Shining Star

Galing kay Livinandlovin

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Ariella Hino and Izuku Midoriya have been childhood friends since forever. Both go to UA High, are heroes and... Higit pa

Visible Scars
The Golden Shimmer
Broken Promises
Wicked Storm
Tag, You're It
Fear Factor
Jealousy Bites
And So it Begins
After the Storm

Shattered Glass

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Galing kay Livinandlovin

My hand was grabbed then, I turned and looked through my bloody tears. Deku was staring back at me with hurt green eyes, I pulled my hand back.


"What the hell, Ariella!" he snapped.

I glared, "Don't you even! You wanted me to do that just as much as Bakugou did! I can't believe you'd even think that I didn't love you!"

"What else was I suppose to do?!"

"Trust me! You don't have the right to be mad, you both said you wouldn't after!"

Deku shot up from my bed, doing the exact same thing Bakugou did and clenched his fists tight. Tears started to fall down his cheeks as mine got worse, turning a dark red.

"I know what I said, Ariella! That doesn't mean it didn't hurt! I didn't think you'd actually do it..!"

I jumped up from my bed and stood right in front of him, my fists clenched just like his. My tee ripped, exposing my breasts, as my wings busted out of my back, breaking my heart.

"Then why even say it, Deku! Do you want me to prove it to you too?!"

He said nothing and turned away from me. Tears ran down his cheeks as he clenched his fists tighter, his green lightining starting to form around them.

"Look at me!" again nothing.

That's it!

I unclenched my fists and placed my hands over his, they were shaking. His green lightning dimmed a bit, but not completely. I squeezed his fists tight and brought my face close to his.

"I'm not going to ask again. Please look at me, Deku..." I said quietly.

Slowly he turned back to look and unclenched his fists. Soon as he saw me, his lightning disappeared and he stopped crying, his eyes went wide.

"A-Ariella, why are you-!?"

I cut him off with a kiss, don't talk right now!

He was startled for a split second then kissed me back. I dropped my hands from his and threw them around his neck. His arms went around my back, pulling me into him, pressing my bare chest against his clothed one.

A tingling sensation came over me, causing my tears and wings to vanish. My legs started walking on their own, and I was pushed back into the bed. My legs responded, brought themselves up onto it as Deku came with still kissing me.

Once we were on the bed, I laid back down as he put himself over me, bringing his hands from my back to right next to my head. His kiss became more passionate and wanting, causing my body to crave even more of him.

It feels so good..! I couldn't control myself anymore and I reached for his shirt.

Soon as I grabbed it, Deku froze, grabbed my  hand and started to pull away.

No, don't stop....

Slowly I opened my eyes, only to be met with worried green ones.

"What's wrong, Deku? Did I do something wrong...?"


He got off me and sat down as I sat up, covering my chest with my right arm. I crawled over to him then and reached for his hand with my free one.

"Then what is it?"

He turned to me, "Do you realize what could of just happened?"

I was confused, of course I knew.

"Yeah...Do you not want that to happen?"

He brought his hands up, "No! No, of course I do! It's just I don't know how you'd react is all..."

I gave him a look, "What? What do you even mean by that?"

He gave one back, "Are you serious, Ariella? Think about what I just said."

"Okay..." and that's when it hit me, oh my god!

He's right. If we continued, I could of hurt him. I'm still not okay with being touched there...

I took my hand off his, turned from him and wrapped my other arm around my right one.

"Oh...You mean because of my assault, don't you."

"Yes, please look at me Ariella..."

A shy tear fell from my eye as I turned back to him. I looked up into his eyes, he was serious but caring.

"It's true that I'm still not okay with it all... I am scared, but I didn't feel that with you. I guess I just got carried away with trying to prove to you that you're the one I love most." I said softly.

Deku brought his hand up to my cheek. I leaned into it and took one of my hands and placed it over his.

"And that's on me...I should of never agreed to what Kacchan said. I know you love me, I was just jealous..."

I laughed a little, "That you were, both of you I might add."

He gave a small smile, "I really am sorry and for ruining your birthday. Can't say the same for Kacchan though..."

I sighed as we both dropped our hands. A sudden shiver race through my body and I brought my arm back to the other, hugging myself tight. I heard Deku laugh then, I looked up at him.

"Hey! My shivering is on you, you really hurt me..."

He took his shirt off, "Again, sorry. Here, take this, I'll be fine without it for now."

