The Truth Behind The Lies {Na...

By MidnightGalxXx

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My name is Rima Hatake, so I guess you can tell who my father is, the copy cat nin Kakashi. As for my mother... More

The Truth Behind The Lies {Naruto Fan-Fiction}
The New Team & A Mission
Leaving Again.
You climb, I sleep
Great, another with identity issues
Going Home
My New Mission
Man, You're Observant.
Mini Gai challenges Uchiha, oh the joy.
The other rookies and Kabuto
Written Test, Excuse me while I Sleep.
A Letter From Home
Let the Second Exam Begin!
I'm twelve, I'll worry about boys when I'm sixteen
The End of the Second Exam
The Break
The not-a-date date.
I Didn't Mean It.
In the Jungle
I'll Miss You
Lord Hokage, I promise.
A mission for all
The New Allies
The Journey and Her Song
Not a chapter but important, please read!
Controlling Me
The First Attack
Sticky Situations
Memories *Filler*
Who Are You?
Give me a Reason
Beach Time
The Road Home
Team 7... anymore?
It All Becomes A Memory
Just something to say

Sprinkle some truth on me

12.6K 444 147
By MidnightGalxXx

Hi Everyone :)

As promised here is the next part of the story. 



Rima's p.o.v

Things died down after that. Though it appeared that in the ruckus of the wolves battling the gargoyles that Norio got away. Kakashi and the other sensei's searched for him but found nothing while the genin worked together to try and restore some of the destroyed town.

Well, most of the genin.

Sakura was too busy trailing after Sasuke and basically messing up anything he did. Ino was glowering at Sakura and spending too much time spouting nasty comments to do any work. Chouji wandered about searching for food, while Shikamaru ditched the work to go take a nap. A wrong word between Kiba and Naruto resulted in a fight between the two and the knocking down of a wall.

Then there was me.

I could not recall much of what happened the night before. I barely remembered finding Hinata at the graveyard. But what I did remember was my mother. Her lullaby. It resonated through my mind, burying deep in my bones and shocking my heart. Hunching over, I curled up more, memories splashing against my closed eyelids. Her. Her. That was all I saw. Her alive, smiling, laughing, getting kissed by dad. Then dead. Her bloody figure, wide unseeing eyes. Nothingness.

Tears hadn't stopped trailing down my cheeks since I'd returned to consciousness. Everything that had happened, Hinata had tried to explain. But she couldn't even make herself meet my eyes. A part of her, a big part, was scared of me. It made the pain I felt worse. Not long ago she said she felt safe around me but now...what had I done?

What's worse was that I'd been discarded into a room and locked there. No one entered to speak with me, not even my father. They kept their distance but I could see them through the window. When I had first woke and peered out, it was to meet the scowl of Sakura. She had been nice to me before but that look she now gave me. Dare I say, it bordered on disgust. Finally revealing her true colours, I thought.

Sighing heavily, I tilted my head back pressing it against the wall as I stared up at the ceiling. What had happened to me? What had I done to deserve this?

They fear you now.

Then there was that voice. It echoed through my mind constantly. My only companion. But he taunted me. I recalled his name. He had said he was the Dark. The Shadow. Takaya.

But why was he there? Where had he come from? How had I been stuck with him?

"I am not anyone's pets," I growled softly to the one before me. But it wasn't my voice that spoke. It was different. Darker. A mixture of mine and the one that spoke in my head.

The woman turned to me, her lips parting in a silent 'O' as the air between us solidified and bit into her skin. Her neck bled red as a line appeared across it and I was emotionless as more blood cascaded down her skin. The wind pushed further in, as sharp as any blade until it hit bone.

Her hands slipped from my face, her head fell back, the wound bare for all to see as her eyes stared lifelessly up to the dark sky. Pressing my hand to her chest, her blood kissed my skin as I unceremoniously shoved her back, letting her body hit the ground in an awkward angle.

Gasping, my hands pressed against my temples, fingers biting into my skin as pain erupted around my eyes. Dead. She was dead. Groaning, I bit down on my tongue, so hard that I could feel blood welling in my mouth. I'd killed her.

