Trollhunters: The Written Fut...

By TheWonderland04

228K 3.7K 7.4K

After the events of the Shattered King, the Trollhunter team finds themselves in a mysterious room surrounded... More

Becoming: Part One
Becoming: Part 2
Wherefore Art Thou, Trollhunter?
Gnome Your Enemy
Waka Chaka!
Win Lose Or Draal
To Catch A Changeling
Adventures in Trollsitting
Bittersweet Sixteen
Young Atlas
Recipe for Disaster
Claire and Present Danger
The Battle of Two Bridges
Return of the Trollhunter
Roaming Fees May Apply
Blinky's Day Out
The Shattered King
Where is my Mind?
Party Monster
Angor Management
A Night to Remember
Something Rotten This Way Comes
Escape from the Darklands
Grand Theft Otto
Hiss Hiss Bang Bang
Hero with a Thousand Faces
Just Add Water
The Reckless Club
Mistral and Error
In the Hall of the Gumm-Gumm King
A Night's Patroll
Arcadia's Most Wanted
Bad Coffee
So I'm Dating a Sorceress
The Exorcism of Claire Nunez
Parental Guidance
The Oath
For the Glory of Merlin
In Good Hands
A House Divided
The Eternal Knight | Part One
The Eternal Knight | Part 2
His Choice

It's About Time

3.8K 63 190
By TheWonderland04



The React Series Upcoming Book titles!

3Below: The World to Come

Wizards: The Inevitable

These are the titles for 3Below reaction book and Wizards reaction book, be on the lookout for them once this book ends!

We will release the dates to the first chapter of 3Below: The World to Come at the end of this book!


To Reviews:

Yes, my sister is okay, she's pushing through! However, we believe she will spend her life in a wheelchair, paralzied from the waist down. She is stubborn and one day, yes, I feel she will be able to walk again, but for now, no.


Enjoy! - The Wondrous 4


The moon shone against murky waters, each detail of the moon had been seen until an ore sliced through the water, destroying the calm image of the night. Between the large stones that impaled the sea, standing tall above was a small raft, a golden light leading the raft through the maze of darkness.

Words appeared on the bottom, reading out "Black Sea, Bulgaria, 1297 A.D" reminding the viewers that this had happened nearly nine hundred years ago.

The theater grew confused, what was significant about this night? Who was on the raft?

The raft came to a stop, gently crashing into a massive stone. The figure hopped from their boat, holding the torch, only to reveal Angor Rot, his eyes a beautiful gold.

The assassin held the torch against the large blanket of darkness, finding nothing, his eyes narrowed before he began to speak an enchantment, his voice was smooth, calm, and didn't sound as scratchy as it had in the present days.

"Ummmm, what is he doing?" Darci asked, but received no answer.

He pulled a small pigeon from the back of his pocket, the bird flying off into the darkness, not realizing the danger that laid ahead. Angor waited patiently, hearing the soft coo of the bird before it squealed in fear. Something on the other side had quickly ended the bird and its cries. When the deathly silence fell, Angor smiled.

"Poor bird, that just made my heart hurt."

"I call you forth Argante, Lady Pale, Baba Yaga, Eldritch Queen," he spoke, meeting nothing but silence. Without warning, strong gusts of air had nearly thrown Angot to the ground, the strong winds being accompanied by a female voice, and the torch he had been holding was reduced to nothing but burning ash, the light dying.

"I have many names," the voice echoed, the water behind Angor faded into purple waves, Angor instantly submitting when he received her attention.

"I come to trade, Gunmar's war for the surface lands has ravaged my village, I need the power to protect my people."

"Wait, wait, wait, wait. Angor was a good guy?" They all turned to Blinky who had paled if possible, he seemed to be still as Vendel was very disapproving about this episode. "What's wrong?"

Every pair of eyes turned to Blinky who rubbed his forehead, "I fear we are getting into dark magic." Jim's face dropped at that but he quickly gathered himself, speaking up.

"Why, who is the Pale Lady?"

"Morgana," Aaarrrgghh quickly said, the trolls groaning at the horrid name.

"Back in the age of King Arthur, Morgana aided Gunmar in the Killahead war, after being rejected by her brother, she sought revenge. While she protected the trolls, the monsters, Arthur and Merlin had prepared themselves. Merlin created the amulet to support Arthur's side." Vendel said.

"Why was she rejected?" Shannan asked, fixing her glasses.

"King Arthur was against the Trolls after a Stalking had taken his loved one, he raided villages of trolls and crafted rules to protect his people, Morgana, however, was a person of magic, a sorceress. She wanted to protect the trolls instead and the two never got along."

"So why did Merlin make the amulet and fight against Morgana and Gunmar?" Eli asked this time. "If she wanted to save the trolls and so did Merlin, then how did she become the bad person?"

"Morgana was blinded by rage, she sided with Gunmar and wanted to end humankind, letting all magical beings live on the surface lands due to the fact that the humans would never understand the magical beings. Merlin was against that. He and Arthur managed to persuade the trolls to work with them in the war, Deya the Deliverer becoming the first Trollhunter." Vendel continued.

"So that's why Jim only fights the bad trolls, he's keeping the good trolls and humankind alive and the bad trolls at bay, like Merlin and Arthur wanted. I wondered why it was called Trollhunter," Toby stated.

"Question," Steve said, slicing through the small silence, "Angor was a good guy, Morgana is not, so why would he go to her for help?"

"He must have heard of her in a different light, being desperate, he went to her, not knowing that she was a manipulator. Someone who didn't take things too easy, especially since her mind was filled with hatred for her brother and Merlin."

"You seek magic, but what do you bring in return," she hissed, Angor reaching behind him and pulling out a dagger. The troll impaled himself, carving out a piece of his skin. Glowing blue-emitting through his fingers.

"Angor bothers me, first the eyeball and now he's carving into himself!"

He walked up to the Pale Lady, desperate. "Here, my offering. Carved from my own living stone." He held it out for her, a smaller pale hand, fingers covered in pointed golden armor, reached and gently grabbed the blue gems.

"This will sound bad, she's obviously bad but her voice is beautiful. What does she look like?!"

The hand was in view, her fingers curling around the gems, the colors changing into a vibrant gold, smoke pouring into view. The gems turned into small orbs of gold when she opened her hand. Angor had been the destination for the orbs.

"Yes," Angor said happily, watching as it poured into his palm. "I can- I can feel it." He stated, "It is so... it is so..." He waved his hands, the gold magic spewing from both his hands before he crumpled in pain, a grunt escaping him.

He growled in pain before his body arched on command, eyes squeezing shut and he let out a haunting scream. Gold embers were released from his gaping mouth, all of it pouring back into the Pale Lady's hand.

Angor's voice grew deeper, his hand clutching his empty chest, "my soul! You lied to me!" He cried out, heaving.


"So Angor was tricked?" Claire asked, "he didn't want this willingly."

"Morgana is the true leader of the Gumm-Gumms, Gunmar is nothing but her second-in-command, she wouldn't let Angor kill Gunmar due to the fact that she needs his assistance, so yeah, he was brutally forced into a role that he did not ask for. Only protection of his home." Blinky said this time, Jim's eyes soft as he watched the paused screen.

