You Like Me?! | ✓

By stillclo

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"So, let me get this straight," I looked at him weirdly, raising my hands slightly in exclamation. "You like... More

Author's note
Character Aesthetics
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289 10 0
By stillclo

Grayson's Point of View

"How about you girls join us for coffee for a little while?" My Dad offered to join them. "You do drink coffee, right?"

"No. It's okay, Mr. Martins." Maureen tried to turn the offer down.

Lauren was looking at Maureen with a knowing look that she wants to go drink coffee. She's well known for her obsession for coffee.

"We would love to go for coffee, Mr. Martins." Lauren chimed in.

"Please, don't call me Mr. Martins. It makes me sound so old. Just call me Garner." My Dad answered.

"You are old, Dad." I remarked which got me a playful glare from him. I smiled sheepishly at him.

"It's on us." My mom said, ribbing my dad in the process.

When we got to the usual cafe my parents always go, we ordered the usual things we would always get whenever we got here. I got my Iced coffee and a slice of chocolate cake.

"Thank you." I heard Maureen say when she got her big mug of tea and a few peanut butter cookies to go with it. She dropped a couple cubes of sugar before mixing her drink. Lauren had also ordered Iced coffee like I did. Mom insisted on buying her a slice of cheesecake which she gladly took. The twins each had a mug of hot chocolate and their favorite chocolate chip cookies.

"How's school been?" My dad asked us while sipping his brewed coffee, sitting beside mom.

"It's great. Just been preparing for the game next week." I answered.

"What about you guys?" My mom asked them while wiping cookie crumbs off Gabe's mouth.

"Uh, I'm part of the yearbook committee, so I'm preparing the cameras for the following events coming this week. Regarding the academics...there's so much homework and projects piling up that has to be passed next week." Lauren said.

"Been busy here and there. I've been decorating the gymnasium for the dance this Friday." Maureen said with a smile. "It's going good."

"That's great. I didn't know you were a little interior designer and an event planner," My mom complimented her. My mom was also a famous interior designer a couple years ago but decided to take a break and just focus on taking care of us, and also because dad was already super busy with all the other family business, the Airline and the shipping company, while also running the school. But Dad doesn't really involve himself in running the school, it's usually my Aunt Germaine runs it alongside running the bake shop my grandma owns. Dad usually only shows up when there is a special occasion in school, like founder's day.

"Not really. I just make sure that everything is going smoothly with planning for a major occasion for school. I ask the other members for their opinions and ideas for the event and try to incorporate it in our theme and try to make it more fun and memorable for the whole school." She explained, holding her mug in both of her hands.

After an hour, Maureen and Lauren excused themselves because they need to go home and said they had a wonderful time hanging out with us.

"You should join us for dinner sometimes," Mom got up from her seat to give them a short hug.

Dinner? I mean I don't mind if we go for dinner sometime, I would love that, but I don't know about them.

"We'll have to do a rain check, but we would love to join you for dinner sometimes." Maureen returned the hug.

Shortly after they left, we also went home, carrying Gabe on the way to the car because he said he was getting sleepy and also Ellie was carried by dad, passed out in his arms.

"You looked like a love sick puppy, son." Dad suddenly said.

"W-what?" I choked out. Love sick puppy? What does he mean by that?

"The way you admired and looked at Maureen." He told me in an obvious tone. "You had this smile in your face that is different from the other looks you have and you keep staring at her . You like her, don't you?"

Do I like her? Yes, as a friend. But something more? Maybe. I just want to be around her and see her smile and I like making her laugh and I get this weird feeling inside my stomach. Why am I sounding like a girl from middle school falling head over heels.

Okay, I do like her.

Maybe more than like her.

I've been having this warm feeling about her since the last couple months of Junior year. You know the feeling when you're starting to like someone and you don't have any clue what to do about it. There's something about her that I have quite noticed about her that I didn't see before.

"I'll let you figure it out on your own, buddy." My dad chuckled, patting me on my shoulder. "But don't think about it too much or your head will explode and I'll have to ask your Uncle Gilbert to do your surgery, and you know he doesn't make any exception in giving a discount, even to his own brother." He joked.

"Geez, thanks, dad." I rolled my eyes, sounding sarcastic. "I'm sure Uncle Gilbert will kick your ass for making your own child blow up his mind."

