Arshi TS: It was you all alo...

By bubbilicious76

38.3K 1.6K 384

A short story on Arnav and Khushi ... who became friends in college ... later developed feelings ... but fate... More

IWYAA Part 1
IWYAA Part 2
IWYAA Part 3 - A
IWYAA Part 3 - C (Last Part)

IWYAA PArt 3 - B

7.2K 309 74
By bubbilicious76

A/N: Characters' thoughts in ITALIC ... 

----------- Flash back - 1 year 9 months ago.

"What are you doing here?", asked Arnav when he saw Lavanya entering his cabin.

"That's what I came here to ask you", said Lavanya coming to his desk ... putting hands on back of the chair, "What are you doing here? Have you looked at the time?".

Arnav looked on his left, clock on wall showing 9.10 pm, he sighed and looked down at file, "I am working".

"Working? Arnav you are tiring yourself out. Di told me about your late night stays at office. Have you looked at yourself? What have you done to yourself?", said Lavanya in concern tone.

"I am fine Lavanya ... there is just more work lately", said Arnav flipping the page.

"Don't lie Arnav ... you are dealing with 2, 3 projects at a time, even before their date", said Lavanya and then look at Arnav who didn't respond much ... she knew what she had to do now.

"Is it about Khushi ... isn't it?", said Lavanya and saw Arnav go rigid, his hand stopped writing.

"It's not about Khushi", Arnav gritted his teeth.

"It is Arnav ... it is ... since the time she had left 2 months ago you have drown yourself in work. Do you think we haven't notice? Me and Di and your family ... Di told me how you leave for office early morning and come home late every night ... and you're not even taking care of your health. You have fallen sick twice Arnav. You say its work but I know what it is", said Lavanya and saw Arnav standing up and coming to her.

"Lavanya please leave ... I am not in a mood to talk about it", said Arnav giving a warning look to her.

"Well I am", said Lavanya with determine look. "It's enough now ... you have been avoiding her topic and she is too doing the same. Whenever I call her ... she refuses to talk about you ... whats wrong with you two? Why can't you two just sort it out", said Lavanya a bit loud ... she had been getting frustrated with both of their behaviors.

"Sort out? How to sort out? She is gone ok ... she left", said Arnav (she left me), said his heart.

"So? She hasn't gone to another country or out of this world Arnav. If she is being stubborn then at least please you think being a mature one ... you can go to her and talk", said Lavanya.

Arnav turn to go back to his seat but Lavanya grab his arm.

"Arnav please ... go to her, talk to her. If she has hurt you then you have also said some harsh words ... just sort this matter once for all. I can't see you like this, Di and Nani are also very worried about you".

Arnav look at her with the look saying he won't.

"Arnav sometimes in anger we do things which we don't mean ... and Khushi had told me many times how your anger is. You always feel guilty when once you get cool down. So please for once, just think with cool mind. Go to her ... she is your best friend. I mean you know from how long you two are best friends right? The type of friendship you both have ... I always adored it. People wish for that kind of friendship ... so don't ruin it because of your ego or anger ... please", said Lavanya and left his arm.

"I hope you think about what I have said", said Lavanya patting his arm and left from his cabin.

Arnav went to his chair and lean back closing his eyes. Since the time Khushi has left, he had missed her every single day. He was habitual of seeing her every day ... spending half the day with her, then their late night chats. Khushi use to bring him food when he was at his Mama's company doing his part time job ... he miss all that. Doesn't Khushi miss him? She hasn't called him in past two month nor a single message ... even she doesn't talk to Lavanya about him. Why? Was their friendship was that weak? That it could break with just one fight?

After thinking a lot he made a decision to go to Bangalore to meet her.

Lavanya had manage to find out about Khushi's address through her aunt, although Khushi had forbid her mother not to tell her address to anyone but when Garima find out that Arnav wanted to meet Khushi she gave the address, as she had also witness the pure and strong bond between Arnav and Khushi over the years.

Taxi stopped a little distance away from apartment building. Arnav came out holding the bunch of Lilies, Khushi's favorite flowers. He gave the money to driver. Just then another car came and stopped right in front of apartment building front door. He saw NK and Khushi coming out of the car, both were smiling. Khushi went to the door but turn, seems like NK had said something and Khushi laughed and went back to NK and Arnav eyes widened seeing Khushi giving him a kiss. From where Arnav was standing it was seems like kiss on lips. The lilies fell from his hand, as NK hug Khushi. Khushi move back giving her bright smile and went inside the building. He saw NK running his hand through his hair, watching Khushi go. That's it for Arnav, he just couldn't take it anymore. He went inside the taxi again and asked the driver to take him straight to airport. The car move ahead crushing the lilies under its tires ... just like his heart got crushed few seconds ago.

Seems like Khushi had move on in her life ... totally forgetting him.

------------   Flashback ends ...

"Mr. Raizada", Arnav came back from his thoughts hearing doctor's voice.

"Doctor, how is she?", asked Arnav worriedly.

"We have bandage her wound. Nothing serious till now ... but sometimes in situation like this when patient hit his head, it may affect brain. So we have taken scans for just in case and waiting for the reports. The wound is not deep but not small as well. She had lost quite a blood so she will be weak for next few days and she had also sprained her ankle", said the doctor.

"Can I see her?", asked Arnav getting more worried hearing about the wound may affect her brain.

"Yes, we are shifting her to room, you can see her after few minutes", said the doctor placing hand on his shoulder and left from there.

Just then he saw his Nani and Mami coming with wailing Muskaan. He quickly took Muskaan from them and tried to make her quite.

"Arnav beta, doctor gave her the vaccine shot, I called Anjali bitya. In hurry we forget to take something for Muskaan ... she must be hungry. Anjali bitya will be here in few minutes", said worried Nani.

"How is Khushi bitya?", asked Mami.

