Son of All Might

By BrandonWilliamson691

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A different take on the MHA universe. What if Izuku Midoriya actually had a quirk? What if that quirk was sim... More

Chapter 1: You Have a Quirk
Power Stack: The Quirk of Izuku Midoriya
Chapter 2: Get Buff to Be Tough
Chapter 3: When You Meet Your Idol
Fight Training MVPS
Chapter 4: Last days of Middle School
Character Bios: Hayate Zokyo
Chapter 5: The Truth Revealed
Young Toshinko
Chapter 6: The Training Begins
Chapter 7: Izuku's Special
Venting Session (Discord)
Chapter 8: Roaring Muscles
Kenshi Jotaro
Update: Toshinko Fillers
Toshinko Filler 1
Chapter 9: A Journey Begins
Chapter 10: Class Reps and Conversations
Toshinko Date
Toru Hagakure
Chapter 11: Fight Training
One's Justice 2 Photo Mode Fun
Burning Rivalry! Izuku vs Katsuki!
Chapter 13: Making Friends
Chapter 14: Villain Attack!
Deku vs Hayate!
Chapter 15: Battle for The USJ
Chapter 17: Ch-ch-ch-ch-changes
Ken x Momo moment
Toshinko Filler Chapter 2
Arcade Man in Jump Force
Power Stack: OFA Enhanced
Bonus Chapter 1
Jotaro vs Monoma!
Chapter 18: Moving Into The Dorms
Chapter 19: Moving Into The Dorms Part 2
Chapter 20: Sports Festival
Chapter 21: The Festival Begins
Chapter 22: Rock On 1-A! Rock and Roll Sports Show!
Chapter 23: The Fighting Rounds
New character
Chapter 24: The Rounds Continue
Toshinko Filler Chapter 3
Chapter 25: Fight For Your Dream!
Chapter 26: Midoriya vs Todoroki! Winds of Change!
Chapter 27: The Fated Finale! Deku vs Bakugou!
Q&A 1: Kenshi Jotaro
Bonus Chapter 2
When Inko Isnt Home
Chapter 28: Internships and Fighting Styles
Leo Sonders: Red Lion
Chapter 29: One with the Wind
Nearing 10k views!!!
Chapter 30: An "All Mighty" Session
Chapter 31: Training to be better
Kenmomo Selfie
Chapter 32: The Hero Killer and The Girl with Scars
Chapter 33: Returning Home
Power Stack Update
Chapter 34: Eri
Bonus Chapter 4: Eri Meets Class 1-A!
Chapter 35: Exam Prep Part 1
Chapter 36: Exam Prep Part 2
Chapter 37: Exams and Dinners
Chapter 38: Let'ss Get Physical
More One's Justice 2 fun
The Phantom Hero: Joker
Toshinko Filler Chapter 4
Chapter 39: A Friendly Warning
Update of an Update
Chapter 40: To I-Island!
Bonus Bakucamie Chapter
41: Lights, Camera, Action!
Power Stack+: Shoot Style!
Chapter 42: A Discovery
Chapter 43: Debut
Chapter 44: The Preview
Uravity to the rescue!
Tale 1: Kenshi and Momo
Tale 2: Logan
Tale 3: Kyouka
Tale 4: Mina
Tale 5: Izuku
Chapter 45: The Party (is over)
Chapter 46: Race to The Top!
Chapter 47: The Big Reveal
Chapter 48: Wolfram's Wrath
Bonus Chapter 5
Lineart dump
Chapter 49: The Summer Begins
Chapter 50: Training Camp Day 2
Chapter 51: Intense Ground
Dad Might and Mama Midoriya
Chapter 52: Dawn of Chaos
Chapter 53: Go Beyond!
Chapter 54: Ravalry in the Dark
Chapter 55: Betrayals and Reveals
Chapter 56: Exile's Plot!
The Symbol of Equality: Exile
Chapter 57: The Rescue Plan
Chapter 58: To The Rescue
Chapter 59: Battle of Kamino!
Omega Nomu
Chapter 60: One For All and All For One
Extra #1: Logan Hill Origins
Origins: Kenshi Jotaro
Creati's new costume
Leo Sonders: Origin