"Hey!" He was about to give me a light punch but I called out mom.

"Mom, look!" I ran beside Mom. "Dad's being a huge jerk."

"Garner," She warned.


"Merry Christmas!" Someone shouted behind me. I looked over behind me to see Maureen and Janette was standing behind me. I was outside beside the cafeteria since I had free period and I had some homework I have yet to finish.

They quickly went to sit in front of me, smiling wickedly for some reason.

It was only the second day of September, and they're already talking about Christmas.

"Uh...Merry Christmas?" I greeted them back, but it sounded more like a question.

They just laughed at me.

"What are you doing?" Janette asked me, eyeing my homework that I was doing.

"Doing my English Literature homework," I sighed out. I might be great in other subjects like Science and Physical Education, but I hate Literature.

To hell with Romeo and Juliet.

"Oh-kay." She looked at wrist watch and a panicked look on her face appeared. "Bushyett!! I have Calculus in three minutes! MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" She shouted before getting up hurriedly.

Maureen and I just laughed.

"Don't you have a class?" I asked her, tapping my pen against the table. "And what's the deal with this whole 'Merry Christmas' thing?"

"I have a class before lunch, so for now it's a break time for me." She crossed her arms on the table. "And the whole 'Merry Christmas' thing is it's already the holidays. It's the -ber months already. I even started on my Christmas wish list yesterday during Math class because I've got nothing better to do than listening to the teacher mumbling about those numbers." She laughed a little.

"I still don't understand," I questioned.

"You know, since we're Filipinos and we tend to have the longest Christmas celebration on earth, from the first day of September until the first or second week of January. If I were there right now I bet there would be so many Parols or Christmas Lanterns in the street by now and the malls will be already filled with Christmas decorations and playing Christmas songs." She said with a very excited tone. "Then the Christmas break will be at least three weeks long. So my cousins are very lucky they get to have three weeks and a couple days off from school. But I think we have the same duration of Christmas break with them, it's just that their break starts earlier than ours."

"Well, it seems exciting to celebrate Christmas in that way."

"I know right." She exclaimed. She looked over the homework that I was supposed to be doing. "You still haven't finished doing your English Lit homework." She said in disbelief. "Wasn't that given last week."

"Not everyone is as good in Literature as you are," I said, giving her a tight smile afterwards.

"Thanks. Now, don't mind me and just do your homework," She airily waved at me to continue back on what I was doing.

I tried to focus on what I was doing but she was just watching me like a hawk or something. I just feel self-conscious when somebody is looking at me when I'm writing something down. "Mau, could you not look at me when I'm writing down my answers?"

"Why? You think I would copy your answers." She let out a chortle. "Honestly, that's really absurd. I already passed mine this early morning. I was just reading what you're writing." She casually picked up my book that our teacher lent us for our reading homework.

I looked back at my paper to read the next comprehension question.

What have you learned from the story?

"Nothing. I've learned nothing from the story." I thought.

"Did you even read the story or what? Or did you even do research?" I didn't realize that I spaced out a little then finding out Maureen had gotten my paper and examined the things I answered. "Really? What are the important happenings from the story? List down at least three. When the protagonist met each other at the party," She read my answers with a contempt look on her face.

I dropped my head on the table, resting my head against it.

"Give me your pen," She took my pen out of my grasp and started writing something on a piece of paper.

I looked up and sat properly. She quickly scribbled words and gave it to me back.

"There." She handed me the paper and my pen back.

I looked at the paper and there was a list of answers for each question. I was shocked she just gave me the answers just like that.

"Don't be so shocked. There are more than one answer for each question, so the teacher wouldn't be too suspicious with your answers. Just add some additional words there to make it a complete sentence." She said it with ease, like it was the most natural thing to do.

I quickly wrote it down on the paper, not forgetting to thank her for this. Then, I suddenly remembered that my mom kept pestering me about having Maureen over for dinner. "By the way, mom wants to know when you're free."

She wrinkled her nose. "What?"

"For dinner."

"We've only met a couple days ago, Grayson, and she wants me to have dinner with you guys. What if I suddenly became a serial killer inside your home?" She said.

"I don't know." I shrugged. "Something about you having a great potential in life and how you are as a person."

"Weird, but flattering. I still don't know." She replied. "How can she say that when we only met once."