There was only one from the group who hadn't kept their distance from me. Though while the others were tasked to keep watch over me, one stationed at the door, another at the window. This person, chose to linger close by. He never spoke, just reclined by the window. He had an easy view to see me as I sat just to the side of the window, his eyes resting on my form from time to time. Gaara.

His hand rose from her shoulder and as gently as the emotionless boy could, he wiped away the tears that ran down my cheeks. I shivered at the touch, wide eyes blinked at him as my lips moved clumsily to form a word.

"Gaara," I breathed, slumping forward as all energy left me and he knelt, catching me and holding me against him as my eyes shut and I drifted back into unconsciousness.

Blushing slightly, my head turned to the side. Peering out the window I expected to see him there but he wasn't. Sighing, I turned away, I wanted to ask him what I'd done to have so much fear thrown at me.

They hate you now, brat.

Go away. Shaking my head, I clawed at my hair wanting to pull the torturing voice from my mind. I could feel him, a dark presence in the back of my head. Just waiting to take over and do something horrible once more. Why me? Why was I picked?

Why question now? You never cared before when you used your abilities. He scoffed and I could practically see him rolling his eyes. Those large amber glowing eyes.

"Those abilities come at a cost, don't they? The more you use them the more you'll feel it," he lowered his large head. His red eyes pinning mine in place and freezing my legs. I couldn't move.

"F-feel it?" my own voice trembled. What 'it' did he mean? There was a sudden pulling in my stomach and I hunched over feeling my mistresses call, but I didn't want to leave, I needed to know what he meant.

"Feel it within you," around us nervous growls kissed the air. Looking about I watched some of the wolves' edge away from us, their bodies were tense as they glanced from me to their Alpha. "You must not let it take over."

Alpha? He knew! Jerking up, I stumbled. The room spun around me and I fell against the wall waiting for the dizziness to pass. He could answer these question. He must!

Looking to the door, I knew I wouldn't be able to get out that way. It would lead me to where all the others where. So that left my only option as the window. Gnawing my lip I peeked out, peering through the glass to see who was on guard duty.

The person that stood then made me internally roll my eyes. Of course, it would have to be the Uchiha.

Glancing around the barren room, I scowled. There was nothing here to distract him with. Rolling my eyes, I gently pushed the window open freezing when it squeaked. But the dumb dude didn't notice.

Scoffing internally I made sure to conceal my chakra before clumsily climbing out of the window. My leg decided it didn't want to leave the room however as my foot caught on the sill and I swiftly greeted the dirt outside.

Smooth, brat.

Oh, go suck a toad, I thought back grimly. Still, the Uchiha didn't hear anything. Smirking I stood and glanced around. No one else here. Picking up a random branch that was conveniently next to me, I edged closer to the boy.

"Oi, Sas-gay?" I chirped grinning when he whirled around.

I had the pleasure of watching his eyes widen as the branch slammed against his head. It snapped in two, the broken piece falling to the ground as he too thumped to the earth. There was a slight moment of panic as I gawked down at him.

You killed him. There goes the Uchiha line. Smart move, brat.

"I didn't kill him, please his head harder than that, right?" I mumbled staring at his limp form. It took a moment but I noticed his chest rise and fall. Sighing with relief, I poked his cheek with the broken branch.

I knew the others would freak when they noticed him. Mainly some stupid girls. But still, it was his own fault. He was a rather shitty guard. Shaking my head, I knelt and smacked his cheek, making sure he wasn't going to wake up soon. When his head simply lolled to the side, I grinned and left the branch on his chest before walking off.


Wandering through the forest, I grumbled to myself. Was I lost? In all honesty, had I gotten fricking lost?!

You're such a bright child it astounds me, Takaya muttered sarcastically in my head and I was one comment away from bashing my head against a tree trunk. What the hell was his problem?! I hadn't ever heard from him before but now, now he wouldn't fecking shut up!

"Go choke on a pole," I snapped back aloud only to hear a disgruntled snort from behind.

Spinning around, I blinked at the lean wolf that sat on its hide legs. It had to be a female from her small body and she tilted her head watching me closely. There was silence between us as we both eyed each other up.

