Pureblood Lovers Draco X Y/N

By ReadingQueen_14

174K 3.6K 2.9K

DRACO X READER FANFICTION Finished The Valentine's is one of the most famous pureblood families in the wizar... More

1 - Seeing old friends
2 - The golden trio
3 - The sorting hat
4 - Christmas
5 - The train ride to Hogwarts
6 - Draco is hurt
7 - Sirius Black
8 - Page 394
9 - Hogsmeade visit
10 - Extra lessons
11 - What a show
12 - Expecto patronum
13 - Quidditch world cup
14 - Fourth year
15 - Three unforgivable curses
16 - The champions
18 - The first task
19- Lies
20 - Yule ball
21 - Black lake
22 - He's back
23-The Order
24- New year
25-New professor
26- Thestrals
27- Cat fight
28- Dumbledores army
29- R.O.R
30- I miss you
31- Occlumency
33- O.W.L.S
35- war has begun
36-Two sided
37-Tom Marvolo Riddle
38- Quidditch trails
40-Party crasher
41-Poison taste
42- Blood spilt
43-Dark times
47- quality time
48-Godric Hollow
49- See you again
52-Helena Ravenclaw
55-Lord Voldemort

17 - Dragons

3.1K 61 24
By ReadingQueen_14

After many chaotic but interesting days, Saturday morning you go walk to the black lake to study with Neville. Despite your differences and houses, he was very comfortable around you without Malfoy and his little gang.

"You know Neville you really shouldn't be scared of Draco and his friends." You blurted as you both study.

"O-oh I'm not well I- It's hard to explain especially with what happened to my parents." Neville stuttered.

"I'm sorry Neville I forgot about that." You replied feeling sorry for the boy.

"Oh hi Harry come join me and Neville." You shouted. Soon Harry started jogging over to the tree where you and Neville were sat studying.

"What's on your mind Harry?" You curiously asked.

"Just the tournament you know no one believes me." Harry scoffed throwing stones into the lake.

"Well I and Y/N believe you if that makes you feel better." Neville smiled.

"Thanks, Neville, Y/N." Harry replied with a weak smiled.

Soon enough Ron, Hermione and Ginny all came whispering over and came to a halt grabbing your attention as Hermione struts confidently up to Harry and you.

"Ronald would like me to tell you. That Seamus has told him that Dean was told by Parvati that Hagrid is looking for you." Hermione told.

"Is that so. Well... What?" Harry replied confused as you were. Hermione then walked backed to Ron whispering again.

"Ron for crying out loud grow up and tell him yourself we don't have all day." You roared waiting impatiently.

"Dean was told by Parvati that... Please don't ask me to say it again. Hagrid's looking for you." Hermione finally confirmed.

"Yeah well, you can tell Ron-" Harry started.

"I'M NOT AN OWL." Hermione roared angrily storming away with Ron and Ginny.

"Well, that was interesting..." Neville added.

"Neville I'll study with you another day same time okay?" You said while he nods in agreement.

Harry then swiftly grabbed your hand and pulled you up to the castle courtyard. You was very confused why he wasn't answering you till to finally looked around to make sure no one was around.

"Harry, what the hell is up with you don't you need to see Hagrid?" You questioned the tallboy.

"Yes I know Y/N but I'll go after hours and you're coming with me. Please don't let Draco, Blaise or Theo catch you." He added.

"Yeah, fine meet me in the courtyard tonight."  You started walking away to find Draco, Theo and Blaise.

You started walking towards your common room till someone grasped onto your hand making you fight back from the mystery person in your hold.

"Shush Y/N calm down it's me." A low voiced replied making you recognise it instantly.

"What the fuck Draco why did you do that!" You whispered shouted in the tiny closet Draco pulled you into.

"I'm hiding from Pansy she was getting on my nerves and I just saw you okay." He replied close up to your petite body.

You looked into his grey eyes that sparkled every time you saw them. You realised was you zoning out when he asked if you were okay as he quickly looks you up and down.