The witch laughed, a ring, well known as the Inferna Copula, floated in her hand, "you fool, your flesh is worth nothing." The ring floated onto her finger, the digits clenching together.

"What have you done to me? Inside, so- so empty!" Her voice turned into a terrifying echo, the troll scurrying back to his raft, tripping on the way.

"I gave you what you wanted. Now your soul is mine!" Her voice echoed in different octaves, Angor panting as he sailed across the purple waters, her voice still heard, "You will seek Merlin's Champions and bring death to his Trollhunters!"

Those close to Jim had perked up, there was no way Angor would take Jim from them, speaking of which, Claire's hand flew to the boy's hand. Silently promising that Morgana's demand would end here.

The water's vibrant color had faded and Angor lifted his head with a cry, the gold irises corrupting over his pupils and he closed his eyes shut, crying out to the sky until he was no longer seen, replaced by the opening theme song.

Everyone was quiet for a while before a student spoke up, "is that why she also forced him to kill all the Trollhunters? Because she's angry at Merlin and is pretty much protecting Gunmar from them?"

"Indeed, and the time frame is extensive," Blinky said, "that is also why he must steal the souls of the dying Trollhunters. Morgana had robbed him of his, he was desperate."

"So pretty much, Angor was gifted- wrong words, given magic from Morgana, the Mother of Monsters to get rid of the Trollhunters and Jim can still invade him? Take that Kanjigar and the other rude dead Trollhunters!" A student yelled out, the others mumbling in agreement.

"Yeah, need a reminder on who is currently dead at the hands of Angor?" Another said, grinning. Jim felt a little proud at the news and realizations but he wouldn't say it out loud.

When the theme song had ended, Merlin's Champion was found once again in Gatto's Keep, alone this time and no amulet in hand. A determined look had crossed his features and he eyed the scene above. However, the guards were impatient and shoved him forward. He climbed the countless steps leading to Gatto, the guards none too kind when they had shoved the boy on his knees. Right in Gatto's view.

"The Trollhunter, you have returned, and without your amulet," The vast troll spoke, Jim not hesitating on why he had returned and empty-handed at that.

"Why, in the right mind, are you there alone?!" Barbara scolded, "where is your amulet, you are supposed to take it with you!"

"I need the Kairosect."

Gatto let out a bellowing chuckle, "the Kairosect. Dangerous magic, after what your friends did to me, why should I let you live?" Jim stood, fear never crossing his face.

"Because this time, I have a riddle for you."

"Really?" Gatto said in shock, "a riddle," he laughed, "I am the master of riddles, I know them all."

"But you don't know this one."

"Willing to bet your life on it?" Gatto asked and Jim didn't answer, simply wearing a smile.

"What do you call cheese that isn't your's?" The boy asked, the guards slacking behind them, almost as if the joke had confused them. Gatto let out a groan, his eyes squinting as he thought, even repeating the question.

"What do you call cheese that is not yours...." He closed his eyes, his mouth shutting as well. Right before he popped them back open, "I've got it. Nacho cheese."

"He reminds me of Senor Uhl, attitude, voice, and everything." The teacher who had been called out hadn't taken it as an insult, in fact, they were right and he was more proud than anything.

"And it's nacho day either! Now!" Jim called out, nothing happening, the guards turned to look at one another, confused once again at the boy's plan. Jim sighed, not even trying this time. "I said, now." A vast portal opened, his friends running out with battle cries and armed, Blinky tossing Jim the amulet.

"Master Jim!"

Jim spoke the incantation, donning the armor. "A trick!" Gatto cried out, Toby quickly wedging his hammer to keep Gatto's mouth open, readying the passage for his friends. Aaarrrgghh threw a guard off as Toby waved them over.

Barbara relaxed when it was all part of a plan, however, the class was more shocked that the guard had actually screamed since they had never made a noise.

"Come on! Come on!" The team dove in as Gatto tried to speak. His guards following in after but before they could, Toby pulled the hammer from in between the troll's massive mouth, "down the hatch!"

Gatto cried out in pain before looking down to his guards, "not again. After them!" He opened his mouth, letting his men pour into it. One guard had shoved the others inside, hiding in his master's blind spot.

"Always one guard pushing the others in, smart but what a scardy cat."

Fire burst from the pools of lava, each member of the Trollhunters digging in separate piles. Jim guarded the entrance, hoping to aid his friends and give them some time.

"I miss the simpler days of hunting Gnomes," Toby whined. Right as he spoke, two guards had landed beside Jim, the said boy backing up to avoid being crushed.

"Hurry, keep looking!" Jim said, doing his best to fight off the guards, only to be thrown in a nearby pile, a chest landing in his lap and popping open, revealing the artifact they had been looking for. Jim looked at it as Blinky laughed in a winning manner.

"The Kairosect. Good work my chum!" Blinky stated, Aaarrrgghh happily helping Jim back on his feet and grabbing the artifact while Jim had spawned his sword, keeping the guards at bay. "Tobias, let's evacuate. Ah, poor choice of words."

"I feel like this scene will have a few "poor choice of words" I can already tell with you guys."

As the sound of swords clashed, Toby had reached into his backpack, a large burrito being revealed. With a grin, Toby held it above his head, taunting the guards who had frozen when he called out to them.

"Hey! Over here! That's right boys your big boss didn't like those tacos last time, well this is worse." Toby held the burrito close to him, an evil grin on his face. "The Mega Trinidad Scorpion Burrito with spicy sour cream and pastrami If I were you, I'd want to skedaddle." The stout of a boy grunted as he tossed the burrito.

"That is one huge burrito."

The piece of food flew in slow motion, Jim and the two guards watched in shock while Claire, Blinky, and Aaarrrgghh had seemed a little nervous about the outcome. The burrito flipped, splashing into the large pool of lava. Toby laughed in victory.

Jim sighed, this was really happening, Toby simply grinned, enjoying the fact he got revenge purposefully on stupid Gatto. One student chuckled, alerting Jim and Toby from their quick moment.

"Why did it seem like you threw it so far but only landed like a foot away."

"Uh oh," Toby said when he saw the lava react to it quickly. The guards fled, leaving the Trollhunters behind. Jim ran to Aaarrrgghh who had lifted his friends and kept them in his safe grip.

"Fire in the hole!" Jim cried, the team escaping hastily as Gatto's insides began to fill, gassy noises heard every time a large lava bubble had burst. The said troll had widened his eyes, knowing what was happening.

"What did I tell you!?"

"Uh oh, not again!" Claire breathed heavily as the Kairosect rested in her hand, the rest following behind her on the narrow path.

"Ha! Looks like it's nacho Kairosect either. See you suckers!" Toby taunted, Jim following behind his friends, looking back to the large spillage.

"Well, that was almost a clean getaway."

The same student that had pointed out that poor words would be said, shook their head, only Toby.

"Curse you Trollhunter!" Gatto yelled to them, the rumble of his massive stomach was heard before the scene had changed, Blinky surrounded by his friends as his hand rubbed over the smooth stone.

"Interesting, Fascinating." His eyes narrowed before they excitedly popped open, "Intriguing!" Blinky said, the team watching silently until Jim spoke up.

"So how exactly does this thing get Strickler's ring off?"

