope you sleep well."

"I will, promise."

"And if you can't, then sleep in my room okay?"

I nodded then answered. "Okay."

We went silent.

"Goodnight. Mel."

"Goodnight Caleb."

Melodi felt a tear escape her eyes. She couldn't sleep that night, so she went to his room.

He almost told her he loved her.

"Melodi?" Ethan questioned softly.

But Melodi was long gone.

"There is a thing that my father likes to do, ever since my mother died he's been, off, he likes to kill off humans, but he met you, it was different.

"That car that hit your best friend, was my fathers, and I know I should have told you-"

"Your father killed my best friend?"
Caleb reached out for me.

I moved away and he winced. "Mel please-"

"DON'T call me that." Venom took over my voice, laced into my veins and lit a fire into my eyes.

"You knew, about my nightmares, you knew I sat up late at night, thinking it was my fault when it was really your fathers?"

He flinched under my words.

"I was right your more than dead to me, you don't even exist."

I turned to the doors, tears in my eyes. "Maybe it's a good thing your mother isn't here."

I looked back at him.

"She wouldn't have to worry about the monster you became."

"Melodi?" But as her eyes opened. Ethan knew exactly who had taken over. "Oasis, please whatever is going on-"

Melodi's wolf was in full control, she looked up to Caleb, who did nothing but stare right back.

"Did you mean it?" She whispered. Caleb stared silently.

"Did. you. mean. it?" Caleb's eyes looked at the ground.

"I still do."

And that was all it took for Melodi to take full control of her body. "How can you say that when you knew who killed the only thing I had going for my old life?"

Caleb met her eyes, and it was as if time slowed, all he saw, was Melodi.


This wasn't right.

Cake took in a deep breath and looked back down to the wooden floors.

Caleb still loved Melodi.

He loved her enough to go against the words he told her two years ago.

"And I love you enough to let you leave, but I also love you enough to not lie to you so you can have someone to blame.

"You can leave Mel, I already have all the steps figured out, and I'm going to finish them, because I love you enough to do anything to get better."

And that's what he did. He went to his moms grave, cried his eyes out. He smiled more.

He made being an Alpha his life line.

He took care of his pack.

But most of all,

He got better.

All of this, for a girl that will never look at him the way she use to.

She only sees him as one thing.

A monster.

So when the doorbell rang, Caleb walked out of the room, not even saying one word.

What he didn't expect was a girl standing there, Purple and blue hair, and dark mint green eyes.

Melodi heard a voice in the hall.


She knew that voice.

She knew it too well.

She looked over to Ethan. Who was as shocked as her.

She jumped up from her seat. Praying it wasn't true.

But she was wrong.

She stood frozen as Caleb moved to reveal the girl.


The girl looked up and smirked. "Hey Melina, miss me."

And if it wasn't for Caleb, Melodi would have hit the floor as she fainted.

Her dead best friend was alive.


Sooooo? Was that good enough for you?

Man, that's thing took so long to write I came feel my fingers cramping.

I have a tip.

When your writing a story, put your heart and soul in it, because you never k ow who is reading.

You might just get the book published.

Of you could have saved a persons life.

And one more thing.....



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