One Shots Cause I'm A Horny A...

By Geewaysdikk

524 5 63

Just a bunch of One Shots because I'm a horny ass bitch More

The Blurryface Fic || Joshler
How You See Me || Petekey

Crush || Petekey

296 3 63
By Geewaysdikk

I don't know if this is already a thing or not, but I am starting a 24-hour challenge. Right a short fan fiction in the span of 24 hours and post it. I cheated, because it started as something else, but when I started this challenge, I changed most of the original content. There really aren't any rules, except that once you have exceeded 24 hours, you can no longer work on it. No editing whatsoever. Try to mark every hour if you can. You don't have to, it just gives the reader a sense of how you wrote the story. Smut (and the lack of) is allowed. Whatever ship. Doesn't even have to be a ship, it could be your dream concert. Or maybe you want to write a (so and so's name) x reader. Whatever, it's your fan fiction. Here is mine:

Started: March 23, 2020 11:54 PM

I looked up when the bell rang and stifled a smile. He put his phone in his back pocket and walked up to the counter.

"Your regular?"

He nodded, finding his way to his seat in the window. I looked after him for a second before turning my attention to his coffee. Every night, Mikey came in and ordered a black coffee. I pulled out my sharpie and wrote 'Mikey,' at the top. I called out his name and watched as he put his comic down. He made his way to me and his eyes lingered on mine for a moment. He took his coffee and thanked me. He never put sugar or creamer in his coffee. He drank a sip and cringed. He walked with it back to his seat and sipped it slowly. He puckered up his face and took another sip. I giggled quietly from behind the counter and made the next order. I turned back around to hand the next costumer their caramel frappe. It was a teenage girl, and I could tell she was only here to be "vintage." She was a basic white bitch and she needed to go back to Starbucks. Not that I could say anything, or would for that matter, but still. She walked out and Mikey got up from his seat.

When Mikey got to the counter, he asked, "Hey, Pete, sorry to bother you. Is there anyway you can make me whatever she had?"

"Of course! You must be tired of black coffee. You always order it, make weird faces as you drink it, and never ever finish it. Are you trying to look mature or something?"

"Damn, you caught me. I hate black coffee, but it speeds your metabolism. So, you know..." He voice drifted and he looked lost for a second.

"Actually, that's only when you drink it in the morning."

"Damn, that sucks. All this time..." His voice drifted and he zoned out again.

"Mikey, are you okay?"

"Why do you call me that? I always order as Michael."

"I'm sorry, I can stop if you want me to. I just thought Mikey fit you better."

He took a shaky breath and replied, "No, it's cool, no one calls me Michael anyway. You don't have to stop, I just wanted to know."

I nodded and turned to make his coffee. I handed it to him and smiled. He walked back to his seat and picked his comic up again. I looked down at the counter and saw a sticky note with a number on it. It also said, 'Mikey.' I looked up and saw Mikey turn his head quickly. I smiled, sticking it in my back pocket.

After a few minutes, Mikey put his comic book back in his bag. He walked up to the counter and said, "You don't have to use it, just so you know. I just thought maybe we could get to know each other a little better."

I touched my back pocket and smiled. "I'd like that. I'd like that a lot."

Mikey usually doesn't smile, but he did then. His face stiffened after a second and he asked, "When do you get off?"

I looked at the clock and answered, "Right now. Let me close up and I'll meet you outside?"

Mikey nodded and walked outside. I quickly cleaned up and turned off all the lights. I walked outside, locking the door behind me. I turned and Mikey was sitting on the hood of my car smoking a cigarette. I sat next to him and he handed it to me. I took it and hit it a few times before handing it back.

"How did you know this was my car?"

"I figured it was because its the only one left in the parking lot."

"Oh, that makes sense."

Mikey looked over at me. I smiled at him and asked, "Mikey, why don't you ever smile?"

"I do smile. It's just that I'm not always happy enough to do so." He looked off into the sunset and sighed. "Let's get out of here. Wherever you wanna go, but far from here."

"You must walk here or something," I said as we jumped into my car.

"No, my brother works at the comic book store next door. I ride with him in the mornings."

"What do you do all day?"

"Walk around, people watch, shop. Anything really."

I started the car and thought about what he said. I pulled out of the parking lot and started in the direction of my house.

12:54 AM

"What do you wanna do?"

"That's up to you. We can go to my house or we could catch a movie. It's ten o'clock on a Wednesday night, it's likely everyone is at home asleep." I glanced over at Mikey, who was staring at me. "What?"

"Let's go to your house."

