The princess with mysteries :...

By BabyofSun

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Today is the best day of my life. Finally I will be married to the person who truly loves me. From this long... More

Book Trailer
Book Dedication
Rest Of The Chaps


2.7K 411 728
By BabyofSun

The covers are made by Khushworld1234

The chapter is dedicated to her

Agnishikha's pov

"wait Rajkumari where are you going without answering my question?"

Oh god why is he behind my veil?

"Maharaja I don't think it's an important thing to discuss. I don't want my face to be revealed, that's why I'm hiding it. I hope this reason is enough." I told him in a strong voice that leave no place for argument

"strong and bold enough I see. Yes you don't want to reveal your face that's perfectly fine and enough reason. But the reason given behind it is not. Anyway, Maharaja I would like to have a tour of the Palace after some rest. After all, I have heard a lot of things about the Palace." maharaja Devdutt said giving a hint that he didn't buyed the reason of my ugly face to hide my face

" sure maharaja Yuvraj Agniv will show you around." maharaja said

" Maharaja if you don't mind then I will like to take The princesses with me. After all a woman knows her home better than the man. And I assure you no harm will be caused to the princesses or anything. "maharaja Devdutt said

Why does he want to take us with him? Isn't it inappropriate?

" Yes sure we will love to show you around. "Chitrangada chirped

Oh god she is behaving like a desperate girl now. A princess should never forget her limitations because she carries a kingdom's image with her.

Her image tarnished means her kingdom's image is also Tarnished.

" maharaja Devdutt ap hamare atithi hai hum apki Icha ka maan rakhenge parantu dhyan rakhe ki hamari behene ish rajya ka Maan hai unpar daag hum bardasth nahi karenge. (King Devdutt you're our guest and we will surely fulfil your request but my sisters are this kingdoms respect and we won't tolerate any kind of damage on it " Yuvraj said sternly

Though maharaja Devdutt has the upper hand here because they need this treaty to be signed at any cost still he is threatening him for his sisters that doesn't include me obviously.

" hum ek raja hai Yuvraj chinta na kare humein gyat hai ki kya karna hai. (I'm a king Crown prince don't worry about it I know what to do)" maharaja Devdutt said

"Agnishikha ,behave properly around him. Don't let our reputation tarnish in any way." maharani ji said quietly and I only nodded

"Now I have to give him a tour as well so great work." Shubhadrangi snickered beside me and I elbow her to shut her up

"what?" she whisper yelled rubbing the place where I elbowed her

"behave like a princess Shubhadrangi. Don't forget that it's important for this kingdom." I told her and she nodded

"You should rest now Maharaja Devdutt. You Did a long journey" maharaja said

Yuvraj escorted him towards the guest Chambers.

"Rajkumari Agnishikha and Rajkumari Chitrangada and Rajkumari Shubhadrangi. I hope you 3 are well aware of the reason behind this treaty. Our Kingdom needs his help very much and I hope you won't pull any stunt that makes us feel ashamed. Be in your best behaviour and make sure that Maharaja Devdutt doesn't know the hidden things of this Palace, am I clear? " Maharaja said and we 3 nodded our head in understanding

The last part was for me. I know that. What does he think that I will tell everything to Maharaja Devdutt?

And what will I get from that?

" Now you 3 can leave. "He said and we again nodded

We left and again chitrangada ordered me to get her ready once again. She is really working hard to impress maharaja Devdutt.

I got her ready and then went back to my room.

I need to make myself look presentable as well.

I am not bothered about my face. It definitely isn't going to come in front of anyone but I have to take care of  my clothes.

I changed my clothes and took some rest till Maharaja Devdutt was here. I'm free from my daily chores.

Few hours later a maid came to inform me that now we are summoned to go and join Maharaja and give him a tour.

Well that's going to be a tiresome work because this Palace is huge.

It's one of the biggest Palaces in the whole akhanda bhumi. (an imaginary country that is divided in kingdoms.)

This Palace is worth seeing
I again changed in my princess clothes and covered my face properly before going out.

I found my sisters waiting for me so we can meet maharaj together.

