My safe place (Jensen X Reade...

By FictionalWife02

155K 4.2K 355

Can a horrible relationship lead to your meeting with the love of your life and to your own love story? More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56

Chapter 27

2.4K 75 2
By FictionalWife02

That night I didn't get any sleep because I was super hyper. I couldn't quite believe that what happened last night was real and I couldn't stop looking at my hand.

The ring was beautiful and inside of it was carved the phrase 'I love you. J'. Jensen turns to his side and opens his eyes "Good morning" he says still kinda sleepy
"Good morning" I say and I kiss him.
"What time did you wake up?" he asks
"I don't think I slept at all" I say
"Why? Is there something bothering you?" he asks worried
"No, no. I just keep starring at my hand and then you and then repeat" I say and he smiles. "Also I wanted to ask you something" I say
"I'm listening" he says switching his position in bed so he has a better look on me
"I can't wear the ring inside the surgery or when I'm treating a patient because it will probably rip my glove and by taking it on and off I'll probably lose it. So I wanted to ask you, is it ok if I put the ring in my necklace instead of wearing it on my finger? I'll still wear it on my finger though when I'm on vacation or we go out etc" I ask
"Of course baby. You didn't need to ask me about it" he says and kisses me.

"I'll go make breakfast. Eggs and bacon?" I ask
"Sure" he says
"Great. You come over when you want" I say and I peck his lips one more time. I get out of bed and I go to the kitchen. Jensen comes a few minutes later dressed up like he is going out. "Are you going somewhere?" I ask as I take the eggs out of the pan
"Yeah, I'm gonna go grab something really quickly and I'll be right back" he says and leaves
"Ok..." I whisper to myself.

I place the two plates on the table and that moment Jensen opens the door. He comes in carrying a small bag from a jewelry store. He comes to the kitchen and lets the bag in front of me on the table. "What is this?" I ask taking it
"Open it and you'll see" he says as he sits down next to me. In the bag was a box with a chain for my engagement ring. It had a small heart that opened and closed so I can hang my ring easily.

"Baby, you didn't need to. I could use a regular chain I already own" I say
"I know but since I gave you the ring, I also wanted to give you the chain so you can wear it. And also your wedding ring later. Do you like it?" he says
"I love it. And I love you" I say and I kiss him
"I love you more" he says and kisses me again.

After we ate breakfast Jensen went to the living room and I stayed in the kitchen to get the plates in the dishwasher. But as I open the dishwasher, I see that inside of it were still the dishes from last night. "Jensen?" I call
"Yes?" he answers
"Come here" I say and he does. "Last night, before I went to bed I told you to get the clean dishes out of the dishwasher before you come to bed too, didn't I?" I ask
"Yes, you did" he answers
"Then what word didn't you understand?" I ask as nice as I can
"Oh you said that to me?" he asks
"No, I said it to the guests that had already left. You think they heard me?" I ask ironically
"I don't know" he says trying to play along
"Jensen!" I say trying to get him to be serious "If we want this to work out, we both need to help in here. I'm working too and I'm definitely not your maid" I say
"Ok, ok, I know, I'm sorry. I just forgot" he says and kisses me before he goes back to the couch. He didn't even get the dishes out now.

I take a deep breath trying not to explode. I go to the freezer, I get an ice cube, I go to the living room and I put the ice cube in the back of his t-shirt. Immediately he jumps up trying to get it out. I start laughing as he was fighting
"What the hell was that?" he asks as it finally falls on the floor
"It was that or I was gonna start yelling at you" I say
"Why?" he asks
"Because the dishes are still in the dishwasher" I say
"Ok, got it. I'm going to get them out, I'm leaving, I'm already gone" he says as he runs to the kitchen.
"And get that ice cube from the floor" I say. He runs back to the living room, takes the ice cube and wipes the water that was on the floor with a paper towel. He kisses me and runs back to the kitchen. "Good boy" I whisper to myself as I sit comfortably on the couch in his place.

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