The Varied Path (Akatsuki no...

By NotchesAndBullets

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Shin-ah x OC "I told you once, a long time ago, that you would have to choose which lives to save." Steel eye... More

Chapter 1: The Cell
Chapter 2: Moonlit Excursions
Chapter 3: Reunion
Chapter 4: Secrets, Steel and Suspicion
Chapter 5: Confrontation
Chapter 6: Betrayal and a Half
Chapter 7: Hairpin
Chapter 8: Fuuga
Chapter 9: Repairing Old Wounds
Chapter 10: Intentions Revealed
Chapter 11: Out of the Dark
Chapter 12: A Fighter Called Notch
Chapter 13: Family Heals
Chapter 14: Departure from the Wind Tribe
Chapter 15: Encountering the Fire Tribe
Chapter 16: Yoon and Ik-soo
Chapter 17: The Prophecy
Chapter 18: Intent to Kill
Chapter 19: Hakuryuu
Chapter 20: The Gang's Antics
Chapter 21: Catacombs
Chapter 22: Seiryuu
Chapter 23: Second Impressions
Chapter 24: Complications
Chapter 25: A Token of Gratitude
Chapter 26: Passing It On
Chapter 27: Shin-ah
Chapter 28: Recuperation
Chapter 29: Friendship
Chapter 30: Looking for Ryokuryuu
Chapter 31: Awa
Chapter 32: A Hint of Green
Chapter 33: Former Pawn
Chapter 34: The Chase
Chapter 35: Internal and External Wounds
Chapter 36: Shin-ah, Calista and Hani
Chapter 37: The Warning
Chapter 38: Captain Gi-gan
Chapter 39: Senjusou
1K Special: Calista's Knives [Oneshot]
Chapter 40: Preparations
Chapter 41: Ambush
Chapter 42: Game Changer
Chapter 43: Setting It Up
Chapter 44: Insight
Chapter 45: Enemy's Den
Chapter 46: Courage
Chapter 47: Freeing Awa
Chapter 48: All Too Innocent
Chapter 49: Party
Chapter 50: Poison
Chapter 51: Farewell to Friends
Chapter 52: Ouryuu
Extra: Bathhouse [Oneshot]
Extra: Training [Oneshot]
Chapter 53: Blood Claims
Chapter 54: The Next Step
Chapter 55: Forgiveness
Chapter 56: Comfort and Dreams
Chapter 57: Hak and Yona
Chapter 58: Katan Village
5K Special: House Hunting [Oneshot] Modern AU
Chapter 59: The Dark Dragon and the Happy Hungry Bunch
Chapter 60: Strategies
Chapter 61: Too Late
Chapter 62: Seiryuu's Power
Chapter 63: Aftermath
Chapter 64: Returned Feelings
Chapter 65: Hindsight
Chapter 66: A New Idea
Chapter 67: Underground Initiation
Chapter 68: Underground Initiation [Continued]
Chapter 69: The Triplets
Chapter 70: Unwelcome Newcomers
Chapter 71: Tae-jun's Poor Disguise
Chapter 72: Rich Boy's Back
Chapter 73: Arguable
Chapter 74: Chief Se-dol and Grandmother Mi-rae
Chapter 75: Eyes Opened
Chapter 76: Nightmares
Chapter 77: Changing Colors
Extra: The Girls Are Freezing [Oneshot]
Chapter 78: Following Up
Chapter 79: Patience
Chapter 80: Stranger Danger
Chapter 81: Battle Scars
Chapter 82: Ik-soo's Wisdom
Chapter 84: It's Not Easy
10K Special: Beach Day [Part 1/7]
10K Special: Coconuts [Part 2/7]
10K Special: Snorkeling and Swimming Lessons [Part 3/7]
10K Special: Veiled Cove [Part 4/7]
10K Special: Campfire Talks [Part 5/7]
10K Special: Campfire Talks Continued [Part 6/7]
10K Special: Moonlight Dance by the Ocean [Part 7/7]
Chapter 85: Two Way Mirror
Chapter 86: New Destination
Chapter 87: Cramped in the Tent
Chapter 88: Senri Village of the Kai Empire
Chapter 89: Iza Seeds
Chapter 90: Breaking Down Walls
Chapter 91: Yona's Dance
Chapter 92: Jealousy
Chapter 93: A Mistake
Chapter 94: Overprotective Brothers
Chapter 95: Settling the Score
Chapter 96: The Request
Chapter 97: Light Humor