He handed it over as my cheeks flushed crimson. I took it and put it on, but couldn't take my eyes off him. Seeing his muscles, scars, everything, it was all so much.

"Thanks, Deku. You know, I actually forgot how many scars you have..."

A slight blush crept to his cheeks, "C-come on, Ariella, don't say it like that. These are scars of a true hero, I've learn to accept them."

"I know that, I'm just saying eventually your bones will become unhealable the more you push yourself."

"You're sounding a lot like All Might and Recovery Girl, you know."

"So? It's the tru-" I was cut off by rumbling in my stomach.

Blush flooded my face as I held my arms around it, Deku started laughing.


"Shut up! Maybe I am, it is 6:30 pm."

He laughed harder, "Sounds like you need food. Want me to make us some? I'm pretty hungry too."

I smiled and dropped my arms, "Yeah, sounds good. Can we not eat out by everyone yet though? I'm not up to going out there just yet..."

He smiled and got up from my bed, "Sure, do you have any specific requests for food?"

"Nah, anything is fine with me."

Deku headed for the door, "Alright then. I'll be back in a little while, see ya in a bit Ariella." and he was gone.

Soon as he left I reached for my phone on the end table. My eyes went wide,  I had over five messages and two missed calls from Mom.

Shit! I need to call her!

I grabbed it and headed for my window. I slid it to the side, went out onto my small patio and leaned against the wall.

It was a cool fall night, but still warm enough for me to be in leggings and a tee shirt. I dialed up Mom then, she picked up on the first ring yelling.

I actually had to pull the phone from my ear. Jeez, Mom!

"Ariella Hino, where have you been! Why aren't you answering your phone!" she shouted.

I brought it back, "Sorry! I was sleeping, Mom! Jeez, don't give yourself a heart attack."

"You had me worried!"

"I just said I was sorry! Today hasn't really been a good day for me, even though it is my birthday."

I turned from looking into my room, out into the the night. A soft wind blew as it shook all the leaves off the trees, and Mom's voice went from hysteric to worrisome.

"What? What would make you say that?"

I sighed as tears started to build their way into my eyes. I grabbed onto my butterfly necklace then and took a deep breath.

"Deku and Bakugou got into one of their fights again."

"Of course they did...Who started it? Was it Katsuki? You know I don't like him that much, Ariella."

I held it tighter, "I know that, Mom. And yes, it was him, but only because he got me the exact same gift Deku and Uraraka did."

Shock filled her voice, "Wait, he got you a gift? What was it then?"

"A crimson butterfly bracelet, exactly what Deku and Uraraka got me."

"Wow." was all she managed.

"Yeah, and that's when it all went to hell..." I said and my tears broke free.

"Ariella! Why are you crying? It's not that big of deal, you can always use more brac--"

"That's not the only reason, Mom! There's more..."

She was worried again, "More? What the hell happened if that's not what their fight was about."

My hand started to shake while my tears continued to fall down my cheeks, turning red once again.

My voice cracked, "I-it's because...because they both told me they love me."

"WHAT?!" Mom shouted, I pulled the phone away again.

Damn it, Mom! Stop busting my eardrum...

I let go of my necklace, "Calm down, Mom please! I've already cried enough today and still am! Just let me t-talk..."

There was a brief moment of silence between us then, nothing but the sound of Mom calming down and tears running down my cheeks. Mom took one last deep breath and answered.

"I'm sorry, sweetheart. I'm calm, I swear. Please tell me what's happened today."

I took a deep breath, stopping my tears. "It's a long story..."

"Please, Ariella? I'm your mother for god's sake..."

"Alright." and I did.

I told her everything from after we all had cake, up until where Bakugou and Deku wanted me to prove my love for them. I made sure to keep the part about what happened between Deku and I after that out.

"Oh, Ariella....Why did you even agree to that? I raised you better than that."

"I know, Mom and I'm really sorry. I feel bad enough, I really hurt them both and I don't know what to do."

"You need to give them space, especially Katsuki."

"I understand that, but they're still my friends! I care a lot about them both I just..." I trailed off as tears threatened to return.

"Stop it, Ariella. You're just making it worse for yourself... I have to ask, you're not actually dating one of them are you?"

My heart skipped a beat, nearly dropping my phone when she said that.

"Answer me, Ariella." she said sharply.

I sighed, holding my tears back more, "Y-yes...I'm dating Deku."


"I know, I know! I'm a bitch just say it, Mom!"

