By ZuitheRedfox

71.1K 2.1K 1.3K

Fangs as sharp as swords. Wires so strong that rumors said he could trap gods. Poison so strong that it could... More

- [𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝟏 ] -
[Ruby Rose & Y/N L/N]
[The Shining Beacon]
[The Shining Beacon] - [Part 2]
[The First Step ] - [Part 2]
[The Emerald Forest]
[The Emerald Forest] - [Part 2]
[Players and Pieces]
[The Badge and the Burden]
[The Badge and the Burden] - [Part 2]
[Jaunedice] - [Part 2]
[Forever Fall]
[Forever Fall] - [Part 2]
[The Stray]
[Black and White]
- [𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝟐 ] -
[Best day Ever]
[Welcome to Beacon]
[A Minor Hiccup]
[Painting the Town]
[Burning the Candle]
[Dance Dance Infiltration]
[Field Trip]
[Search and Destroy]
[Mountain Glenn]
[No Brakes]
- [𝐕𝐨𝐥𝐮𝐦𝐞 𝟑] -
[Round One]
[New Challengers]
[Midnight's Blizzard]
[Midnight's Blizzard - Part 2]
[It's Brawl in the Family]
[Lesson's Learned]
[Never Miss a Beat]
[Beginning of the End]
[Battle of Beacon]
[Heroes and Monsters]
[End of the Beginning]
[A/N]: The Future of this Fanfic

[The First Step]

3.1K 109 54
By ZuitheRedfox

[Y/N] - Your Name
[L/N] - Last Name
[H/C] - Hair Color
[H/L] - Hair Lenght
[H/S] - Hair Style
[E/C] - Eye Color
[S/C] - Skin Color

Y/N slowly opens his eyes and, sits up in the sleeping bag, rubbing the sleep of his eyes he slowly looks around to see a ginger girl with short hair loudly singing, while a black-haired boy with a single pink streak on his hair sits up, looking dead inside.

Y/N: ["He looks so tired, I hope he's ok"] Y/N thought while standing up, the scene transitions to the bathroom, were the black-haired boy brushes his teeth while Y/N passes by in the background with a towel wrapped around his waist, looking at the girl and questioning himself what she was doing in the male bathroom.

Nora: ["I can't believe we've been at Beacon for a full 24 hours! Not that I thought we'd get kicked out or anything, I mean, you're the perfect student and I'm, well, I'm me! But it's just crazy, you know?"] The ginger girl energetically spoke. The scene transitions again back to the ballroom where the girl brushes her hair and, the boy is tightening the strings on his sleeping bag.

Nora: ["We've been friends for soooooooo long! What are the odds we'd still be together? Well, not "together-together..." Not that I'm not saying that you're not handsome; you are handsome, but that'd just be weird, right?"] She continued speaking, another male, this time with messy short blonde hair, light blue eyes, wearing a blueish-green crop shirt along with black pants that go all the way to his ankles, leaving his feet exposed, allowing people to see multiple spikes coming from them, there's a tattoo on both sides of his waist, one of them is a carrot on the left side and, a beet on the right side, both pointing towards his crotch, he has a crazy smile on his face, and is carrying his sleeping bag. The scene transitions one more time to the cafeteria.

Nora: With a pancake on her mouth, muffling her voice. ["Right! What was I thinking? But still, I hope we end up in the same team together!"] She slurps the pancake that was hanging from her mouth, on the background, Y/N passes by, carrying a plate with a tower of waffles taller than him, another male, this time with short messy black hair and, faint yellowish eyes, wearing a dark blue sweater that goes past his hands and black pants that goes all the way to his feet, which are covered by a pair of dark blue sneakers with black tulips around them. ["Ooh! We should come up with some sort of a plan! To make sure we end up in the same team together! What if we bribe the headmaster? No, that won't work, he has the school..."]

The scene transits to the locker room while Nora is still talking, Y/N passes by, putting his gloves on, the blonde male mentioned before is sitting on one of the benches, wrapping chains around both arms, said chains are connected two machetes that he stores on two sheets on his ankles.

Nora: Pointing upwards. ["I know! We'll have some sort of signal! Like a distress call signal!"] Gasping, while the black-haired boy in front of her picks up two green pistols with blades underneath them. ["A secret signal so we can find each other in the forest!"] Appearing right at his side and pointing at him. ["Can you imitate a sloth?"]

Ren: ["Nora..."]

Nora: ["Yes, Ren?"] She said, appearing on his other side.

Ren: Sheathing his weapons on his sleeves. ["I don't think sloths make a lot of noise"]

Nora: Getting more excited. ["... That's why it's perfect! No one will know we're working together!"]

Ren: ["Come on, Nora. Let's go"] He said, closing his locker and walking away.