I nodded, returning my attention to the road. I felt something touch my thigh and looked down surprised. Mikey was picking a piece of fuzz off of my front pocket. I looked up at him wide eyed and he smiled. Seeing that made my heart warm up. I smiled back at him and laughed as he flicked the fuzz out of the window. I pulled into my driveway and stopped the car.

"Do you live by yourself?"

I looked up at my house and nodded. "I thought it would be good to have my own house and privacy, but it gets quite lonely sometimes."

I could see Mikey nodding out of the corner of my eye. "I live with my brother and his husband." Mikey looked at me. I say that, but it was actually as if he was looking through me.

After a second I undid my seat belt and opened the door. "Come on, I'll make you something to eat." And with that, we walked inside.

"I like your place."

I turned in his direction and smiled. He was running his fingertips along the spines of the books on the shelves. "Thank you. What do you want to eat?"

"Um, actually I'm not very hungry. But you can eat, don't let me stop you."

I laughed and replied, "I own a coffee shop. All I do all day is eat and drink coffee. Trust me, you're not stopping me from anything anyway."

Mikey nodded and turned towards me. "Do you think I could stay here tonight? Gerard said he's taking Frank out. I don't like being alone over night. It's weird, I know. And you don't have to let me stay, I'll call my neighbor Ray if I need to."

I walked over to Mikey and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly and I did the same. "Of course you can stay. We can do whatever you want."

Mikey pulled away and smiled - genuinely smiled. "Thank you so much, Pete. You don't know how cool this is."

"No problem. Come on, I'll give you a tour." I pulled Mikey's hand and showed him the kitchen first. I opened the fridge and revealed cans of Root Beer, Coke, Dr. Pepper, Sprite, Red Bull, and Monster.

"Why the hell do you have so many drinks?"

"Why the hell not?" I closed the fridge and opened the snack cabinets. "There's a whole bunch of food. Snacks mostly, but you get the idea."

Mikey walked through the doorway next to the fridge. "What's this?"

"I mess around sometimes. I really like music, and I enjoy playing it. I mostly cover songs, but here lately, I've been working with the the other guys at the cafe. We wrote a song or two. Nothing too special."

"That's cool. My brother is in a band. So is Frank. It's kinda how Gerard and Frank met. I play bass, and I auditioned to be in Frank's band but didn't make it. I wasn't right in the head that day, so you can guess how that went. But Frank and I became friends, which meant Frank and Gerard became friends. And they sort of got together. Frank and I still talk or whatever, but it's not the same. He always ends up talking about Gerard and I'm kinda sick of it. My whole life everything was about Gerard, so imagine how much worse it could be that your only friend got caught in it too. Anyway, no hard feelings, I'm happy for them. I love the fact that they're together, I love their relationship. I love how they treat each other, but it's my turn, you know? It's my turn to be in the spotlight. Even if it's for someone else. Someone," he paused, looking up at me, "like you."

I swallowed nervously and shivered as Mikey walked towards me. "O-okay."

"Is this okay?" He said as he took my hand.

I nodded, pulling him towards my room and sitting on the bed. He stood in between my legs and leaned over me. I looked up at him and wrapped my fingers through his belt loops, pulling him closer. He pressed his body against mine and put his hands in my hair. I started undoing his belt as he leaned down and kissed me hungrily. I leaned back bringing Mikey's body with me. I wrapped my legs around his waist and pulled off his shirt. He unbuttoned my shirt as I started sucking on his collarbone. He moaned after a few seconds and I smiled against his skin. He got my shirt off and licked my chest. I grunted and bucked my hips up. Mikey took my legs and put them down, pulling my jeans off as fast as possible. I kicked off my shoes and Mikey followed suit. Mikey backed away for a second, frustrated that his pants weren't already off. I laughed and sat up to undo the button. I looked up at him and laughed again.

"Oh, well that's better. Thank you."

I stood in front of him, turning his back to the bed. I kissed him once before pushing him back. "I'm pretty sure you were about to try to top me. Was that your intention?"

"Maybe." He sat up and pulled me closer to him. "But if you wanna wreck me, I give you full permission."

"That's tempting actually. Now I'm not sure what I want to do."

As I said this, Mikey bit my stomach. "Whatever we do, we need to do it right fucking now, I'm not sure I'll last very long. You're just so damn hot."

"You've been coming to my coffee shop for three years now. Why didn't you do something earlier?"

"I didn't think you noticed me."

I leaned down and kissed him sweetly. "How could I not?"

Mikey blushed and rested his head on my stomach. "Why are my pants still on? Could've sworn they were off already."

I brought Mikey to his feet and got on my knees. I looked up at him and undid his zipper. I slid his jeans down to his ankles and pulled the waist band of his boxers down with them. I pushed Mikey back down onto the bed and stood.