"They are shifting her to room now, we will be able to see her in few minutes", said Arnav as he place Muskaan to his chest ... who was crying making a muu muu sound.

Arnav knew she want Khushi as just few days ago she had started making this sound when an eager Khushi was asking Muskaan to call her mama.

Anjali came with Muskaan's baby bag, Arnav give Muskaan to her. Anjali give her a dilute juice in feeder. Khushi had started giving Muskaan some dilute apple juice after consulting the doctor, in case if Khushi is not there to feed her ... and Muskaan was getting use to it. Arnav sighed with relief when he saw Muskaan drinking the Juice ... he thanked Khushi in his heart.

After few minutes they were allowed to see Khushi. Arnav's heart lurched seeing her laying there on bed with huge bandage on her head. Nani, Mami and Anjali went home after seeing Khushi on Arnav insistence. Anjali took Muskaan with her. Arnav told her to take her home; he will inform her to bring Muskaan back to hospital when Khushi wakes up.

Arnav sit on the chair beside the bed, he held Khushi's hand and presses it against his cheek and he caresses her cheeks with other hand.

"Please be alright Khushi, I won't be able to take it if I lose you again", murmur Arnav pecking her hand.

The pain, the ache he felt when he saw Khushi falling on the floor with blood oozing out of her head ... was the same like he felt when he had lost his mother.

When he lost his parents to a car accident, he felt himself lost too. He just could not believe that he won't be able to see his mom waking him up for school, making his breakfast ... helping him in studies. He won't be able to hear his dad scolding him ... teaching him things about life and business. He took his time to come out of that illusion that they will be back after some time. His sister was much better in handling the grief. Then his Nani and Mama came and took him and his sister with them to Dehli, as they don't want the siblings to live alone in Luckhnow when other relatives were not helping them. The new place and surrounding helped, but he could not let go of the memories from his heart and mind that quick. He joined Akash's College to continue his studies.

From the beginning he was a reserved person, he usually and only opened up to his mother ... she was his best friend too. In school, he always kept to himself and to studies. The course was already started 3 months back ... as he was intelligent ... he cover that quickly. The boys of his class didn't talk to him much as they find him arrogant. So he didn't have anyone, whom he would call his friend.

Then he met Khushi ... or more she came to him ... to apologize. He still remember her innocent look when she said sorry and hand him the ice-cream cup. He found the gesture very cute ... but being a man he think he is, he didn't show it. The next few days, Khushi didn't talk to him, but he use to watch her sometimes in school ... her bright smile and sweet laugh seems captivating to him. Then when he found her crying on those stairs, he don't know why he agreed to help her ... but he realize that he don't like tears in her big innocent hazel eyes.

Over the next few days which he spends teaching her physics, he found her very talkative but good in studies. She just needed a proper guidance which he provided. He was literally got shocked when Khushi hugged him, after seeing the result that she had passed physics. It was the first time that some girl other than his sister and mother had hugged him and he didn't stop her, when usually he didn't allow girls to come close to him. And then, how innocently she had said sorry again with ice-cream cup.

Over the next few months Khushi had started to talk to him, hang around with him. In starting Arnav behave his usual arrogant self, but Khushi didn't mind. He was astonished at her, that here he was being rude to her, but she wasn't feeling bad and she always manage to make him talk with her. And he too, found himself getting comfortable around her.

When she came to meet him, when he fell sick ... he felt happy that she cares for him ... but he didn't show it. He was again astonish that how well Khushi understand him, she didn't even once ask him about his sickness or probes him to take care of himself, as his sister and Nani do. But instead she was helping him with class lessons which he had missed. He was glad that she wasn't pitying him, like others, thinking that he is an orphan and need extra care or attention.

Over the next year they had become good friends, helping each other in studies and taking care of each other without showing it.

Then when he find out Rohan misbehaving with her, he felt a kind of protectiveness towards her ... and he promised himself that he won't let any harm come to her. That time he was sure that he really cares for Khushi. Which he thought, he wouldn't feel for anyone other than his Di and Nani.

And then he got familiarize with another feeling that he was missing someone other than his parents ... and that was Khushi, when she went away on summer vacations. That time he actually missed her very much. He was feeling agitated and had this feeling in his heart to talk to her to hear her voice ... and he couldn't expression the happiness he felt when he got a call from Khushi. It was like some kind of peace over took his being, finding that someone is missing him too.

When he hurt Khushi for the first time, as she was stubborn to get admission in same university as his ... he felt really really bad. For the first time, he realizes how important she is to him. He was feeling a heavy weight on his heart when Khushi refuse to talk to him, he realizes that he just can't take her ignorance. So he selected the program by which they will be studying in same university and for first time he had apologizes to someone other than his parents, Di and Nani.

Over the next 2 years, their friendship became more strong. His day just couldn't pass without seeing her or spending time with her. She was like a light, brightening his dark life. He started to open up to her, sharing his feeling and thoughts ... even his things, which he never do with his sister or Akash. He found himself enjoying life which he thought he wouldn't be able to do after his parents death. But Khushi always managed to make him smile with her antics. She would make him come with her to watch movies, he didn't like Indian movies but to see her happy face he would come along. He didn't like to eat road side food, but he would go with her to eat chat and gol gappas because she liked it ... and his heart always feel contended when she would jump like a child whenever he brought ice-cream for her.

He realized that his Khushi was not a child anymore but on verge of becoming woman when he saw her in Sari for the first time, and that too in his favorite color RED. He was experiencing a strange kind of feeling in his heart while dancing with her. He didn't knew what it was but he felt like holding her like this forever. The same sensation he felt when Khushi had pecked him when he gifted her a cell phone on her birthday ... he just couldn't decipher the feeling.

Over the next few days he was finding some kind of change in Khushi, she was being nervous and shy around him ... he didn't know why she is doing so but he find it very adorable.