"so your highness got time to grace us with her presence?" Chitrangada taunted

"Chitra, she is a princess and our elder sister as well so give her the respect she deserves" Shubhadrangi said

"yeah a namesake princess who is my maid and a bad omen who killed her mother after birth only. Sure I should respect her." Chitrangada said and it hurt me again

No matter how many times I say that it doesn't hurt but it does. Every single time it does.

" we should get going, we should not make the maharaja wait any longer. "I told her to avoid this topic further

" Yes that we should do. "she said and we three go inside the announcement is already done that we are coming in his chamber

"maharaja are you ready for the tour?" Chitrangada asked over sweetly

"I can't believe she is my twin sister. I mean really I just want to vomit hearing her cringy voice. Can't she behave properly?" Shubhadrangi snickered

"Shubhadrangi, she is your sister isn't she? Then why are you saying these things to her? Yes she is a bit… Desperate but she is just 15 right. And you're also 15 so don't worry about her she will be ok." I told her

"Didisa stop seeing good in everything." she said

"Rajkumari any problems?" our conversation got interrupted by Maharaja Devdutt who is looking amused

Did we just ignore him in our talk? God! I looked at Shubhadrangi who had the same look on her face.

"no Maharaja no problem. We were just discussing some things. We apologise for that. Please come with us, let's start the tour." I told him and he nodded

I found chitrangada glaring at me and I sighed it's nothing new.

Chitrangada only talks and shows him around while me and Shubhadrangi are silently following them.

Suddenly Shubhadrangi sat down screaming.

" Ahh! My leg oh god I twisted my ankle." she started to cry but its fake

"What happened to you Rajkumari Shubhadrangi? Are you OK?" maharaja Devdutt asked

"What happened to you Shubhadrangi?" I asked her

"I mistakenly twisted my ankle and now it's hurting badly. I don't think I can continue this tour. Pardon Me for that maharaja." She said but I know she is not hurt

"don't apologise for this Rajkumari. You don't have to worry about it." maharaja Devdutt said

"Chitra come help me to get up." she said and chitrangada scoffed

"Why Me? Dasi (maid) can't you see rajkumari is hurt? Help her." She ordered the maids who are standing behind us

"no! You come and help me. I'm your sister chitra help me." she said

"let me help you." I told her

"no Didisa you go and show maharaja around I will take chitra with me." she said and I now understand why this all drama

She wants to take Chitrangada away from here.

"why me? Take ag...Didisa with you." Chitrangada opposed as I thought she will

"Chitrangada when I'm saying that Come with me then come with me and help me end of the discussion. Don't forget I'm the elder one among us." Shubhadrangi said with authority

She can play this elder sister role sometimes very well.

"I think you should help your sister when she is asking you to do so." maharaja Devdutt said observing the drama

"yeah." Chitrangada said and half heartedly and helped Shubhadrangi to get up and take her to her room

Two dasis follow them up.

"we should resume our tour." I told him and he nodded

"Rajkumari what do you like to do? I mean your hobby?" he asked suddenly

He wasn't this talkative with chitrangada.

"I like cooking, gardening, reading, sword fighting. And yes sometimes writing some poetry As well. What about you?" I asked him and bite my tongue

I'm not supposed to ask him this.

"wow you like a lot of things, I don't have any hobbies because I don't get time to do anything else except my official work. Being a king at the age of 23 is surely not easy as it seems. But yes I paint sometimes and everytime I only paint one face. An unknown face. I don't know if she exists or not but I only paint her even though I have a small portrait with me that I take everywhere I go in a hope if I could find the girl somewhere"He said

" that's nice I hope you find her soon" I told him

What else can I say?

After this we fell in silence.

" Rajkumari how old are you and your sisters? "he asked me suddenly

" 18, maharaja. And my sisters are 15 "I replied him

" hmm do you want to see the picture I draw? "he asked

" yeah sure. "I told him and corrected my veil as it was getting up

Maybe it's the longest I talk with anyone except Shubhadrangi.

" then see. "He took out a rolled paper from his waistband and give me to see

I opened it and gasped in shock looking at it. How is it possible? How can he draw this?


Highly disappointed with the response 😞😞😞

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