My First Real Crush [Larry St...

Da aimhjoey

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The band is supposed to return to their families for two weeks, but Harry Styles finds saying goodbye more di... Altro

1: The Beginning
33 : The End


3.7K 91 349
Da aimhjoey

Harry and I had decided to go to the nearest roller skating rink to spend the rest of the midday.  We arrived at this cute little arena that had multiple different sections to it.  It was where we had mini-golfed, it also had an arcade, a roller rink, and a restaurant.

We hop out of the car and make our way into the main entrance that holds reception and a place to pay.  We walked up to the desk where a middle aged man with black hair was sitting.

"Hello, we would like to roller skate for one hour." I stated.

"How many people?" He asked without even looking up.

"Two." Harry inputted

He finally looked up and the second he did, his eyes widened.

"No way!  Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles?!"

I looked at Harry.  It was so rare for us to be recognized in this small town that when it did happen, it sort of threw us off.

"That's us." I nod.

"My son's a huge fan of you guys!"

"Really!?  What's his favorite song?" I ask, thrown off even more that his son was a fan.  Our fan base was prominently females so whenever someone spoke of how much their son, brother, or guy best friend was a big fan, it really got us excited.

"Over Again.  He loves your solo, Louis." The nice man says, pointing at me.

"I do too, British showers, what a thought."  Harry mocks.

I snicker at him, "We're so happy to hear that your son likes our music!"

"Can I get a picture for him please?"

"Of course!"  Harry says ecstatically.

The black haired man walks out from behind the desk, and we all crowd together as he snaps a selfie.

"He's going to be so jealous that I met Larry Stylinson today!"

I froze and looked over to Harry who was all tensed up.  Larry Stylinson.

"So you guys want two tickets for the roller rink?"

We nod.  I pull out my card and hand it to the nice man.  I look over to Harry who is obviously upset that I'm paying.

"You paid for jet skiing, let me cover this."

He flashes a cute smile.  He really is the most adorable creature in the world.

The man motions for us to reach out our wrists.  Once we do, he wraps a green band around them and nods saying that we're all set.

"It was nice to meet you guys!"

"Tell your son we say thank you for his support!"  Harry yells as we turns the corner.

As we're walking down the hallway that leads to the rink, I turn to Harry who is looking down at his feet and smiling.

"What are you so giggly about?"

He looked at me, smiled, and then took my hand in his, pulling himself as close to me as he could.

"Larry Stylinson.  I like it."

"We've had that nickname for years." I chuckle, confused by his reaction.

"But now it means something."

I smile and wrap my arm around his shoulders, pulling him even closer and rubbing my hand up and down his arm.

Once we get to the roller rink, we walk over to the stand that was producing the roller skates.  I grab a pair in my size, and Harry grabs a pair in his size, which is sadly almost four sizes bigger than me.  I sigh at how small I am in comparison to him.  He notices my sigh and lets out a slight laugh.

"Don't feel bad that you're a smol bean, because you're my smol bean."

"Give me a break, I'm big!" I quietly yell, punching him gently in the chest.  He lets out a mocking "oof" which makes me want to tackle him even more, but we're in public so I end our little dispute with a glare.

We sit down on a nearby bench and tie up our skates.  I'm a pro at roller skating, I think it helps that I love skateboarding, but Harry's not as skilled.  I stand up once my shoes are on tight and reach down to give Harry a hand.  He takes it and wobbles his way up onto his feet.  We slowly skate over to the entrance, me not letting go of his hand once, and slowly make our way onto the rink. 

I look over to him, he has fear in his eyes, but when he looks down to me, a huge smirk smacks it's spot on his face. What the?

"Try and keep up."

Before I even have a chance to answer his little remark, he lets go of my hand and sprints forward.

Good God he's fast!

A huge smile erupts onto my face as I realize Harry had been playing me.  I begin sprinting as well.  We're both going extremely fast, as the traffic of people around us is trailing slowly behind.