"That is the conundrum. Have someone should have stolen the instruction manual as well." Blinky teased, pressing the gem on the side, it begins to glow green when activated. Suddenly, Blinky had vanished from sight, Toby speaking.

"It doesn't look that complicated-" everyone yelped, "whoa! Where'd Blinky go?!" As they looked for the former troll, Blinky called out excitedly, perched on a pillar, everyone's heads turning in that direction.

"I am not understanding how that is supposed to work, did he just teleport?" Strickler watched as the students tried to understand. He was watching the Trollhunters plan against him, he hadn't said anything for a while, not wanting to hear the kids' backlash at him. He could barely get a word out anyways.

He was glad he hadn't been singled out either, he didn't need to watch himself be targeted and hopeless and also confronted in person. He was also curious about how the teens handled this.

"Yes! Yes! Eureka! It works!" Blinky happily kicked his legs. Aaarrrgghh titled his head, unsure.

"What. What works?"

Claire stepped up, mildly impressed. "How did you get up there?"

"The Kairosect enables its bearer to step outside of time affording the opportunity to do this!" He pressed the gem once again, his body disappearing from sight, leaving the pillar, only to be seated nearby, his friends now in awkward positions. "Ahaha!"

"You can freeze time?! That is incredible!" Eli said, nearly leaping up and down in his seat. Blinky smiled, he knew sometimes his wordplay could confuse his precious humans, yet, the smart fleshling down below could and it impressed him tremendously.

Aaarrrgghh had been placed like a statue, a mountain of books resting on his head and both his hands. Jim had been placed on his hands, only one placed on the ground as he wobbled. Claire had been laying on her back, her legs in the air, and supporting Toby who had his arms spread, floating like an airplane.

Everyone chuckled but Mary, Darci, even Steve had been shocked. "Claire. You can hold up Toby with your legs!?"

"Question is, how the hell did Blinky lift him that high?!" Mary said, Toby, turning to them before Claire could even speak.

"Watch it, ladies."

"What just happened?!" Toby asked, everyone, letting out a grunt and clearly confused. Claire grunted, clearly Toby's weight was killing her legs. "I feel so violated." Jim ignored Toby, stepping up to Blinky. His friends readjusted behind him, Claire practically throwing Toby before her legs had given out.

"Toby, the stuff you say is amazing."

"This is amazing! You know what this means?!" Jim said excitedly, Toby smiling as he rolled over onto his stomach.

"So that's how you get a ring off someone without them knowing," Claire added, now feeling as if everything in the world had been solved.

"We'd have so much time on our hands!" Toby cried out.

"I don't have to worry about juggling two lives at once! I could live all the lives I want!" Jim said, acting as if the pressure from his shoulders had lifted. Behind them, books toppled over, Aaarrrgghh must have never moved yet, probably due to not wanting to make a mess in the library.

Postures slouched at that, Jim was right, there was too much to handle for a boy his age, even the teachers had felt guilty, however, that's what came with living a double secret life. Yet, they still felt bad since now they could understand how stressful this could be. It was even tearing him and his mother apart.

Speaking of mother, Barbara had sat up straight, "you are doing an amazing job, honey. I know, it's a lot of work especially since you're young and fighting trolls but you are handling it well. Never doubt yourself."

"Thanks, mom," Jim said, smiling lovingly at his mother. If only he could see the look on his father's face if that man had seen how well the family grew without him.

"We could travel the world in a day," Toby grabbed it, we could get PhDs and everything! Finally learn how to play the bagpipes. Become karate masters, dude we'd be renaissance men!" He pulled Jim to his height, pouring out his hopes and dreams.

Claire stepped over, reminding Jim, "or you could pass Uhl's Spanish test. Unless you want to fail his class." She smiled nervously, not wanting to ruin his joy but also wore a fond look when she watched him.

"Way to go, Claire, ruin the mood!" Someone yelled and Claire couldn't help but shrug, that seemed like her. Keeping Jim's school life also intact, hoping it would ease some situations from him.

"Uh, me olvidé, I forgot!" Jim sighed sadly. Blinky spoke up, their attention falling on him.

"Jim, your Spanish, is golden."

"Ah," Blinky gently pulled the device from Toby, "Powers of this device are limited to three rules. According to the inscription, if my Salickacious is correct, the first is that only one person can step outside of time." Toby dropped at that, "secondly, the time-stopping effect lasts precisely forty-three minutes and nine seconds."

Jim and Claire looked to each other, now uncertain. "And the third?" Claire asked, Blinky narrowing his eyes at the device.

"You can only use it, uh, three times. Well, now we know the rules." Blinky quickly set it down, hoping that the team didn't hear if he quickly changed the subject.

Jim groaned, the episode was going so well, of course, this happened. Everyone had agreed, scolding Blinky, the said troll chuckling nervously.

"Very good reasons!" The ancient troll said.

"Wait, you just used that thing twice!" Toby said, Blinky defending himself.

"Well, the first was to test its ability and the second to demonstrate to all of you."

"Blink, you wasted our shots now we've only got one chance to get the ring off Strickler." Jim scolded, feeling defeated at the news.

"In that case, I suggest you assure yourselves of his whereabouts before proceeding."

Claire turned to Jim, smiling, "and I suggest you study for that Spanish final." She stepped off, leaving a slouching Jim who rolled his eyes with a groan, he knew what the upcoming day was going to bring.

Claire shook her head at his attitude on-screen but smiled, playing with her bottom lip. She loved him, yes, couldn't say it to his face yet, but sometimes, she couldn't help but do that to him. Sometimes, him getting angry resulted in hilarious scenarios, he couldn't stay angry at her.

The Trollhunter was found in his room, his desk lamp on as a book was laid out in front of him, the clock reading 10:45 as he groaned again, head falling into his hand. A small hand reached into the frame, placing down a blue plate beside him, their other hand resting on his shoulder.

"Hold on, she's cooking."

"Did you notice, she didn't even bring him a fork! Come on Barbara! Wait.... Is that an omelet?!" Barbara simply laughed, shaking her head. These kids focused on the weirdest parts of the show.

"There's not enough hours in the day, is there kiddo?"

"Thanks, mom, sorry I'm cramming for a Spanish exam," Jim resumed scribbling on a piece of paper.

"I was thinking about reaching out to your guidance counselor, he left so abruptly." Jim wasn't paying much attention, his eyebrows furrowed. "Alright, goodnight kiddo," she gently kissed his cheek, "try to fit some sleep into your busy schedule, okay?"

Barbara walked off, Jim responding with a "sure mom," before his eyes widened and he held his head with a groan.

From the darkened skies, the scene changed to the sun rising above the Lake Residence, birds chirping under the warm sun rays, the crisp cool air made for a welcoming morning. Jim laid on his stomach, sleeping peacefully on his bed, books used as pillows as he still wore his clothes from yesterday.

"That is not a good sign."

"Did he eat the omelet?"

His slumber grew interrupted when his phone began to ring, tiredly dropping his hand and grabbing the device from the floor. With eyes still closed, he answered, mumbling tiredly into the speaker, "what, what, it's four in the morning."

"Jim where are you?!" Toby's frantic voice was heard, Jim still not phased.

"Sleeping, why you calling me in the middle of the night," Jim answered tiredly, unaware. As the phone slowly dropped from his ear, Toby had answered.