It was true. Mom keeps on talking about her, as well as my darling father. I can't help rolling my eyes at that thought.

"Why are you doubting yourself?" I asked, looking at her.

I think she does have great potential and a lovely personality that is something you can't find in a person nowadays. She has this soft side of her and a badass personality in her. She has a wide and colorful imagination. She finds happiness in every little thing, even as little as a happening from her book that she read.Her cute little expressions she makes. The smile that I look forward to every single day because it makes me smile also from seeing her happy. That smile would appear in my dreams sometimes.


Am I falling for her? Well if I am... I don't mind at all. Love is all about risks, right? It's just I wish she would feel the same.


"Girls take fifteen days to fall in love but it takes 8.2 seconds for boys." I can hear Maureen talking. "I mean.....for us it is like, I like him, and then eww no he's just a boy, and then oh my gosh why does he look hot today, but then the next day, gross he got a ugly haircut and then he put hair wax or hair gel in and you're like shit... I think I'm going to marry him." They were all huddled and laughing a few tables away from ours. And yet their voices are still audible from here.

It was already lunch time right now. I'd already passed my Literature homework a while ago, Thank goodness. I really don't like anything related to Literature, it's too time consuming and boring, unlike Science and Sports that's where the fun is.

"And when a guy likes someone he will automatically look them in the eye while a girl does the opposite, they avoid every eye contact. Well, isn't this cute? When two lovers look at each other's eyes, their heart beats synchronize. " Maureen gushed over the fact.

"Oof! Ouch! But it's true."

I looked over to see what happened but was disappointed when it was all nothing.

"Attempting to be friends with someone you love may cause insomnia, depression and low self-esteem." She read out loud. " Aww! If they appear in your dreams it means they miss you! So, does that mean he misses me?" She exclaimed.

What does she mean by he? And who is he? Is it someone I might know, because I know a lot of people around the school, even people from other schools I know a few people. What does this guy have that I don't?

I didn't notice that I was staring at her until I felt a nudge on my shoulder. I looked over to who it was, and it was Matt.

He gave me a smirk. "Who are you staring at? Your crush?"

Caleb and Blake tried stifling a laugh.

I raised them a middle finger. "Fuck you,"

"Gross, man! Sorry, but I don't hit on guys. I'm straight as a ruler."

Lunch rolled around like a blur and I found myself walking around the halls during class hours because I didn't feel like going to class, not that we had a teacher anyway. It was only a substitute who asked us to read our text books because we will have a test in a few days. I was walking near the music room when I heard somebody playing the piano. I decided to check who it was so I took a small peek through the door. Sitting there inside was Maureen playing different chords on the piano trying to make a tune out of it. She then started singing.

Run me in circles

Like you always do

Mess with me on purpose

So I'll hang onto you

I know what you mean when you act like that

You don't know it's breaking my heart

Said that it was just never gonna happen

Then almost kissed me in the dark

Every time we talk it just hurts so bad

'Cause I don't even know what we are

I don't even know where to start

But I can play the part

We say we're friends

But I'm catching you across the room

It makes no sense

'Cause we're fighting over what we do

And there's no way

That I'll end up being with you

But friends don't look at friends that way

Friends don't look at friends that way

When she finished the song, she stared into space for a second and looked at her phone before running away out of the room exiting the other door saying something in between the lines that she was late for her next class. I watched her run across the hallway then to the left.

I was left flabbergasted.


Staring at my bedroom ceiling, thinking so many thoughts running through my head and it's already past midnight and I'm still awake, unable to sleep, not even a wink.

I can't stop thinking about a certain brown-eyed girl.

I reached out for my phone on the top of my night stand and decided to scroll through my social media that would maybe do the trick. I opened my Instagram and when it directly opened to the home page and on top was Maureen's profile next to mine. I checked her story and she was posting screenshots of parts from a story. I can't really understand most of it because it's written in the language that she can only understand and then she posted another story of her ceiling and captioned "I'm still awake.", she posted it a few seconds ago.