"I would never call my own daughter that! Why didn't you tell me that before hand?!"

"I was going too, just not yet. We only just started dating, it's been almost a month now."

She took a deep breath, "When were you going to?"

"Whenever we came to visit you next, we're going to tell his Mom too. I never meant for anything that happened today happen, I swear."

"I know, sweetheart. It's okay, I'm not mad at you or anything it was just shocking. Stuff like that happens, especially if your really close with them both."

"Yeah..." I trailed off.

"I gotta go now okay? I'd say you can come see me, but it's already Saturday night. And, you'd leave tomorrow anyway."

I smiled a little, "That's true...I really am sorry Mom about not telling you."

"It's okay. Now, I want you to do something for me, okay?"

"Alright, what is it?"

"Just relax. You made a mistake, it happens. But trust me, things will get better with you and them, I promise."

"Okay, I'll try. I'll let you go now, love you Mom."

"Alright, love you too, Ariella. And, Happy Birthday!" and she hung up.

Soon as she hung up, all my tears I was holding back broke free and I fell to my knees. Red tears streamed down my cheeks as my body shook. I haven't felt so hurt this way, not since Uraraka's death.

After about ten minutes, I was finally able to get up and head back into my room.  I closed my window behind as I walked in and went straight for my bed to sit. A soft knock was at my door then.

"Yeah?" I called.

"It's me, I have our food." Deku said.

"Finally! You can come in, Deku." and he did.

He walked in with two bowls of steaming hot food in his hands and came over to sit next me on my bed.

He handed me one, "Here. I made us some white rice and tempura, I hope you like it."

"Are you kidding? I love your cooking, of course I'm gonna like it!"

He laughed, "Good. Now eat it before it goes cold."

I dug my chopsticks into it, "Will do!" and ate it.

"Hey, Ariella. Are you okay? I kind of overheard the last of your conversation with your Mom."

I stopped eating and looked up, "You did? I'm okay. Talking with her about it made me feel a bit better, I really did hurt you Deku."

He sighed, "We hurt each other, and I'm sorry for that too."

"It's okay, we made a mistake it happens."

He gave a small smile, "That is true, now, let's eat."

I rested my head on his shoulder, "Let's!"


September came and gone and it's now the middle of October. School's been tough lately and very exhausting.

Who would of thought being a third year would be so tiring...

It's been  almost a month since what went down between Deku, Bakugou and I happened. Bakugou still refuses to talk or even look at me. Just the other day I crossed paths with him in the school hall and soon as he saw me, he full blown flipped me off! Deku nearly attacked him after that but I held him back.

Those two need some serious space from each other still.

It's a quiet Tuesday morning today and I was just finishing up getting ready for school. A soft knock was at my door then.


"It's Syu, you ready? We're all waiting for you."

"Yeah, just finished I'll be out in a second." I said back, finished putting my necklace and headed out.

Soon as I opened the door, I was greeted by Syu.

"Ready." I said with a smile, she only nodded and we headed out of the dorms.

That's odd...

I had to pick up my pace to keep up with her, I nearly tripped over my feet trying to. Soon as I was finally able to reach her, I tapped her shoulder and she turned.

I doubled over, "Hey, what's the rush, Syu? I had to run to keep up with you."

"What's going on with you lately? You seem so out of it..." she asked worriedly.

I stood up confused, "What are you talking about? I'm fine."

She crossed her arms, "You're lying. I can see it in your eyes, what else happened on your birthday? And, why does Bakugou keep treating you like shit?"

I sighed heavily, I never did tell her what happened.

We started walking up towards the school again with others. I brought my arms up and crossed them over my chest as she uncrossed hers.

"I fucked up, that's what happened." I said softly.

Her eyes went wide, "Ribbit?! What did you do, Ariella?"

I turned from her and kept walking, "I hurt both Deku and Bakugou, Bakugou got hurt the most though."

"What could you have possibly done to hurt him?"

I turned back, "Remember when they said they both love me?"

"Yeah, ribbit. And you went crazy, is that why he's so mad?"

I shook my head, "No...Both Deku and him wanted me to prove my love for them."

Syu just started blankly at me, I continued.

"I know, I know it was stupid. And to make it worse, I actually kissed Bakugou in front of Deku."

Her eyes were wide again, "Ribbit?! Ariella! Why did you even do that?!"

I dropped my arms and clenched fists, "It was a mistake! I know that now, but I still hurt them..."

"You think!?"

