Hello, Brother

By Lezz_goo_Jayyy

94 2 0

When Harry finds out that he does, in fact, have a family, cousins, and a brother, what will he choose to do... More

Chapter 2: 2 Countries, 1 Story

Chapter 1: Who are you?!

60 2 0
By Lezz_goo_Jayyy

Chapter 1: Who are you?



Draco Malfoy had encountered a problem. It was not an Arithmancy question. No, he had a lifetime supply of those. His problem was 5 feet tall, with black messy hair, emerald green eyes, and a contagious laugh. Yes, the name of his problem was Harry James Potter.

Every time he looked at Potter, he couldn't help but wonder where he had seen him before. This was Draco's newest inner turmoil. Draco would tell his father what had been going on at Hogwarts and what his views were. Lucius Malfoy was practically his therapist, for Merlin's sake! But maybe this turmoil was one his father would not be hearing about. This he had to figure out on his own and try to remember why he sees two pairs of green eyes, one pair of purple orbs, one pair of grey eyes, and one pair of ruby red eyes looking at him in his dreams every night.

Also, what were these new abilities he had manifested? It was unlike wandless magic; it was like he could control and manipulate ice and water. His father had forbidden him from speaking of it, but his mother had called it a Quirk. Whatever that was.

"- lfoy! Mr.Malfoy!!" Called out Professor Snape, as he had been doing so for the last 15 minutes. " You do realize I have been calling you for the last 15 minutes?! " growled Snape. "A-ah, yes sir! I apologize! " muttered Draco. "Excused but detention with me at 7. Do. Not. Forget. " snarled Snape. Draco nodded and went back to finishing his potion.

Within the next five minutes, the bell had rung, signaling the beginning of lunch. "Drakie poo~ Aren't you coming to lunch? " asked Pansy. "I am, I just need to send this letter off with Nemuri. " drawled Draco

As Draco made his way to the Owlery, he caught a glimpse of a black mop heading there too. He quickly transformed into his Animagus form, a black mamba snake, as he slithered along the walls of the castle, he asked himself why he wanted to follow Potter of al people? Well, the answer was that weird things always happened to him and Draco was sure that the second pair of green eyes in his dreams were Potter's. Maybe he was wrong but a little intuition never hurt anyone, Draco chuckled in his mind. Maybe today was the day he found answers. A. Big. Fat. Maybe.


Something was bothering Harry. He knew because there was a 'voice' inside his head that had started to make him Dumbledore's claims of giving him a 'normal' childhood. Could his childhood be even considered normal? The only difference between him and a house-elf was the fact that he was working as a servant in his own relative's house at the stake of his life. Dumbledore could have put him with a wizarding family. One that would not have turned against Slytherin. He was slowly starting to realize that there were reasons that Snape was cruel to Harry and there were reasons Salazar Slytherin favored those with a cunning mind and ambitious soul.

Also, what were these weird dreams? Five pairs of eyes were looking at him. Two pairs of stormy grey ones, one purple, one red, and one quite like his own except their shade of green being a bit dull, almost like they had lost something important. Harry shook his head to pull himself out of his thoughts and continued to walk the rest of the way to the Owlery to send Hedwig to Siri- ....er Snuffles again. Merlin knows where he was hiding these days.

Harry once again exited his thought and called Hedwig down, who greeted with a small nip on his ear. Harry chuckled and continued petting her. "Hey, girl. I'm sorry I couldn't come earlier, the second task held me up. The third is even scarier. It's a maze, Hedwig. How am I supposed to get through that?" asked Harry, "also could you give this to Snuffles? I need to talk to him soon; Merlin knows when my dreams about those eyes will finish." Harry tied the letter to Hedwig's leg and watched as she flew off into the distance.

He sighed and trudged down the rough, stone steps of the Owlery and toward the Great Hall, knowing how much of a mother hen Hermione could become if he missed a meal. Merlin, she could be worse than Mrs.Weasley at times! Suddenly Harry's scar started hurting. He gripped onto the wall for support but in vain, crying out in pain as his headache worsened with each passing second. But before he could hit the floor something or someone caught him as blacked out into another dream (read: flashback)




3-year-old Katsuki Bakugou had reached his best friend's house. Izuku and Harry Midoriya were his best friends, but that didn't mean they were his only best friends. No, his other best friends were Draco and Neito Monoma and Yuuga Aoyama. He was here at Auntie Inko's house for their first playdate. While he knew that he, Harry, and Izuku attended the same kindergarten, he had absolutely no idea where Draco, Neito, and Yuga went. Regardless, he was still excited to see them.