Chapter 16: All Might's Triumph/Ochako's Brave Confession

1.3K 37 6
By BrandonWilliamson691

Chapter 16: All Might's Triumph/Ochako's confession

Last time on Son of All Might -

Izuku had broken most of the bones in his body but was somehow conscious. The nomu lifts izuku up by his leg and tosses once again this time to the entrance. "Deku NO!!!!!!!" Ochako shouted. "Deku YES!!!!!" Shigaraki said, "KILL HIM!!!!!!!" Izuku crashs at the entrance. This time however he was caught by ochako, who used her quirk on him to make his fall easier. "Keep your hands off my Deku!!!!" She catches him mid fall as she sees the nomu rushing towards them........... "Big mistake girly," Shigaraki said, "now you and your little boyfriend get to die together! Nomu KILL THEM BOTH!!!"

The nomu rushed towards the 2 teens, jumping up in the air aiming for the 2 with a kick. Ochako closed her eyes and tried to save izuku from the blow but all he felt was a strong gust of wind. She looks up to see All Might in a yellow suit, blocking the kick with a punch of his own. He pushed the nomu back throwing him towards the central plaza.

"All Might!" Ochako said, "Thank god you're here." All Might turned to her.

"I had a feeling something was going to happen," he said, "So I took it upon myself to come here and help you all. Had it not been for Iida this would've flown by me." He heard Izuku trying to call for him.

"All Might, he has *cough* hyper regeneration *cough* and shock absorption. *cough* go beyond *cough* one hundred." izuku gets out while coughing up blood.

Katsuki looked to Izuku. "We managed to patch him up a bit, so he's gonna be fine," he said.

"Rest son, I'm here now." All might turns to the villains. His iconic smile missing from his face, the face of rage replacing it. The other students were relieved to see All Might in action.

"Villains, your reign of terror ENDS NOW!" he said, "Because I! AM! HERE!!!!!" Ochako brought Izuku away from the field of battle. He dashed over to where Aizawa was taking down the villains without breaking a sweat. He then brought him over to Ochako and Katsuki.

"I must leave him with you for now children," he said.

He rushed in, disappearing from in front of the students, delivering a solid blow to the Nomu's abdomen then disappearing again, this time appearing behind the creature, grabbing its waist and performing a german suplex, embedding the creature into the ground. A loud crack was heard across the plaza as the ground beneath the 2 broke and cracked from the move.

Before all might could deliver the next blow, he was caught by the nomu, who dug his claws into all might's injury causing the hero to wince in pain. All might suddenly started to sink into the ground, kurogiri had opened a portal under the nomu and all might, pulling the 2 into him.

"You know, I don't really like organs or blood floating in me, but I can make an exception for the number one pro hero." he told the hero as he closed the portal.

Half way through the process, Kurogiri was frozen solid by Shoto, allowing All Might to get the upper hand once again, jumping out of the portal and kicking the nomu away after prying its claws off his chest, holding his bleeding injury.

Todoroki stepped forward.

"You said that monster of yours was only immune to physical attacks," he said, "However..." His hand had ice growing in it. "What if it were weak to 'certain' elements?" he finished.

He used the ice part of his quirk to freeze the Nomu's left hand. Bakugo then dashed forward, throwing an explosion. Once it made contact with it's arm, it exploded shattering it.

"Ha!" Bakugo said, "It may be able to regenerate skin tissue but I doubt it can..." The Nomu's arm started to grow back. "Fuuuuuuuuucccckkkkk," he said.

The Nomu lunged at him again only to be punched away by All Might. It returned back to have a brawling session with All Might.

The 2 traded blows for a solid 10 minutes, right hooks, left hooks, uppercuts, kicks, and other types of punches were dealt on the other, by each side.

"I was told that this nomu of yours can absorb the shock from my punches, which means there must be a limit to the number of punches it can take since the shocks are not nullified." all might told Shigaraki. "This means that i can overcome its limits. It's time to show you villains what it really means to go beyond. Plus Ultra!" all might says as he delivers a final punch to the Nomus head, going beyond his limits, punching it away into the sky.