Chapter 98: Unexpected Guests
Chapter 99: Leaving Sen Province
Chapter 100: Mission
25k Special: Shin-ah and Calista's First Date [Oneshot] Modern AU
Halloween Special: Caramel Apples and Tricksters [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 1/2)
Halloween Special: Caramel Apples and Tricksters [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 2/2)
Extra: Among Us [Oneshot] Modern AU
Chapter 101: Li Hazara
Chapter 102: Tension
Chapter 103: Nightwatch
Chapter 104: Daybreak
Thanksgiving Special: It Doesn't Have To Be Perfect [Oneshot] Modern AU
Chapter 105: A Princess' Decree
Chapter 106: Scattering the Troops
Chapter 107: Revelation
Chapter 108: Caring
Chapter 109: The Coming Storm
Chapter 110: Everything's Interconnected
Chapter 111: Measures of Safety
Chapter 112: Kan Soo-jin vs The Imperial Army
Chapter 113: Return of the Happy Hungry Bunch
Chapter 114: End of the Fire Tribe's Rebellion
Chapter 115: Patching Up
Christmas Special: Personal Heater [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 1/3)
Christmas Special: Personal Heater [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 2/3)
Christmas Special: Personal Heater [Oneshot] Modern AU (Part 3/3)
Chapter 116: Dreams From a Long Time Ago
Chapter 117: Learning Reliance
Chapter 118: The Wanderers' Market
Chapter 119: Attracting Customers
Chapter 120: Yona's Feelings
Chapter 121: Hak and Yona's Unofficial Date
Chapter 122: A Hint of Trouble
Chapter 123: The Enforcers
Chapter 124: Planning in Advance
Chapter 125: Friends Forever
Chapter 126: The Annual Cull
Chapter 127: Day Two
Chapter 128: Until the End
Chapter 129: Rescue Operation
Chapter 130: By His Side Once More
Chapter 131: Detachment
Chapter 132: Warm Safety
50k Special: Quarantine [Oneshot] Modern AU
Chapter 133: Regarding Tae-yeon
Chapter 134: Healing Slowly
Extra: Heated [Oneshot]
Chapter 135: Sword Practice
Chapter 136: Their Pasts
Chapter 137: The Shisen Port of the Water Tribe
Chapter 138: Jae-ha's Chains
Chapter 139: Withdrawal
Chapter 140: Forced Normalcy
Chapter 141: Secrets in the Night
Chapter 142: Waking Up
Chapter 143: Nadai Infestation
Chapter 144: Three Clues
Chapter 145: His Breaking Point
Chapter 146: Don't Let the Darkness Hide
Chapter 147: To Take Action Means Putting the Rest Aside
Chapter 148: Silk Dresses
Chapter 149: Bodyguards and Boyfriends
Chapter 150: Performance of Light in Death Town
Chapter 151: Assault from the Addicted
Chapter 152: The Fight Rages On
Chapter 153: Conflicted
Chapter 154: Past Regrets
Chapter 155: Fighting for Each Other
Chapter 156: Never Give Up
Chapter 157: Lady Lili
Chapter 158: Returning Back to Everyday Habits
Chapter 159: Heart and Soul
Chapter 160: Infiltrating the Red-Light District
Chapter 161: Girls' Talk of Love
Chapter 162: Love's Stakes and Consequences
Chapter 163: The One Who Knows
Chapter 164: Resurfacing Insecurities
Chapter 165: Tentative Waters
Chapter 166: An Unfortunate Encounter
Chapter 167: Sharp Silver
Chapter 168: Flames of Resilience
Chapter 169: Unbridled Bravery
Chapter 170: Clinging to the Hope that Everything'll Be Alright
Chapter 171: The Impact of a Memory
Chapter 172: Lapses in Judgment
Chapter 173: Guarding the Moment
Chapter 174: No Such Thing as Tact
Chapter 175: Unashamed Gratefulness
Chapter 176: Pact
Chapter 177: The Son Siblings' Vow