Then he started to get messages from some girl name Muskaan, he find it very childish and ignore it ... plus it was an importance phase of his study period and he didn't want any kind of distraction. He had very practical approach towards life and wanted to become a very successful man, that's why he had joined his Mama's company, working part-time when he was in 2nd year of university.

But the messages didn't stop ... he told Khushi about it who got excited that he got some admirer, but he didn't need one ... because he had a best friend in face of Khushi and he was happy that way.

But when he started to get other things beside chit he got curious, as how this girls know so much about him ... for a moment he thought maybe it was Khushi ... but then seeing Khushi behaving so cooly he dropped the idea.

What he didn't know was that Khushi was faking that cool behavior just to control her real feelings in front of him.

He got a relief when those messages stopped. He got busy in his studies and made a new friend Lavanya. He liked her practical thinking and her similar tastes like his. He can understand her pain of being orphan so he helped her whenever he could, be it study or anything else. She was very different from Khushi, who was still sometime behave like a kid ... an innocent kid, clumsy, chirpy and full of life and fun ... but that's what he liked most about her ... her nature. He just adores her so much.

Then the messages started again ... he wanted to know who the girl was ... he was getting more curious now ... and somewhere in his heart he was liking the attention he was getting ... but he would not admit it in front of Khushi whenever she ask about it. He behaves to be nonchalant about it but in reality he wasn't. His heart once again doubted it to be Khushi ... but then again he thought, she was so innocent that she won't be doing these kind of things.

Seeing her nature, he never thought about Khushi in that sense ... his heart did jumped when he had held her close while dancing ... that time for once he did feel that Khushi is something more ... but then he chided himself to think about her like that. She was innocent, a kid at heart ... she doesn't know about this harsh world and being her friend he should protect her, care her ... don't think about her like that ... he make his heart understand.

What he didn't know was that he was only fooling himself.

Then he saw Lavanya putting some things in his bag, when she went away he checked and saw a note from Muskaan, he was astonish to find that Lavanya was Muskaan ... he felt happy that someone can love him to that extend ... and Lavanya was beautiful, mature and practical girl.

May be he was not that unaffected about the feeling "love", he thought he was.

He wanted to share this with Khushi, but he couldn't get the chance due to final exams ... then on annual night party he kind of propose to Lavanya, he didn't said I love to her but he did liked her and wanted to see if it can go to the level of love. He was happy to know that she feel the same about him.

Now he wanted to surprise Khushi ... as she was always behind him to go out with girl, or enjoy this aspect of life ... she would ask him about love and other things ... now he will tell her that he is doing it.

But what he didn't know that Khushi was doing this so that she could know his feelings about love. As she was preparing herself to confess her own feelings to him.

But when he saw Khushi hugging NK, he felt angry and burn ... the feeling was new but it was intense ... it was the first time he was seeing Khushi hugging someone else other than him ... she had never hugged any other boy. The thing that now there was someone else too, didn't settle with him.

And then when Khushi didn't talk or meet him for next 2 weeks, he got more angry thinking that did that NK become so important to him that she forget her best friend?.

When on Lavanya's insistence he went to talk to Khushi and saw her smiling with NK ... he felt the same burn ... the heat ... a kind of rage ... he didn't knew existed in him until he saw NK and Khushi.

And when he asked Khushi about it ... he was hurt ... very hurt knowing that Khushi was ready to give his place to someone else.

He felt hurt ... that Khushi could make someone else important other than him.

He felt really angry ... he didn't talk to anyone and just become aloof, brooding in his room.

Lavanya had tried to make him understand that if he can like someone else then Khushi have the right too, to like someone. He knew Lavanya was right but didn't know why he wasn't liking the fact.

And then she was gone ... Khushi was gone just like that. She didn't even try to meet him or even talk to him before going ... she just went away ... and that break his heart.

And his heart broke again when he saw NK and Khushi together when he went to meet her. He was hurt that Khushi is happy in her life, totally forgetting about him. He made himself understand that if she had forgotten him and doesn't care about him, then why should he think about her and care for her ... now he won't do it.

He immersed himself in work ... spending as much time as he could doing work so he doesn't think about Khushi. Months passed and he was getting aloof from everyone but one thing remain constant ... and that was Lavanya ... she was with him ... being his friend and taking care of him. And then when one time when Lavanya said I love to you him ... his heart felt happy a little. He wasn't alone, which he thought he would be after Khushi. If she can be happy in her life with someone, then why can't he? So he proposes Lavanya and they got married after a month.

Lavanya shower him with love and care ... and he was finally coming out of his aloofness ... but somewhere in his heart he felt empty ... he feel like something was missing ... and he knew what was missing ... Khushi.

He was trying his best to make Lavanya happy, what was her fault? She was doing so much for him ... then why can't he make her happy. But he just could not forget Khushi. On way to his office, he would think of Khushi when he see gol gappa stalls, while hanging out with Lavanya he remind of places he hang out with Khushi. Whenever he sees ice-cream it reminded him of Khushi. He was going mad inside, but he couldn't show his feelings to others.

One day going through his things, he found chits written by Muskaan, in initial months. He smile seeing it and thought to show it to Lavanya and tease her a bit. Just as he is moving out of his room, his mind register that the girl started sending him messages when Lavanya wasn't even present in his life at that time. And his heart thudded, coming to realization that girl was not Lavanya. Then why didn't Lavanya said anything when he told her that he saw her putting things in his back and assume her to be Muskaan. He got angry and confronted Lavanya about it.

Lavanya said that she never said that she was Muskaan and Arnav assume it himself, she didn't deny the fact because she was happy to know that Arnav liked her and she just forgot about the matter later when Arnav and Khushi fought. She didn't bring Muskaan matter as it was no use because Muskaan had stopped sending him messages, may be the girl finally came out of her crush. Arnav was not satisfied with her answer and remain angry with her for many days, for hiding the truth. But somewhere Lavanya was right ... he too forget about Muskaan after his fight with Khushi. But now knowing that Lavanya was not that girl, could it be that it was Khushi? But again he reject the idea ... if Khushi was that girl Muskaan and loved him then why she left and he just could not forget what he saw in Bangalore ... she is happy leading her life with NK.