"Uh..yo?" I said stupidly waving my hand slightly at her. She snorted in return and rose to her paws before slinking past me. Taking it as an invitation to follow, I didn't care if it wasn't, I trailed after the silent wolf.

She led me to a familiar cave but she growled lowly when I charged past her into it. I raced to the end, feeling other wolves slide from the shadows and follow me. I didn't care. I was here. I needed answers from him. Now.

"Alpha!" I cried skidding to a halt in the large open.

He laid where he'd been before. His large frame taking up much of the room. His black fur adding to the darkness around me. Opening one eye, he looked to me lazily. The red orb piercing through mine. I could almost feel him analysing Takaya within him.

So this is what happened to him.

"I did not expect you back so soon, Rima. Takaya," Alpha murmured raising his large head. He looked down at me as I craned my head back to eye him.

"How do you know of Takaya? What is he really? Why is he with me? Tell me!" I barked out, sensing the other wolves' crowd into the area. They stuck close together, keeping a distance between me and them. The younger ones were shielded by the others. Shielded away from me. Why?

Above me the Alpha sighed heavily. "Sit down, Rima. This is a difficult tale to tell."

Doing as instructed I sat down, crossing my legs as my arms folded over my chest. Before me, the Alpha lowered his head once more back onto his paws. Both eyes open now, he eyed me for a few tense moment before speaking softly, "You have my power little one. Though it is not a gift. It is a curse."

Silence kissed me as I blinked. And blinked. What did he say? Power? Tilting my head at him, my nose scrunched up as I tried to digest his words. "How?"

"I have been bound here by powerful people," his words were not filled with hate, like they should have been. He sounded subdued, as if he'd given up on escaping. If he had been bound here, why was he not trying to break free, to kill the one who trapped him?


"I am tired, little one. I am tired of this dark world but I cannot leave it," He explained and I frowned at the large wolf before me. His words confused me. He was tired but couldn't die?

"Why can you not leave it?" I wondered feeling my curiosity spike against my wishes.

"I am a Daemon, little one," he said, his words darkening so much that I shivered feeling hate and loathing caress my skin like physical touches. Gasping, I inched back but the suffocating feeling only followed me. "I am the Shadows, the Light, the Night, the Day."

Was. He was those things, Takaya snorted in my mind and I jerked. He could see the memory also? He...could he see everything?

"I was those things," Alpha agreed and I made a strangled noise of shock. He could hear Takaya! In my head! What the hell did that mean?!

The Alpha continued on, the others falling to their bellies to listen also. "Your mother was cursed by people of this land when she was pregnant with you. She was cursed with my power. They had bound me here and weakened me before forcing my power into your mother in order to use her for their advantage. Though that had failed since after a week of being here your father appeared to save her."

Mother had been cursed? Father had saved her? I didn't understand. Father told me that when mother was pregnant she didn't do missions. No shinobi did. So how had that happened?

" do I have your power if you are here before me?" I questioned frowning. It didn't make sense. He claimed that I held his power but yet he stood before me.

His power was split from his physical form. Torn from him. In simple terms, brat, his soul was ripped apart. And this part of his, the Dark, the Shadows was placed into your mother, Takaya droned out.

Shuddering, I rubbed my hands over my arms feeling fur brush against my skin. But there were no wolves around me. And more than that, it was like the fur was caressing beneath me skin, only my muscles causing them to tremble.

"But know this," The Alpha continued on before I could question Takaya's words. "You are not the only one to hold my power. You are not the only one who possess my abilities. You are the darkness, yes, the shadows but there is another. A younger girl barely eight who possesses my light, the day."

"The light? The opposite to me?" I asked finding my head start to ache from all the information. My mother had been curse because of some people, trapped with a beast inside of her. Was this... "Was my mother killed because of this?"

The Alpha hesitated, his eyes half closing as he inhaled deeply. Almost like he were in pain. "Yes and no. Your mother died partly because of what she possessed. Or rather, what she had possessed. But when you were born, Takaya passed on to you. So it will be when you have a child."