Chapter 83: Parting Words

879 53 20
By NotchesAndBullets

Back in another Fire Tribe village where the sickness had spread, Tae-jun was trying to discern what the matter was with the man lying on the ground. He was clutching his abdomen in obvious pain, but all of the soldiers informed him that the doctors were all busy at the moment.

"He has a stomach ache."

The noble whipped his head around in shock at the new voice.

"Lord Tae-jun, is he an associate of yours?" An oblivious soldier asked, pointing to Yoon who was squatting beside the sick man.

He struggled to come up with a response that wouldn't give away the boy's connection to the bandits when the pretty boy answered for him.

"I live in a nearby pharmacy." He said simply, taking the man's temperature to check for a fever.

If any of them looked closely enough, they would have noticed his ragged breathing from running and the dirt embedded in his clothes and skin from travel.

Tae-jun was still tripping over his words. "Y-You... You..."

"You must have eaten a poisonous herb." Yoon didn't pay him any mind as he focused all of his efforts on his patient. "Take this powder and take it in slowly with water."

"You!!" Tae-jun finally hissed, careful not to catch the attention of his soldiers or fighters loitering around the area. "If you come out here in a place like this—"

I won't be able to protect you!! Was what he wanted to say but didn't.

"What? I am just an extremely kind Fire Tribe citizen." The pretty boy beamed innocently, trying to leave a weak impression on the nearby officials.

It succeeded somewhat as the others turned away to finish up their tasks, but the noble stayed with him.

Jae-ha was up in a tree somewhere on the outskirts of the village. He had dropped off the boy a little bit away since if he came too close, he was sure to be recognized. His long, green hair was hard to hide. So he was lounging around until he needed to be brought back.

Yoon told Tae-jun how Yona wanted to come too, but it was too dangerous for her so Hak wouldn't let her. The noble was shocked to find out she wanted to come and fiercely hoped it was because she wanted to see him.

"Today, I'll be the nurse here." The genius told him, rolling up his sleeves. "Leave the sick and injured to me."


He was cut off by his soldiers' clamor rising from the ranks as they observed the interaction.

"We can't underestimate you, Lord Tae-jun!!"

"Huh?" He squeaked, dumbfounded as to why they all looked so cheerful.

"We thought you were surveying the area quite frequently but you were actually picking up this cute girl, right?" Another piped up knowingly.

"Excuse me?" Tae-jun's affronted scoff made Yoon's blank expression crack just the tiniest bit.

"I'll let you know that I am a pretty boy." He emphasized, placing his hands on his hips.

"Boy? Anything is fine!! Welcome, welcome!!"

The soldiers were so used to seeing the elderly and the rugged faces of each other that even the pretty boy was a refreshing sight. Clustering around him, they harped him with questions, most more flirty than he expected from full-grown and trained men.

Yoon glanced down, unable to stop a small smile from spreading across his face. If that stubborn raven-haired fighter was here, he was sure she would have hit the soldiers over their heads, guarding him unnecessarily. Maybe she would throw in a snarky remark or two to keep them on their toes while simultaneously making sure he was alright.

He would never say it out loud, but he liked when she protected him, even against something so trivial as friendly Fire Tribe soldiers.

No one is completely evil.

He knew it consciously, of course. The decision was up to the individual to make, but anyone had the capacity for both to all of its extremes. Commenting that casually, he watched as the soldiers began to bicker good-naturedly with each other, poking fun amongst each other while work still needed to be done.