I struggle to catch up to him, which is a sentence I would not have guessed I would've said, and he notices me keeping too much distance between us.  He slows down as he looks back to me.  Once I've finally caught up, I skate besides him and smile.

"You little shit!  You're excellent!  You really caught me off guard."

"You thought you'd have to guide me through each step huh?" He mumbles through a smirk.

"Yeah and I was looking forward to it."

"Well too bad." He cocks his head to the side and shrugs his shoulder, picking up speed.  Wow this man is a talented skater.  I pick up speed as well, and this time I don't have a problem keeping up with him.

We've already made it around the rink twice, passing faces that became familiar from lapping so much. 

"How are you so good?"

"I skated all the time with Gemma as a kid."

"So let me ask you this, why are you so pathetic on a skateboard?"

"Cause my feet aren't strapped in.  Roller skates are just shoes with wheels.  Really not that hard."  Harry shrugs humbly.

Please Harry, just once can you accept that you're amazing.

I slowly advance closer to him and take his hand in mine.  We skate hand in hand for a bit, until I turn and realize he's starting to struggle catching his breath.

I frown, watching his eyebrows press together and his mouth frown from trying to breathe.  Why doesn't he ever just tell me he's in pain?

"Hazza, you're struggling, let's slow down."

He turns to me and nods.  He can't even get a word out.  I don't blame him, we've been going pretty hardcore for the past 10 minutes.

"Don't push yourself so hard, I don't want you passing out on me."

"Damn asthma." He spits out

"I think it's cute, just not when you push yourself too far to this point."

He nods.  We've slowed our speed down substantially to the point where people start lapping us.  He's finally starting to catch his breath as his hold on my hand tightens.  I smile as I analyze his captivating charm.  His dreamy eyes, searching every wall in the room, taking in every little detail and processing it in his beautiful mind.  His luxurious lips, sitting so proper and delicate just above his chin, almost begging me to lick them.  His precious little nose, sniffing in and out, crinkling when he takes in a deep breath.  Every feature on his face working simultaneously to create one of the most elegant and glorious pieces of art that only God himself could craft.  Every lavish and opulent color scattered along his cheeks all putting in an extensive amount of effort to stun whatever creature was looking at them.  I couldn't help but skate starstruck next to this ravishing being who was only focused on putting one foot in front of the other.  The love I feel for him is beyond any emotion I've ever felt.  It's so hard for me to understand it, I mean I can't even wrap my head around the fact that he even wants to be around me.  I just pray to God that nothing ever comes between us.  There's so much shit in the world that could try it's best to tear us apart, and I hope with every fiber of my being that we don't let it, but part of me is terrified that it will succeed.  All I can do at this moment is squeeze his hand tighter and let him know that I'm here until the end of time.


That snaps him out of his distracted state and snaps his eyes into mine.

"Yeah Lubba?"

"I want this to last for forever."

He smiles.  "Please, that's all I want."

I sigh as I realize we're on the same page.  "We can't let anyone and anything tear us apart okay?  I have a few ideas on how we do that."

His eyebrow raises expressing his intrigue.

"A) We can't go more than two weeks without seeing each other.  So if in many many years, the band breaks up and we all go solo, we have to make sure we see each other at least once every two weeks, even if we aren't 'together' like we are now, okay?"

He nods.

"B) We have to tell the fans.  I know we've already discussed that we're going to tell them at the end of our next concert, but you have to promise me we'll go through with it.  This will never last if we have to hide in the dark."

"I promise."

"And C) you have to promise to love me for who I am.  You have to take me for the man that I truly am, and that includes all of my quirks, which are mainly annoying might I add, and you have to understand that when I fall, I fall hard.  And I've fallen for you.  I'm sorry to be so blunt, but it's the truth."

That last thing I said made him stop in his place.  Since our hands are still holding on tight to each other, my body is snatched backwards at the sudden stop in movement, almost making me fall over.  I regain my balance and look him in the eyes, his pretty pretty eyes.  He looks down and grabs my other hand in his, and then returns his eyes back into mine.  I feel my heart start to race, as every other skater around us is swerving to try not to hit the idiots standing in the middle of a skating rink.  I don't even care how dangerous what we're doing is, I'm too lost in his emerald eyes.