All might stood there, with his hand raised above his head, symbolising his victory over the beast.

"Damnit, you shitty heroes cheated, the Nomu was supposed to be invincible. You've cheated." Shigaraki shouted before he rushed towards the hero, his arm extended aiming to disintegrate the hero in front of him when a gun was fired. It was Snipe, the shooter pro hero. Iida had returned with assistance!

"I have arrived with the Cavalry!" Iida said as the rest of the heroes arrived.

The teachers spread throughout the USJ and managed to subdue the remaining criminals and rescue the rest of the students from their respective zones.

With 19 students accounted for, All Might and Izuku carried out a private ambulance. Ochako followed closely, wanting to stay by her best friend's side.

"He'll be ok," said a paramedic, "but his readings... they're off the chart. Despite those blows, the bones are.... repairing themselves."

The police question the students and later, detective Tsukauchi debriefs the students telling them that Izuku, all might, Aizawa and thirteen will be alright and that they are being taken to the hospital for treatment. Ochako and Katsuki wanted to accompany Izuku to the hospital but were denied by the paramedics and other pros. Midnight told them that Izuku will be alright as his body has somehow already started to heal or at least that is what the doctors told them.

Ochako and Katsuki were a little relieved but could help but worry about their friend. Unfortunately the 2 had to leave Izuku and the other pros to the doctors and accompany the rest of the teachers back to UA. However they made it their plan to visit Izuku right after school.


Ochako was being driven to the hospital by Inko.

"these boys do not know how to take care of themselves. I mean do they even consider how we fell!!?!" Inko rants to Ochako as she drives.

"Ms Midoriya there's something about Deku," Ochako began, "how would you feel.... knowing his body won't get permanent damage?" Inko turned around.

"What do you mean?" She asked curiously.

"I overheard one of the doctors saying that his quirk may have made his bones immune to shattering despite what just happened," Ochako said, "Then again he is All Might's son so that may have something to do with it." Inko was surprised by this statement.

"I don't think I follow, what do you mean he won't suffer any permanent damage, just how bad was he banged up to begin with that it could cause permanent damage?" Inko asked Ochako.

'Shit' Ochako thought. "Oh from what the medics told us, Izuku initially had broken both his arms protecting us, a broken jaw, 4 broken ribs on his right and 2 on his left, a concussion and a broken right leg. However, before we left, Ms. Midnight told us that the doctors noted that Izuku's readings were off the charts and that his body was somehow healing itself. The doctors were surprised to say the least since Izuku doesnt have a healing or regeneration type quirk." Ochako told her soon to be mother in law.

"Toshi is so going to get it. How dare he not tell me the whole situation. Also how bad was Toshi injured in the fight?" Inko asked Ochako.

"Im not sure, i did see the nomu, claw at uncles injury drawing some blood and i think he had to go beyond his limit to defeat the nomu since he didnt move after the nomu went flying." ochako answered.

"Now i really want to kill him. That idiot, what was he thinking, first he went around fighting small fries around the city using up all his time and then he goes and does this. You better hope Ms Chiyo is there to heal him after I'm done with him." Inko announces menacingly.

"Auntie Inko please calm down," Ochako said, "I doubt he knew about this either. "In that case never mind the whole killing. But I still wanna talk about the whole healing factor," Inko said calmly, "I worry because I love the two of them fiercely. But on one hand, I am so proud of him. And Mom would be too."

The 2 reach the hospital and asked at the reception for Izuku Midoriya and Toshinori Yagi. surprisingly the 2 were kept in the same room. 'Probably because of that detective guy from USJ.' Ochako thought to herself. Toshi looked to see Inko glaring at him.

"Um...... honey, I'm home?" He said. She shook her head and smiled.

"What am I gonna do with you," she said, "many years of this." Ochako looked to see Izuku sleeping peacefully. Some of the scars on his body were no longer visible. The doctor came in with the test results.

"Midoriya should make a fine recovery," the doctor said, "Right now he's just taking a well deserved rest. Whatever he did must've made him tired."

