Behind the Scene || OffGun fa...

By Oongya_Oongya

73K 2.6K 590

I thought he feels the same way? Guess I'm being too confident to myself --- This is an OffGun fanfic. I don'... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25

Chapter 19

2K 77 21
By Oongya_Oongya

“ P'Off what do you think about my acting earlier do you think people will like it? ”

“ P'Off look we have matching shirt! ”

“ P'Off do you want some cookies I bake them myself ”

“ P'Off come on you're already left behind ”

This was Off's routine ever since Gun visited him in the set that didn't happen again bad for him but what's more worst is that Ploy has been in his nose since then she didn't let go of his side, although she's not consuming his personal space still he didn't like how Ploy talk to him he's afraid people might misunderstood and if Gun will knew about this he didn't know how the boy will react. It's his friend but that doesn't mean he will do some stuff that makes Gun jealous and question him about their relationship, they're just starting he didn't want to end it too soon.

“ P'Off do you want some sauce- ”

“ No, I don't really like sauces thank you ” they're currently eating seafoods that Babii's send to them actually there's a separate food for him where there is no sauce with it but I guess Ploy didn't think of that way maybe she thinks they forgot about him but no, they really did a great job to that part. Off mentally note to himself that on his birthday he'll treat their Babii's

“ aow! But it's good you should try ” Ploy forcefully put some sauce on his food, the fact that Off is loosing his patience to this girl but he can't yell or be rude at her. He is her partner and if something bad happen between them? Their work will be affected for sure that's why although Off already loose his one last thread of patience he's still being nice to her and didn't yell at her up until now. Yes, Gun annoy him like this but not to this point Gun knows when to stop but this girl didn't know the word stop.

He let out a sigh then quietly remove the sauce that is all over his food, if he can really remove it.

“ P'Off why are you removing those? ”

“ Cuz.I.don' so if you'll just let me eat in piece that would be great thank you ” he saw how Ploy's face turned down he didn't want to do this but he just can't take it.

The other actors look at how Ploy leave the table Off instantly feel guilty about that, he didn't want her to isolate herself he just want to eat, that's all

“ Ploy- ”

“ don't worry just let her be ” he heard one of his co-actor said

“ we notice that she's been bugging you the whole time and obviously you don't like it. Just give her time she should also know how to control herself sometimes ”

“ but I think I did it too harsh ”

“ well you did, but she should know when to stop, maybe say sorry to her after we eat ”

Off didn't answer he just continue to eat the food that has sauce in it although he didn't really like it he still eats it, he just drink plenty of water every bite.

After the lunch Off tried to talk to Ploy but the girl avoid him, whenever he wanted to talk Ploy will immediately walk away. Off didn't have all the time to pursue Ploy because he is also busy and he's not wrong when he thought that this will affect their work.

“ CUT! ” the director shouted, it's the nth time that the director said tha word and still they havent get a good take

“ one last time if this will not work let's took a break and just continue this tomorrow it's already late ” he feels sorry for the staff and other actors that are still here. It's his last scene for the day and he's with Ploy, but the latter didn't cooperate whenever he tries to hold her just like what on the script she'll flinch and look mad opposite to what she should feel. Ploy is being unprofessional now and he didn't like it but he didn't dare to complain because all of them are tired and complaining is the least thing he can do. He just want to go home, but that's not the case to Ploy.

“ uhm director? Can we continue this tomorrow I'm really tired ” Ploy suddenly said, no one expect that Off look at the director who's also looking at him and asking him if it's okay with him, he just nods and the director wrap up the shoot. Ploy immediately leave the set without giving thank you to the staff

“ thank you P' and I'm sorry if I can't give you a good take for the last scene ” he said when he comes to the director busy monitoring the scene they got

“ it's fine, it was just Ploy who didn't get a good take. Her face didn't really cooperate today if this will continue up until tomorrow I really need to talk to her ”

“ uhm I'm sorry P' I think it's because if me, we kinda have a little argument earlier while we eat maybe that's why it affects his emotion today ”

“ still that's not an excuse if she couldn't separate her work to her emotions I guess I choose the wrong actress? ”

“ no P' I'll try to talk to her ”

“ thank you but you don't need to push yourself if she can't handle her emotions well its her problem not yours ” after what the director said Off didn't feel happy, he still blame his self on what happened. If he just get what Ploy wants maybe the director didn't need to stay up this late.