"What do you mean by yes and no? Was it or was it not the reason?!"

"Your mother's belief's clashed with a few of those in power in your village. She drew the wrong attention to her from those outside the village also," The Alpha explained vaguely. "It is not my story to tell, little one. This is a tale for your father to spill."

"But..." My voice trailed off as I let that topic die. Her beliefs? What beliefs did my mother have and why would she go against the village if that was what he was hinting at? " said that this...this ability of mine will pass onto my child."

"A curse," The Alpha snarled back, his eyes flaring. "It is a curse. One that I, unfortunately burdened your linage with. I had thought that it would remain with your mother and die with her. But I was wrong. You will be burdened with Takaya and when the time comes, his essence, my soul, will pass to your first child. And they too, will carry that burden. And so it will be for your descendants. And the other girls as well."

I'm not at all pleased about this either brat,Takaya drawled in my head. I shook it trying to drown him out and pay attention to the Alpha.

"You must find her," He instructed. "She will need your guidance and protection as she figures out her powers. Just like you will need her to help combat the dark in you. You are yin and yang, in a way, opposites that need each other for survival."

"But how the hell am I supposed to know where she is?" I questioned.

"At the moment you can bend all the elements to you easily, right? The earth, the water, the wind and fire," He droned and slowly I nodded. "That will not always be. Soon, when she grows and what little control I have over her other half fails, your power to bend the earth and water without chakra will cease to be. No longer will you be able to use them easily."

"Why not?"

"Because that is not the power of the Shadows," He responded. "You are the dark. So, the elements that will answer you are fire and air. Your affinity with them is stronger than the others, yes? She is the Light. Unlike you, she will not be able to manipulate the Shadows, instead her main curse will be the Light itself."

"And when will I know they are gone?"

"I am losing control of her, even now," He sighed, ashamed by his own words. "When her, let's say wolf, awakens you will feel pain. Your connection to the earth and water will vanished. The light part of the mark on your wrist will pulse. That is how you will find her. And you must. Alone, neither of you will survive peacefully. Both of you will be tormented by the part of me inside of you. You, more so that her."

"Because Takaya is an asshole?" I asked warily, rubbing my eyes before pinching the bridge of my nose. This was all too much to handle. Too hard to grasp.

Pain radiated through the back of my skull and I gasped, hunching over as it slithered down the back of my neck and across my shoulder blade.

Watch it brat, Takaya warned. The pain eased and I whimpered guessing it was a reminder of what control he could possess over me.

"Takaya is the Dark, the...cruel side of me. Whereas, the other girl possess my kinder side," The alpha murmured sorrowfully. "I am weak now, little one. I have no true power of my own. It was stolen from me and given to you. But you are me and I am you. We are one. We are eternal. Your life linked to mine and since I cannot die, nor can you. That is why the lightning did now kill you before."

My cheeks reddened in embarrassment at the memory of standing as the ray hit me. Lowering my head, I frowned in shame. That had been reckless of me. Stupid. "I am immortal?"

"No," The Alpha snapped, growling softly. "Do not misunderstand the link between us. We are forever bound, yes. Providing you do not bare children. But once you conceive a child, you are free from this curse. It will pass to them and my tie to you, broken. Our lives will no longer be entwined."

"And if I chose not to have a child? Would I be forever bound then?"

The Alpha hesitated, his eyes narrowing on me in thought. "In a way, I assume yes. We would be forever bound. But that would also mean..."

That you and I would be one for eternity also.

"You would not be able to keep control of him forever, Rima," The Alpha warned, releasing a puff of air in a sigh. "Even after a mere few months, your mother was losing control of him. Her emotions twinging with rage, her bones breaking as he almost broke free."


"Takaya's true form is a wolf, Rima. When you release control to him, his power will override you and force your body to change to a form that is better suited to him. It has happened before, almost. Your bones have broken, your skin ripped, muscle torn. You have almost completed the process once."

The doctor turned to me. "I see you're feeling better."

"What happened to me?"

