Avril: The Avengers Fanfiction

By Golda1997

242 6 0


Avril: The Avengers Fanfiction

Chapter 1

73 3 0
By Golda1997

I woke up in a cold sweat. Freaky dream. It was one of the first to be diverse from the others.

‘Uncle Thor! Aunt Jane!’ squealed the little brown-haired girl.

Cool breeze

Behind her, were her father and mother- Tony and Pepper Stark.

Odd smell.

Her other godparents- Natasha and Clint Barton and their son Gage who could be a meanie because he was 8 and thought he was above everyone under his age.

The sound of cocking guns.

Uncle Nick.

Evil laugh.

Aunt Maria.

The air changes.

Uncle Bruce and his wife, Alana with their son called Frazer. He got really angry and hurt my hand sometimes…

Uncle Steve and his pretty wife- Melanie who loved to tell the story of how Uncle Stevie saved her during some New York attack.

New York. Superheroes. Avengers.

Behind Aunt Jane was her son who was my age. His name was Arian and he didn’t talk much, but we always played together.

The explosion. The struggle. The blackness.

The torture- I thought as I pulled on my sweats and wrapped my hands in gauze in preparation for training. I couldn’t be late as Kane could be a little…aggressive to late comers. I hurried out of my room in a sports bra and drawstring sweatpants, looking a little flustered. The dreams were getting more vivid. If they were a memory, weren’t they supposed to fade away?

I stepped into the expansive training room just as the gong sounded and I hurried to join my class.

Kane Williams was a hacker/ninja/assassin kind of guy who was basically paid to train kids from an early age to become like him. He had severe anger issues and was kicked out of some Black Ops thing he was in and then he formed this school, basically kidnapping children from every continent and country and then training them one by one. The best, according to him, remained while the other had their memory wiped and were sent out into the world. It was best to be sent out at a younger age as you would be able to adapt better. Every time someone from my class was “wiped” as we called it, I struck them out. Whichever two- male and female- remained last was going to be sent out into the world as Kane’s right hand man/woman to do his dirty work and whatnot. All my classmates- now down to 6 of us include me- were what you would call subservient. I had never been like that but Kane didn’t know that and I planned on keeping it that way. The first and last time I spoke back to him, he tortured me, specifically focusing on my right arm (I was a leftie) and it had to be replaced with a bionic arm paid for from Kane’s extensive funds. He had the whole class watch too.


I don’t know how old I am (stupid for someone who has an IQ of over 300) but I narrowed it down to between 17 and 18. I hate killing. I would never kill someone unless absolutely necessary- another thing Kane doesn’t need to know. He has this twisted sense of reasoning that everyone dies…we, that’s us assassins, just speed up the process.

To put it lightly, I hate the man. The only good thing that he’s done for me is giving me the bionic arm. I get it replaced every two years and Kane insists that they go through the process without any anesthetic. He always says to think of it as an extra class. Thankfully at my current age, I don’t need a replacement until I am much older. I also have a weird thing in my chest instead of a heart. Kane never told me the story behind it and I’m not sure I want to know…I just think it cool to be a cyborg…

We begin stretching as we wait for Kane. He is almost always in his room where he plans all his evil. If he’s not, he’s training us…his “children”. The people in my class are as follows: a girl from Italy- Rosa who can be a little bitchy and is pretty empty of thoughts that don’t center around hatred and killing and torture…oh and seduction…she aced that class… a boy from Germany- Franz (he’s tough and probably the only one I respect in the class) and the twins from Ghana but raised partially in France- Adam and Nadia. The twins are extremely attached and I never see one without the other. They are also pretty tough, but that is because they have each other. I never talk to them and keep to myself most of the time, but I talked to Franz from time to time. Then there’s Javier- he’s Spanish and basically brainless…but his massiveness gives him an advantage. Four hundred pounds and 7 feet of muscle mass. He scares even me, and probably Kane, because the guy can be brutal when he’s out of control.

‘Children, gather around.’ Said Kane, sounding ominous and dramatic…as usual. I stood up from my split and the others gathered around as well.

‘Today, we begin the final part of your training and as a special treat, you get to meet and fight some of the greatest spies in the world. If you kill them, that’s not my business. But try not to, because their governments will be looking for them soon…’ said Kane, being bastard-y as usual.

A door opened to the side of us, revealing a huge arena and some people in the cages were Kane usually kept the training robots, or Trots as I preferred to call them.

Kane shooed us in to the room and the door closed, his eyes trained on me. They looked evil, but there was something else there…almost like regret…

I shook my head at my insanity…what would a monster like him feel regret for? I turned back to the room and the others. The cage doors were sliding open and out of them walked six people, four men and two women. They looked annoyingly familiar btu I couldn’t place them in my hazy memory. I ignored the itch on my subconscious, trying to figure out who they were, and I walked forward.

One of the guys looked to be about my age…guess it’s not only us that begin young. McBitchster pulled me back and said ‘What do you want to do? Hi-ho, wassup homies?’ she asked, sounding absolutely ridiculous. ‘I’m just tryna make new friends’ I said in a mocking Southern accent. She used this one a lot when put to test seducing…it was disgusting, but funny to irk her with. ‘Whatever’ she scoffed and let go of me. Before she did that, I saw in her eyes that she was scared. I didn’t understand fear, but I knew it was crippling. She was frightened of what would happen if we left this place, to if she was killed. But she would never show her fear outwardly, so I dropped it. I was the only seemingly non-human in this whole thing and it was probably because of the glowing heart in my chest that no one but Kane understood about. It was covered today though, so as not to distract the others. Kane had warned me to last night and I listened, not out of fear (I don’t get that) but there was something that just told me to obey him. I listened to it...this time.

I stood in front of the group, the shortest at 5”4, but the most dangerous. ‘Wassup homies?; asked a small smile curving on my lips. The spies looked at me weird and then to each other. I began to warn them, saying ‘Look, don’t even try to fight us. You’ll just get…

My sentence was cut short by a piece of metal hitting my shoulder. I looked up to see what the problem was, and just then, the whole room began to shake. I dropped ot the ground, just as the agents dived out of the way of a lot of roof.

I stayed in that position before I was sure it was afe to get up.Once I finally did get up, I was face with a familiarly unfamiliar (did that make snese?) face. It was of a man, Negroid, with an eyepatch over one eye.

I did one thing I never expected myself to do and “blurted”.

‘Uncle Nicky…’

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