Nora: Following him. ["But not... 'Together-together'"] She giggles.

Both Nora and Ren passes by Ruby and Yang while another male, with spiky black hair, is opening his locker, he is wearing a black leather jacket, on the back of the jacket is the drawing of a skull with an ace around it, the skull has its mouth open where a cigar hangs, a pair of black gloves and a pair of bracelets with golden spikes around them, male black leather pants with two boots, golden spikes around the soles and golden plating around the ankles and, golden skulls on their front,  he reaches into the locker and pulls a giant cross wrapped in cloth with many leather belts around it, he puts said cross on his shoulders and walks away.

Ruby: ["Wonder what those two were so worked up about"] Ruby comments, turning to her locker.

Yang: ["Oh, who knows..."] She turns to face Ruby, crossing both arms in front of her chest. ["So! You seem awfully chipper this morning"]

Ruby: Giggling while reaching on her locker, pulling a closed Crescent Rose from there. ["Yep! No more awkward small talk or 'getting to know you' stuff"] Hugging Crescent Rose. ["Today I get to let my sweetheart do the talking"]

Yang: ["Well, remember Ruby, you're not the only one going through the initiation"] She said, putting both arms on her hips and looking at Ruby with slight concern. ["If you want to grow up, you're going to have to meet new people and learn to work together"]

Ruby: Groaning in frustration. ["Ugh, you sound like dad!"] She said, turning her back to Yang and shoving Crescent Rose back into the locker. ["Okay, first of all, what does meeting new people have to do with fighting? And secondly, I don't need people to help me grow up"] She said while crossing her arms in front of her chest. ["I drink milk"]

Y/N: ["That's not how milk works, Red"] Y/N said, approaching the sisters while gently putting on his monocle. ["And you should also be concerned about the teams"]

Ruby: ["Oh, Hi Y/N! Uhm, I don't know, I guess I'll just be in a team with you and Yang or something..."] She said, turning back to face her sister.

Yang: ["Maybe you should try being on someone else's team?"] Yang suggested, awkwardly playing with her hair.

Ruby: Approaching Yang and pointing at her. ["My dearest sister Yang, are you implying that you do not wish to be in the same team as me?"]

Yang: ["W - What?! Of course not, I just thought... I don't know maybe it would help you break out of your shell!] Yang said, putting her hands on her hips again.

Ruby: ["What?! I don't need to break out of my shell, that's absolutely-"]

Jaune: Appearing out of nowhere and passing between both sisters and at Y/N side. ["Ridiculous! There's no way I put my gear in locker 636 yesterday?! I would've remembered having to count that high!"] In pure frustration. ["Ugh, why does this have to happen today?!"] He said, passing by Weiss and a redhead girl wearing spartan clothing.

Weiss: ["So, Pyrrha"] She said, turning to face Pyrrha. ["Have you given any thought to who's team you'd like to be on? I'm sure everyone must be eager to unite with such a strong, well-known individual such as yourself"]

Pyrrha: ["Hmm... I'm not quite sure. I was planning to let the chips fall where they mean"] She spoke with a small giggle.

Weiss: Turning towards Pyrrha, now fully facing her. ["Well, I was thinking maybe we could be on a team together"]

Pyrrha: With both hands on her waist. ["Well, that sounds grand!"]

Weiss: ["Great!"] She turns her back to Pyrrha, while clouds and lightning appear behind her. ["This will be perfect! The smartest girl in class, combined with the strongest girl in class. Together we will unstoppable, I can see it now: We'll be popular, we'll be celebrities, we'll have perfect grades! Nothing can come between us now!"]

Jaune: Comming between Weiss and Pyrrha, leaning on the locker. ["You know what else is great? Me, Jaune Arc. Nice to meet you"]

Weiss: Crossing her arms in frustration. ["You again?"]

Pyrrha: Hurriedly appearing right at Weiss's side. ["Nice to meet you, Jaune"]

Jaune: Pushing Pyrrha away, only for her to be held by Y/N who looks down at her and nods, then looks towards Jaune, crossing his arms. ["Yeah yeah. So, Weiss! Couldn't help but overhear your fondness of me the other day"] He said, flexing his muscles.

Weiss: Facepalming in frustration. ["Oh, you've got to be kidding me"]

Jaune: ["Don't worry, no need to be embarrassed! So, been hearin' rumours about teams! I was thinking you and me would make a good one, what do you say?"] He tried to convince Weiss, getting closer to her.

Y/N: ["Jaune, I think-"] Y/N started, only to be cut by Jaune.

Jaune: ["Calm down, Y/N, I appreciate your concern but I know what I'm doing"] He proudly stated, causing Y/N to sigh.

Y/N: ["Sure you do, Jaune..."] Y/N whispered, fixing his monocle.