Claire couldn't help but smile at his morning voice, it was so soft. She also found amusement that the poor boy had slept in, she could already tell this day would suck for him.

"Jim, it's eight-thirty!" It took a minute to register what had been said but Jim quickly shot up yelping. His eyes darted to the clock, two minutes already passing and the Trollhunter's heart dropped.

Jim glared at the screen, silently threatening to slice it with his sword. He couldn't stop it anyway, he'd have to face this day again and if choosing to let everyone keep their memories it could come with consequences and he'd still have to face it.

The camera grew close to his widened eyes, "I slept through my alarm!" He cried out. On the other side of the line, Toby was sitting in his desk, tired kids surrounding him as he hid behind his textbook.

Someone raised an eyebrow, "how come no one walked to his house or decided to wake him. Claire has a Shadow Staff and Toby lives right across the street! How many times have you guys walked to school together!"

"I actually got dropped off since my parents don't trust me by Jim," Claire defends and the student apologized. Claire's parents, however, reflected on what she said and what they had seen from the show.

"They're going to carve that on your tombstone, Jimbo! The test!" Toby reminded Jim not even replying as he quickly hurried out of his bed, running to the door, only to forget his backpack. The poor boy was next seen running through the empty and dark hallways. Muttering about how he was "so late."

"It's not even worth going to school then Jim, but you're an innocent boy so it makes sense."

Jim skidded around the corner, stopping in front of a grinning Senor Uhl who stood perched by the door, waiting for the frantic boy's arrival. Jim laughed nervously, panic still on his features.

"Usted es un hombre muerto, mi amigo," The teacher held up the test, Jim's head turned in the direction of the clock and then to the empty desk next to Toby. The Trollhunter ripped the test from Senor Uhl's hand and slid into his spot, Toby watching with a worried expression.

"Dude," Toby said, watching Jim dig in his backpack.

"I overslept," Jim whispered in response, his head pivoting in Senor Uhl's direction who had folded his arms across his chest and was watching with a scowl. Jim gulped, his eyes trained on the teacher who looked down at his watch then up to the poor lanky boy, snickering at his unfortunate day.

"Stop scaring him, Senor Uhl!" Someone yelled, shaking their head but nearly fell to the ground under the said teacher's judging gaze, "sorry, don't fail me."

Jim peeled open his backpack, finding the Kairosect. His eyes narrowed and his hand hovered over the object, only to pull out a pencil.

"Master Jim, not the corr- oh." Luckily in the show, Jim pulled out a pencil, silencing everyone's bitter scolding that was on the tip of their tongues.

Right as Jim was about to begin scribbling on the test, a small alarm blared from Uhl's watch, his hand slamming down on the desk, stopping Jim from continuing.

Jim wasn't even watching, just by the gasps from the student body and what he could hear, he could tell it was bad. Until Claire's hand landed on his shoulder.

"You tried at least. You got this." He smiled at her and turned to the screen, watching his shocked persona.

With a cocky laugh, Senor Uhl glared down at Jim, clearly amused, "You are out of time, amigo," he pulled the test from Jim's desk, calling out to the rest of the class, "pencils down." The Trollhunter was left in shock, his face paled and his posture slacking, looking horrified and defeated. He sat there for a few minutes, before deflating and leaning back with a sigh.

"Look at him, my goodness, you are adorable."

"OUR LITTLE BEAN LOOKS SO DEFEATED!" Someone cried out and Jim turned to them with his eyes scrunched.

"Little bean?"

"Go with it. Secrets are out now, no reason to hide what we are all thinking."

Chatter surrounded him as he cringed, the scene going from the bright school to Jim's dark locker. He pulled the door open with a solemn look, sticking objects in his locker.

"Come on, think positive," Toby said from beside him, "you might have aced the thing."

Jim turned to look at him, "I didn't get past the first page."

Mary scoffed, "you didn't even get your name on the paper."

"Maybe you impressed him so much on the first page 'cause you got good handwriting. No, yeah, you're going to summer school. You're definitely going to summer school." Jim held his head in his hands, before leaning against the locker.

"What am I going to do, Tobes?"

Before Toby could reply, Claire's voice was heard, "we've got a problem." The bell rang, Jim, turning to Claire.

"Oh great, now what?"

"I was thinking last night, say you go through with the trade and Angor's free. How can we trust him?" She started, perking Toby's interest.

"What do you mean?"

"He kills Trollhunters, I don't think he's looking to retire."

"He might, depending on if you give him back his soul. Didn't choose willingly, and only killed them due to being under Morgana's influence and also to fill the void." Eli said, tapping his chin, "but you do have a point."

When Toby responded, the two thinking through the situation, Jim had rolled his eyes, slouching in an irritated posture. Clearly, he was tired and wasn't willing to think anything through.

"But I thought if he doesn't get the ring back to Angor, he's dead meat." Jim's ringtone cut through the conversation, the said boy answering it and covering the speaker, silently excusing himself. "So what, we don't go through with the deal?"

"Hello?" Jim asked, straightening.

"An infestation!" A loud obnoxious voice carrying through the speaker, startling Jim. He looked at the phone number but easily recognized the voice.

"She needs to stop appearing in every episode, she is giving me a headache."

"Bagdwella? How did you get my number?!" The scene slid over to the troll, turning to the sight of Gnomes, a large sum of them running through her shop, recklessly jumping around.

"Infestation of Gnomes in my shop! I need the Trollhunter!" She cried desperately, her eyes landing on a Gnome who had scurried up to her height, pestering her. With a yelp, she slammed the landline down, trying to smash the Gnome like a bug, however, it quickly escaped.

Jim moved the phone from his ear, covering the speaker, only for Claire to slide beside him.

"I got it! What if you take the ring and wear it?"

"You're talking about betraying a troll assassin," Jim said, not wrapping his mind around that idea, clearly controlling Angor was not working too well for Strickler.

"No," Toby butted in, "we're talking about controlling a troll assassin."

"Not assassin, dear" Bagdwella added in the conversation, not understanding it was a whole different conversation. "Gnomes!" She yelled again, abusing Jim's eardrums. "They're revolting!"

"I- I know, Gnomes are disgusting," Jim replied, holding his head.

"No, the other kind of revolting dear. They've organized to tear apart my shop!" As she spoke, a Gnome stood above the others, a small painting of Bagdwella was on a pin, a red circle with a line threw it was a clear sign of what she meant.

"Alright, is anyone else genuinely concerned on what the hell she did to piss off the Gnomes, they have never left her alone and don't really bother the other trolls."

"I didn't know that there were two kinds of revolting," another student spoke up.

"Is everyone going to ignore that Jim is stressing out and no one notices!? My goodness, leave Jimmy alone!" Jim and Toby shared a look as the students murmured, their comments interesting but no one had brought up that Bagdwella was slamming a phone down repeatedly, or how she even got the phone in the first place.

Jim couldn't reply, turning to Claire who began to speak, "so what are you going to do? Jim tried to escape from the many voices, only to be shoved back by Steve who was grinning evilly.

"Spring Fling Challenge in one-hour buttmunch. Textbook stacking, as my books go up, you go down." Steve threatened.

Steve perked up at his appearance but everyone else had groaned, "come on! Really!?"