Lavanya tried to talk to him, but he ignored her ... he was having a feeling that something was not right. When his parents death anniversary came, he missed Khushi very much that day. In previous times she was there to distract his mind with her antics but this time, nothing could distract him and he had a nightmare about his parents and then saw Khushi too in his dream ... who was holding her arms out to him and he was trying to reach her but she kept going back ... he called her name in his sleep. Next few days he missed her very much, as she was the only one with whom he could share his pain and feelings with ... now there is no one.

Just then he thought that he was going into the same darkness after his parents death, he got the best news of becoming a father ... he was so happy that he forget all his grudges with Lavanya and stared to take care of her ... he just want to forget everything and want to enjoy life with his coming baby.

Then he got to know about Lavanya's pregnancy. He got angry again on her that why she hide this from him. Lavanya replied that she knew how much he wanted the baby and waiting for it. She didn't want to make him worry that he will lose his child, because she won't let it happen. Arnav heart moved at her reply. He took care for her and fulfilled her every wish but he couldn't become close to her again ... because he was afraid of the time when he will lose his another friend. He was angry on his fate, that why he had to suffer ... first losing his parents, then his best friend and now the only friend remained ... that too is leaving him alone. But the fate play its game ... if it had taken away his one friend ... it had return him his best friend.

He was angry seeing Khushi in the hospital, angry that she had decided to come when Lavanya was leaving the world. Where was her care and friendship when Lavanya use to call her and asked her to come back? And the thought that Khushi came back because of Lavanya and not for him, make him angrier.

When he got married to Khushi, he felt strange. The same kind of sensation passed his heart when he danced with her years ago, knowing that now she is his wife and belong to him now. But he just could not wipe the image of Khushi kissing NK. He wanted to ask her about this, but he didn't want to tell her that he had come to meet her in Bangalore.

He tried to hurt her by his words, he wanted her to feel the same pain which he had felt when she left ... but doing so, he didn't felt good. The tears in her eyes, would pain his heart too. That time he realizes ... no matter how much angry he will be with her, he can never hurt her even if he want to.

He experience the same burn ... the same rage again inside him when he saw NK hugging Khushi again. He just couldn't take it ... and then when NK came to his office and said all those things to him, he thought to talk to Khushi about it ... he wanted to know if there is nothing between NK and Khushi then what was that what Khushi said to him 2 years ago and what he saw in Bangalore.

But when Khushi asked him to be friends again by forgetting everything, his heart jumped ... and feeling of yearning came back ... and he agreed.

They had become good with each other in last two months, it was like the initial days of their friendship ... where they would take care of each other without showing it.

His heart was contended with the way things were moving between them ... but then he found lavanya's letter. He got angry ... why eveyone have to hide the truth from him ... why? Lavanya hide the truth and Khushi too. He was angry on himself too that when his heart was giving him the idea of Khushi being Muskaan ... why he didn't think on it? If Khushi loved him then why she left him?

And now sitting beside an injured and pale Khushi, he realize that nothing matters than her. No truth, no friendship, no fight ... nothing matter more than her ... because ... because ...

He loves her ...

Yes finally he was able to decipher those feelings ... The sensation he felt holding her close while dancing ... her antics which he find adorable ... the burn feeling he had when he saw NK and Khushi together ... the longing he felt in these 2 years beside having Lavanya as his partner ... the empty feeling in his heart ... it all scream one thing to him that he loves her ... he always did but he was foolish not to realize this sooner.

A tear escape his eye, as his mouth formed the words on their own record ... "I love you Khushi".

Just then he felt her hand move, he looked at her face and saw a frown forming.

"Khushi ...", said Arnav as he get up and lean over her, "Khushi open your eyes".

"Aaa ...rr..naa...avv", Khushi said his name in broken voice.

"yea Khushi I am here", said Arnav and patted her cheeks, "I am here Khushi".

Khushi open her eyes, blinking few times getting adjust to light, "Arnav" she whisper his name and saw him close.

"Arnav ...", a cry escape her throat as she tried to sit up.

"Khushi don't ... you're hurt ... don't get up", said Arnav worriedly.

"Arnav", said Khushi clutching his shirt ... "I ... I ..." Khushi wanted to say but her throat ache and tears left her eyes.

"Khushi let me call the doctor ...", saying that he turn but Khushi held his hand.

"I don't need doctor ... I need you Arnav", said Khushi trying to stifle her sobs and tug his hand pulling him on bed.

Arnav sit on bed besides her, "Khushi I am ..." he was about to say when Khushi throw herself on him hugging him tight and cried.

"Khushi please you are hurt, don't cry, you will hurt yourself more", said Arnav and tried to pull her back but she didn't budge ... her hold was tight.

"Arnav I am sorry ... I am very sorry for hiding the truth from you ... for hurting you", said Khushi while sobbing.

Arnav pull Khushi back with force, "Khushi we will talk about this later ok ... right now you need rest".

Khushi shakes her head, "No ... I ... I need to say it Arnav ... please letme say it ... it is killing me inside ... please let me say it", said Khushi and hug him again.

"Arnav I can take your anger, your yelling even your ignorance ... but I cannot take your hatred ... it just kills me", said Khushi while sobbing, "Because ... I love you Arnav ... I love you soo soo much".

Arnav stiffen in her hold hearing those words, his heart jumped.