"Urm Y/N are you okay?" He asked quietly.

"Uh-oh yeah, I'm fine Draco. I think I should go I have some potions essay to finish." You muttered as you quickly got out of the awkward situation walking to the Slytherin common room.


  After many hours of doing all your homework, revision, some reading and waiting. It was finally time to meet Harry in the courtyard to meet Hagrid with him. You were always friends with the boy. In fact, he and Ron were the first friends you made on the train to Hogwarts.

As you quietly try to be sly getting out of bed trying not to wake the girls. You nearly slipped on some paper from earlier but luckily your reflects saved you. You tipped toed down to the common room to meet with of course Draco, Theo and Blaise but they didn't realise you were there.

"He's going to go after him and her we have to make sure she's safe Blaise." Draco ranted as he was stressed clearly.

"We can't stop her being friends with him Draco she could help us when we become one." Blaise replied making you concentrate on the conversation you knocked a vase off a table.

"Valentine! Holy shit you scared us." Theo jerked.

"Y/N what are you doing up late?" Blaise asked you.

"I was going to go to the kitchen I'm slightly hungry." You lied.

"Oh okay well see ya." Theo added as you walk out the common room to secretly meet Harry.


You finally meet up with Harry in the courtyard as he has his invisibility cloak with him. You both get under the cloak in a tight squeeze as it was a one-person cloak. You both quickly got to Hagrids as he tells you both to follow him into the forest.

"Hagrid exactly where are we going?" You asked.

"You'll both see soon enough. Just 'Arry pay attention it's important." Hagrid added.

"What's with the flower?" Harry asked.

"Hagrid have you combed your hair?" You questioned.

"In a matter of fact, I have." Hagrid replied. As you all walk closer into the forest you heard a wail.

"Hagreede!" A women's voice shouted. It was Madam Maxime.

"Oh, the cloak you two get under the cloak." Hagrid quickly said as he walked away. You then both got under the cloak and followed Hagrid.

"Bonsoir Madam." Hagrid greeted the French Professor.

"Oh, Hagreede I thought porhaps you had forgotten moi." She replied. You and Harry were gagging at the two grown adults flirt with each other. You were ignoring them till you heard the wail again.

" Harry look there's Dragons." You whispered.

"Can we get closer?" Madam Maxime asked walking towards them.

"Dragons? That's the first task? You're joking." Harry yelled towards Hagrid.

"Come on 'Arry they're seriously misunderstood creatures." Hagrid replied

"Are they trying to kill him?" You asked but Hagrid didn't reply.

"Come on Harry we better go back to the castle." You added as you drag his arm away from the Dragons.

As you start to walk back to the castle it was a silent walk till you spoke up as you got to the courtyard again.

"So if Dragons are the first task what do you think the others will be?" You blurted.

"I don't know Y/N." He replied.

"What are you going to do in the first task Harry." You asked.

" I don't know Y/N!" He snapped.

"Okay sorry calm down." You apologised.

"I'm sorry I'm just worried. I'm going to go back to Gryffindor Tower. I'll see you tomorrow or something Y/N." He mumbled as he walked away.

" Bye Harry." You replied as you walked back to the Slytherin common rooms.


As you walked back you entered quietly to see of course Blaise sitting in the common room.

"Blaise bloody hell why are you still up." You whispered.

" I was waiting for you to come back from the kitchen but you clearly didn't go when I went to check on you." He replied.

"Look I'm sorry just don't tell the other two please." You maintained.

" I won't Valentine just please don't lie again." He asked.

" I won't. Night Blaise." You assured him as you walk up the spiral stairs to your down quietly.

Hi guys hoped you enjoyed this chapter!

Sorry I haven't been writing as much as I used too and this story is probably getting boring but it isn't completed so please wait. Thank you so much for 3.3k reads omg!!! I freaked out when I found out ahah lol. Once again please comment opinions , when I've messed up and how to make it better.

Love you all byeeeeeeee :))

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