"Lubba, I've loved you since day one.  I've learned every little thing about you and I've loved all of them.  You could do the most terrible thing and I don't think I could ever turn my back on you.  You're too perfect and too important to me.  So to address your last point, it's easy.  It's the easiest thing I think I could ever possibly do.  It's first hand nature to me.  It comes to me like breathing does.  Every time I breathe in, I appreciate your existence, even if I don't realize I do.  Lubba, I don't think I could ever stop loving you."

Without thinking twice, I leap into his arms, wrapping my entire body around him, but since we're on roller skates, he isn't able to keep his balance so we both tumble over backwards.  I push myself off of him and look into his eyes concerned, "Are you okay?"

He nods and grabs me again, forcing me back into our hug.  As we lay in the middle of the roller skating rink, we can hear faint voices around us yelling things like "Get up idiots" and "What are you doing?!" but we could care less about them.  Right now all I can think about is how I have my Hazza in my arms and that everything is perfect.

We only lay there for a few seconds before it truly hits us how stupid our actions are.  I climb off of him and we skate out of the rink.  We only skated for around 30 minutes, so we still have half an hour to hang out around the rink. 

As we're walking towards a bench to sit and relax, we pass the arcade and I notice a stuffed bear hanging up with a tag that says 1000 tickets.

"HAZZA!  HAZZA! WIN ME THAT BEAR!"  I yell as I tug on his shirt and point to the big white bear.

He smirks at me, "Anything for you Lubba."

I giggle at his attempt of being cute.  It was a successful one.  We walk over to the counter and buy a few coins.  I follow him as he searches for the best game to play to win a lot of tickets.  He lands on the Wheel Of Fortune machine.  He turns back to me and smirks.

"I'm going to get 1000 on the first try, watch me."

I smirk, "As long as I get my bear, I don't care how you do it."

He laughs and turns back to the machine, inputting a few coins.  He turns back and gives me one last grin before pulling down hard on the lever and watching as the wheel spins rapidly.  It takes it a few good seconds before it starts to even show signs of slowing down.  As the numbers are spinning past slower and slower, we watch as the wheel finally decides which number to land on. 






Holy hell, he got 1000.

He jumps up and down and runs over to me, picking me up in his arms.  Wow this is cute, he's squealing as I wrap my legs around his waist.  We're truly adorable.

"How in the world did you do that!?"

"I have no idea!  But now I can get you that bear!

I squeeze him even tighter, listening to the excitement in his voice.

He puts me down and smiles right into my soul, sending a shock of electricity all throughout my bones.

"Well let's go!"  He snatches the tickets that have finished flooding out of the machine, grabs my hand and pulls me over to the stand again.  He has the biggest smile on his face as he hands all of the tickets to the man standing behind the counter.

"We'll take that bear up there please, it's for my..." He quickly looks down at me.  "My boyfriend," He smiles and I feel my heart glow, "It's for my boyfriend."

The man takes the tickets and smiles between us, "You two are cute."

As he brings over a step stool and stands on it to grab the bear, I turn towards Harry and nuzzle my face into his arm.  It was the only thing I could think of doing to express the excessive amount of joy I'm feeling.  He wraps his arms around me and massages his hand through my hair as he kisses the top of my head.  I can't believe he called me his boyfriend.  I mean I sort of guessed that's what we are, but hearing him say it, it was incredible.  We haven't even been dating for a whole day, yet I feel so right in his arms.  I suppose it's probably because we've been so close so long before we actually made it official, but there's just some spark that I always feel when I touch his skin, like everything that's happening now was always supposed to happen since the beginning, and now the puzzle pieces are finally connected, and everything is right in the world.

I let go of my Hazza as the man hands Harry the bear.  He turns to me and reaches his arms out straight.  I snatch the bear and hug it with every ounce of strength I have, poor bear, I probably just suffocated it.

