MODERN LOVER ↝ Dan Espinoza

By mcrningstar

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By mcrningstar

HARRIS PLACE ELEMENTARY was, in many ways, just like any other school. Of course, the teachers and the rest of the staff alike agreed that their students were the best, destined for the most success, but at the end of the day, they had all the same classic events that the other schools around Los Angeles did, too. Most, if not all, awaited the annual dance above everything else, but for Bianca, the highlight of the year was the bake sale arranged to raise funds to build an effective, safe environment for each of the kids.

          I mean, not only was it incredibly important, but there was hardly anything better than getting to spend a workday eating cookies and cupcakes.

         With some lavishly decorated tables, a stereo and the PTA's president in the lead with a megaphone, the gym had been transformed from a nightmare factory to a sanctuary of baked goods, selling like literal hotcakes. Bianca couldn't help but smile as she watched the situation from her own stand — one of the volunteer parents had run after her children and the Vasques had stepped in to help, absolutely no ulterior motives behind her sudden interest in looking after the variety of pies on the table. With the comfort of spices in the air and an overall homey feeling around her, it was difficult to not be happy.

         Just as Bianca was about to cut herself a slice from one of the displayed pies, she noticed her step-sister slinking through the crowd of people, her young son clutching her hand as they both greeted her with wide grins. "If anyone asks, Vic goes here, right?" Robin coughed, hoping to convey innocence but the sneaky glance back and forth betrayed her and earned a snort from Bianca in the process.

         "I'm sure no one's going to kick you out", she noted with reassurance, delighted to see her nephew despite him usually going to another school — with his day over, though, Robin was taking the opportunity to buy some cake and see her sister. "How's your day, big guy?" Bianca leaned down to Victor, poking at his nose before finishing slicing the pie and then, sadly, handing the piece over to him rather than digging it into herself.

         As the boy began rambling about his school day, Bianca made sure to listen attentively — at least, until her gaze drifted to the entrance of the gym and found Trixie Espinoza skipping inside with his enthusiastically smiling father at her heels. Regardless of the grin, though, he seemed just a little out of his comfort-zone, a wary look scanning the room full of people as he wiped his hands against his jeans. It was almost amusing, but a natural surge of sympathy did kick in, forcing Bianca to glance down at her hands and hide her own smile.

        "Alright, buddy, how about we go get some brownies for home, huh?" Robin nudged Victor, taking his hand yet again while his other one carried the plateful of pie. A brief hug later, the woman was bidding Bianca farewell and parting from her stand to explore the rest of the gym together with her son, allowing other people to trail over to Bianca.

         She really wasn't hoping for anyone in particular, but she still couldn't hold back a fond roll of eyes when she saw Maeve rushing over with Annika following in a casual stroll. "I saw that!" the Reilly gushed, so loud that Bianca could only praise the amount of noise in the gym for drowning out the incoming stream of gossip. "Ever since I noticed you two in the hallway last week, I knew it was just a matter of time", the science teacher went on, a proud hand landing on her heart as she sighed at Bianca.

        "Are we talking about Tatum?" Annika interjected, a hopeful gleam in her eyes, one that Bianca couldn't help but chuckle at. Ever since the school had hired their new nurse, Annika had been tirelessly trying to set her up with Bianca, firmly trusting that they'd be a great match. The Vasques couldn't deny that they got along well, and it wasn't uncommon for them to send a few flirty jokes at one another, but she wasn't so sure there was a future there.

         "No, we're talking about that hunky detective you're friends with!" Maeve turned to Annika with her hands clasping together in excitement, and at that, the Hayden's eyes widened in surprise.

       "Dan?" she blurted out, partly surprised but when she gave it a second's more thought, she ended up turning to Bianca with an intrigued gasp. "You know what, I could see that! Dan really deserves someone nice. Maybe even needs it", Annika rambled, more and more into the idea by the second.