Off was about to leave the place when he saw Ploy standing not far from where he park his car but when Ploy saw her approaching she immediately starts to walk away Off took this chance to talk to her so he immediately run after her thankfully Ploy's legs are short he quickly run after her.

“ Nong Ploy wait ” he said as he stops her from walking away

“ what ” thankfully she didn't walk away maybe she wants to talk too

“ I'm sorry if you get mad about how I act earlier, I just didn't like when people push something on me ” Ploy didn't answer back

“ are you still mad? I'm sorry, I can't say that I'll be not like that anymore cuz I can't but I'll try to talk and communicate to you more ”

Ploy face lit up the moment he said it “ really?! ”

“ yes, because our work is affected to this ”

“ well that's okay for now at least you'll talk to me ” Ploy smile at him, he just smile back

“ by the way why are you here? Did you also park you car here? ”

Ploy shook her head and Off saw how Ploy became shy in front of him “ I was gonna say sorry to you, to what I act earlier but since you do the first move I don't need to embarrass myself to do the first move ”

“ then why did you walk away when you saw me? ”

“ well I was kinda got scared that's why I try to walk away but I didn't know that you walk fast ”

“ you're just too short that's why ” Off teases

“ what the! I'm not! ” Ploy fire back at him but he didn't budge he just go in to his car

“ wait! ”

“ hmm? ”

“ can you give me a ride? ”

‘ didn't expect that ’

“ I'm sorry but I already have some plans maybe some other time ” he smile then wave to Ploy as he got in his car but before he can got in Ploy shouted again

“ next time okay? ”

Off can't help but shook his head “ I didn't promise tho ” with that he gets inside the car and leave Ploy at the parking lot with a pouted face

“ she looks like a freaking duck ”


“ did you wait a long time? ”

“ Papii! ”

Gun gives him a hug and he gladly accept it, he misses his boy it's been weeks since the last time he hug Gun like this they're both busy with their own schedule luckily Off finished his work earlier than Gun, if 10:30pm is early for them then how about Gun? He still can't believe that Gun can work until morning and he also starts 8 in the morning is he some kind of machine or what.

“ I thought you're just messing around when you said you'll pick me up today ” Gun said to him once they pull from their hug

“ I didn't, why would I? I miss you so much so I'll grab all the opportunity to be with you ” Off sounds cheesy but he doesn't care he just want to be honest to him, as much as Gun wants this to work he really wants it too.

“ how's your day? ” he ask as he guide Gun to the passenger sit he also get his things and put it at the back sit of the car

“ same, I'm just really tired you know I have to portray a lot of emotions in this ”

“ that's probably exhausting just by thinking about it ”

When they're all set Off starts the care and drove off.

“ how bout you? ” Off took a glance at Gun then to the road

“ well Nong Ploy is still the same but we kinda got a misunderstanding earlier ”

Gun lean on to him, brows furrowed “ why? what happened? ”

“ well you know that I hate sauces on my food right? She forcefully put it on my food then I kinda told her to stop but hey! I didn't snap at her okay? But she really got mad I think? But we're okay now I talk to her earlier before I got here so no worries ”

“ maybe I should talk to her ” he saw Gun fetch his phone from his pocket

“ no need, we're already fine okay? ”

“ I know you'll not say anything if she didn't push your buttons, I'm sorry papii. I don't know why but Ploy didn't act like that when we're together ” he chuckles at how worried Gun is he carefully hold Gun's hands and intertwined it to his

“ no need to worry okay?  I really want to get along with her too because she's your friend ”

He took a glance again at him and he saw how Gun blushes at what he said.


