The Rules | ✅ Completed

By Sammers

179K 5.1K 952

I have three basic rules to live by Don't draw attention to myself. Make it through another year. My brother'... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Chapter 63
Chapter 64
Chapter 65
Chapter 66
Author's Note
Alternate Epilogue
Author's Note
Author's Note

Chapter 44

1.7K 62 7
By Sammers

I regretted not having packed more during my great escape. Four days into my renewed stay at the Russel's I had to already do laundry. Heather sat in the center of my bed as I folded the little clothing I had and smiled at me. She hadn't said more than two words since we'd made it to my borrowed room. It was unlike her to stay this quiet for as long as she had. Especially without something to occupy her attention.

"Feeling okay, Heather?"

"I'm a little confused." Not a good start to what I'm sure was a conversation I didn't want to have. There was also a good chance that I just walked right into whatever trap she had been setting.

"I don't know why the sky is blue either. That might be a question better left to Mr. Elis."

"You've been with multiple guys."

"You make it sound like I'm easy."

"Let me finish," she sighed. "You dated, more or less, and you haven't taken that leap. Why is that?"

"Did Lucas put you up to this? Seriously, Luke. My precious virtue is intact and in safe hands."

"Have you thought about it at all?"

"About losing my virginity?" She shrugged, picking up one of my more colorful pairs of panties. And I don't me in the rainbow sense. I snagged the lacey object from her and stuffed toward the bottom of the basket. "No. Unlike some people I don't plan things like that. It should be an in the moment decision."

"Like winning state?"

"What is this all about, Heather?"

"Joe and I were talking last night. He might have mentioned a few things that would surprise you." Damn her and her bait. The smirk proving that she knew more than me was feeding my curiosity. "There is a possibility that you aren't the only who's been waiting."

"You're kidding?"

"Your darling boytoy has only scored on the field, little Laine." She looked like she was ready to squeal from the sight of Santa. Her hands smacked the duvet repeatedly with a huge grin. "Can you imagine how romantic it will be? Strong, confident Finn all hesitant and checking to see how you feel about it all. You looking up at him knowing how perfect the moment is."

"I would really prefer that you stop thinking about Finn and me in any sort of intimate moment. Especially our first time. Regardless of how monumental or romantic you may believe it to be."

"I'm just saying. If he got tips from those friends of his..." Her eyes fluttered as she collapsed back onto the pillows. "Girl, you're going to be in heaven for weeks after."

If my brother and Shane's exploits weren't enough to convince me that they knew what they were doing, then Heather's pillow talk about Joseph was. Hearing that Finn was in the same boat as me was surprising to say the least. He had girls hanging off of him before we were together then there was Melody.

The night I had met her it felt like they had a history. More than just kissing anyways. I was so wrapped up in thinking about them together that I never considered the surprised expression on the pretty girl's face meaning anything more than Finn being in a committed relationship. Maybe that was his only reason for waiting. He wanted it to happen with someone he was dating. Or at least serious about.

That earned him more respect in my book. He wasn't parading around like Shane or Lucas, leaving a line of conquests in his wake. I hadn't ever noticed it, and the stupidity was settling in. I'd known Finn for over a decade. We'd been dating for three months. How I had never noticed was a slap to my own face. Knowing the truth now brought on more questions that I wouldn't be able to answer on my own.


"Well," Finn smiled at me as he leaned against the doorframe, "This is a surprise."

"I'm sorry for just dropping in." I peeked around him to examine the living room.

"You just missed the strippers," he teased.

"Strippers I can handle. Your mother," I rolled my eyes, "Not so much. Are they here?"

"They just left for dinner with my dad's business partners. What's up?" He stepped back, letting me into the house I had become so familiar with.

"I heard a rumor."

"Which one?"

Those beautiful green eyes widened as my fingers hooked around his belt loops.I didn't answer him as I pressed my lips to his. Strong arms snaked around my waist as he deepened the kiss. My fingers slid under the hem of his tee, making him squirm from the cold touch. I let out a giggle as I pulled away to look up at him.

"That you and I aren't so different."

"I'm afraid to ask what that's supposed to mean." I was still trying to figure out how to bring up what it was that I wanted to say when his arms shifted their hold on me and I scooped in his arms just like a few nights ago when he carried me to bed. He didn't carry me upstairs like any other boy would have done while their parents were away. Instead, he settled onto the couch and kept me on his lap. He pushed some hair behind my ear as he studied me.

"If I say something, can you promise not to get mad?"

"I thought we were past the whole getting mad at each other phase?"

"Just checking." I shrugged. His forehead rested against mine as he searched my eyes for what I was keeping.

"Spill, Laine. What's going on in that head of yours?"

"I heard that you aren't as experienced as Lucas," I mumbled, my fingers playing with the hair at the back of his neck. "I'm wondering if there is any truth to it."

"No one is as experienced as your brother. Except Shane," he teased. The hand resting on my hip gave it a little squeeze when I hadn't laughed with him. "Why don't you say what you mean?"

"Joe told Heather that you're a virgin." The words came out in a rush. I didn't want to give him a chance to actually hear them. The last thing I wanted to do was humiliate him.

"Joe has a big fucking mouth," he grumbled, leaning back against the cushions.

"Why didn't you ever tell me? I mean," I sighed trying to regain my thoughts. "We talk about how it's important that things be right and the time and everything. I always assumed that you were just looking out for me because of your own personal experiences."