"Shut up, Syu! I said it was a mistake, just leave it at that. I still feel bad about it and Bakugou not talking to me is making it worse! He's still my friend..."

She calmed herself, "Okay, okay. Why is he so mad at you then?"

I unclenched my fists, sighing. "Because, when I kissed him it just wasn't the same as it is with Deku. And I told him that, he didn't handle it well..."

She sighed, "Ah, okay. That makes sense now, you just need to give him time Ariella."

"I know, I just wish he'd stop acting like this! I do love him too, just not as much as Deku."

Syu put her hand on my shoulder giving a small smile,  "Things will get better, I promise."

I gave one back, "My Mom said the same thing when I told her."

She dropped her hand, "Bet she was shocked at that too."

"She was, nearly busted my eardrums too."

She giggled, "Ribbit, sounds like it. Hey, are you and Deku okay? I mean you two seem fine."

"Yeah, we're good. He was hurt of course, but he screwed up himself by agreeing with Bakugou."

"That is true, he better make up for that."

I laughed a little, "He's trying and still is, I'm okay with that though. I'm doing the same for him."

"You two are something else." and we finally made it to the school's entrance.

Syu and I walked ahead of the others as they trailed in behind us. Once we got through the doors, we all headed down the hall. Everyone split off into their normal groups they walked to class with, besides me.

Deku didn't walk with us this morning, he came in earlier than all of us. He wanted to talk to All Might, so I'm walking by myself.

I looked out the windows as I made my way down to class, not even paying attention to where I was going. I was too captivated by the leaves changing still, it was so pretty and calming.

"So pretty..." I said out loud.

A sudden crash hit the ground, then. I nearly jumped a foot before I could fall with it. I looked down at the ground to see what caused it and my eyes went wide.

"What the fuck, Ariella! Pay attention to where you're going!" Bakugou snapped.

I glared, "Sorry, Bakugou! It's not my fault you were right in my way."

He got up glaring, "MY fault! You're the idiot who can't use her eyes!"

"I said I was sorry!"

He threw is bag around his shoulder, "Whatever." and started walking away.

Seriously?! That's all you're going to say?

I clenched my fists again, "Stop treating me like this!"

That stopped him, "What the hell are you even talking about?!"

I dug my nails into my palms to keep from sprouting my wings as my tears fought their way out of my eyes.

"Don't you even, Bakugou! You know exactly what I mean! Why won't you talk me, I'm still your friend aren't I!?"

"Sure, if you call loving someone a friend! I don't have time for your shit, leave me alone!" and he started walking again.

I couldn't handle it much longer and I crashed. I unclenched my fists as tears of red ran down my cheeks and I fell to my knees.

"Let me talk, Kacchan! Please..."

He froze mid step and slowly turned back to face me, I couldn't look up. A sudden thud hit the ground and I finally looked up to see. I looked around the hall and my eyes landed on his bag on the floor next to him.

I lifted my head higher only to meet his crimson gaze and my eyes went wide. Instead of hate and anger, they were filled with slight shock.

"Y-you haven't called me that since your assault..." he trailed off.

I sighed, "I know."

He sighed and held his hand out for me to grab, I did and I was pulled up within a split second.

"Alright, fine. You're right, I shouldn't be treating you the way I am. I did say I wasn't going to be mad at you after what happened..."

He trailed off again as he reached down to pick up his school bag and threw it over his shoulder, I did the same. He started to walk again and I caught up next to him.

Silence filled the space between us as we headed to class, nothing but the sound of scuffling feet across the floor. I looked up at him and my heart pained, I could see the hurt flooding his crimson eyes.

I'm so sorry Bakugou...

I reached for his arm and squeezed it, he turned blushing.

"Ariella! W-what the hell!"

"You're right you did say you weren't going to be mad, so why are you?"

"Let go of my arm, damn it!"

I gripped it tighter, "Not until you tell me the reason."

His blush faded as a glare took over, "Seriously?!"

I gave one back, "Yes!"

"Fine, damn it! I'm mad because of Deku! Why him? I was the first one you told about your assault and you chose him?!"

I let go of his arm and stopped walking again as did he.

"I'll always choose him! Yes, I went to you about my assault but you weren't there from start like he was!"

Tears started to from in the corner of my eyes, as he stood silent just staring at me. I clenched my fists and continued.

"He knew all about my abuse, you only found out after you started being friends with us... Do you still not get it?"