Pyrrha: ["Actually, I think the teams are comprised of 4 students each, so-"] She got cut off by Jaune looking at Weiss.

Jaune: ["You don't say"] He then turns to Pyrrha and approaches her. ["Well, hot-stuff, play your cards right and maybe, you could join up with the winning team. I know Y/N is up for it"]

Y/N: ["All said is that I wouldn't mind if  we fall on the same team and-"]

Jaune: ["See?"] He said, pointing at Y/N with his thumb, causing the taller male to sigh and shake his head slightly.

Weiss: Coming right between Jaune and Pyrrha, separating both. ["Now, Jaune, is it? Do you have any idea who you are talking to?"]

Jaune: Leaning forward. ["Not in the slightest, Snow Angel"] Y/N slightly cringed at the nickname.

Weiss: Pointing at Pyrrha: ["This, is Pyrrha"]

Pyrrha: Waving. ["Hello again!"]

Weiss: ["Pyrrha graduated top of her class at Sanctum"]

Jaune: ["Never heard of it"]

Weiss: ["Ah! She's won the Mistral Regional Tournament 4 Years in a row... A new record!"]

Jaune: ["The what?"]

Y/N: Leaning forward slightly. ["She's on the front of every Pumpkin Pete's Marshmallow Flakes box"]

Jaune: Gasping and pointing at Pyrrha, fanboying all over her. ["That's you?! They only do that for star athletes and cartoon characters!"]

Pyrrha: As suddenly, the logo and the box design appear behind her, causing Y/N to raise an eyebrow. ["Yeah, it was pretty cool. Sadly, the cereal isn't very good for you"]

Weiss: Appearing in front of Pyrrha with arms crossed. ["So, after hearing all of this, do you really think you're in a position to ask her to be on your team?"]

Y/N: ["The fuck did that came from?"] Looking at the ground where all of the cereal-box things crumbled after Weiss appeared in front of Pyrrha.

Jaune: Looking down with sadness. ["I guess not... Sorry"]

Pyrrha: Stepping up to Jaune, putting a hand on his shoulder. ["Actually Jaune, I think you'd make a great team leader"]

Jaune: Looking all embarrassed. ["Oh, stop it!"]

Weiss: Walking behind Jaune. ["Seriously, please stop it. This kind of behaviour should not be encouraged"]

Y/N: Stepping forward, fixing his monocle. ["I also think you'd make a great team leader, Jaune. What does Weiss have in bitchin' you have in charisma"] He said, crossing his arms. ["You gotta have that to be a great leader, one more reason why certain Schnee can't say much to you"] Y/N said, looking down at Weiss while opening his lips, keeping his teeth closed, showing her his fangs.

Weiss: Looking up at Y/N in shock. ["Why you-"] Before she could try and respond, however, Jaune appears right in front of her.

Jaune: ["Sounds like Pyrrha and Y/N are on board for team Jaune. Spots are filling up quick"] Turning to face Weiss, leaning forward till their face almost are touching. ["Now I'm not supposed to do this, but, maybe I could pull some strings, find a place for you. What do you say?"]

Weiss: Backing up in discomfort. ["Ok, that's a bit too close. A little help please?"]

Suddenly, multiple strings were wrapped around Jaune and pulled him out of the screen while he screamed in confusion.

Glynda: Over the cooms: ["Would all first-year students please report to Beacon Cliff for initiation? Again, all first-year students report to Beacon Cliff immediately"]

Pyrrha: Passing by a tied up Jaune hanging upside down. ["It was nice meeting you!"]

Jaune: Sighing. ["Likewise"]

Yang: Approaching Jaune and Y/N  ["Having some trouble there, Ladykiller?"]

Jaune: Being untied by Ruby, while Y/N simply pulls his hand back, causing all the strings to come back and disappear on his glove, while Ruby is helping Jaune stand up. ["I don't understand... My dad said all women look for is confidence"]

Y/N: ["Maybe 'Snow Angel' wasn't the best start. Come on, let's go to the initiation so we can get yourself a team for you to lead"] He said, pulling Jaune's hood over his face, causing the blonde to giggle.

Jaune: ["Lead the way..."] He spoke, with slightly more confidence on his voice.


At Beacon Cliff, a gentle breeze blows the students hairs, said students are standing on top of a small stone platform containing Vale's logo on it, while Ozpin and Glynda Goodwitch stand in front of them.

Ozpin: ["For years, you have trained to become warriors. And today, your abilities will be evaluated in the Emerald Forest"]

Glynda: ["Now, I'm sure many of you have heard the rumours about the assignment of teams"] She started, gaining Ruby's attention. ["Well, allow us to put an end to your confusion. Each of you will be given your teammates... Today"]

Ruby: ["What? Aw..."] She whined, in a slightly scared tone.