"The Trollhunter cannot refuse the call," Bagdwella was clearly heard through the phone, and if Steve had been paying close enough attention, he'd pretty much learn Jim's secret second life.

"She pretty much screamed that for the whole school to hear, Steve, if you were paying attention, you could have blackmailed him."

"Do not give him ideas!" Claire scolded but the said bully held up his hands, surrendering almost.

"I can't!" Jim said into the phone.

Toby ran up to Jim, confused on who Jim was talking too, "what do you mean you can't? You either wear the ring or make the trade."

"I can't stack Gnomes!" Jim cried.

"Not stacking, catching," Bagdwella replied. Steve didn't even give Jim a chance to reply, imitating an explosion.

"Last challenge Lake!"

"Just get the ring-" Claire's voice chimed in.

"No, you have to trade!" Toby argued. Jim let out a scream, startling the three who had been pestering him.

"I'm losing my mind!" The Trollhunter cried, running away from the group, bystanders watching with confusion. The students turned to the three, Claire looking worried, Toby placing his hands on his hips, and Steve just narrowing his eyebrows.

"What a freak." The bully commented, Toby shook his head in response.

"We could have been Renaissance men." While Jim tried to escape the horrors of life, Barbara had been enjoying her day at the coffee shop, sitting alone at an outdoor table, flipping through the menu.

After everyone was left gaping, someone had spoken up, "seriously. Renaissance men." Jim was holding his head, this was expected and it killed him on the inside, what else could go wrong, something with his mother? If only he knew.

A huffing was heard in the corner, alerting the doctor to Blinky who was trying to catch his breath, bowing courtesy, "a thousand apologies."

"Ah, please don't apologize," Barbara started, gesturing to the empty seat, Blinky graciously taking, "I really appreciate you taking the time." Before he could respond, he let out a sneeze.

"This time, I promise, you have my undivided attention." He leaned forward, getting to the point, "so, Master Jim- I mean, Jim." He quickly corrected, straightening up, "your son."

"Well, in a way, things have gotten worse, and I didn't even think that was possible." Blinky breathed, his hands pressed together in front of his mouth.

"Tell me," he solemnly said, his eye twitching as Barbara spoke.

"I mean he just seems so preoccupied. It's almost like he has this entire secret life that I don't know anything about," Blinky gasped, another eye popping out from his cheek, a blue stone ring forming around it. The three eyes looked at one another, Barbara still carrying on with the conversation, unaware. He yelped, covering it with his hand. "Wait, oh my gosh, what is that?"

Barbara let out a snort, she seemed so close to actually adding things up and here she was completely clueless, even talking to Blinky and not knowing that he is a troll. She amused herself.

Jim groaned, throwing up his hands, "I knew something like this would happen!" Claire and Toby giggled from beside him and the Trollhunter wanted to peel his eyes off the screen but for some reason, couldn't.

Blinky looked down to his hand and grinned, leaning on the table in hopes to pull it off, simply answering, "Mosquito."

"Okay," Barbara's face twisted in confusion. "I know that teenagers go through all manner of changes but what bothers me is that Jim and I-" Her words were drowned out as Blinky started convulsing, a third arm in view, it's three fingers wiggling, "I didn't think we'd ever keep secrets from one another."

Blinky gasped, the arm dropping to his side and his two visible eyes locked back onto Barbara.

"Are you okay?" With a nervous laugh, Blinky tried to change the conversation, not trying to bring any more awareness that his true form was beginning to show, and in the worst time possible.

"I- I truly doubt he's keeping anything secret from you."

"Remember when you said she had your full attention, well.... Way to go not happening."

"Guys, Blinky will become a troll and she won't have anyone to talk to about her and Jim! Let Barbara get a little closure!"

"Yeah, what do you think is going on?" Only a grunt escaped his lips, his body shaking as the sound of another body part was released. His eyes grew wide, and he spoke behind clench teeth.

"Growing Pains."

"Oh, um, well.... It's been more than that," Barbara said, while behind the chair, Blinky's two stone fists were colliding, Blinky still trying to act if nothing was wrong, even when Barbara had asked about his wellbeing, "He's been defiant, Jim has always been such a good boy." Blinky's hands were clapping behind the chair, clearly wishing that this conversation ended and they had parted ways.

Claire turned to Jim with a grin and the boy playfully rolled his eyes. "I have no idea why you are grinning, this is not funny."

"I actually find it funny," Jim mocked a laugh but he smiled, leaning closer to his long term crush.

Barbara unfolded the menu, through his trouble, Blinky still tried his best to reply, "Well perhaps the issue's that he's no longer a man- I mean becoming a troll!" On cue, his teeth became deformed, two jagged teeth erupted from his bottom gums, Blinky gasping and letting out a small scream at the sight of them. All while Barbara continued to read through the menu.

"Wouldn't that be crazy, if Jim became a troll. Like Blinky was foreshadowing that Jim will become one. After all, they keep playing the humanity card." Eli said but Mary quickly shot it down.

"How would Jimmy Jam become a troll, that's like impossible."

"Just a thought, I know it won't happen but it is definitely a cool thought."

Shortly, Barbara had averted her eyes back to Blinky who quickly hid his deformation behind the menu. The becoming troll laughed nervously, playing it off.

"By, what a large salad selection." Grunts still escaped Blinky, Barbara looking worried for his well being once more.

"Are you sure you're alright?"

"I-I've never felt better," as if fate was against him, he let out gas like sounds, his face pigment turning instantly blue. "Oh dear, just gassy." Barbara set down her menu, Blinky becoming more and more uncomfortable.

"Mr. Blinky, your skin. You're turning blue. Now I don't want to alarm you but I think you're having a heart attack." Behind the menu, he began to sizzle, "and, are you smoking?"

"I must use the facilities. I'll just be a moment, excuse me," He pushed away from the table, hiding his two arms and still carrying the menu. He shielded his fangs and his third eye from Barbara.

"And you're taking the menu?" Barbara asked with a stand.

"Um, reading material." Blinky pushed open the door and was gone in an instant, leaving Barbara clueless outside. The troll ran into an empty stall, no longer holding in the smoke that poured from his mouth. He cried out as he fell to the floor, letting out horrendous gas and alerting the man who had been washing his hands.

"Of course, someone has to be in the bathroom while it sounds like Blinky's insides are exploding!"

"Ah, you okay in there buddy, you don't sound so good," a vast light shone from the stall, the unsuspecting man shielding his eyes as smoke exploded through the bathroom. Blinky groaning from within the stall. "Ew, that's not normal, sounds like you need a doctor, buddy." The man ran out to the small cafe, yelling out: "Yo, is there a doctor in here?"

Jim frowned, you have got to be kidding, out of all of the days, this all had to happen. Didn't help his mother who was a doctor was sitting around the corner. She was going to see Blinky and was not ready for that.

Blinky's head lifted from the cloud of smoke, revealing that he had been changed back into his regular form, letting out a screech when he figured what kind of situation he had gotten himself into. The man was still speaking out in the shop, "this guy is in a world of pain!"

The troll felt his face until panic set in when he heard Barbara's voice, responding that she was a doctor.

"Mr. Blinky, are you okay in there?" She asked, stopping in front of the stall.

