Forever my love(Jason Todd)

By MegZO3

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The daughter of a billionaire and a boy that lived on the streets of Gotham city. Skylar Wayne is the daughte... More



344 4 6
By MegZO3

As I got to crime ally, I went straight to the roofs as they started fighting after a few minutes they went to a roof directly across from me he did cut dads utility belt clean off dad then ran at him pushing him onto another roof so I followed and stayed out of the way red than ripped dads mask off then laughed a bit.

"look at you"red said throwing dads mask back to him

"I guess we should keep it even"red said removing his helmet revealing a grown up Jason, my heart almost stopped

"Jason?"dad asked

"Yes?" Jason asked

"I don't want to fight you Sky wouldn't want that"dad said

"Don't get her involved I don't want her getting hurt, not anymore" Jason said abruptly

"Please i can help you I know what happened" dad said

"Oh you got talking with Ra's huh? Does it make it easier for you to think
that my dip in his fountain of youth...
...turned me rabid?
or is this just the real me?"Jason asked abruptly

  he kicked his helmet to dad but then it explode as dad jumped out of the way Jason came at him a statue fell right next to them  Jason then grabbed dad holding a knive to his throat

"Tell me...
what bothers you more, that your greatest
failure has returned from the grave?
or that i've become a better Batman
than you?"Jason snarled

Dad then jumped out of his hold and started pushing Jason's knive towards him

"You're ruling through intimidation
and murder. Just another criminal."dad said

At least it's only bad guys he kills I said to myself

"I'm What this city needs"Jason yelled As he tied a grappling line around dad then they both went higher Jason almost had dad off the edge and started punching him as dad then punched him then held him down

"Hidden goodies all over huh?"Jason asked

"We're both just a couple of walking armouries"Jason said

"Maybe So but let's see how you do without your toys"dad said lighting a spark setting Jason's jacket on fire so he threw it off
He then grappled to another ledge as dad grabbed hold of his leg
They then went through a window I didn't see what was happening so I followed.

dad pushed him all around that bathroom then pushed him through a wall so I went to that bathroom to see

"I know I failed you but I tried to save you Jason, I'm- I'm trying to save you now"dad said as Jason turned and pointed a gun at him

"Is that what you think this is about? That you let me die? Your guilt or your antiquated sense of morality, I forgive you for not saving
Jason said hoarsely

"but why? Why on God's earth, is he still alive"Jason yelled with anger as he broke a closet door revealing Joker I hoped Jason gave it to him

"Got to give the boy points he came all the way back from the dead to make this shindig happen so who's got a camera? Ooh ohh get one of me and the kid first, then you and me then the three of us, then one with the crowbar, then "Joker said as Jason pushed him hard knocking him down he then put a gun to his head.

"You'll be as quiet as possible or I'll put one in your lap first"Jason hissed

"Party pooper no cake for you"Joker sarcastically said

"Ignoring what he's done in the past. Blindly, stupidly, disregarding. The entire graveyards he's filled, the thousands who have suffered, the friends he's crippled. You know, I thought, i thought I'd be the last person you'd ever let him hurt.
If it had been you that he beat to a bloody pulp
If he had taken you from this worid,
i would've done nothing but search the planet for this pathetic pile
of evil death-worshipping garbage."  Jason said while getting angrier

and sent him off to hell." Jason growled

"You don't understand.
i don't think you've ever understood"dad said calmly

"what? what, your moral code just won't allow for that? it's too hard to cross that line"Jason said abruptly

"No. God Aimighty,'d be too damned easy.
All i've ever wanted to do is kill him. A day doesn't go by. i don't think about subjecting him to every horrendous torture he's dealt out to others and then end him."dad said

"Aw So you do think about me"Joker said jokingly

"But if i do that, if i allow myself to go down
into that place i'll never come back."dad said

"why? I'm not talking about killing Penguin
or Scarecrow or Dent.
I'm talking about him. Just him.
And doing it because Because he took me away from you, from the one I loved"Jason  growled

"I can't I'm sorry"dad said feeling a bit of regret but he can't

"Well you won't have a choice"Jason said with no emotion as he threw a gun to dad

"I won't"dad started

This is what it's all been about.
You, and me and him.
Now is the time you decide.
if you won't kill
this psychotic piece of filth, i will.
if you wanna stop me,
you're gonna have to kill me."Jason said as he held Joker with a gun to his head

"You know I won't"dad said

"I'm gonna blow his deranged brains out.
And if you wanna stop it,
you are gonna have to shoot me.
Right in my face." Jason yelled with anger they then waited a few seconds and dad dropped the gun and turned away

"It's him or me you have to decide. Decide now do it, him or me? Decide"Jason yelled as he shot at dad but dad dodged and threw a baterang at Jason's gun causing it to explode in his hand injuring it he then got up and he had a button in his other hand what was for an explosive nearby as he pressed it

Joker started laughing

"I can't believe you got him"joker laughed

"You expert, rooting-tooting eagle-eyed, goth-loving marksman, I love it you managed to find a way to win and everyone still loses ." Joker excitedly said

dad ran to it to stop it "no don't spoil it, this is better"Joker said as he pushed dad to the ground
"I'm the only one who's gonna get what he wants tonight"Joker said holding dad by the throat

"Yes bing, bang, boom we'll all go out together"Joker said happily

I saw Jason sit down
"don't you just love a happy ending"Joker said as dad then punched him in the face then pushed him off but the bomb was at six seconds dad grabbed Jason I grappled to a rooftop as it blew up as it cleared I went to dad

"So I guess he left" I said to dad

"Yeah he got out"dad said picking Joker up

"Back to Arkham Joker"dad said as he took joker with him

I then headed home

On the way home I saw Jason
He was just watching the city from high up on a building
So I joined him

"He caused some damage to your hand maybe a few breaks and as I can see mostly bleeding"I said sitting down next to him

"I guess you seen it all I'm sorry"Jason said sadly

"I know exactly how you feel, I want Joker dead I would pull that trigger too if I could"I said with a bit of anger

"Did he hurt you when I was gone?"Jason asked full of concern

"Not really but he did talk about you saying if I had kept trying and got to you, you wouldn't have died and I failed as a friend by letting you die"I said sadly

" it would never be your fault, he's just evil"Jason said calmly

"I can't believe after all these years you were alive I was broken and now your here"I cried

"I know I was gone for five straight years and that includes Being brought back to life but can you forgive me for not coming back sooner?"jason asked as he put my hand in his good one

"Of course I will forgive you"I said

"Thank you"jason said relieved

"Do you still love me?"jason asked

"Yes of course I love you I always have even when you were gone"I said happily because he's back

"I'll see you around, I love you"Jason said soothingly

"I love you too"I said softly and we went our own ways

When i got home I went down to the bat cave we were up half the night I then took my mask off dad then came down taking his mask off

"Sir, in light of all the recent events would you like me to remove that?"Alfred asked

"No that doesn't change anything, it doesn't change anything at all"dad said

"I'm sorry that he left, Sky"dad said

"It's okay, at least I know he got out of that explosion tonight"i said and smiled because i knew a thing or two I went and got changed into comfortable clothes
I decided to just go to bed

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