Auntie Inko opened the door to the playroom and five heads shot up to look at the newcomer. Harry and Izuku recognized Katsuki and launched at him with a cry of " Kacchan! " After the toddlers had gotten off of each other, they introduced Katsuki to the other three waiting there. Neito and Katsuki became fast friends because of their fiery natures and talked about anything and everything. It turned out that there was no need for toys, the boys were happy playing and talking amongst themselves. Harry and Draco even went as far as entertaining the others with their Quirks; Draco making ice sculptures and giving them to Harry, through which he could copy Harry's fire-related Quirk. Suddenly an explosion sounded, scaring the boys. Yuuga started crying loudly, which alerted Auntie Inko as she came running through the door with the other mothers behind her. She breathed a sigh of relief when she discovered that Katsuki's Quirk had manifested. The mothers gathered in the room when Neito touched Katsuki and started to make explosions out his hands.

In the meantime, Draco had quietened Yuuga by making him an ice-sculpture of a disco ball. Yuuga seemed to like those, so he squealed in delight. The mothers gushed over their children and celebrated the day when all six children had manifested their Quirks and revealed themselves as wizards when Harry, Draco, and Izuku had randomly started floating all the toys in the playroom.

The mothers laughed and then the Bakugou's and Monoma's proceeded to leave as it was getting dark outside and the kids had school the next day. " Bye Deku and Haru. Bye Neicchan, Draycchan, and Yuuchan. Bye!" waved Katsuki as he walked back to his house with his mother, when and accompanying shout of " Bye Kacchan!" was heard by the two.

Katsuki smiled as he remembered the day's events and slowly slipped into dreamland.


"...up Potter! Wake up, Potter!!" Harry awoke to someone slapping his cheek. That specific someone being Malfoy of all people. " Ah! Sorry, Malfoy, I hope I didn't cause you too much trouble." apologized Harry. "You bloody git! You just had to choose an abandoned hallway to faint in?! I waited nearly half of Lunch for you to wake up." snarled Malfoy " Again I apologize but we really should start walking if we want to eat something." The boys stood up and walked to the Great Hall, neither speaking of the incident.

" Also Potter-"

" Hm?"

" Meet me in the Room of Requirements later."

" At 6?"

" Yeah"


Harry and Draco met in the Room of Requirements and discussed many things. Harry told Draco about how he thought Dumbledore was thinking of him as just a weapon, Draco told him about the dreams about the eyes and that is where the atmosphere became tense. Harry confessed he knew what Malfoy was talking about because he was having the same dreams.

Suddenly Draco sprouted an idea so unbelievable, Harry was actually intrigued. "If I can somehow convince my parents to come with me to Surrey or send me on a solo vacation, you and I can meet up and investigate these dreams and these, uh, abilities we have." Harry looked at Draco in surprise and smiled and said, " That's a wonderful idea but it has just one flaw. I visit the Weasleys in July. But I can try to convince Dumbledore to let me stay at the Dursley's house. He'll no doubt agree because I need all the protection I can get."

The grandfather clock in the corner suddenly started chiming at 6:45 PM and both boys immediately ceased their mindless chatter as they remembered Draco's detention with Professor Snape. They stood up, bid each other goodbye, and then Harry hugged Draco, silently announcing them as friends.

Draco remained stunned for 5 minutes but was shaken out of his reverie by a grinning Harry, who cheekily reminded him that he had somewhere to be in less than 10 minutes. Draco hissed in anger and started running at breakneck speed towards the dungeons, while Harry calmly walked back to Gryffindor Tower, chuckling to himself.


Harry was walking toward the playground in Magnolia Crescent, as he waited for Aunt Petunia to let him back inside the house. She had, of course, conveniently forgotten his birthday and promptly iced him out of the house when reminded that Dudley's friends' parents were coming to tea that evening. Head hanging down, Harry continued on his way towards the playground, immersed in his thoughts, when he collided with someone.

Harry stood up rubbing his head, " Ouch! Are you okay sir?" inquired Harry. " Ah, yes I'm fine- Harry?!" the man exclaimed.

" I'm sorry sir, but who are you and how do you know me?"

" Harry it's me, your father, Hisashi Midoriya"

" I'm sorry Mr. Midoriya but I know for a fact that my parents are dead. Now if you could please explain how you know me and why do you look like me?"

Hisashi sighed and said, " It's a long story, one that might affect your whole world. So I suggest you come with me to my apartment so that I can tell you about your life story.


Hi everyone!

This is a Harry Potter x BNHA crossover, if you didn't already notice. Constructive critiscism is welcome. Also this story is cross-posted on Ao3 under the username Yukiko_Chan05

Happy Reading!



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