“ you sure you don't want to go inside? ” Gun asked

Their already in front of their house but both of them don't want to go, they still want to be together but both of them have schedule for tomorrow so that's impossible they need to sleep

“ as much as I want too, we can't ” Off gave the latter a sad smile
Gun is a bit gloomy and Off really wants to stay but their schedule is blocking their way

“ don't be upset na? Okay? ” he pull Gun to hug him and Gun immediately wrap his arms around him just like they used to do before

“ I just wish we can have a vacation this year, I miss being with you ”

“ me too papii. I like being with them but I like it more being with you ” Gun whined at him

They're both stuck at work, but there's no reason to complain it's work

“ don't worry after your work? Then mine, I'll request to P'Tha if we can have a break ”

Gun look up at him “ are you sure P'Tha will agree? ”

Off kisses Gun's forehead “ of course he will if I beg on my knees? ” Off earned a hit from the latter although it didn't hurt him he pretends like it hurts him so bad.

“ aow! Gun why did you do that! ” but of course Gun will never fall for it
The latter just hit him again “ go home already, I know you're tired but still you manage to come and drive me home thank you Papii ” Gun gave him a warm smile that make Off's heart skip a beat his tiredness suddenly disappear like a magic because of that smile

“ okay I'll just call ” Gun nod at him “ take care, careful while on the road, Don't drive too fast it's already late ” Gun warned him and he just gave a nod to his boyfriend

“ bye papii! ” Gun give him a kiss on the cheeks and quickly go inside their house

‘ he's probably shy ’

Off didn't get it why Gun is stil shy when kissing him but he finds it cute also. He just wish that every day can be this good that they don't need to worry for something.


“ Good morning ”

Off greeted everyone in the set with pure jolly, well he really did that everyday but everyone noticed that he's really in the good mood today who wouldn't if the first thing you see in the morning is a photo and a good morning message from your boyfriend? Soon as Off saw that his mood instantly change

“ P'Off what's with the good morning to everyone? ” Joss asked

Didn't he mention that Joss is also included in this series if not then here it is.

“ yeah, well I wake up in a good mood that's why ” he's now busy reading the script

“ I saw you last night with Nong Ploy ” Joss asked as he sits on the chair next to him

“ I talk to her because you also notice that nong and I are not in good terms after the lunch right? ”

“ then what did she said? ”

“ we're already okay, I don't want the director to take our scene the whole day ”

Joss laugh at what he said although he didn't give a joke or does he?

“ I think nong Ploy likes you ” Off raise a brow at him, Ploy likes him? That's impossible

“ why would he likes me? ”

Joss shrug his shoulder “ I don't know, but if I where her I will like myself ” Joss proudly said with a pose that disgust Off

“ okay okay what ever you said ” as if on cue, Ploy show up in front of them

“ Good morning P'Off! ” Off just gave her a smile then continue to read his script

“ aow I thought you'll try to communicate to me more! ” Ploy whined at him

“ Nong I'm busy reading my script first because we're the first take, why would you do that too? Hmm? ” he politely tell to Ploy but the girl just didn't listen to him. She starts to blabber some things like what Mild do when they're together, speaking of Mild

“ Joss I heard Mild has a project with you? ”

“  uh yes P' , P'Tay is also with it ”

“ Mild? Who's mild? ” Ploy but in to their conversation

“ Mild is my friend ”

“ just friend? ” Off heard a hint of something suspicious on Ploy's voice but he choose to ignore it

“ well she's my ex girlfriend but that was a long time ago but now she just annoy the hell out of me ”

“ is she that annoying? I heard that she's good and nice ” Joss ask

“ nice my ass she likes to meddle to my business especially if Gun is with it ”

“ what about P'Gun? ”

Off didn't really realize what he just said not until Joss ask about it. He slipped “ what about Gun? ”

“ well you told- ”

“ oh! she likes Gun that's why, let's read the script shall we? ” he suggested, Joss just follow what he said but that didn't work on Ploy. She sit closer to him although he's uncomfortable on how close she is, he just ignore the latter they'll be closer than this when they start their scenes

“ so who's Mild P'Off? ”

“ P'Mild ” he emphasize because Mild is older than her

“ aow so what about her? You still like her? ”

Off look at her with a furrowed brows, why all of a sudden she's curious about Mild?