So he dove into it, assisting any way he could, and left Tae-jun behind as the soldiers followed him to learn about medicine and how to treat the ill.

"Grandpa, don't sit in a place like that. Why don't you go inside your home?" The soldier asked kindly and the noble took notice, walking over slowly so that he didn't startle them.

Their methods had certainly changed. They went from terrorizing the villagers to speaking and treating them each with respect. It was commendable, and he didn't deny that it made him feel better. More human. He had forgotten what it was like.

But the old man wouldn't move no matter what they tried. Some of the children came up and attempted to trick him into getting up, but when it didn't work, their faces fell.

A rounded pouch was tossed up easily into the air, caught with an outstretched hand as it came back down, and joined two others as they were juggled playfully by the newcomer.

"What are you doing here?!" Tae-jun shouted, beyond irritated at his appearance.

Zeno remained unaffected, beaming brightly as he put on a show for the old man and the children. "Ooh!! Ginger Soup Bro!! I came to play!!"

He frowned at his nonchalance and easygoing nature. This was no place to play, but his thoughts were interrupted when he heard clapping.

The old man was smiling from ear to ear, bringing his hands together happily at the performance.

Zeno paused his juggling and hugged him affectionately. "Did you like it, Grandpa?! Come here, I'll wash your body for you."

He helped him up and the kids cheered, running off the second a bath was mentioned. The boy had cleaned them earlier and they didn't want another one before they got a chance to play some more.

"You're amazing..." Tae-jun trailed off, speechless at how effortless it was for the boy to bring a smile to his face.

"Hm?" The spunky yellow dragon turned to look at the bewildered noble. "I'm not."

The elder hobbled down the dirt path, towards a large bucket with heated water. One of the fighters came out to meet him, helping him the rest of the way while gesturing to some of his companions to give him a hand.

Then, Zeno flashed Tae-jun a wide grin. "People are mirrors. If you smile, a smile will be reflected."

He bounded off to make good on his promise to the elder and the other was left in the dust to ponder his cryptic words. Though, he knew, they weren't really anything difficult to decipher. It merely was as it was said.

Wandering around aimlessly for a minute, he nearly crashed into one of his fighters as they barreled into him. The kid was no more than ten or twelve years old, and he instinctively crouched down, shielding his head with shaky hands.

Tae-jun wanted to immediately tell him that he wasn't going to hit him, but remembered what Calista had told him to do. So instead, he moved cautiously, keeping his own hands where the child could see him.

He kept his voice low and gentle as he could. "It's alright... You didn't do anything wrong. I am not going to hurt you."

Repeating it every so often until he came out of his shell tentatively, a wide smile stretched across his dirt-smudged face as he realized he really wasn't going to hit him. "Thank you, Master!!"

The noble let out a small grunt as he knocked into his legs, giving him a big hug. Patting the child's back awkwardly, he told him, "You're welcome."

He ran off to join some of the older ones, the small group heading off to scout and get some more water for dinnertime.

Tae-jun looked over his shoulder, but he didn't see the triplets. Then again, they were probably causing mischief somewhere.

They adjusted well, no doubt due to Calista and partly his guidance. He was glad to see them flourishing, but he was not overly fond of the pranks that they pulled on him, usually enlisting the help of his aid, Heuk-chi.

Brushing off the dust as he stood up, he left to go find them before they found themselves in more trouble.

Several hours later, there was a loud, commanding shout from the pretty boy at the center of town. "Meal time everyone!!"

There were various choruses of approval as the soldiers and villagers alike scarfed down the food. Tae-jun waited until everyone was served before he took a bowl for himself.

"Meatball soup!! It's so good!!"

"Have some of my plum porridge, it tastes amazing!!"

"Marry me, Yoon!!"

"Hey!!" He barked as one of the soldiers pushed him playfully. "Don't touch me."