"I don't know since when I have loved you but I guess since the time I had understand this feeling it was always you I thought about. I ... I was afraid that what if you don't think about me like that or what if you loved someone else ... I ... I was afraid of rejection ... because you always say that love is stupid and you don't have time for this but it was becoming difficult for me to hide my feelings from you. I knew you would realize it someday and I didn't want to lose your friendship ... that's why I thought to become Muskaan to know if you love someone else or would you be able to love if you know that someone loves you", said Khushi between her crying.

Arnav didn't said anything, he just hold her, letting her out whatever she wanted to say ... he knew it will help them both.

"But you were not affect by that and even you tell Muskaan to be practical in life, and focus on study and career. I was losing hope and thought to tell you about my feelings but then I went to Mumbai and then the accident happened ... and then when Lavanya came I notice your liking towards her. I wanted to know if you love her or not so I decided to send you messages again but when you didn't response much so I thought to tell you directly ... that's when I saw you proposing to Lavanya", said Khushi and hiccuped.

Arnav close his eyes, knowing how she must have felt seeing him with Lavanya, guess the same way he had felt seeing her with NK.

"Khushi please stop, leave it ... we will", Arnav was about to say when Khushi cut him.

"Please Arnav let me say ... today I want it all out", Khushi said crying.

"Ok fine but stop crying ... or else I won't let you talk", said Arnav breaking the hug ... he wipes her tears.

Khushi grabs both his arms by both her hands, "I felt my heart broke seeing you and Lavanya. I run from there and bump into NK, he asked me the matter and I broke down and told him that how much I love you but you don't love me back", said Khushi and sniffed.

Arnav cursed himself, here Khushi was heartbroken and what he thought about them, so stupid of him.

"I just couldn't stay there and asked NK to drop me home, and then when you didn't talk to me for 2 weeks I thought you don't care about me and you're busy with Lavanya, it hurt me more. Then Lavanya came to me and asked me about why I am not talking to you, I asked her if she loves you and she said yes, I never saw her happy that much before and so I thought I would talk to you and will remain your friend and won't come in between you and Lavanya", said Khushi and wipe her tears with one hand ... all the time her eyes were looking down.

"But when you said that I am in relation with NK, I felt insulted ... I got angry and lie to you that I will prefer him than you", said Khushi.

"When you took me away that time NK offered me job and when we fight I just couldn't take it and decided to go to Bangalore ... so that you don't have to face me and you will live happily with Lavanya.", said Khushi.

"Khushi did you really think that I would live happily after you left me?", asked Arnav holding her chin up.

"huh ... but you love Lavanya and she too so I thought ...", Khushi was saying when Arnav cut her.

"I didn't love Lavanya", said Arnav and saw Khushi looking at him with shocked expression.

"I meant not at that time, I did propose her, it was kind of different. I thought that she was Muskaan ... and some where I was happy knowing that some girl is crazy about me and when I saw Lavanya putting things in my bag ... I assume her to be Muskaan ... and I really liked Lavanya as she was just like me so I thought it will be a good match ... so I told her that I liked her and want to see if we could make it together to the level of love", said Arnav as he wipe her tears, "Why did you lie to me Khushi? Why didn't you come to me? if you had told me the truth ... I ..." Arnav was saying when Khushi cut him.

"You would have left Lavanya ... she would be broken and I never wanted to take her love from her ... when ... when ... I already took her parents away from her", said Khushi as her lips quiver and tears fall down.

"What you mean? They died in accident", said Arnav confused and worried.

"Yeah they did ... but it was because of me", said Khushi and told him how she insisted them to take her out, how her chachi tried to stop her but she become stubborn and finally they take her out and then accident happen.

"If ... i hadn't insisted them ... if I had listened to Chachi ... then the accident would never have happen", said Khushi as she cover her face with her hand and cried.

"Oh Khushi", Arnav hug her and rub her back, "it was not your fault dear, it was their time to go ... if you hadn't gone out then some other thing would have happen ... it was just fate's doing Khushi ... don't blame yourself".

"I couldn't help the feeling Arnav ... that's why I left and never contacted you. I wanted Lavanya to be happy and I knew she would be happy with you and you would take care of her", said Khushi.

"You only cared about her? What about me Khushi? Didn't you care about me", asked Arnav, hurt was evident from his voice and eyes.

"How can you say that Arnav, when you are the most important person to me? I never cared that much for anyone else ... but only you ... I loved you", said Khushi as more tears way its way down.

"Then why you left dammit ... why you left me alone?", said Arnav cupping her face, "Did you really think that I would be happy? I was shattered when you left Khushi. I immersed myself in work, working day and night ... so that I don't think about you but I couldn't ... your thought always make its way in my head every now and then ... I ... I", Arnav could not continue.

Khushi hold his hand, "Same was with me Arnav. I also tried to distract my mind with work but I just couldn't forget you. I use to cry every night thinking about you. I was missing you so much ... then NK persuade me to go back and meet you ... I decided to meet you but then Mama told me that you and Lavanya are getting married so I dropped the idea", said Khushi.

"Oh Khushi ... everything just went so wrong ... I ... I came to meet you", said Arnav dropping his hand, "I saw you with NK, kissing him and that was final blow I could take ... I just lea..."

"What? I never kissed NK", said Khushi bewilder.

"But I saw you hugging him and then you kissed him", said Arnav.

"What? No ... I do hug him sometimes ... but kiss ... never. When you saw it ... I mean what day it was?", asked Khushi as her brain tried to remember if something like this happen.

"it was xx-xxx, I guess", said Arnav frowning a bit as he tried to remember which day it was.

"uffhoo", Khushi smack her forehead, "it was NK's birthday that day and I forget to wish him, he dropped me home and asked for gift, so I just peck him in a friendly manner".

"Oh ... but It was looking like you were kissing him", said Arnav sheepishly.

"Why didn't you meet me if you had already come there?, said Khushi smacking his arm.

"And why didn't YOU came to meet me when you had finally decided to come back?", said Arnav smacking her arm in return.