Ozpin: ["These teammates will be with you for the rest of your time here at Beacon. So it's in your best interest to be paired with someone with whom you can work well"] Ruby was even more scared now. ["That being said, the first person you make eye contact with after landing will be your teammate for the next 4 Years"]

Ruby: With her world - almost literally - shattering. ["What?!"]

Nora: ["See? I told you"] She reaches her hand forward, passing it in front of Y/N's face, only to boop Ren.

Ozpin: ["After you've partnered up, make your way to the northern end of the forest. You will meet opposition along the way. Do not hesitate to destroy everything on your path"] After that was said, the blonde boy with messy short hair giggled creepily, causing the boy with short messy black hair to look at him slightly scared. ["Or you will die"] Jaune laughed nervously, while Nora looked up at Ren in excitement, the boy with spiky black cair, carrying a giant cross on his back only narrowed his eyes and smirked. ["You will be monitored and graded for the duration of your initiation, but our instructors will not intervene. You will find an abandoned temple at the end of the path, containing several relics. Each pair must choose one, and then return to the top of the cliff. We will regard that item, as well as your standing, and grade you appropriately, are there any questions?"]

Jaune: Raising his hand. ["Ah, yeah, sir-"]

Ozpin: ["Good! Now, take your positions"]

That being said, each student took a different position, Y/N crouched down, touching the floor with his left hand, the boy with messy blonde hair took both knives from their sheath, aiming them at his neck with his arms forming an X, the boy with the cross smirked and, leaned against his weapon, crossing both arms and legs with his eyes closed, the boy with messy black hair held a rifle with two triggers on his left shoulder, on his right hand was a sword with a trigger right below it, which he held against his right shoulder, Jaune still had his hand raised.

Jaune: ["Uh, sir? I've got a question"] Weiss is suddenly catapulted into the forest. ["So, this landing strategy thing, uh w-what is it? You're like, dropping us off or something?"]

Ozpin: ["No, you will be falling"] He said, another student, this one with a shaved hair, only leaving a mohawk is also sent flying.

Jaune: ["Oh, I see"] The boy with the cross is sent flying. ["So, like, did you handle out a parachute for us?"] Nora is sent flying.

Ozpin: ["No. You will be using your own landing strategy"] Ren is catapulted behind Nora, while the boy with blonde hair follows right after.

Jaune: ["Uhhuh... Yeah"] A student wearing armour, with short brown hair is launched.

Yang: Turning to look up at Y/N and blinking at him, before putting a pair of aviator glasses on and being catapulted. ["Woohoo!"] Ruby follows right after, the only ones now are Y/N and Jaune.

Jaune: ["So, um, what exactly is this landing strateGYYYYYYYYYYYYYY"] Jaune is suddenly catapulted, leaving Y/N along with his arms crossed.

Ozpin: Turning to face Y/N. ["Just so you know, I wasn't able to find many teams with a fitting name, that's why we're using the identity you used back the Whitefang, Blacksteel"]

Y/N: ["I would ask you how do you know that, but I guess I wouldn't get an answer"] He said, pushing his monocle up before being catapulted.

Glynda: Turning to face Ozpin. ["Are you sure it was a good idea letting him in, professor? I mean-"]

Glynda: ["I know his pain, Glynda, the pain of concern for those he cares about"] He said, taking a sip from his hot cocoa. ["The pain of regret"]


A while before the initiation began, in the locker room, Y/N is polishing his monocle while sitting in a bench, when Blake walks up to him with a barely noticeable smile.

Blake: ["We didn't have time to talk, Y/N, it's nice seeing you here"]

Y/N: Looking up at her and smiling back. ["The feeling is mutual, Blake, you know I'm only here because of you"] He stands up, towering over Blake, reaching forward and taking her bow off her. ["You look good with that, but you look better with those"] He said, looking at Blake's Faunus cat ears.

Blake: Sighing and softly taking the bow from Y/N's hand, putting it on. ["Y/N, I-"]

Y/N: ["The past is like a Grimm hunting you in a straight corridor, Blake. You can run from it, but it eventually catches up, you may kick it away, but this will simply slow it down"] He said, gaining Blake's attention. ["And this is exactly what you did, you kicked it away... Will you continue kicking it away, or will you kill the Grimm and get rid of it for good?"] He asked, putting on his monocle, Blake looks down and sighs. ["Are you ready for when he catches up?"] Blake avoids Y/N's gaze and turns her back, but before she could away, she is pulled into a hug by the snake Faunus. ["Me neither..."] Blake slowly reaches her arms up and hesitantly wraps them around Y/N's neck. ["But don't worry, you're not alone"]

[Published in - 01/09/2020]
[Word Count - 3216]

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