They heeded his sharp words, but only after clapping him on the back, nearly making him spill the rest of the food. Yoon waved the wooden spoon at them all angrily, but they just laughed.

Tae-jun obediently sipped his own portion. He refused to take a bigger helping than anyone else despite his soldiers' prodding and he missed the surprise that flickered across Yoon's expression.

His gaze lifted as he heard idle chatter that stood out from the festivities of the crowd.

"This is really good."

"It's been a while since we've had such a good meal and a lively night."

He got up and approached the two elderly women who were sitting off to the side. Offering a massage to the woman who had a sore shoulder, he retracted his hands when he accidentally ended up hurting her.

One of his soldiers teased him, but cut in and finished the task. He started to instruct his lord on where to massage, only to stop when he noticed his attention was no longer on them, but rather the golden-haired boy dancing around the fire.

Everyone clapped in time with the tune as it was played and sung unanimously.

He got lost in the song and he didn't notice when Yoon joined him by the tree. The boy sat with him for a while, and they both remembered the nostalgic lyrics. Every Fire Tribe kid grew up knowing the melody, it told the story of the red king. It was their childhood, but they both grew up to lead two very different lives.

Tae-jun failed to notice Yoon get up and usher the older ladies and diligent soldier away from him. But, he heard the delicate voice reach his ears.

"Tonight... is a beautiful night."

"Pr-Princess!!" He nearly yelled, toppling over in shock. He couldn't see her, but he didn't have to in order to know that it was her.

Lowering his voice when he realized that he shouldn't draw attention, he said quietly, "You must not come to a place like this!!"

"Yes, listen without turning your head."

He whipped forward, wringing his hands anxiously in his lap.

"I came to say goodbye." Yona started, soft enough that her voice was drowned out by the exclamations of joy as the villagers watched Zeno dance. "Tomorrow morning, we will leave this land."

Tae-jun didn't visibly react to her words. He was astounded, worried and frantic all at the same time.

"Yoon says he wants to find a crop that will grow on this land. We're planning on going with him." The princess informed him. She had wanted to tell him earlier, but she was lucky Hak even allowed her to go.

Her bodyguard was firm, but conceded once she confessed it didn't feel right leaving without giving him a proper goodbye after everything he had done for the Fire Tribe. She revealed to him that she wanted to make sure Tae-jun was aware of the responsibility that came with his people, and as Hak caught a glimpse of the true leader she was, he yielded.

He came with her, of course, and so did Shin-ah because he didn't want to be left behind all by himself. They were hidden in the shadows of the woods, the princess within the blue dragon's enhanced eyesight.

Tae-jun breathed out, fighting with what he wanted to say. "... Does that mean you're coming back here?"

"Yes." Then, Yona hesitated, eyes staring up at the night sky that twinkled back at her. "One more thing."

He waited with bated breath, clenching his hands into fist as he awaited for the news.

"Lady Mi-rae has passed away."

He exhaled shakily, eyes swimming with tears. "I see..."

That didn't do it justice. He understood she was sick, but he had no idea her time was so near.

"It was this morning, I'm sorry for not letting you know sooner." Yona closed her eyes as fresh grief washed over her. It had hit them all hard. "The lady was ill for a very long time. Yoon was worried about her but..."

It was too late.

When he returned to Saika, he was going to find her son and bring him to visit her. He had vowed to himself that he would. Someday.

Someday is too late. Tae-jun gritted his teeth.

He knew though. He knew that none of them knew when was the last time they were going to see each other. Life could be taken away in an instant without any warning. That didn't help his apprehension about letting the princess go to who knows where, but he also knew he couldn't stop her.


He sat up straighter, unprepared for the hardened edge to her feminine voice.

"I wonder if I can rely on you."

His eyes widened.

Yona didn't move from her spot from the blind side of the tree, but she could see how the firelight flickered and bounced off of the night, making the shadows dance. It looked beautiful and haunting all the same time.

She lifted her chin. "Please protect the people of the Fire Tribe."

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