“ as I was said earlier she's just a friend ” he clear out then continue to read his script

“ you sure? ” Ploy is ogling at him looking at him if he's really telling the truth

“ I'm sure ” Ploy smile and nod at him “ okay P' ”

“ why you're curious to her all of a sudden? ”

“ nothing~ I'll just read my script here you don't mind no? ”

Ploy didn't let him answer and just sit there reading her script. Off saw that Ploy is now focused on her script so Off guess that it's not bad that she's sitting there as long as she's not interrupting his script reading.

Joss noticed how Ploy glance at Off from time to time but Off is too busy to notice. He was right when he guess that the girl likes his P' but too bad because Off looks like he's not interested to her. He keeps on reading his script like no one is staring at him, but if it was Joss he'll be conscious but P'Off didn't flinch a bit. He just hopes that Ploy notice soon that Off doesn't like her.

“ Nong Ploy, nong Off it's your turn ” the staff called them for it was their turn to act, while walking to the location Off instantly flinch and move away to Ploy when she tries to hold his hands

“ Nong what are you doing? ”

Ploy was stunned on his reaction but she doesn't know that Off hates holding his hands “ why? I'm just holding your hands? ”

“ I don't like doing those ” he said and continue to follow the staff

“ aow but we'll hold hands on our scene? ” Ploy is trailing behind him

“ then we'll do it when the camera is rolling ” Off walks quickly so that they arrived at the location, actually it pisses him off when Ploy hold his hands she's invading his personal space and Off doesn't like that a bit, he really needs to talk to Ploy about this issue or else he'll end up arguing with her.

“ so nong Off just do it based on the script don't worry we'll hear you even if the wind is too strong just connect with Ploy okay? ” the director told them soon as they arrived at the location. Off glance at Ploy and she was listening to the director

‘ maybe she'll not mess around no? ’

“ and ACTION! ” the director shouted

Off and Ploy are slowly walking on the seashore, well yeah they're in the sea but just near the City. Off look at Ploy with a worried face, in this scene Off needs to comfort Ploy about her family, he needs to be with her and act like she care for her but that was just a command from his uncle that was Ploy's Family driver but in the end Off will eventually fall for Ploy. Both of them are taking this seriously, Off slowly look at Ploy weighing if he should hold her hands or not but in the end he slowly slip his hands into Ploy's. The girl slightly gasp at his actions, tears are slowly falling from her eyes. Ploy starts to walk away but Off didn't let her, he tightly hold her hands and slowly wipe her tears as he looks at her in the eye, like comforting her or something.

“ don't cry, I know you suffered a lot but I'm here I can always be your safe place whenever you feel alone and frustrated.. ” Off smile a bit “.. I know we just met but it already hurts me to see you like that. A beautiful girl like you didn't deserve this ”

“ P'Off? ”

“ CUT! ”

They we're both shock when the director said that

“ Nong Ploy ,Off's name is not in the script his name is Ron okay? ” the director laugh at her mistake, so as Off

“ you're mind is wandering around, I told you to read the script right? ”

“ I-I read it ” Ploy quietly said as she bow down her head probably shy about what happened.

Off tap her head that makes the latter look at him “ it's fine just say it again” Off turned to the director “ P' we're all set let's start rolling! ” he shouted from their place

“ I'm sorry P'Off ” he heard Ploy said

“ it's fine let's just redo this okay? ” Off smile at Ploy

At that moment, Ploy remembered what Gun said and he was right Off is very nice. Too nice that she's afraid of what she's feeling right now.