       Bianca, on the other hand, sent the two women a narrow-eyed stare. "But I don't need anyone. Dating isn't a necessity, you know", she cleared her throat, strongly against the idea of a brave man by her side to shield her from the world. She was brave enough. She had friends, she had family, she had a good job and in the future, hopefully, a cat. Now, should the right person come along, she wasn't opposed to a relationship, but there was no void to fill.

       "No, no, you're absolutely right. Men are overrated", Maeve nodded in agreement, though before Bianca could exhale in relief, the woman was swinging an arm over her shoulders and humming. "But you deserve a treat, too. A snack, if you will. And that, my lady, is one", she lowered her voice to a whisper before nodding at the man suddenly walking towards them, hands in the pockets of his tight leather jacket and his lips curving into a reinforced smile.

       And before Bianca could even dream of smacking Maeve's shoulder, Dan was entering their little group, reserved about interrupting but he didn't get to apologize when Annika was tugging the man into a hug.

       "Good to see you, Annie. Lucifer never stops talking about you, honestly", the Espinoza huffed in mild annoyance, though the look on his face was only affectionate. Bianca could tell there was some history there, even if platonic, but rather than asking, she only writhed away from Maeve's iron grip and silently recalled everything she had heard about Annika's boyfriend. She had seen the tall, dark and handsome poking around the hallways, but was yet to speak to him directly — the stories she had heard, though, painted quite the vivacious picture.

         "I saw Chloe came with you and Trixie, right?" Annika questioned, and already knowing what she was planning, Bianca tried to get in a word. Instead, Dan confirmed Annika's suspicions, and with that, the brunette was grabbing Maeve's arm and flashing a faux-pure smile at her friends. Usually, she nailed the benevolent, innocent image, but Bianca could see right through her intentions this time. "Great, we'll go say hi. See you around!"

        With that, the two teachers were escaping the table, leaving Bianca all alone with Dan. Although they were continuously surrounded by people and chatter and laughter, it felt skin-crawlingly private, just the two of them pausing to look into each other's eyes and think of something to say. Smooth was probably a distant dream, but as soon as either of them managed to break the ice, they realized there was no need for any of that.

         "So, these look pretty good. You sure you're in the right line of work?" Dan joked and granted a haphazard gesture at the pies between them. The words got to barely hang in the air when Bianca was breaking into a laugh, the kind that crinkled her eyes and filled Dan's heart with the joy of having his joke appreciated. Working with Lucifer, that was a rare luxury, and when it came to women, he had to admit that he hadn't had much success as of late. Partly because of his recently officialized divorce with Chloe, partly because he didn't seem to have much time between work and Trixie. But this... this felt good.

       "These are actually one of the moms', but I'll pass the compliments on. I couldn't bake if my life depended on it. Which probably explains why I love this day so much", Bianca corrected, unable to stop beaming up at the man, to a point where she felt almost silly. Her cheeks were nearing an ache but the grin refused to leave her alone, especially when Dan continued to return the expression in the deepest sincerity.

       "Alright, you're an expert. What do you recommend?" Dan inquired, hands rubbing together in preparation for the variety of desserts presented around the gym.

        Falling into silence, Bianca eyed the surroundings, taking in all the different volunteer moms — and one consistently awesome dad — trying to sell their creations. She knew exactly what the best option was: Taylor from 5th grade had a mom whose carrot cake was like magic, but thanks to Maeve, Bianca was also educated in the latest gossip. Taylor's mom was a happily divorced single mom with a tendency to seek out single dads at events like these, and despite her previous promises that she wasn't looking for anything, Bianca couldn't help but sour at the mental image she unwittingly created for herself.

        "Lemon bars", she spoke faster than she realized, her stare turning back to Dan as she pursed her lips into a convincing smile, "Mrs. Hollis makes the best lemon bars."

        At that, Dan's eyebrows lifted in pleasant surprise. "My favorite, actually. Maybe you are in the right line of work, after all", he contemplated with an approving thumbs-up, encouraging Bianca to make a dramatic bow in response.