I replied to her story.

gray_21: Go to bed...

phelia: Nahh...

phelia: I'm getting married.

gray_21: What the fuck???!!!

gray_21: You're not actually serious

phelia: I found my potential future husband to be

phelia: Oh and I'm dead serious

gray_21: Do you need to go to the mental hospital? Because I will be happy to drive you there


phelia: Yeah, I'm serious he's a pilot and his family owns an airline AKJADJFFDFHKF

phelia: Did I mention he's part French AJFJEHFGGEIDN

It's like she's talking about me. I mean, my dad runs a successful airline. I'm going to be the next person who is going to be running it in the next couple years after training. Since I'll be taking business related courses for college and at the same time taking flying classes like my dad did when my grandpa was still the one running the company. Dad didn't really force me if I didn't want to run the company, but I was actually interested in learning more about it. And my family name actually has a French background. My Grandparents moved from France to the States a few months after they got married and had a family here. They also moved here to pursue their many businesses. They would also spend a good amount of their lives in France, too.

gray_21: Are you talking about me??

gray_21: I'm flattered that I will be your future husband

gray_21: But don't you think it's a little too early to be planning our wedding?

phelia: Wait chile-

phelia: Ok, forget that I said that to you. It's kinda similar to your background. You might think I'm in love with you WHICH I'M NOT!

phelia: And eww, I'm not going to marry you like ever

gray_21: I'm sure I can change your mind, it's not too bad to be in love with me

phelia: Nahh I would rather die alone, thanks for the offer though

gray_21: Aww, I was actually really looking forward to tying the knot with you soon

phelia: What the heck? We're not even dating

gray_21: So are you implying something here hmm...

gray_21: I guess we can do something about that this weekend

phelia: look at the time it is almost one in the morning I need to go to sleep

phelia: Bye, good night/morning!!

gray_21: bye. good night/morning don't dream of me too much

phelia: Don't you think that's the other way around

gray_21: Maybe...

phelia: We school in few hours, Gray, I wanna sleep now

phelia: Babush!!!

gray_21: Bye, I'll see u later in school...xx

I sighed, a small smile forming on my face as I closed my phone and put it down beside me. I close my eyes feeling the sleepiness take over me.

Maybe, I'll ask her out someday.

Wednesday night came quick and it was game night, I was just warming up for the upcoming game. Matt and I were throwing each other the ball, catching it but then I might have accidentally thrown the ball a little too far that I've hit someone in the head.

"Shit! Maureen, I'm so sorry. It was totally my fault. I didn't see where I was throwing the ball." I was kneeling down on the ground, holding her head. "Matt, can you get me some ice? Quick!"

I made her stand up and made her sit in the bleachers getting her head checked.

"You're dead." She seriously said that to me.


"Maureen, I understand that you like being sweet to each other with your boyfriend but not right now, maybe later. So, could you do that later. Kids these days." Mr. Dowell said before returning to his discussion. I was silently laughing in my seat while Maureen had a look of disbelief and a horrified look on her face. She suddenly whipped her head in my way and gave me a deadly glare that would probably send me six feet down if looks can kill.

"You really look cute when you're all angry and flustered." I said, staring in her chocolate brown eyes.

I could stare at these pairs of eyes for a long time and not get bored but instead be mesmerized.

I gave her a quick peck on her forehead before letting go of her face gently. Leaving her alone and letting what happened sink in her head.

I really need to chill for a moment because I'm being too obvious and I don't wanna make her run off because of me being all too mushy to her without any label other than being friends. If I ever push her too much she instantly takes a step back and will actually avoid me for life and we'll have awkward conversations. I just don't want to destroy whatever we have at the moment.

Whatever it is, what we have.

"Do you wanna date?" She straight up asked me that question.

I looked at her and she sounded serious about this. Her hands were behind her and she had this smile on her face that beams off happiness at you.

I was left speechless. I stared at her like an idiot,and did not say anything but just stood there clueless on what I had to say.

But I did answer something.

I managed to sound it out.

"Yes, I would love to-" I started but she quickly jumped in to what I was saying.

"Great! I'm sure you'll love these. These dates were shipped from the Middle East, well my dad said it was from the countries of the Middle East, but I hope you enjoy these wonderful, dried, healthy and organic dates. HAPPY EATING!" She threw a zip lock bag at me that was filled with dried dates.

She was talking about the fruit dates! I thought the kind of date that she was talking about was the two of us hanging out and having fun because we like each other.

"Bye!" She threw a flying kiss at me before skipping away back to her locker's direction.

What the heck?!

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