He sat on the edge of the bed with a sigh. His sea green eyes were weary and tired looking. He suddenly looked older now that the two were gone, tired. "Well Miss Hatake, that is a mystery," he said. "You're body began to shut down on us while we were healing you then your bones began to snap and move. Then it stopped."


"Healed by itself."

"What does that mean?"

"We have no idea but are looking into it," he leaned in and peered into my eyes. "Such an odd colour," he murmured.

You were dying on me. Takaya growled in my head, seeing the recollection. At the time I didn't know if you really could die or not and I wasn't going to take the chance of dying with a brat like you. I tried to take over but failed in the process due to him and only ended up healing you.

"After that my control broke completely over him," the Alpha finished. "The next time your body began to change was last night, in the town. It is what your comrades witnessed and I fear, it is was has repulsed them about you."

Sighing deeply, I cringed at the thought of my body trying to change. The sickening sound of bones snapping or skin tearing flittered through my mind and I whined curling up more. So I really was a monster.

"Listen to me. This is not your fault. You are not to blame for what happened. The people that once resided here did it," Alpha snarled out, finally rage echoing through his words, revealing his true feelings towards them. "But they left before we could exact revenge."

"So they are alive?" I questioned softly, my eyes zeroing on the ground in thought. "They are wandering somewhere? Could they have killed mother?"

"They may have. And I fear they may have killed the shinobi that had been with your mother at the time. The other woman who'd been burdened with the curse, leaving that child alone."

"I have to find her. If I'm lucky it will lead me to them," I murmured, feeling heat burn my eyes. It wasn't with tears though, I could feel Takaya using them, projecting his amber orbs that looked up to the Alpha. His voice coated mine as I spat, "Then I will kill them."

The alpha didn't respond to my words. He neither encouraged me nor discouraged me. He remained silent on the matter, instead speaking. "Shadow, Dawn come here."

My eyes flickered over to the pups that wandered closer. Shadow crawled, his belly lower to the ground, eyes turned away from mine, submissively. Takaya eased away from my eyes as I bit down on my lip.

"S-Shadow?" I whispered seeing my pup tense. "I..I'm sorry I failed you."

His head jerked up and whatever he saw on my face made him lunge at me. His small body collided with mine as he curled in my arms and I hugged him close. My head dropped to rest against his fur as I opened my arms more pulling in a whining Dawn. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry."

"Not your fault," she whimpered back pressing closer. "We failed. Our job was to p-protect you."

"Job?" I mumbled easing back to frown at the two. My eyes darted around the cave, lingering on the wolves that resembled my pups before I gulped. "You were never gifts were you?" Looking up at the alpha I shook my head. "You sent them to Bee-sama so they could watch over me."

"It was the only protection I could provide," He answered. "Shadow's abilities can counter yours and have done so."

"And the other girl?"

"I cannot find her," He growled. "Her presence is hidden from me. That is why I'm leaving her to you. When you find her, summon some wolves and they will guide and protect you both."

"How am I supposed to summon them?"

"The scroll. Lord Third Hokage should have given it to you," The alpha answered and my mind was jerked back to the second exam when the two ANBU had appeared with a scroll. I thought it had merely been one to use against Orochimaru. But it was actually for the wolves. If I had used it back then, would they have come to help me?

"I...I see. I will," I answered standing slowly while looking about. "I should go. Before my team freak more so than now. T...thank you for answering my questions."

"I will always be here if you seek aid. So will they," The alpha answered as I looked around once more. Lowering my head in a bow, I turned and walked away. Shadow and Dawn followed me out of the cave and when I paused, I noticed that their parents had followed also.

This time my eyes brimmed with tears as I watched as the two young pups lingered with their parents. I was taking them away. Once again. I had never thought of it before, but in order for them to be with me, they had to be torn from their parents at such a young age.

Their goodbye was short and the two walked towards me. Stiffening my back I turned away from them, crossing my arms. "You are not coming with me."

I heard the footsteps halt, could almost feel the confusion radiating from them. "What are you saying?" Shadow question.

"I don't need you now. I know what I am. It's best if you stay here," the words felt foul in my mouth. Some tears trickled down my cheeks but I needed to do this. They should be with their family, their pack. They were just pups. Being with me would only lead them to danger, and eventually death.