"Haw Arnav you hit me?", said Khushi rubbing her arm.

"So what ... you hit me too", said Arnav and Khushi pouted, "We are fighting again".

"And I missed fighting with you", said Arnav, "um not that fight ... our usual fight we use to have in college".

"I missed it t...", Khushi was saying when the door open and doctor came in.

"Oh you're awake, good ... I just came here to check upon you", said the doctor coming near the bed. Arnav stood up and move aside. Doctor did Khushi's checkup. Meanwhile Arnav remember something and called Anjali to bring Muskaan to hospital, even if she is sleeping. He knew Khushi will feel better if she sees Muskaan.

"Doctor, hows she doing?", asked Arnav as soon as he saw doctor moving back.

"well she seems fine to me, her report are normal too ... but we would like to keep her for one more day ... just for observation", said the doctor and left.

"I don't wana stay here ... I want to go home", whined Khushi as soon as doctor left.

"You just shut up ... you are staying here and that's final", said Arnav and continue when he saw Khushi was about to say something, "and no more arguing from you ... is that understood?".

"But ... but ... what about Muskaan, she needs me", said Khushi.

"That's why I asked Di to bring her here", said Arnav with a winning smile and Khushi pouted sadly. Now she doesn't have another chance but to stay here.


A day later Khushi was discharge and Arnav took her home. She wound her arms around his neck and he hold her waist to give her support to walk but just after two steps when she stumbles, Arnav picked her in his arms and Khushi gasped and hold his collar for support. Both looked at each other for some seconds and came out of their trance when Anjali fake cough ... who came out of car with Muskaan. Khushi looked down feeling shy, and Arnav smirk inwardly seeing her pink cheeks.

Khushi felt more embarrass when Mami tease her, and Nani look at them with happy glint. Arnav not reacting much, went straight up towards their room and carefully placed her on bed.

"Now you have heard the doctor, complete bed rest for whole week. I don't want to see you running here and there, understood?", said Arnav in stern voice and chuckled seeing Khushi huffing folding her arms and turning her head away. Just like his adorable Khushi of college time.

"Chottey stop getting worried so much, she is fine", said Anjali entering the room with Muskaan.

"Yes Di, tell him I am fine and I can do things on my own", said Khushi.

"that's up to me to decide", said Arnav giving an angry glare to her.

---------------------- 3 days later

Khushi patted Muskaan, so that she could sleep. She looked towards the clock it was 10 pm and Arnav still hadn't come back from office. Last 3 days he was working from home, not letting her get off the bed, scolding her if she argues but nonetheless taking care of her. Khushi would sleep most of the time due to medicine effect, she was taking. So they hadn't talked much about themselves in last 3 days. Arnav would be busy with his work, and she with Muskaan. Even Nani had asked her not to think about household. Food would be sent in the room for both of them.

Today Arnav had to go to office as there were some meetings which he cannot avoid. Taking it as a chance, Khushi went down as her ankle was much better now. Nani asked her not to walk much but a stubborn girl she was she made lunch for everyone ... but did get scolding from Arnav in the evening when he called to check upon her and in excitement she blurted out that how tasty sabzi was she had made today.

Now she was waiting for him to come, and haven't taken her medicine so that she won't feel sleepy ... she wanted to talk to Arnav.

Arnav came home around 11, he was very tired. He went straight to the room and saw Khushi sleeping with Muskaan. He quietly takes his clothes from cupboard and went to bathroom. He came out after few minutes and takes his laptop and went to pool side ... he had to send an important email to his manager, as he won't be going to office tomorrow.

Khushi sleep broke with the sound of slide doors, she sit up a little and saw Arnav's back sitting on the chair, near pool. She got out of the bed after arranging pillows around Muskaan. She quickly went down, as much as her foot could take her ... she grabs the thing she wanted and came back to the room. She step into the pool side and saw Arnav staring at the water, his laptop was closed in his lap. She stood there for a minute or two, staring at him, it seems like he was in some deep thoughts.

Khushi sit on the table in front of Arnav and he got startle for a moment.

"Khushi, what are you doing here? You should be sleeping", said Arnav as soon as he saw who it was.

"I was sleeping Arnav ... but now not feeling like it, but what are you doing here? Are you alright?", said Khushi as she places her hand on his forehead.

Arnav takes her hand, "I am fine Khushi ... just came here to send an important email ... come now lets sleep", saying that Arnav stood up but Khushi held his hand and make him sit again.

"What were you thinking Arnav? Please tell me na", said Khushi.

Arnav look at her, who was looking at him with her oh so adorable expression ... he knew she is in a mood to talk ... its so surprising to him that after all this time, he still remembers what her different expression means.

"I was just ..." Arnav sighed and look at pool water, "thinking about Lavanya".

Khushi heart thudded, he did said that he didn't love Lavanya at that time, but did he started to love her later?, thought Khushi.

"You don't hate her do you?", said Khushi holding his hand, "She was not at fault you know, I was".

"Not only you Khushi. I shouldn't have assume things and should have think more coolly ... my anger just made it worse", said Arnav still looking at water.

After few seconds Arnav spoke, "I don't hate Lavanya but I just couldn't help but feel angry that she hid the truth that she knew that you were Muskaan and about your feelings. She said that she didn't feel any use to tell me about Muskaan as she had already stopped sending me messages and that the girl must have fallen out of her crush".

"What would you have done if she had tell you that I was Muskaan, would you have left her?", asked Khushi and Arnav turn to her thinking about the situation.

"I don't know what would I have done if she had told me the truth", said Arnav honestly.

"I know...", said Khushi and saw Arnav looking at her for answer.

"You would have tried to meet me and Lavanya was afraid for that, what if you have decided to meet me ... she was scared that she might lose you ... she really loved you lot Arnav", said Khushi.