"That's half right. I've come close a few times, but things came up. That little voice in the back of our heads that we typically ignore finally found its voice. Shane and your brother are proof enough that screwing just to screw isn't as great as it seems." He combed his fingers through my hair, watching the dark waves fall free once again. "I didn't want to be that type of guy. The one who left a girl hanging because I didn't find what I was looking for."

"Do all the guys know, or just Joe?"

"Joe is the only one I told. We were drunk and the dynamic duo were off hunting. I don't think I needed to say anything though. They were always distracted with a pretty face that I don't think they ever noticed."

"So, then this," I waved a finger between us, "Is this going to be an issue?"

"An issue?" He chuckled softly. "You, Blaine, are the reason that I'm thankful I never did anything."

"Really?" There was a little burst of pride surging through me at his confession. "And why is that?"

"Because I know everything about you. I know that when we take that step, I won't want anyone else. All of your stupid quirks and obsessions will keep me busy until we're ready."

"You are one of a kind, Finnegan James. A perfect, honest gentleman and I'm glad that you aren't like the rest." I planted a kiss on his cheek as the corner of his mouth turned up.

"Please promise me something," he asked, his hand cupping the back of my head.

"I won't tell a soul that you've been saving yourself for the right girl."

"Good to know, but what I was going to ask was that you not hold it against me if I don't live up to the hype."

"Lucky for you, I won't know the difference." He mouthed good once more before guiding my lips to his. I thought learning what I had would have changed things between us. That suddenly I would notice his lack of knowledge. Then again, I knew how he kissed. I knew the way his hands would send shivers up my spine when came in contact with my skin. I knew that he whispered compliments in my ear when he kissed my neck.

Nothing about us was different. He was still the boy I kissed in my kitchen. The same one I loved waking up beside. The one who was planning to take me to prom. He was planning a future with me, even if it's only the next few months. It still involved me, and I honestly wouldn't have it any other way. Those upcoming months could turn into a year. From there it could be a lifetime. A lifetime of being with Finn sounded perfect to me.

"Now that you're here," Finn whispered, kissing my cheek. His fingers trailed down my back to settle on my hip. "What do you say I order a pizza while you pick out a movie?"

"Two pizzas." He raised a brow at me as he moved me from his lap to sit beside him. "Believe it or not, Mama Russel is a health nut and has been making dinner all week. I need greasy, cheesy goodness to get the taste of kale out of my mouth."

"Extra cheesy and sausage?"

"Yes please." He picked his phone up from the coffee table and headed to the kitchen.

While he was busy ordering, I snuck up to his bedroom to find a pair of sweatpants to steal. I had been in his room twice since we started dating and I never really took the time to look at it. The trophies and ribbons collecting dust on a shelf over his desk. The posters of former greats who played for the Bears. An ancient flag proclaiming he was a fan of Blink-182 was tacked up over his dresser.

There was a stack of large envelopes sitting on the corner of his desk. My fingers traced over the red ink in the upper right corner. Illinois State University was clear as day in the iconic color. Moving the envelope a little, I read the next one. The mascot in yellow beside the purple letters spelling out Western Illinois University made me smile. The third one took away most of the joy from the first two. University of Southern California.

The envelope from USC was thicker than the first two. As it should be. While the others simply contained the names of the colleges, the USC envelope included an additional. It came straight from the athletic department. An offer of a scholarship and the details surrounding it must be the reason for it's intimidating size. It may not have made me bounce on my toes like ones from Western or ISU, but there was still a touch of pride.

The USC Trojans were a legend in the world of collegiate football. Their name was always announced with admiration. Each player took pride in wearing the red and yellow during game day. The fans, like any other, knew the chants by heart. It would be an honor for Finn to attend such a college.

"I thought I'd find you here," Finn spoke softly as he pushed through the door. I nodded toward the stack of acceptance letters.

"You do realize most people who get a personal offer from the football program at USC would be bragging about it, right?"

"I'm still thinking them over." He crossed his arms and leaned against the wall beside his desk.

"What is there to think about? It's fucking USC. West coast. Summer time year round. Bragging rights for being top of the food chain."

"You know what there is to think about." I stepped closer to him and pulled his arms from their defensive fold.

"Every high school football player dreams of going to three schools, Finn." I let the fingers uncurl between us. "Noter Dame. 'Bama. USC."

"You're forgetting Oregan, Georgia, Texas -"

"We just named six of the top football programs, and none of them were in the midwest." He made a face which made me smile at him as my hand fell to his chest. "Accept who you want, but it better be because it's where you want to be. This time next year I'll be looking into schools. Well, maybe. The point is wherever you end up, I will be right behind you. Until then you have to do what is best for you. Okay?"

"Fine," he sighed, wrapping his arms around me. He leaned down to kiss me when the doorbell chimed. His head dropped back as a soft groan left his lips. "I'll meet you downstairs. If you aren't there in ten minutes we're watching Saving Private Ryan."

"Is that really a fair punishment? I mean. It's Matt Damon in uniform. Every girl's dream."

"I'll think of something else, but you've got ten minutes all the same."

He kissed my cheek then yelled over his shoulder as the doorbell chimed again. I watched him leave with a grin on my face. He was considering me in his decisions. He was buying me dinner. We were going to sit down and have a perfectly quiet night. Just me and my superstar boyfriend. 

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