1:54 AM

I grabbed the lube out of the bedside table and slicked myself up. "You're sure I can wreck you? I don't want to hurt you."

"I'm fine, I promise."

"Tell me if you aren't?"

"You act like I'm a virgin."

"Are you?"

"No, and yes I'll tell you if anything hurts."

"Do you need prep?"

"Stop asking me questions! No I don't need prepping. Thank you for making sure though."

I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. "Ready?"

He nodded so I lined myself, pushing in slowly. He winced so I stopped.

"Are you okay?"

He took a breathe before saying, "Yeah, you're just really fucking big."

I blushed, stuttering, "Um - uh, thank you? I don't know how to respond to that. Would you prefer to top instead?"

Mikey shook his head no, saying, "Just do it, I'm fine."

I started to push in more, and he cried out. "I'm so sorry Mikey. I can't do this if it's going to hurt you. I want you to fell good, and I know how hard it is bottom for the first time. Please top me so I don't hurt you. Please."

12:54 PM (Next day)

He sook his head and repeated, "Do it, I'm fine. I want you to fuck me, please."

I took a deep breathe and took his hand. "Give me your pain, okay? When it hurts, squeeze my hand as hard as you can."

He nodded so slowly, inch by inch, I eased all the way in. He squeezed my hand pretty hard but I could tell he was trying to hold back. I peppered his chest with kisses, softly repeating the words, "I know, I know. You're doing so good." I stopped when I was all the way in.

"Are you okay?" It took a lot to not start moving but I didn't want to do anything harmful.

"Oh god." His breathing started quickening and he squeezed my hand.

I anxiously kissed his chest to try to calm him. "What's wrong, did I hurt you? I'm so sorry, I can stop-"


I straightened my body and asked, "What?"

"Move, dammit, do something."

I pulled out and pushed back in slowly. Mikey dug his fingernails into my hip and moaned. I bit his collarbone and he moaned even louder. Thank god I lived alone, I don't know if I would be able to face roommates after this.

"Can you go any faster?"

"Damn, you're kinda needy aren't you?"

Mikey laughed before bucking his hips up. "Just fucking do it, wreck me, it doesn't hurt anymore."

He put my hand on his hip and held it there, looking in my eyes. I could tell he wasn't in pain anymore so I pulled out and shoved back in. He wrapped his legs around my waist. He started sucking on my neck while I fucked him, which made me go faster.

"Let me ride you."

I rapidly stood and turned my body, sitting on the bed with Mikey in my lap. He kissed me hungrily and raised his body, immediately slamming back down. I threw my head back and started moaning. He reached in between us and started stroking himself, in time with each rise and fall. I pulled his hand away, replacing it with my own. He bent down and started kissing my neck. I started getting close and he bit me extremely hard, sending me right over the edge. He kept riding me until I was finished, him following close after. He got off and collapsed next to me. I rolled over with the last bit of strength I had and grabbed my shirt off the floor to clean is up. I wrapped my arms around Mikey's stomach, pulling him closer. He laid his head on my chest and laughed.


"I'm so sorry Pete." He put his fingers to my neck, and when he pulled them away, they were covered in blood.

"What the hell? You bit me that fucking hard? It didn't even hurt."

He reached up and licked my neck, making me laugh too. "Oh, God, that's kinda hot."

I looked down at him and smiled. "You're so cute, never did I ever think I could be attracted to someone biting me. Or drinking the blood afterwards."

He grabbed his shirt off the bed and put it against my neck. He put his head back down and traced circles on my chest. "What does this mean? Like what happens now?"

I looked at the ceiling before saying, "I'm not sure. But I don't want whatever this is to be over. I hate to be that weird barista,"

"Too late."

I laughed, continuing, "but I've kinda had a crush on you since you started coming to my cafe.

"Really? That's funny. I started coming to your cafe because I had a crush on you. The comic book store opens the same time yours does, so I would see you open up and get everything ready."

I kissed the top of his head and we both fell asleep. The next morning we woke up and showered. We went to the cafe, where Mikey said goodbye to go talk to Gerard. Little did we know, that would be the last goodbye we had. That day, I got held at gunpoint during a robbery, and my smart ass mouth got me killed.

11:54 PM

How'd you like this bundle of cringe? I know I didn't. And it could've been longer because I'm stuck at home all day (yay quarantine!) but I was lazy and decided to have a scary movie marathon instead. Be surprised that this didn't end in a gruesome Candyman murder. And yes, I'm fully aware it was written in March, but posted in, what is it, August?? Yeah ok it's almost September. Just ignore that, I forgot to post it.

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