       Peace lingered between them as Bianca licked her lips and glanced around the gym, partly feeling like she needed to make sure there weren't too many curious eyes on them. It wasn't like they were doing anything wrong or forbidden, but it was places like these that despite their general wholesomeness, were a kickstarter for drama and hushed whispers. Just a single look or touch could be flammable, spinning out of control over glasses of wine and PTA meetings, but she was relieved to notice the lack of attention on them. Instead, though, her eye caught Annika chatting with Chloe and Trixie, and she felt her heart beating with joy.

         "Not to go all counselor on you, but I really respect you and Chloe for doing this whole co-parenting thing. There are a lot of kids whose parents constantly argue or barely talk and it does way more damage than you can see on the outside", she heard the words pour out of her without stopping to wonder if it was a topic Dan wanted to handle. Fortunately for her, the uneasiness in his shoulders seemed only appropriate for when talking about ex-wives, his expression otherwise willing to probe the subject.

       "Yeah", he breathed out, casting a look at Chloe before turning back to Bianca and smiling softly. "We're still friends. Co-workers, too, so we kind of have no choice. But overall we just wanted what was best for Trixie and I think this might be it", he explained, the genuine care for his daughter audible in each word, and it warmed Bianca's chest. She had seen far too many neglectful parents for her liking, and while she shouldn't have praised the rest for doing simply what was right, it was instinct. Maybe the parents needed it, too, the encouragement that they were doing okay.

         It wasn't until Dan swallowed and gave Bianca's empty ring finger a not-so-sneaky look that she understood she hadn't given him much to go on regarding herself. "Are you, uh, co-parenting with anyone?" the Espinoza wondered, sucking in a defeated breath once the clumsy wording registered in his head, but it was quite enough to earn Bianca's approval.

         "Well, my step-sister is staying with me and she has a son, so kind of? But no, no one... like that", she chuckled quietly, unsure why there was an unexpected swarm of butterflies erupting in her stomach. "I used to be engaged but we disagreed on kids. Which I clearly like", she went on, unaware if it was too much to share but Dan seemed to be paying attention, a sympathetic nod accompanying his kind words.

       "His loss", he countered, not only flattering but also consoling Bianca with something so simple. She liked to think she was mostly over it — it had been years, after all, but she supposed a therapist could have dug deep enough to find the reason for her currently nonexistent love life; apart from a few one night stands, that was, but mostly, she was fine on her own. The electricity in the air now suggested otherwise, though.

         Even if there was one inaccuracy in Dan's words of comfort. "Hers, actually", Bianca corrected, a soft smile on her lips that only spread wider when she noticed an apologetic rush of panic break free in Dan's eyes. "But could have been his, too", she added, not sure if her goal was to reassure him or clarify that she wasn't strictly into women. Either way, she earned an understanding nod from Dan, his face radiating sheer approval.

          They didn't get to say anything more when Trixie was appearing at the table, tugging on Dan's sleeve to gain his attention with pleas of getting some chocolate cake. "Mommy said we could", she pulled a classic move, one that left Dan no choice but to obey, his mouth open to say something but only an impressed huff came out.

         "I think that's an excellent choice. Make sure to get one with extra frosting", Bianca shamelessly sided with Trixie, a wink directed at the girl before she gave one last smile at Dan as a goodbye. Cutting a laugh at the woman's way with his daughter, the Espinoza nodded with a betrayed look but made sure to wave at Bianca before letting Trixie grab his hand and lead the way.

       As the two made their way across the gym, leaving the Vasques behind, Trixie smirked knowingly and eyed her dad. "I like her", she announced matter-of-factly, and without even realizing he did so, Dan found himself glancing over his shoulder to catch one last look of the woman, already chatting with more customers and neatly tucking her hair behind her ear.

         He didn't say anything to agree with Trixie but silently came to the conclusion that maybe, bake sales were his favorite now, too.


Author's note

Listen I LOVE WRITING THIS BOOK SO MUCH. Wholesome babies (':

Next chapter is going to have some ✨ action ✨ and I'm excited about it omg. That means the dangerous kind, not the thirsty kind!!

Thank you for reading ❤️

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