"Worst possible times," Blinky scolded, "I'm fine, really. Nothing to see here." He quickly picked up his phone from the shredded clothing and tapped rapidly.

"Please unlock the door. I can help you."

"Everyone go away!" Blinky yelled, hands pressing against the sides of the stall, one holding the phone to his ear.

Laughter was heard throughout the theater, Blinky blushing and rubbing his forehead, he could probably handle this a little better.

"Okay, we got to ace the Spanish term," Jim's voice was heard over the whine of the class bell, he, Claire, and Toby walking out from the school, the kairosect in plain sight. "Fix Bagdwella's Gnome problem, figure out what book stacking is so I can win Spring Fling."

"He's just holding that thing out in the open. Also, way to go, Toby, you're putting something not important on Jim's shoulders!"

"And I can be your duke," Toby said with a smile, Jim clearly not seeing the good in winning some plastic crown.

"And, find the right moment to take Strickler's ring off," Jim finished.

"When you get the ring, you're not gonna give it back to Angor, right?" Claire asked, "You can control him."

"If he doesn't get the ring back to Angor, he's wasted." Toby inputted, Jim's phone ringing in the background and the Trollhunter let out a frustrated sigh.

"Come on, not again." He reached for his phone and quickly answered it, not sounding too happy when he spoke. "Yeah?"

"Master Jim," Blinky began, still curled in the tight space of the bathroom, "disaster, I'm reverting back to troll form!"

"That's great, isn't that what you wanted?" Jim asked, stopping near the sidewalk, Claire waiting patiently.

"Yes, but not while in a public toilet where your mother is beating down the door." He held the phone near the said door, Barbara speaking once again.

"Please, please. Mr. Blinky, I just wanna see that you're okay," Jim listened, eyes narrowed before he had caught on, letting out a gasp. "I'm a doctor and I need you to open the door. Okay." Blinky looked extremely nervous as the sound of banging was heard.

"You stubborn lady!" Someone yelled and Barbara smiled, hell yeah she was. That's probably where Jim got it from so it was a blessing and a curse.

"What?! How?" Jim looked frantic as Blinky mumbled into the phone.

"Those questions aren't the most pertinent at the moment, the real quandary is-" he cut off, holding the phone close when Barbara had disappeared, her voice still clear as day.

"Can someone please help me open this door?" Blinky leaped to the one thing keeping him safe from human eyes.

"How fast can you get here?" Blinky asked.

"Stay put, we'll be there as soon as we can, "Jim said, his friends now looking concerned. Jim pulled the phone down, explaining. "Blinky's stuck in Arcadia, and he's turning into a troll."

"My Shadow Staff is at home," Claire began to run, "tell him I'll be right there." While Claire didn't look before she ran into the street, Blinky was struggling with the door. He lost his grip, Barbara pulling the door open and her face paling, the two let out panicked screams.

"Oh crap! She saw! Thank gosh no one else did." Barbara shook her head, if she connected the dots, she would actually figure out Jim's secret life, wow, she was incredibly close to figuring it out too. She cursed at her future self but continued to watch.

Claire was still not paying full attention, running in front of a truck that was not stopping. "Claire, no!" Toby cried, everyone, wearing frightened features. Suddenly, everything froze, Claire and Toby's screaming coming to a halt.

Claire's parents let out worried screams while Jim had paled, why wasn't she watching the road!? Turning to Claire, his eyes were big as she crumbled under his look. That was until Jim wrapped his arms around her, pulling her close to him and afraid to let go, also blaming himself.

She rubbed his back, mumbling an apology but Jim didn't let go, he didn't want to. She scooted to his seat, the two holding onto each other and not minding the chorus of awes in the crowd, especially when a flash of a camera went off.

The camera switched to the Kairosect, his finger pressed against the glowing green gem and his heavy breathing was heard. His eyes had been clenched shut, eyebrows furrowed in worry, his adrenaline wearing off. The boy's eyes suddenly popped open when he had heard no more from the bystanders, his head twisting in every direction, scanning his surroundings.

Claire's parents relaxed, glad Jim had pushed the Kairosect and saved their baby's life. They also softened at the sight of Jim's worried expression. He cared deeply for her and they felt guilty when they had such a bad impression on him.

He gasped, the view panning out as he was surrounded by the now still people and vehicles. His eyes instantly fell on Claire's panicked form, who was inches away from the face of the truck. He let out a breath, dropping his arms as he turned to Toby, gasping.

Jim gripped Toby's wrist, moving it in a wave, the boy still shocked when he had looked up, finding a bird frozen in place, yet its hawking was heard. His eyes still trained on the bird, Jim set the Kairosect in Toby's awaiting palm, finally speaking.

"Whoa, it worked!" He said, running out into the street - this time, safely, and stopping in front of Claire, unsure how to grab her. He laughed nervously, moving to the side and hooking his arms beneath her knees and back. He made it back to the grass, gently setting her still form down.

"Such a gentleman!"

"Why did you let me drag you into this," he said, looking at her wide brown eyes, a look of love crossed his face, "but, how could I ever say no to those eyes." He shook his head, peeling his eyes off of her, "Jim, focus."

Claire blushed and made sure she avoided her parent's gaze. However, the rest of the viewers had flipped out of their chairs, freaking out.

"He is so in love! I need a man like that!" Someone yelled, and Jim's face had turned extremely red, he was glad he saved Claire but was flustered that everyone, especially Claire had heard him say that.

Grinning, Claire turned to him, teasing, "then I can protect you," granted, yes, she wanted to save him, to help him, and find her brother. She just enjoyed the sight of him flustered and her heart swelled when he smiled at what she said.

While the theater fangirled, the two stared at one another, smiles wide on their faces, and their eyes softened.

"Time stopping effect lasts for precisely forty-three minutes and nine seconds." Blinky's voice echoed, Jim's hand on his chin as he remembered. "I suggest you asure yourselves of his whereabouts before proceeding.

"Forty-three minutes and nine seconds," Jim repeated. "How long do I have now?" He pulled out his phone, "going to have to guess, forty-two minutes." Setting a timer on his phone, Jim prepared himself on his Vespa, racing up the stairs into the school. He drove through the crowd of kids expertly, still at a fast speed.

"Ugh, Strickler, where are you?" He asked, turning down a corner and passing the book stacking challenge, Eli had neatly stacked his and held one book left while Steve's pile was misshapen but the bully was holding one more book as well. His friend had his arm raised, ready to take down Eli's pile, Steve wearing a winning grin.

"That is rude."

Jim reversed, looking at the challenge, "ah, the Spring Fling challenge," he ran to the other contestants and moved Steve's goon over to Steve's pile, the boy now ready to knock down his own team members. The Trollhunter then moved the other kid's free hand right over Steve's arse.

Steve and his friends had fallen still, looking in shock and Jim burst out laughing, he amused himself sometimes. Everyone shook their heads, amused as well but surprised Jim even did something like that.

Steve moved away from his friend, it wasn't his fault but that was not a pretty image. Damn it, he wanted to hit Jim but managed to keep it controlled, after all, he had picked on him constantly.

He chuckled at the sight before shaking his head and reminding himself. "The ring." He skeeted into Strickler's office, a victory chant, only to find the desk empty. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me! Where are you, Strickler?"