"So what are you going to name it?"

My head turns to the side to see the man standing there with curiosity written in his eyes.  I look back down at the beautiful bear I'm holding and let out a faint "Hazzabear".  I look up to see Harry's eyes glowing.  The man shakes it off and shrugs, "That's a cute name."  Harry and I giggle to ourselves at our little inside joke before saying a "thank you and goodbye" to the man.

Harry and I skate over to a nearby bench and untie our skates to put on our regular shoes.  We still had about 15 minutes to just goof around the joint.

"What do you want to do for the last quarter hour?" Harry asks.

"I have an idea." I smirk and grab Harry's arm, dragging him behind me.  I remember seeing a supplies closet right before the arcade.  I definitely don't want my first time with Harry to be in a supplies closet at an entertainment arena, but we could still have some fun doing... other stuff.

I hold Harry against the wall next to the supplies closet, waiting for there to be no one around.  Once everyone's gone, I crack the door open and pull us in, shutting the door behind us.  I plop myself down and throw Harry down as well so that we're both sitting staring at each other.  It's pretty dark and the only light illuminating the closet is being produced from the crack of empty space underneath the door. 

I watch as lust fills his eyes.  Ooh, he wants to kiss you so bad.  Watching Harry sit so desperately makes me so horny.  I lean my head in towards his but decide to tease him a bit before I give him anything.  Right before my lips are about to touch his, I swerve my head to the side and nibble his cheek, then I move my mouth down a bit so that I am pecking at his jawbone and neck.  I lick him a few times and then start sucking.  I suck the tender skin on his neck, drawing the blood closer to the surface.  Once I feel the warmth of his blood against my lips, I let go and blow a cold stream of air against the sensitive skin, causing him to shudder a bit and let out a light gasp.

I bring my hands up to his ankles, which are in Indian style, as I proceed to the other side of his neck.  As I slowly form love bites all over his neck, I let my fingers crawl up a bit higher until they're firmly attached to his thighs.  I squeeze them in and out and let them take in every inch of Harry's legs.  As I continue taunting him, I can tell he's getting impatient.

"Louis please!"

I make a "tst tst tst" noise and shake my head. 

"You'll get it when you earn it."

"How do I earn it."

"By being a good boy and letting me do what I want."

I feel a breath of air escape his lips in a lustful manner, practically begging me to end this torture.

I allow my fingers to do whatever they want as my lips continue to trick and tease every part of Harry's neck and jaw.  My fingers explore the pockets of his sweatpants, the waistband of his boxers, and his inner thigh.  I can feel him tense up his hips and then relax shortly after, in a melodic pattern.  Watching him pulse makes me throb and almost give in and kiss him, but I stay strong.  I'm going to drag this out so that it takes the whole 15 minutes.

I feel as Harry's hands get a bit confident and curious as well.  They crawl up the outside of my legs until they're barely touching my rear.  Once they are laying gently on my hips, he grabs a loop of my jean waistband on either side and pulls me closer to him.  He did it so smoothly and sexy it almost made me whimper.  He grabs my legs and pulls them over his so that our crotches are gently rubbing against each other's and my legs are braided over his hips.  I feel his hands slide past my hips until they're rested over my ass.  He doesn't squeeze at first, just massages slightly.  Unlike the first time they explored that area, I didn't tense up or squirm.  This time it felt so right. 

My hands were now performing independently.  My right arm was bent up so that my hand was resting around his neck, and my left hand was holding on tight to his waist.  He felt so delicate when I was holding onto his waist, like I held the power, but not in an evil way, more of in a protective way.  Like I was guarding him by holding him by the waist.  I loved the rush it gave me.  Feeling like I was the bigger man, the one to control him, the one on top per say, it gave me this unbelievable surge of thirst. 

He had advanced to kissing me now, as I stretched my neck up to give him easier access.  I mumbled a few inaudible things as he returned the taunting behavior.  Wow, I don't think I was this mean to him?

