Meeting Again? Tfp 20 years o...

By HunterWolf14

14.3K 353 91

It's been 20 years since Cybertron has been revived. The kids (or adults now) have grown up and had childre... More

The Abandoned Relic
Real or Fake?
Finding our senses
Tears and Investigations
Runaway Child
Missing with Problems
Adventure!!! Pt 2
Search for Evil
Don't Worry
Internal Cracks
Bone Chilling Discoveries
Aren't we all
Broken Ribs
Family Burns

The Evil Returns

516 16 9
By HunterWolf14

Kat woke up with a start, eyes wide open and breathing heavily.
She gasped for breath as she tried to calm down, her heart beating millions of miles per hour.
Bee woke up almost the same time, looking at their friend confused.
"What's wrong?" They asked in confusion, sitting up and grimacing at their messy hair.

"N- nothing!" Kat pushed out of her mouth, panting for breath and looking around nervously.
"Ha lies!" Bee exclaimed and got up, "Don't lie to me."
Kat looked at her friend and shook her head, getting up and grabbing her clothes silently.
"Dont worry about it."

Bee frowned but moved to the mirror and inspected themselves, glaring at their reflections bed head.
"Must it get so messy after re- sleeping?" They complained with no reply from Kat.
"I said-" Bee stopped as they saw Kat looking at her bedside table.
"What are you looking at?" They said looking over their friends shoulder confused.

"My radio. It's gone!" Kat said and whirled around with panic in her eyes.
Bee suddenly felt a spark of panic start in themselves.
"How will I talk to them! How!" She shouted at Bee and ran out the door to her brother's room, her shoes undone and trailing laces behind her.

Bee followed behind slowly as Kat ran back out.
"They're gone! The Boys! They took it!" She shouted and Bee felt panic rise in their chest.
"W-Where are they?" Bee asked fearfully, knowing that the boys were long gone.
"I don't know! They-" Kat stopped.
"The Autobots."
Kat grabbed Bee and ran.
"Hey! I'm not dressed and my hair i-"
"I don't care! We need the radio!"
Kat shouted and carried on running,
dragging the poor child behind her.

They ran for miles before slowing and stopping for breath.
"Where are we?" Bee said easily, standing up straight and looking around.
"The- the Field-" Kat struggled out before standing up again and looking around like Bee.
That's when they saw it, a large figure not unlike the Autobots that seemed all too familiar.

Kat said to the massive figure who stepped back and growled.
"My name is NOT Screamer!" Starscream insisted before activating his blaster and pointing it at the children.
Bee screamed and hid behind Kat who stepped back slightly.
The gun powered up as a second figure stepped into view.
"Killing those two seems illogical Starscream."
Shockwave simply stood there and looked at the other con.

"It's Commander Starscream to YOU!" Starscream shouted with his gun still pointed at Kat and Bee, who were slowly stepping back and trying to escape.
But then, a third, much larger frame came into view that towered over the two others who flinched and backed away.
"What are you two doing?" It snarled in its loud, scary voice.
"L-Lord M-Megatron! I- Human!" Starscream stuttered out.

Megatron growled and stepped towards them, the ground shaking as the two fell backwards.
"What are you PESTS doing here?" He snarled at them, Kat froze and looked at Bee who seemed to have a 'sorry' face happening.
"W-we u-uh um, Portal!" Kat stammered before she saw a green vortex.
Starscream took a step back and stared at the portal, a look of fear on his face.

Kat stared at it in disbelief, more emerging when three large figures walked out of it calmly, their weapons raised.
"Megatron." Optimus Prime said in his baritone voice.
Megatron snarled and raised his arm, readying his cannon.
There cannons whirring came back at him and with a growl, the battle began.

(I'm bad at describing fights so skip this if you don't want to read scrappy writing)

Optimus ducked as Megatron's sword swung over his helm, bringing his own sword up in a slice that the warlord blocked.
Megatron twisted his blade and swung his arm to punch the Prime who ducked once again and twisted around bringing his fist to Megatron's midsection.
Megatron stepped back for barely a second when Optimus swing his sword at the warlord who blocked it with his own and raised his cannon St the Primes spark.
Optimus dodged the cannon and activated his own, shooting Megatron back as their swords clashed.
Megatron carried on swinging his sword and shooting continuously, gritting he denta whenever he missed.
Optimus fought to remain calm, his blows becoming better as time went on.

Bumblebee twisted underneath Starscream as the seeker jumped over him, shooting a shot that would have killed any normal bot, but being an incredible flier Starscream twisted around it and landed with ease.
The seeker raised his cannon and shot at Bumblebee continuously who leapt around trying to dodge the shots, after a few moments of missing the seeker swing at the scout who caught his servo and twisted it round, bringing Starscream to a problem, move and fight and he breaks his arm but stop and he'd either be killed or captured.
As the Scout readied his cannon again Starscream gritted his denta and yanked his arm away as hard as he could, a screech coming from him as he felt cables snap from force.
Bumblebee tumbled to the ground but struggled up again, staring at Starscream who was holding his arm gently.

Arcee danced around Shockwave easily as the larger mechanic attempted to hit her, his lack of fighting showing as he missed every blow.
Arcee unsheathed her blades and ran at Shockwave who managed to grab her up just in time to avoid being stabbed.
Arcee struggled in his grip and kicked hard at his midsection which thankfully connected, as the scientist dropped her and she rolled to the side and came up, ready to strike again.
Shockwave straightened up and loaded his cannon, his eyes fixed on Arcee as she ran forward again, dust flew up as he shot at her pedes yet missed and he fell backward as the Femme landed on his chest and pinned him to the floor.
He pushed her off which was easy due to her size yet had trouble getting back up, his servo traveling to his midsection as he stood.

Kat and Bee watched the fights happen in awe, forgetting how much danger they were in.
But what seemed like seconds after the fight, the Cons were forced to retreat, leaving the field.
"Oh, it's over." Kat said as the vortex closed behind Shockwave disappointed.
"What are you doing?" Arcee demanded, crossing her arms like a mother would do.
"The boys aren't at home so we-"
"What happened to you?" Bumblebee said to his namesake, who was still in pjs with bed hair and dust in their eyes.
"I don't wanna talk about it." Bee grumbled as Optimus walked over sporting a few minor cuts.

"It would he wise for us to go into base and confirm that Decepticons are in fact on this planet once again."

This is okay I guess?
I came up with breaking screamers arm on the spot so maybe that's a little concerning...
Anyway, CONS
*Smoke cloud*

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