His eyes landed on the agenda, gasping and quickly running over, heading to the current date. "The dentist." He hopped back onto his Vespa and sped through the hallway, only to pass the open door leading to Senor Uhl's classroom. "Oh, Freak!" Jim cried off-camera, reversing. "El test."

Jim ran over to the desk, lifting up the pencil and pulling out the test with his name on it, "I've got time, totally got time." He said, scribbling on the paper and perched in the desk. "Finito!" He said with a happy grin, placing Senor Uhl's hand back in the same position and hurried out. "I've got time."

Only to turn back around and reposition the pencil, aimed directly at the teacher's forehead. "Adios Senor Uhl!" This time, Jim was swerving through the streets, "got to not hit cars! Got to get to the dentist." His eyes fell on the coffee shop and he halted, "got to save Blinky!"

"Blame Blinky! Jim probably wouldn't have known he could rearrange body parts!" Others had found it amusing, Jim had gotten his revenge and even completed the test. This was amazing!

Jim ran to the building, right to his panicked and froze mother. He looped his arms underneath her arms and gently dragged her to the table. "Excuse me mother," he said, grunting as he pulled her. He sat her down at her table and headed to another, gently carrying a cup back to her. He set it down before taking off again, eyes narrowed at a couple who had also been dining there.

Barbara watched with a smile, others were melting at how gentle the boy was with his mother. Jim was too precious, especially since he had gently carried a drink over for his mother.

He thought for a moment before pulling the cloth out from beneath their cups, the said cups flying off the table and smashing on the ground. The boy winced before heading into the bathroom, plugging his nose.

"Jeez, Blinky," Jim started kicking open the door and heading in, "what have you been eating?" From the bathroom, Jim was seen tying a rope to his Vespa, the same table cloth covering Blinky so the poor troll didn't burn alive. "Gotta get you out of the sun," Jim said looking at his phone. "I've got time, right?"

The answer was clear when his eyes grew in size but he wasted no more time when he narrowed his eyes and sped to Trollmarket, epic music joining the scene. Taking the usual route, Jim leaped off the side of the canal, sticking the landing on his Vespa.

He opened the entrance to Trollmarket and dragged his mentor all the way to Aaarrrgghh, grunting, "come on, come on, come on." Jim struggled a bit and took a breath once Blinky was in front of his friend. "Whew, I've got plenty of time."

The Trollhunter was about to take off running when something he had stepped on, squeaked, alerting him to the Gnome situation. "The Gnomes." Jim bent down and picked up the little scoundrel and sighed, not wanting to deal with them but he knew he had too.

"Wait, they squeak when you step on them?! COOL!"

He ran into her shop, seeing Bagdwella panicking as Gnomes were everywhere. He scooped them all up, even pulling the one from her hand and putting them in the sack. He took one last glance, finding one that was holding a sock. He grabbed it and tossed into the sack, making the shot from a great distance.

"Nice toss Jimmy! I never thought you could play sports," Jim was about to defend himself when Darci looked in shock.

"Really. He had done some epic moves and you are impressed that he made a basket?"

"Alright, now to get that ring." Jim sped to the dentist, careful of the woman pushing the stroller. He ran into the dentist, throwing his helmet to the side and busting into the room, happily chanting when he laid his eyes on the Changeling. "There it is."

He stepped over and was about to slide the ring from his finger but Jim decided to have some fun. He rearranged Stickler's face. Contorting it as if the man was in pain, Jim' wearing a grin and laughing at his work. He then slid the ring of his finger and smiled in victory.

Nomura laughed, her and Draal finding amusement from what Jim had done to Walt.

"Hey Strickler," Jim started before the view changed, the camera peering out from Strickler's agape mouth, showing Jim who was preparing to spit. From outside the closed door, Jim was heard spitting, and it was easy to connect the dots on where he spat.

"No. You didn't," everyone's face grew red, eyes wide and their jaws dropped. Strickler had nearly thrown up his lunch, trying to erase that from his mind but he could hear Barbara in the back, celebrating and calling out that she was proud of her son.

Blinky and Vendel were holding their foreheads, Toby and Claire, and looks of disgust but amusement appeared on their features and the rest of the class had gone silent but suddenly wheezing was heard as fits of laughter broke out.

Jim just had a winning grin, he was proud of himself for that but the awkward camera angle had disturbed him. Yet, he was mildly amused and tried to hold in his laughter when he faced Claire.

Strickler's face was still frozen in pain and Jim quickly evacuated the building. "And with nine minutes to spare. Look at that," Jim said happily. "Just enough time to decide whether I give him his soul back, or wear the ring and control him." He sounded unsure, moving it closer as he sighed in thought. His eyes narrowed and he slipped it on his finger, his eyes growing wide before his mind was taken over.

An image appeared, Angor sitting in the sewers, Killstone in hand. Jim grunted, pulling it off, "the Killstone. I can get it back!" Jim lifted his phone, the timer reading, eight minutes, and counting.

The scene went black before Jim was found in the sewers, racing through the curvy tunnels. He checked his phone and saw that there were only two minutes left, he continued forward, eyes narrowed in determination.

"You are wasting time, what the hell!?" Someone said, another student, a young female, had fallen out of her chair, shocked. She quickly stood and talked, wildly flying her hands around.

"W-Why did you freaking stop?! You know you have less than two minutes you should have rode up, snatched it from his hand, and bolted!" Jim simply shrugged, clearly, this was not his day and yes, he should have bolted.

He finally reached the frozen assassin, eying up his attempting killer. Nervousness filled him but he swallowed it and stepped up to the troll, he stepped slowly up, "okay," he whispered. Angor's face was angry as he was eyeing the stone, Jim waved his hand in front of the troll's face, making sure he wasn't becoming aware of the situation. He tried to pry the stone from the Troll's tough grip,

"Come on." Jim groaned and finally got a hold on it, not wasting time, he went to his Vespa, starting it up, only to find a water droplet falling towards his headlamp. It splashed onto the metal and the golden eyes of Angor began to move, right in Jim's direction.

Jim wanted to clap sarcastically at this, yet, he stayed still simply chewing on his lip and glaring at the screen.

The alarm began to blare on Jim's phone, "no, no, no, no, no!" Jim said right as Toby started yelling again, finishing off Jim's nervous cry. The cars resumed, the truck slamming on its breaks. Claire took in a breath, lowering her arms, and quickly pushing herself off the grass.

"He used the Kairosect!" She said, everyone, beginning to move. Steve's goon knocked down his stack of books, Steve's eyes looking at both of his friends in complete shock. He shoved his friend who had his hand on the blonde's behind.

Eli looked at the situation, realizing quickly and slammed the book to the floor, "Eli Pepperjack! For the win!" He said happily. In the classroom, Senor Uhl finally moved, the pencil hitting his forehead and the teacher rubbing the sore spot, only for his eyes to land on Jim's completed test.

Senor Uhl growled as kids found it enjoyable, loving the fact that Jim really did that to one of his teachers and had gotten away with it.

"Que?" He asked, confused. Barbara let out a scream, quickly regaining herself and looking around.

"Where did he go?" She looked in every direction and then to her cup. Speaking of Blinky, the troll moved beneath his cover, startling Aaarrrgghh. The vast troll lifted his blue friend off the floor, hugging him.

