Lola Tyler - Doctor Who Fanfi...

By prudencejohanna

13.3K 292 47

Have you ever imagined that Rose Tyler had a sister who was 17 and Jackie was pregnate with her when Rose's f... More

Rose - Part 1
Rose - Part 3
Rose - Part 4
The End of the World - Part 1
The End of the World - Part 2
The End of the World - Part 3
The End of the World - Part 4
The Unquiet Dead - Part 1

Rose - Part 2

1.4K 30 3
By prudencejohanna

Dear Diary

Today has been thrilling. Firstly, Rose and I saved the world. Secondly I met an Alien. Thridly I learned some thing new about my sister and Fourthly I get to go traviling through space and Time

See you after my next adventure

Lola T

- 7:00 am in the morning-

The next morning I got up and put on a red tank top with light grey skinney jeans. Then went down stairs like nothing happened last night, it could of been a dream I thought to my self as I went out to the kitchen. I heard Rose talking to mum.

"Mum, you're such a liar. I told you to nail that cat flap down! We're going to get strays." Rose told mum as she drank her tea. She went to check it out.

 "I did it weeks back!" mum told her walking back to her bedroom.

"Oh hi, Lola how are you feeling" mum asked me.

"Fine why" I asked, please let what happened last night be a dream, please let what happened last night be a dream, I chanted to myself.

"Well you know what happened last night" she told me suspiously.

"Oh" I continued on to the kitchen where I got the ingredents for tea out. I heard Rose open the door and a male voice asked.

"What're you doing here?"

"I live here." Rose told him confused

"Well, what do you do that for?" He asked confused.

"Because I do. I'm only at home because someone blew up my job." She hissed at him.

"Rose who is it" I asked as I walked to the door.

"What are you doing here" I hissed at him

"Must have got the wrong signal." The strange man whose name I didn't know stated.

"You're not both plastic are you?" He asked knoking Roses head.

"Nope. Bonehead. Bye then." The man told us smiling.

"You, inside, now." Rose said angrily and dragged him inside.

"Who is it?" Jackie called.

I moved out of the way as Rose draged the man towards the living room.

"It's about last night. They're part of the inquiry. Give us ten minutes." Rose told mum, as she walked into the living room.

"They both deserve compensation." mum told him.

"Oh, I'm talking millions." he told her.

"I'm in my dressing gown." Jackie stated.

"Yes, you are." The weird man agreed.

"There's a strange man in my bedroom." Jackie added.

"Oh no" I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to know what was going to happen.

"Yes, there is." He nodded.

"Well, anything could happen." Jackie smirked, looking down at her dressed in a silk dressing gown.

"No." He told her, I draged him the rest of the way into the living room.

"Don't mind the mess. Coffee?" Rose asked

"Might as well, thanks. Just milk." The Doctor nodded.

"We should go to the police. Seriously. All three of us." Rose said from in her kitchen.

"They said on the news they'd found a body." Rose added.

He picked up a letter "Rose Tyler." He read out loud.

"Anyway, if we are going to the police, I want to know what I'm saying." Rose added. "I want you to explain everything."

"What's that, then? You got a cat?" The man asked asked.

"No" I answered and walked into the kitchen to help Rose.

"We did have, but now they're just strays. They come in off the estate Though I always wanted one but mum wouldn't let me." I said sadly and walked back into the lounge room. The man was getting strangled the hand. I gasped and tried to help him.

"I told Mickey to chuck that out. You're all the same. Give a man a plastic hand." She rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I don't even know your name. Doctor, what was it?" She asked not noticing what was happening. Then the hand flew across the room and latched onto Roses face.

"Rose" I yelled.

The Doctor and I ran across the room to try to get it of Rose but it wouldn't budge. Once we got it of I fell into the glass table from pulling it to hard and it shattered. Then it went a bit blury the Doctor shined the silver stick with the blue end on it. The fingers stopped flexing and the thing stayed still.

"It's all right. I've stopped it. There you go, see? Armless." The Doctor grinned at it.

He helped me up then walked towards the door, Rose and I followed

"Hold on a minute. You can't just go swanning off." Rose yelled at him

"Yes we can. Here we are. This is me, swanning off." The Doctor said still walking.

"But that arm was moving. It tried to kill me." Rose insisted, as we walked outside the block of flats.

"Ten out of ten for observation." The doctor told Rose.

"You can't just walk away. That's not fair. You've got to tell us what's going on." I said.

"No, I don't." The Doctor told me still walking, he turning around to look at us.

"All right, then. I'll go to the police. I'll tell everyone. You said, if I did that, I'd get people killed." Rose said smartly.

"Rose" I complained, she hushed me.

"Who are you?" Rose demanded.

"Rose" I said again

"I told you my names the Doctor." The Doctor said.

"Doctor what?" Rose demanded.

"Just the Doctor" he told us.

"The Doctor." Rose stated, not believeing him.

"Hello!" The Doctor said cheerfuly.

"Is that supposed to sound impressive?" I asked him.

He shruged " Go on then tell the police and get all those people killed" he told us.

"Okay. Start from the beginning. I mean, if we're going to go with the living plastic, and I don't even believe that, but if we do, how do you kill it?" Rose asked.

"Rose you can't just kill it its living" I told her, they just ignored what I had just said.

"The thing controlling it projects life into the arm. I cut off the signal, dead." The Doctor explained.

"So that's Radio control?" Rose asked him.

"Thought control" I corrected her  "are you kidding Rose you have gone all alien retro"

"Correct for the human thought control, by the way are you all right?" The Doctor asked Rose conserned. "Yeah." She nodded. "So who's controlling it?"

"Long story." The doctor said "But what's it all for? I mean, shop window dummies, what's that about? Is someone going to take over Britain's shops?" Rose asked, I laughed

"No." He said.

"No." Rose laughed along.

"It's not a price war." The Doctor said

"They want to overthrow the human race and destroy you. Do you believe me?" The doctor said.

"No." Rose said.

"Yes" I said at the same time as Rose. She looked at me and repeated "no"

"But you're still listening." The doctor said

"Really, though. Tell me, who are you?" Rose asked

"Do you know like when I was saying the Earth revolves around me? It's like when you were little. The first time they tell you the world's revolving and you just can't quite believe it because everything looks like its standing still. I can feel it. The turn of the Earth." The Doctor told us

"The ground beneath our feet is spinning at a thousand miles an hour, and the entire planet is hurting around the sun at sixty seven thousand miles an hour, and I can feel it. We're falling through space, clinging to the skin of this tiny little world, and if we let go…" the doctor snaped out of the day dream "That's who we are."

"Now go home, Rose Tyler, Lola . Go home." The Doctor concluded and walked across towards the park where there was a blue telephone box.

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