"D-did we do something wrong?" Dawn asked, her voice wavering. My resolve was shattering as I heard pain filled whines rise in their throats.

Turning slowly, I knelt before them and pressed my hands to their foreheads. "Of course not. But you need a break from the shit that is my life. I do not want you both endangered anymore because of me. Please, stay here."

" that an order?" Shadow snapped, his head jerking up as his teeth bit into my hand. I winced feeling the shock of pain seeping into my body. He pulled back and growled, "Only an order will make me stay!"

"Then it is," I retorted and he froze. His frame tensed as those wide puppy eyes glittered wetly. "You are only pups, Shadow. I should have thought of this sooner. You deserve, no need, to be with your parents."

"But, what about you?" Dawn questioned, butting her head against my hand. "We are your pack. Your family."

"I know and when I truly need you I will summon you. But until then, there is no need for me to tear you away from your family anymore."

"You're not tearing us away! We want to be with you!" Shadow howled rising on his back paws, his front ones on my knee as he brought his face closer to mine.

"And I want you with me. But it is not fair. I will not let you come with me anymore. Be with your family for a while, grow, be happy here. I will call you in time."

"You're getting rid of us," Dawn whispered, tears trailing down her cheeks, matching my own.

"I'm not!" I snapped clenching my fists. "Do you not understand what I am doing? I am giving you the chance to be with your family. Bond with them, take comfort in their presence. I would give anything for this chance with my mother. That's why I'm making you take yours!"

Jerking to my feet, I backed away from the two. They were rooted in spot, the order keeping them from following me. Whining loudly, Shadow strained forward but his paws would not lift to move. Twisting to give them my back, I rubbed my eyes trying to get rid of the tears.

Raising my hand I waved back at them, not turning to see the broken expressions on their faces or allowing them to see mine. "I'll see you soon, Shadow. Dawn. I love you both."

"Don't forget us!" Dawn screamed as I walked away. "If you do I'll never forgive you!"

"I could never forget you," I called back, my hand trembling as I dropped it to my side.

"Summon us! No matter what the cause! Just summon us! We will help you Rima! You are Alpha to us!" Shadow snarled at me back. "More than that, you're our friend! Please!"

I promise, my friend. I promise, I thought as I ventured back into the forest. Walking back was slower than going in. My feet dragged on, part of me not wanting to return to the others at all knowing the reactions I was about to receive.

Oi, brat. What are you planning? You got rid of the one who can contain me, you know?

"I don't need Shadow to contain you. I will do that myself," I ground out, clenching my fists tightly as I pushed a branch from my path. "You are stuck in me. We are entwine no matter how much we do not like it. You'll have to corporate with me sooner or later."

Hn, so you assume.

"What is the name of your other half? Who is the Light?" I questioned him, breaking through the forest and heading back to the town where I spotted a group of people waiting for me. Many of them held disapproving scowls on their faces, mainly the sensei's while others had fear masked by disgust on theirs.

As expected, Sakura and Ino were crowded around Sasuke. Their eyes glowering at me as there was a swelling bump on his head. He scowled at me also. His eyes narrowed dangerously as he seemed tempted to attack me.

Going against the wishes of the others, one broke free from the group and charged at me. My eyes focused on the blob as he lunged forward and crushed me into a hug. My body stiffened, my eyes watering once more as I had assumed he would have hurt me. But I was a fool for ever thinking that, why would Naruto be against me? When he had gone through worse.

"I'm so glad you're safe," He whispered into my ear as he hugged me close. Relaxing slowly, I lifted my arms to wind around his waist, hugging him back.

Akari, her name is Akari, Takaya grumbled in my head. I could feel his revolution at the action of the young boy. Tch, this feeling is...Kyuubi...

Leave it, I thought back sagging against Naruto. My head dropped to rest against his shoulder as his arms tightened around me, protectively.My eyes rose and latched onto a pair of green calm eyes.

You're playing a dangerous game. Getting close to a Jinchuriki, will only lead to pain.


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