"Blinky, you're back! How?" It then went to Bagdwella who was shocked, finding the sack of Gnomes in her hand and quick to close it before they escaped again.

"Oh good gracious! Oh!" She cried out and then the camera moved outside of the dentist, hearing Strickler clear his throat after Jim had violated it with his spit. Speaking of the Trollhunter, Angor looked at his empty hand and right to Jim with a ferocious growl. He clenched his fist and stood tall, Jim looking worried when the assassin growled once more.

From laughter to worried noises, everyone's emotions had gone haywire. Strickler, however, was not amused about being spit in.

Jim yelped, pulling out the ring and was ready to slide it on when a burst of purple magic flew from Agnor's palm, colliding with the boy. Jim rolled from his Vespa, the ring clinking as it bounced a few feet away.

Jim let out a scream when Angor had closed in on him. "You dare try to control me!"

Everyone tensed, this was becoming a seriously close call.

"For the glory of Merlin, Daylight is mine to command," Jim said, donning his armor. He went to spawn his sword, only for the mark to appear etched on his face and the ball of electricity moved to Angor, the sword now in view as the Troll assassin gripped it.

"Give me the ring!" He raised the sword and tried to slice at the boy, Jim dodging his own blade and trying to pick up the ring, however, as he stumbled on his own feet, the ring bounced from his awaiting grip. He dived to the ground, ready to pick it up, but turned to find Angor close by and readying the sword.

"Damn it, Jim! Forget about picking it up! No matter what he will come after you! Save yourself!"

In a split second, Jim rolled from the blow, instead, the sword colliding with the one thing Angor sought. The same golden orb was seen, it circled Angor, the troll freezing. "My soul," It stopped in front of Angor before fading, the same light disappearing from Angor's eyes, leaving nothing but a plain white.

The viewers fought with their emotions, they wanted to feel sympathy for Angor, after all, they saw what really happened, but at the same time, they also hated Angor. Clearly Jim felt sympathy for the assassin but knew it was a risk to stay.

He gasped, "no," as Angor processed his loss, Jim stood, his heart dropping at the defeated look of Angor. Knowing it wasn't safe, Jim backed up, hoping not to alert Angor that he was leaving. "It's gone..."

Jim took off, Angor's eyes narrowing in anger and he turned back where Jim stood. Jim climbed onto his Vespa, powering it up.

"I'll kill you!" Angor yelled out, now fueled by anger. Jim sped off in a hurry, moving through the labyrinth, the assassin running after him. The troll was quick, leaping wall from wall, trying to slice at the boy. He threw the sword, the sharp object impaling itself into the wall, not even an inch away from Jim's head.

"Okay..... I-I am about to pass out," Poor Claire looked pale in the face, wishing she was there to help him, damn it.

He looked at Angor who wasn't wasting any time to chase the boy down. Jim quickly hit the gas, the sword puffing into blue smoke. The Trollhunter looked into his mirror, finding Angor Rot closing in on him. Jim turned back to look before looking ahead once again, finding a dead end and an entrance closed off by metal bars.

He let out a yelp, slamming on his breaks and flying off of the Vespa. Leaving it behind, Jim tried standing in a hurry, only to fall back on his knees, but he made it closer to the rusty bars. He tried to slide through but hadn't fit. Angor had been cutting closer, breathing heavily. Once he saw the Trollhunter trying to leave, he began to charge.

The theater was silent, watching their classmate scramble for dear life. If only they knew before, they wouldn't be so hard on him. His life had great purpose and they treated him like dirt, and for no reason at that, probably because of Steve.

Speaking of the bully, he tried his best to hide his worried expression, yeah, he picked on everyone but he could change. He would still go after Jim if he was in a bad mood but he made an oath to help him if needed. Hopefully, he made the same decision soon in the show.

Right as Angor was about to grab the boy, Jim pried his amulet from his chest, sliding between the metal bars. Angor's hands reached through, almost getting a hold on Jim but did not succeed. Angor growled, trying to reach Jim and the said boy took off, leaving Angor to scream furiously down the tunnel.

"I forgot how to breathe," someone stated, everyone's pale features becoming a normal hue once again. Barbara wanted to scold her son but that was an extremely close call and she had to get used to the fact that her baby boy was a hero.

However, Toby handled it by whacking the boy in the arm and quietly scolding his lanky friend. Then there was Blinky, silently praying in the corner and holding his heart, the boy would be the end of him.

Out in the sun, the pothole cover was lifted and Jim appeared out of it, climbing onto the street. He turned to look, everything still and dread filled his heart. "Oh no," The street light flickered to green, the cars all beginning to move which relaxed Jim. Birds chirping in the distance as he dropped, letting out a breath.

Someone sucked in a breath, "Jim. Honey. If everything began to move and the timer went off, causing you to almost die, why on earth did you think the world above the DAMN SEWER, was still frozen."

"Got a point, Jimbo," Toby stated and playfully grinned at his best friend who shook his head, "and especially since you almost died, you are more concerned about Arcadia being frozen."

"What can I say," the Trollhunter said, slouching further into his seat.

He pulled out the Killstone, smiling at it before stepping off, Javier, Claire's father paid no attention, passing the screen as he hummed.

Javier raised an eyebrow when he appeared on the screen for that split second. On the other hand, why had he been walking alone and without his wife? He would for sure have taken the car. Eh, he'll figure it out when he gets there.

"So, Jim leaves the hole open and walks away and then Claire's dad shows up, who else thought he was going to fall in?" Hands raised around the room, Claire's mother letting out a snort of amusement when her husband blushed in embarrassment.

"Great, another reason for them to hate you, Jim," Mary joked, the said boy simply rolling his eyes.

In Trollmarket, the Killstone laid on the table, Blinky's voice being heard. "Let's hope he doesn't want this back, with the ring destroyed, there's no controlling him now." The three teens turned when they heard someone step into the room.

Draal set down the Vespa, grunting, "I saw no sign of Angor Rot."

"Then he has invaded us for now, be weary," Blinky warned, the three teens listening, their faces unreadable. "There is no saying when or how he will strike." They looked at the stone before the scene changed to Strickler who was just now leaving the dentist, rubbing his sore cheek.

Nighttime had fallen as he trudged to his car, groaning at his pain-stricken mouth, he massaged his sore gums, his other ring placed on his steering wheel. His eyes widened when he found his finger bare, Angor's form seeing in the back window, not too far from the car.

"Dude, is this a horror movie? Do you see that creepy ass troll standing in the street light?! NOT COOL!" Everyone shivered, catching Angor behind Strickler, his posture making it even worse.

Strickler gasped, "the ring!" He looked frantically for the said object and his face paled when he caught a figure in his rearview mirror. He turned to look back at Angor who was now charging at the car, "oh no!" The assassin growled, leaping at the car right before the episode had ended, leaving everyone on a cliffhanger.

"Oop, Strickler is first to go, good riddance!" A student yelled, Strickler sighing in response. Good to know that Angor was coming for him. Now, he didn't seem as threatening due to the fact how many times he had panicked when Angor even threatened him.

"Next one! I want to see Strickler become Troll food!" The host laughed and pressed play, the next episode exciting everyone.

Minus Strickler.


Chapter Featuring the Reactions by:


And a few of my friends!

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