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By Apple-Crispy

3.1K 106 32

"How many men does it take to dig a hole?" "(Y/n), don't you dare finish that sentence-" "no no, it's okay, j... More

- Prologue -
- 1: Coffee breaks -
- 2: Day One Burn -

- Bio -

707 20 10
By Apple-Crispy

(Y/n) (L/n), but keeps his last name as a 'private' issue due to his bounty and instead will go by (Y/n) (F/L/N)<fake last name>, his last name is from his mother's side and original name picked by the caretakers in the orphanage.


Half (insert nationality), and half Slavic from his mother's side

Languages spoken:
English (Fluent)
Russian (Fluent, rasputin)

Legends Name & meaning:
Echelon- means of 'higher rank' or 'upper level' in terms of groups, but in the military is used as both a formation and a organization also known as 'the 5 eyes'

Legend Abilities:
(Y/n) can 'lock' and 'unlock' respawn beacons, survey beacons, supply drops, and Loba's black market. He placed a small device that clings onto the objects and jams it from being opened on the first go, it takes about 10 seconds to pull the jammer off, which will alert (Y/n) of your location for 5 seconds on his map.

A deployable camera and trip wire can be placed around the map, and if either are triggered can tell (Y/n) their location and will slow them down with a stun grenade, shocking them still for 3 seconds right after triggering the trap. (6 traps at max)

By activating his ultimate, (Y/n) will slam his hands down on the floor, causing bolts of sudden light to burst, blinding and disorienting opponents who were moving at that moment.

(Y/n) is rather brash and brutal, he and Octane are like peas in a pod when stashed together for a match.

He's loud, straightforward, rude and rather violent. He doesn't like to keep his thoughts to himself and will make sarcastic comments to emphasize his dislikes, or will blatantly mention it.

His humor is very vulgar and dark, laughing at some of the darker jokes in the games.

Unlike Mirage, he isn't a fan for the spotlight really and will usually try to escape the fan signings or interviews and will be more upfront on things. He doesn't like to stutter or repeat himself, but won't clear anything up if  he's asked to.

(Y/n) was a foster child since birth, jumping from home to home in a matter of weeks. His birth parents couldn't abort him in time, so instead he was placed into an orphanage to be raised and hopefully adopted at some point. At the age of 10 he was finally tooken in, but for the wrong reason.

The couple that adopted him sold him off to the mafia they were working in, (Y/n) was to be raised as a hitman and thief for them and grow up that way. He was trained by previous military men and women, by the bigger chiefs themselves, locksmiths, and many more in the sake or creating a weapon at their disposal.

They distorted his depiction on reality, telling him tales over the wrong things to teach him that what he would be doing was 'right' for them. (Y/n) believed them, that his acts were done for the sake of them, so they could survive.

At the age of 16 the headquarters was pinpointed by the police and other high elites, it was under attacked as many died or were arrested. (Y/n) was able to sneak away and started his own life, he learnt the hard way that what he was doing was wrong after murdering a small family for their home so he could stay the night. But there was no way to dig himself out of the hole he had dug with bone and nail, he'd need to suck it up or end it all.

He continued on his previous line of work in the black market, targeting and murdering people for money, drugs, artifacts, technology, and much more. As he became more well known in the underground, the offers grew. By the age of 22 he had already killed almost 13 important government figures, 7 lawyers, 4 other mafia gangs, 12 families, sold over hundreds in drugs and technology, destroyed & stolen many chemicals and cures, and the offers kept coming. Soon enough, he was hired to kill 2 small CEO's of weapon and technology businesses.

He killed them with no failures, and was rewarded as planned. Offered a new mission by the same person, he killed the CEO's daughter of Hammond Robotics, that caused up a bit of a stir.

He kept his work up like that, slowly ascending the difficulty of the missions, at the age of 26 he killed 2 top-knotch military generals. He then though was caught on by the guards, they couldn't identify his face, but the person who hired (Y/n) gave away his last name to them. He killed the man before any more information leaked and went into hiding, he wondered around as the goverment seemed to be right on his tail, following him on how he used his money, who he called from his phone, when he checked into hotels, when he used the internet, but no matter what (Y/n) did they only seemed to catch up on him.

That is until he was able to sneak into the Apex Games as a participant.

He took refuge under the blood sport when he learnt that the 'Apex Champions' could get almost any will or reward given to him. The 'legends' themselves were classified to the people outside of the games, meaning no goverment, no gang, no hackers could reach them. They were untouchable, exactly what (Y/n) wanted.

Love interests:
Bangalore (Anita Williams)
Lifeline (Ajay Che)
Wraith (Renee)
Mirage (Elliott Witt)
Crypto (Tae-joon Park)
Rampart (Ramya _)
Wattson (Natalie Paquette)
Octane (Octavio Silva)

//more to be added

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