"yeah I know she did, when you left ... she was there for me ... supporting me in everything, even in business, she took care of me, bringing me food and handling my other things. When I saw you with NK, I was so hurt that I thought I will be lost again ... but she held me. I was feeling lonely and she was there for me. I thought if you can move on with your life then why can't I, so when she confess her love for me, I proposed to her. She was a good wife and friend", said Arnav.

"And not to forget that she was a great mother Arnav, I can understand the pain she must have went through giving birth to Muskaan", said Khushi with moist eyes.

"yeah I will always be grateful to her for giving me Muskaan", said Arnav.

"And what about me?", asked Khushi. Arnav raise his brow in question.

"Are you still angry with me?", asked Khushi.

"No Khushi ... we both were at fault, we both got hurt ... you assume things ... I assume things ... its just fate ... we got separated but again it is fate that we are together now", said Arnav with a smile.

"So we are friends now?", said Khushi with hopeful eyes

Arnav shakes his head and Khushi looked down sadly. Arnav put his finger under her chin and pull her face.

"Not friends ... but Best friends", said Arnav looking into her eyes and saw that oh so bright smile of hers.

"But promise me that you would never lie to me or hide things from me", said Arnav pointing a finger towards her.

"Promise ... anddd...", Khushi left the sentence. And take something from back and bring her hand forward.

"I am sorry ... for last time, for hurting you", said Khushi with her usual pout.

Arnav got surprise first and then elated to see the ice-cream cup in her hand ... he smile wide taking the cup from her and flick her nose, which he always do after receiving the cup from her.


Khushi was tossing and turning on the bed, she couldn't sleep. They have talked for half an hour and then Arnav was feeling sleepy. Arnav had slept in few minutes but Khushi couldn't and its been more than an hour that she was still awake. She looked to her side and found Muskaan and Arnav both sleeping. She smiled, seeing Arnav's lips little parted and snoring softly. She had notice that he snores when he is in deep sleep ... otherwise doesn't. She get up from her side and went to his side, she adjusted the quilt on him which had slide down. She sit on the very edge of the bed looking at his sleeping form.

She was so happy that they had cleared all the matters between them. She suppresses her giggles remembering his complain that why didn't she give him the ice-cream cup when she had previously said sorry to him. Khushi replied that she wasn't sure if Arnav would eat it if she had given him that, she thought he won't and would have left it to melt away. But she got surprised when Arnav told her that he someway felt bad and missed her gesture of saying sorry. He looked so cute to her then, little boy complaining.

She lightly brushed his hair ... she so wanted to hug him ... cuddle him ... but was shy and hesitant. She had confessed her true feelings to him but Arnav didn't say anything in return nor touch the topic again. She was feeling a bit dejected thinking that maybe he still loves Lavanya. She wanted to know what is in his heart, what he feels. But then decided that she won't do anything stupid to know about it, she will let the time decide about their relationship. She leans in and very lightly peck him on his cheek and went back to her side and turn towards him ... she slept looking at him.

-------------- Next Morning ...

Arnav woke up around 11, he was surprise that he had slept that late which never happened since long. Nevertheless he had a very peaceful sleep ... and he knew why ... because the emptiness in his heart was gone. He went down and called for Khushi.

Khushi came out of kitchen holding spatula, "Arnav ... you're awake ... should I make your breakfast?", asked Khushi.

"Yes Please ... something light", said Arnav and went in kitchen following Khushi, "Why didn't you wake me up?".

"We slept late ... plus you told me that you wouldn't be going to office today so I thought to let you sleep in", said Khushi taking the bread from fridge.

"What are you making?", said Arnav coming to stove and saw a pot full with milk and some rice.

"Kheer, Nani wanted to eat so I thought to make it before lunch", said Khushi and stir the contents of Kheer.

"Great then I will eat it too", said Arnav.

"It will take time Arnav ... you go and freshen up ... I will make something for you", said Khushi and took bread.

"Ok ... um Muskaan?", asked Arnav. "She is with Nani, she is in a hyper mood today", said Khushi giving him a smile.

Arnav went to room to get fresh and Khushi make bread jam for him and take out a glass of juice.

After breakfast Arnav got busy with office work and Khushi made the kheer and prepare things for lunch ... in between she had fed Muskaan as well.

Just as Arnav finish lunch he got call from an important client, Khushi brought the kheer out and saw him in the living room talking on phone. She placedthe kheer on table and put some for Arnav in small bowl and went to him. He saw Khushi coming to him and raise a finger indicating her to give him a minute as he was on call. But Khushi took some kheer on spoon and bring near to his lips, he look at Khushi who gesture through eyes to eat it. While replying back to client he eat the kheer and give thumbs up sign to her. Khushi smile wide at him.

Arnav took the bowl from her, and give a quick peck on her cheek and went upstairs to room. Khushi stood rooted to the spot, her hand on cheek where Arnav had pecked her and then blushes.

Arnav savor the kheer, smirking as he remembers what he did ... he couldn't stop himself when she smiles, her oh so adorable smile.

After sometime when Khushi came in the room, she saw him on the bed with his laptop and files. She placed a sleeping Muskaan on bed and adjusted a pillow on her side ... she looked at Arnav who pass her a smile, Khushi averted her eyes and went to cupboard.

"Khushi...", Arnav called her and Khushi turn back.

"My client is throwing a party tonight on success of our project, so he invited me. Would you be able to go with me?", said Arnav, "I mean, you're still not fully recover ... So ...".

"Arnav I am fine ... I will go with you", said Khushi with a smile.

"Good then ... we have to leave around 7 ok", said Arnav and Khushi nodded her head.

"When will you be back Arnav beta? Will it get late?", asked Nani looking at Arnav who was all ready in his black 3 piece with baby blue shirt and waiting for Khushi in the living room.

"No Nani ... we will be back around 10 hopefully", said Arnav and looked up at stairs thinking why Khushi is taking long to get ready, she never takes that much time to get ready as she is not fond of doing makeup.

