Simple Secrets || N. Mikaelson

By __bxcktovampyrs

28.1K 1.1K 245

He was a King without a Queen. She was a Queen without her crown. Two halves of the same soul, destined to... More

Simple Secrets


1.1K 48 1
By __bxcktovampyrs


Talia's body easily turned fully to face the blonde Original she had only ever seen in a box. Close up, the brunette found it easy to recognize her beautiful face, it had only been difficult earlier due to her no longer being desiccated. 

"Wow, you're more beautiful when you're alive," Talia smiled kindly, her gaze scanning Rebekah's perfect features. From her freckles to high cheek-bones to stunning blue-green eyes. "I'm Talia, Klaus's companion." 

Rebekah flushed pink and laughed softly. "So, you're Nik's wife?" 

Talia paused, uncertainly letting her chocolate gaze move too Klaus. The sight of him standing there took her breath away. "His wife? I mean, I pay the taxes he doesn't compel away, I'm in charge of his schedule, I coordinate meetings with people who have information for Klaus. I am, however, not his wife or assistant, which is why I left. I refuse to be used by an egotistical billionaire immortal with daddy issues. I am his best friend and soulmate, nothing more, nothing less." Talia felt her voice growing colder with the last part. She hated being used, especially by someone she was destined to spend forever with, the other half of her soul. 

Rebekah choked, hand hitting her lips in shock. "Soulmate? I like this girl, Niklaus, she's beautiful and smart!" Rebekah grinned at Talia, her eyes staying locked on the brunette's, not bothering to look at her big brother. 

"Yes, soulmate, sadly." Talia nodded, ignoring the amused smirk that took place on Klaus's face. 

Rebekah's pink lips parted at those words, shocked at the fact her brother wasn't breaking Talia's neck, the Companion guessed. "You just let her talk to you like that?" The Mikaelson girl glanced at her brother once, registering his's usual temper was gone around Talia. She made him happy, calmer, less susceptible to violent fits that often ended in someone daggered or dead. 

"I am used to Talia's sass. I spent thirty years with her before she left for freedom. I missed her harsh words." Klaus's voice softened, focusing on Talia with a sappy smile. The girl was ignorant to it and instead frowned heavily. 

Her dark eyes danced dangerously, venom in her words. "Three months of freedom versus thirty years of being used as a trophy wife. I believe I'll be leaving tomorrow, Klaus. I can book my own tickets and--" Talia was cut off by Rebekah grabbing her hand. 

The blonde's massive eyes were warm and pleading, pale hand keeping a firm grip on the Monroe's wrist."No! Please, stay, I have no other girls and Niklaus quickly becomes boring after long enough. Only a few more days, please, Talia." Rebekah smiled at the girl. What neither soulmate realized, the blonde Original was keeping Talia there to make her brother happy. He had been in a foul mood since she was awoken and Rebekah guessed it was due to Talia not being with him. She wouldn't be able to deal with him again. This Klaus, however, was like a puppy dog that was reunited with his person. He even had the adoring puppy eyes to match. 

"All right, fine, one more week, just for you, Rebekah." Talia glanced over her shoulder at Stefan and frowned. "What are you going to do with him?"

Klaus rushed over, making Stefan forget the conversation the trio had just had. The vampire nodded dully and blankly followed after Klaus when the Original sped off to get the doppelganger and drain her of blood for Hybrids. 

"So, you and my brother," Rebekah trailed off, smiling at the brunette who she hoped would date her brother. Klaus needed someone and Talia evidently needed attention just as much as Klaus. 

The girl was all but depressed. Her shoulders were slumped and eyes blank of much emotion. She was beautiful, however. Black curls laced with honey gold and chocolate eyes that were swirled with different shades of brown and gold. She wasn't incredibly tall, 5'6 or 5'7, perhaps. A curvy figure and graceful walk. Her outfit was professional, black pencil skirt, gray, silk, button down and a darker gray scarf around her throat. Along with black heels that added on height, making her appear 5'9 or 5'10. 

Talia stopped walking, turning to face Rebekah with this exhausted look in her eyes. Rebekah knew the feeling, a thousand years at Klaus's side had nearly worn her dry, and she wasn't his soulmate or used as an assistant. The poor girl. "You have ten minutes to ask any question you want, and then we're not talking about this again."

Rebekah nodded and asked her primary questions. "What does the soulmate bond entail?"

"Klaus and I are connected. We know where the other is, always." Talia lifted her hand, easily pointing out a direction and showing that Klaus was that way. "We know when the other is in danger and can sometimes feel emotions. If we wished, we could communicate telepathically, which we don't do, due to privacy and such." Her pink lips pursed together, as if another thought came to mind, yet she pushed it away. 

Beginning again, the brunette ran a hand over her curls before fluffing them up. "We physically can't lie to one another, he can't compel me, we're constantly romantically and sexually attracted to each other because of the bond, which sucks." Grimacing, Talia faked a gagging motion before covering her lips as she realized how unprofessional it was, it drew a bubbly laugh from Rebekah. "We have to put the other first always, even if we don't want to, which makes relationships with others hard. If one of us gets hurt, it happens to both of us. Anything that happens to one happens to the other. Including death. If I die, Klaus dies. Because he's immortal, so am I, technically. I can die from anything a human can, but I stay young forever." Talia shrugged as if that was all. 

Rebekah nearly choked for the second time that hour. "My brother can die if you so much as break your neck falling down the stairs? He'll die permanently?" Rebekah's mouth opened and closed, her eyes nearly as wide as saucers. 

Talia nodded slowly, a sarcastic smile pulling on her lips. "Yup. Anything else?" 

"You and Nik, how did you meet?" Rebekah kept walking and the brunette followed along behind, a bored look falling back on her features. 

"We met in an alley when he was being creepy and walking around at midnight. I was doing my laundry and he just appeared like a serial killer." Talia laughed, her lips pulling into a smile. "Then he ordered me to follow him and when I refused he tried to compel me which didn't work. He came back every day for weeks until I eventually agreed to leave with him. I thought he loved me, he did at first, I suppose, but that love disappeared and melted back into his ego." The girl blinked rapidly as if she was fighting back tears, her jaw tensing violently. 

Rebekah sighed, taking Talia's hand with her own, a sad smile playing on her lips. "It's okay, you'll never have to be Nik's slave again, I promise." 

The two chuckled and Talia found herself wrapping her arms around Rebekah. The blonde wasn't like the bratty sister Klaus claimed her to be, she was kind and full of warmth and love. Talia felt completely at home with her, like she had known her for ages and not minutes. 

The two fast friends exited the High School to find Klaus standing in the parking lot on his phone. He heard them before he saw them and immediately pushed his phone into his pocket suspiciously. 

The Hybrid's blue eyes seemed momentarily sad as they alighted on Talia, but as per usual, the girl was ignorant to him. 

"Where is the doppelganger?" Rebekah looked around for Elena, seemingly certain the girl would be there. 

"She's in the hospital, giving me all the blood I need before I leave to make my hybrids. Do you wish to come, Talia?" Klaus's voice was soft, his eyes never leaving his soulmate's. The girl frowned, a thing that she seemed to do quite often. 

Talia glanced at Rebekah before her gaze drifted back to Klaus's. "Fine, but I refuse to be a pawn in your game, Klaus." 

Klaus grinned and saluted his sister before getting in the car and driving to the hospital to get his blood bags. 

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