"No...I get it. Please don't cry, Ariella. I hate it when you do, especially if I'm the one causing it." he finally said.

Finally! A sincere response!

I unclenched my fists, "I'm trying not too. Listen, Kacchan...I do love you too, but it's not the same love I feel for Deku."

He sighed heavily, "I know. Truth is I've always known he'd be the one you'd pick, I mean it's like you said. He's been there from the start."

"He has, but you were there for me during my most traumatic time, and I love you for that."

That caught him of guard, "You do?"

I rolled my eyes, "Of course I do. I couldn't tell anyone else so I told you and you actually tried to protect me."

"I'd do anything to protect you from that ass of a father you have." he said seriously.

"I know, Kacchan." was all I said.

A sight blush crept to his cheeks, "Stop calling me that, Ariella, please! I already hear it enough from Deku."

I couldn't help but laugh, "Sorry...I called you that because I was serious, and I knew you'd respond."

He glared, "I knew it..."

I stuck my tongue out at  him, "Got your attention, though didn't I?"

"Shut up! Your so annoying!"

I laughed harder as the five minute warning bell went off, telling us that we should get class.

I stopped laughing, "Shit! I didn't realize it was that close to class starting!"

"So what? It's not a big deal, we still have time."

I glared, "Do you want our teacher to murder us?" and started to run.

He rolled his eyes, "Whatever!" and started off after me.

Thank god he's back to his normal self.

We made it to class just before the final bell, Mrs. Suzuki glared at us as we walked in. I just hung my head and ran to my seat as did Bakugou.

School dragged on all day, it felt like it was never ending. I was so relieved when the final bell rung for school to be over. Soon as the bell rung everyone was out of their seats and out the door, I hung back.

"Hino? Why are you still here?" Mrs. Suzuki asked.

I looked up, "Huh? Oh sorry, I was just leaving but I wanted to ask you something first."

"Okay, make it quick. I got stuff to do."

I got up from my desk, and walked over to her.

"Can I stay after school today for awhile? I want to work on some solo training, I just upgraded my costume and I want to try it out."

She got up from her desk, "Yeah, yeah fine. Just don't stay after 6pm, I mean it Hino."

"I promise I won't." I said and went over to the costume wall.

She opened it, "Bring it back tomorrow, you're gonna need it."

"Yes, ma'am!"

She rolled her eyes and headed out the door, I followed behind her. We walked to the school entrance and once we were out, we went our separate ways.

It wasn't a long walk for me to the training building. As I was walking again, I was staring at all the changing leaves.

Man, fall came early this year...

I finally made to the training building and went in, quickly changed into my costume and started to stretch.

I've recently upgraded my hero costume and I really need to try it out. Plus, I do want some alone time from everyone.

Since my birthday, everyone's been wondering what else happened that day. Kind of like Syu was this morning, but she's the only other person I've told besides Mom.

After Deku and I ate that night, I looked over my gifts from him, Bakugou and Uraraka. Each of them gave me a crimson butterfly bracelet and I decided to make them part of my costume. They were too precious to not keep on me all the time, just like my necklace I got from Deku.

Just a few days after, I went to our costume designers and told them what I wanted. They told me it was a pretty complicated request but, they managed to do it, so they say.

Each one of their bracelets has it's own power and each butterfly is a certain color. Uraraka's is pink, Bakugou's is orange and Deku's is green. Since I've been able to do double moves with them, I wanted their bracelets to have some hint of their quirks in it.

I finally stopped stretching and got myself into my defense stance. I brought my hands to the front of my chest and clasped them together.

"Okay, here goes nothing, Deku's quirk is first." I said out loud.

I closed my eyes, took a deep breath and focused my quirk into an image of Deku's. I felt a sudden burning sensation on my neck then, and I flung my eyes open, they went wide.

Once again, my necklace was spreading out over my chest and turning green. I looked down at my hands, green lighting was sparking all around and his bracelet was glowing a bright green.

My wings busted out of my back as a shy green-red tear fell down my cheek.

It worked! No fucking way!

I smiled to myself, "This is amazing...Okay, now for the finishing move!"

I unclasped my hands, put them out in front of me and focused on the nearest cement pillar.

"One for all, Detroit Fire Wall Smash!" I shouted out.

A wall of fire and green lighting shot out from my hands and went straight for the pillar, shattering it to pieces.

My heart was racing, "How am I that strong?!"

"You tell me! What even was that, Ariella?!"

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