"Well at least now we know it won't kill him since he heals," Inko said turning to Toshi, "He's got a lot of you in him."

Ochako thought back to all the good times she had with Izuku as a kid. A smile formed on her face knowing he was ok. She then thought to the times where people were teasing her about her "Feelings" towards him.

Deep down, she knew they were right. She looked to Inko who nodded to her.

"Toshi, mind coming out with me, the doctor wanted to perform some test and told me to get to to his office." and with that Toshi and Inko left the room leaving the 2 teens alone. Ochako walked towards Izuku.

"So.... Deku," she started, "It's been quite a day, huh. I mean, we were supposed to have a simple training exercise but look at us now, we survived a freaking villain attack with zero experience. And it was mostly thanks to you. I mean not many other first years can brag of saving their whole class and their teachers from what was probably an A class villain gang." she told him. "Seeing you out there reminded me how much I need to be better, you held off that beast for almost 30 minutes all alone." She looked back to Izuku with a smile and a tear about to fall from her eyes.

"And thats great and all, but seeing you out there holding that thing off, placing others before you, I was scared for your life, I understand that this is basically what we sign up for in the at UA but you had me worried, seeing you basically thrown around like a twig, breaking bones everywhere, I couldn't stand the sight." Little did she know that Izuku was listening the whole time.

"I admire all of the things you do for other people, and you've constantly been such a good friend to me," Ochako continued, "And I'm really happy that you're my best friend and..... Wow I just said friend twice." She blushed.

"I know you're probably not awake to hear this Deku, but, the truth is....... I love you, and I wish i could spend my life with you, its probably impossible since you have big shoes to fill and I understand that you probably don't see in the same way as I see you but- But I hope it doesn't make things weird. Please don't let it make things weird. But I've had those feelings since we were kids, and I had to say it. Once again I understand if you don't feel the sa-"

She didn't get to finish what she was about to say as she felt a pair of soft lips clashing with her own. Izuku, her crush and her best friend, was kissing her. After a few seconds he pulled apart from her.

"How much did you hear?" Ochako asked. 

"All of it," Izuku said, "I heard every word of what you said." 

Ochako blushed.

"Ochako," he started, "Of course I feel the same way. I've felt a connection ever since the last few days of Middle School. Maybe even earlier than that." Inko and Toshi were secretly listening in on the conversation. I'm not sure, but I've had these feelings in me and after the incident with Hayate, I realized how much I love you." Izuku told her, as he held her hand, "so Ochako Uraraka, would you do the honors and accept me as your boyfriend?" he asked her.

"I would love to Izuku, there is no way I would say no to this question ever, because I love you too!" she answered before leaning in for a kiss. But just before their lips made contact...

"OH MY BABY!!!!!!!!" Inko shouted happily interrupting the kiss between the 2. "M-MOOOOOM" Izuku shouted in surprise. Ochako blushed a deep red. Toshi patted his son on the back. "Great job Izuku," he said, "You finally admitted your feelings." Izuku chuckled and scratched the back of his head.

Shigaraki was in the league's lair thinking about everything that had just happened. "We created that powerful beast, and yet All Might still managed to take him down like he was nothing," he said, "I should have decayed his soul while I had the chance." 

"Patience Shigaraki," said a voice through monitor, "Your time will come. I didn't expect you nor the nomus to do away with the symbol of peace on your first go," said the shadowy figure, "No, my goal at the time was to see just how strong, or weak All Might has become over the years. Now that we know his weaknesses, our next batch of Nomus shall eliminate him."

Shigaraki stood up. "It seems one of the students has a quirk that is similar to All Might's and that All Might was visibility angered seeing the boy hurt," he said, "If that is the case, I shall find him quickly and eliminate him, my master."

 "Leave him be, as I believe he will not be a threat if All Might is not there to help him train it," the shadowy figure said, "Especially if the Nomus are stronger than he is. All Might will be yours however." 

"Yes," he said. Shigaraki looked at a shattered photo. It was one of him, and three other people whose faces were scratched away. "At last I will reveal myself to All Might," he said, "At last I will have revenge." He looked at the photo again. "Grandmother, my dear aunt.... You will both be avenged."

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