“ AND CUT! GOOD TAKE EVERYONE! ” the director shouted after the last scene of Ploy and Joss

“ you did great! ” Off complimented Ploy when they arrive at their tent

“ uhm thank you P'Off ”

“ how about me?! ” Joss but in their conversation Off just throw a towel at him

“ you did great also! You just want a compliment from me ” Off joke at him
Joss remove the towel on his face and smile at his P' “ hehe Thank you P'Off ”

“ By the way I have to go ” Off said as he pick up his things ready to leave

“ P'Off! Can I come with you? ”

“ me? ” Off look at Joss and the boy just shrug at him “ why? ”

“ my manager isn't coming so I thought that maybe you can give me a ride? ”

“ uhh ” Off was hesitating he was planning to surprise Gun in their set because he finished early but he will be sounded rude if he refuse Ploy's request, he already refuse to her the last time she asked.

Joss saw how Off is torn if he will say yes or no “ Ploy I can give you a ride ”

Ploy look at her a bit disappointed then to Off “ P'Off? ” she was expecting that Off will still let her

“ I'm sorry Nong Ploy but promise I'll take you home, it's just that I am meeting someone ”

“ who? ” Joss and Ploy look at him he didn't know what to answer

“ just.. Just a friend okay? Have to go bye! ”

He quickly leave the place and hop in his car “ those people really like to be in my business ”

Off was now stuck in a traffic jam which is a very very bad thing by now, a knock from his glass window make him look at it, it was Mild holding a choco drink

“ hey! ” he said once he rolled down his glass window

“ hey can you give me a ride? ”

“ uh- ” Mild didn't let him finish, she quickly sit on the passenger sit and make herself comfortable

“ thank you! Where are you going anyway? ”

Off didn't process yet what just happened, in the end he just shook his head and drive cuz the cars are starting to move

“ I'm picking Gun ”

“ awiiee!! You're picking him up why? Threatened that someone might steal him from you? ” Mild teases him while she was busy snapping a photo of her and her drink “ I told you ask him to be your boyfriend so you're not being a paranoid like you are right now ”

“ well... he is my boyfriend ”

Mild almost throw up the choco she was drinking and Off can laugh at her. She was looking at him like she can't believe what he just said “ you're serious right? ” Mild ask seriously

“ yeah? Why would I joke- ”

“ AHHHHHHHH!!!! ” Off was startled at Mild's sudden squeal

“ Mild what the fuck? ”

“ oh my gosh. Oh my gosh ” she was fanning herself and wiping her non existent tears

‘ crazy '

“ I'm so proud of you like you have the guts to ask him that? I'm so proud! ”

Off can't help but laugh at her reaction, after their series it's rear to the both of them to hang out like the usual because of their schedule but it was nice to hear Mild's voice once in a while

“ I need to see P'Gun! I need to congratulate him! ”

Off quickly look at her with a face you can't describe “ so you're saying you're going with me? ”

“ uh yes? Now drive! I can't wait to see P'Gun! ” Mild is in her own little world and Off just let out a sigh. How can he say no to her if she'll boss him around like this.

“ I'll call P'Gun! ” Off's eyes grew wider “ you have his number? ”

“ uh yes? ” Mild said with a hint of sarcasm

‘ oh God! ’

“ Joss who's that? ”

“ P'Joss ” Joss point out but seems like Ploy is not interested on what he said, her eyes is focused on Off's car that is in front of them. It was unexpected that they saw Off's car on the road probably he's been stuck in the traffic for minutes now because he left first.

“ it was Mild ”

“ Mild? P'Off's ex- girlfriend? ”
Joss nod and after that Ploy didn't say a thing which he finds it weird because Ploy is so talkative earlier asking about Off but now she's really quiet

“ you okay? ” Joss ask as he glance at her while he drives

“ yes, I'm okay ”

Ploy sounded weird to Joss but he just shrug it off it's not his business to meddle with if the latter is okay or not.

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