I get tired of the teasing so I pull my neck away, take both of my hands to his cheeks, and pull his lips against mine.  They fit so perfectly together.  We both nibble on the other's lips for a short time before I push my tongue against them, asking for admittance.  He grants it as he opens his mouth slightly.  I slip my tongue in and let it adventure all around the still not familiar area.  He rubs his tongue against mine as my heart races and my crotch begins to throb.

Oh no.

Oh yes.

No no, I mean oh no.


NO!  Not here Louis!  Control yourself.

The throbbing fades as I try to keep my mind off of my quickly growing desire to rip the clothes off of his toned body and shove him against the wall as I slide my fingers down to his crotch and massage it, watching as his eyes beg for mercy, which would only grow my motivation and passion. 

I let my hands fall from his cheeks as my mouth does all of the work, smoothly sliding down to his crotch.  I notice that my hands hit something sooner than I thought they would.

He's hard.

Oh boy that's hot.

I feel a bump grow rapidly, sending a wave of panic through my system.  I guess if I really wanted it to go away, I would stop caressing his ever so growing length, and push myself away, but my body doesn't budge.  I know if I continue, I'll get to the point where I'm too far gone, but for some reason, that doesn't scare me anymore.  Instead, it intrigues me.

Maybe we should...

I suddenly feel Harry's lips pull away from mine.  I bring my hands back to my side and frown at him.

"That's enough.  We don't want to- I don't want you to um-"

"Yeah yeah, of course, thank you for... stopping it." I stutter, gulping halfway through my sentence.

My chest was lifting high up in the air and retracting back deep into my rib cage, my heart was racing, and I could feel electricity still spewing through my veins and bones. 

I think if Harry hadn't stopped it, my next move would've been tearing his clothes off.  Maybe I'm...ready.

Harry wipes his mouth with the back of his hand as I do the same.  Before we make our way out of the closet, we sit staring at each other.  I'm not sure what he was doing, but I was replaying the past 10 minutes in my mind in 3x speed, reliving every moment. 

We finally stand up and leave the closet, unfortunately the man that had been at the front desk, with the son who is a fan, walked past us right as we were leaving.


Why do I love it that he calls us Larry?

"How are you boys- wait..." He looks behind us at the supplies closet we had just left, "what were you boys doing?"

I watch as his eyebrows press together in confusion.  I gulp, I'm at a loss for words and I think Harry feels the same.

A smirk grows swiftly on his face as he puts the puzzle pieces together.  "You know my son always assumed that something was happening between you two.  I think most of your fans realized, even before you two did."

Harry and I look at each other, completely stunned.

"I hope you know, we're all here for you two." He smiles a beautifully comforting smile which immediately rests all of my nerves.

"Please don't, um, tell anyone about this.  We're still figuring out what we're going to do."

He nods as he pretends to zip his mouth and throws the key far away.  Right before he proceeds on his way, I catch a glimpse of his name tag, Antonio Davis.  I'll remember that.

"Do you think our fans will actually accept it?" Harry turns to me after Antonio had left.

"Hazza, we have the best fanbase in the world.  If they can accept Zayn's relationship with his hair, Liam's relationship with spoons, and Niall's relationship with food, I think they can handle our relationship.  It's not nearly as complicated."  I giggle and Harry does too.

We walk hand in hand out of the entertainment complex and make our way back to the car.  We keep our hands laced together the whole ride home, with me giving him occasional fondling glances.

Once we're back at home, we're both pretty tired and decide to put on a movie, which pretty much means we'll put on some white noise and fall asleep in each other's arms.

That's exactly what we do.  The second my head lays upon his chest, I fall right asleep.  No worries clouding my mind, no anxiety keeping me up, just me and Harry, sharing yet another beautiful moment together.



Of course this question was going to come since the last chapter I asked about Harry...

Favorite Louis era??

Mine is 2012 and closely followed by Peeky Blinders haircut/X-Factor judge Louis!!

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