"Ok, do call Hari Prakash, in case you get late, so he could open the door for you", said Nani.

"Je Nani , I will ...", he was saying when his eyes fell on Khushi who was coming down the stairs.

He stopped and look at her mesmerized. She was wearing a black sari with red border ... silver earrings and black heels ... she had her hair open and few curls hanging on front. She was carrying Muskaan in one arm, wearing a cute red frock and leggings and her baby bag in other hand. He looked from top to bottom when she got near ... totally lost in her beauty.

"Arey Khushi bitya ... why are you taking Muskaan with you? I will look after her", said Nani as she come near Khushi.

"I know Nani, but I promise my shona baby that I would never leave her alone", said Khushi smiling lovingly down at Muskaan who had her thumb in her mouth and making baby sounds.

"But bitya ... Will you enjoy the party or look after Muskaan bitya?", said Nani.

"Don't worry Nani ... I will do both", said Khushi and look at Arnav who was still staring at her. Khushi blush and went near him.

"Arnav ... shall we go?", said Khushi in soft voice and Arnav came back from his thoughts.

"um yeah ... come", said Arnav and took the baby bag from her.

Mr. and Mrs. Mehta welcome them both. Mrs. Mehta took Khushi to other ladies and Arnav got busy in talking with his associates and other business people. Everyone around was adoring on Muskaan who was looking like a cute doll. She refuse to go to any one who tries to pick her up ... she would made a crying sound. After an hour or so music starts and many went on the floor for couple dance. Mrs. Mehta insisted Khushi to go ... but she refuse as she didn't want to leave Muskaan. Then Arnav came and ask her for dance ... she couldn't deny him. Inwardly she was dying to be with Arnav. She gave Muskaan to Mrs. Mehta, who luckily didn't protest much to the kind lady.

Arnav pulls Khushi close by wrapping his hand on her waist and with other holds her hand. Khushi shyly place her hand on his shoulder and look up at him. Arnav pull her closer that now her front was touching with his. Both move along with the music, slowly swaying ... looking into each other eyes. Both remembering the time when they had first danced ... that time they were friends and wasn't very close ... but now they are husband and wife and were dancing very close.

Arnav leans in near her ear and whisper, "You're looking very beautiful". Khushi avert her eyes looking to side ... feeling shy.

"Why don't you wear Sari at home? You look very pretty in it", said Arnav.

"Should i?", asked Khushi and Arnav nodded his head as he twirl her and make her back touch with his front. His one hand on her hands and he slid his other hand under her pallu ... touching her stomach. Khushi gasped at the touch and felt goose bumps on her skin ... her heart was thudding fast. This is the first time that they are this close, Arnav touching her like this.

She felt good and shy.

Arnav was hesitant at first but then he couldn't control it and place his hand on her bare stomach ... oh her skin is so soft.

When Khushi didn't object or didn't remove his hand, he got confident and pulls her in and tighten his arms around her. Arnav was swaying very slowly ... not listening to the music ... but only feeling her in his arms ... he felt great. Soon the music stopped and people clap around to each other. Khushi quickly went to Mrs. Mehta, too shy to look at Arnav now. She took Muskaan and sit on the chair and took her juice feeder out from the baby bag and move it near her lips who started to drink it up.

After some time it was time for the dinner and Muskaan was feeling sleepy. Khushi started to sway her and lull her to sleep, meanwhile Arnav bring two plates of food and sit beside Khushi.

Khushi was having difficulty in eating with one hand, as other hand was holding sleeping Muskaan in her arm. Seeing that Arnav take rotis from her hand and made a morsel and bring near her lips, Khushi eyes widened and she gesture Arnav that they are in public. Arnav shrugged and touch the morsel to her lips ... she open her mouths and eat it. Her cheeks having a tint of pink ... Arnav then feed her rest of the food and eat his as well.

After dinner, Arnav went to his associates and Khushi was sitting with Muskan with few ladies ... they were praising Arnav for feeding Khushi as there were other ladies with babies too but their husbands were busy in eating not caring for their wives. Khushi felt proud and then shy when few of them tease her that her husband loves her so much.

On way back to home, Khushi doze off with Muskaan secure in her arms. Arnav time to time look at her sleeping form.

He couldn't help but admit that she was looking very beautiful in the sari and today, for the first time, he didn't look at her like a friend but more like a husband who looks at his woman.

He was very happy knowing that Khushi loves him, always did ... may be more than him ... he can see the love in her eyes. He cannot deny that he loves her too. But he was hesitant to show his love. They may love each other but he cannot ignore the fact that there had been a long gap of 2 years between them. It doesn't seem right to him to claim his love just like that. He wanted it to be on her choice. He wanted it to be her decision to move to next level in their relationship which will not only bind their hearts ... but their souls as well.

He had notice her today, when he pecked her in afternoon ... her shyness, how she looked away when he look at her and then while dancing how she was not meeting his eyes. He knew she is not un-comfortable but also knew that she is not ready for the intimacy yet. So he will take it slow ... and let the time decide the pace of their relationship. But he will definitely show his love to her.

"Khushi ... wake up", said Arnav while moving her shoulder and saw Khushi open her eyes, "We are home".

Khushi yawn and stretch her one arm, Arnav chuckled at her gesture. They both got down and Arnav took Muskaan from Khushi, who was feeling very sleepy. Khushi went directly to washroom once they enter the room. Arnav put sleeping Muskaan on bed and take his coat off. Khushi came out after changing and went to bed, feeling tired. She place one hand on Muskaan's stomach and close her eyes. Arnav went to washroom to change and find Khushi sleeping when he came out.

After he was sure that she is asleep, he went near her and stood looking at her for few seconds, then he slowly bend down and kiss her cheek. Then he went to his side of bed and slept looking at her face.


(it was getting long so i divided it into 2 parts)

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